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1、1Services Marketing Tel(home):87352039Email: 6.SERVICE DESIGN AND POSTIONINGnChallenges of Service Design and PositioningnNew Service DevelopmentnService Blueprinting(omit)nService Positioning 2003.22Challenges of Service Design and PositioningnBecause services cannot be photographed, touched, exami

2、ned, and tried out, people frequently resort to words in their efforts to describe them.nRisks of relying on words alone to describe service:n Oversimplificationn Incompletenessn Subjectivityn Biased interpretation 2003.23New Service DevelopmentnFour basic characteristics of a new service developmen

3、t systemnType of new servicesnStages in new services development 2003.24Four basic characteristics of a new service development systemn1.It must be objective, not subjective.n2.It must be precise, not vague.n3.It must be fact driven, not opinion driven.n4.It must be methodological(方法化的), not philoso

4、phical. 2003.25Type of new servicesn1.Major innovations(重大变革)重大变革)n2.Start-up business(创新业务)创新业务)n3.New service for the currently served market(为现有市场提供新的服务)为现有市场提供新的服务)n4.Service line extensions(服务延伸)服务延伸)n5.Service improvements(服务改善)服务改善)n6.Style changes(风格转变)风格转变) 2003.26Start-up business (创新业务)创新

5、业务)n-New service for a market that is already served by existing products that meet the same generic needs.nExamples: the creation of health maintenance organizations to provide an alternative form of health care delivery; ATMs for bank transactions;door-to-door airport shuttle that compete with tra

6、ditional taxi and limousine(交通车) service. 2003.27Stages in new services development1.Business strategy development or review2.New service strategy development3.Idea generation4.Concept development and evaluation5.Business analysis6.Service development and testing7.Market testing8.Commercialization9.

7、Post-introduction evaluation 2003.28New service strategy matrix for identifying growth opportunities 2003.29Approaches of Idea generationnFormal brainstormingnSolicitation(征求) of ideas from employees and customersnLearning about competitors offerings return 2003.210Business analysisnThe step to dete

8、rmine its feasibility and potential profit implication.n -Demand analysisn -Revenue projectionsn -Cost analysisn -Operational feasibility return 2003.211CommercializationnThis step has two objectives:nThe first is to build and maintain acceptance of the new service among large numbers of service del

9、ivery personnel who will be responsible day to day for service quality.nThe second is to carry out monitoring of all aspects of the service during introduction and through the complete service cycle. return 2003.212Service Blueprinting(略)nWhat is a service blueprint?nService blueprint examplesnReadi

10、ng and using service blueprintnBuilding a blueprint 2003.213What is a service blueprint?nA service blueprint is a picture or map that accurately portrays the service system so that the different people involved in providing it can understand and deal with it objectively regardless of their roles or

11、their individual points of view.nThe key components of service blueprints are customer actions, “onstage” contact employee actions, “backstage” contact employee actions, and support processes. 2003.214Customer actionsLine of interaction“Onstage” contactEmployee actionsLine of visibility“Backstage” c

12、ontactemployee actionsLine of internal interactionSupport processesFigure:service blueprint components 2003.215Building a blueprint1.identify the process to be blueprinted. (Basic business concept, A service within a family of service, A specific service component)2.Map the process from the customer

13、s view.3.Draw the line of interaction.4.Draw the line of visibility.5.Map the process from the customer contact persons view,distinguish onstage from backstage actions.6.Draw the line of internal interaction.7.Link customer and contact person activities to needed support functions.8.Add evidence of

14、service at each customer actionstep. 2003.216Service PositioningnWhat is a service position?nPositioning DimensionsnPositioning on the five dimensions of service qualitynPositioning on service evidence 2003.217What is a service position?nA service offerings position is the way it is perceived by con

15、sumers , particularly in relation to competing offerings.nIf a service is successfully positioned, the mentions of the service will conjure up in the consumers mind an image that is distinct(独特的、与众不同的) from images of similar service offerings. (return) 2003.218Service positioning 的作用的作用nFirst,positi

