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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 判断题1. Interlanguage is neither the native language nor the second language. (T)2. Krashen assumed that there were two independent means or routes of second language learning