16、oning is critical in establishing a new service image.nPositioning is also important for existing services in maintaining and reinforcing an established image in customer mind.nSometimes service repositioning is used to change the image of the service in the minds of consumers. 2003.219Positioning D

17、imensionsServices can be positioned on a variety of dimensions: the needs they satisfy, the benefits they deliver, specific service features, when and how they are used,or who uses them.On what?(定位维度选择标准定位维度选择标准):-sth that is important to consumers;-sth that can serve to distinguish the service from

18、 its competitors;-sth that can be delivered consistently. (return) 2003.220Positioning on the five dimensions of service qualitynReliabilitynResponsivenessnAssurancenEmpathynTangibles (return) 2003.221Positioned on ReliabilitynSuccessful examples:n Federal Expressn (“when it absolutely, positively,

19、has to get there.”)n Florida Power & Light Companyn (service unavailability from 70 minutes at year-end 1987 to 48.37 minutes at year-end 1988)nDiscuss: nIs reliability a good distinguishing characteristic in banking industry, telecommunications, or the airline industry? 2003.222Positioned on Re

20、sponsivenessnSuccessful example: The Four Seasons Hotels: n-“There is nothing like a challenge at 11 p.m. to test our staff dogged determination. Say the word, and valets will clean and deliver your clothing by morning. If its wrinkled, theyll press it with equal dispatch. We will polish your shoes

21、with a virtuoso touch, and if need be, even provide new laces-all with our compliments” 2003.223Positioned on Assurancen1.Insurance companies: nNorthwestern Mutual Life-“Youre in good hands with Allstate”, ”The quiet company.” nPrudential-“Own a piece of rock.” n2.Health cares:nMayo Clinic-”Trust yo

22、ur health to the name you know.”nDiscuss: Is an assurance-based positioning enough? 2003.224Positioned on Empathy Empathy is built on the customers desire for caring, individualized attention.Example-Lufthana(a German airline company) “over the years, every experience with every traveler from every

23、corner of the world has helped us to understand you. Weve grown accustomed to differences in custom.” When a company pursues a course directed at “mass customization” or ”segments of one”, they are positioning itself at least partially on the empathy. 2003.225nFigure: Lufthansa emphasizes empathy an

24、d individual service.A passion for perfection(广告图略广告图略) 2003.226Positioned on TangiblesTangibles are a common positioning element for resorts, hotels, restaurants,and retailers.Case: A bookstore chainBarnes and Noble: support its position as an “entertaining, social environment” through providing we

25、lcoming public space, stylish displays ,cafes where people can drink coffee and read, and restrooms so people can stay a long time if they wish.Tangibles should be designed in ways consistent with the positioning strategy. 2003.227Positioned on Tangibles: casen For a long time Alaska Airline has pos

26、itioned itself as a quality airline by emphasizing the extra leg and seat room it provides passengers.nThis focus on tangibles is consistent with its pricing (infrequent discounts) and customer service(better than quality food;attentive in-flint servers) strategies as well. 2003.228Positioning on se

27、rvice evidencenService evidence takes on added importance in establishing and reinforcing the position.nPeople: service contact employees and other customersnPhysical Evidence: tangible communication, price, physical environment, guaranteesnProcess: flow of activities, steps on the process, flexibil

28、ity of process 2003.229Positioning on People: service contact employees and other customersnHow these people look, how they act, and who they are will influence the service position in the customers mind.nThe Disney Corporation: “places that guarantee you a fun experience” All employees are trained

29、to be helpful and knowledgeable, and to exhibit anonstage persona anytime they are within view of customers.nEmployee uniforms and dress-”packages of the service provider” 2003.230Physical Evidence: tangible communication, price, physical environment, guaranteesnExample: An executive education program that conveys an image of high quality through its brochure (excellent graphic,attractive paper stock and colors), program content (well


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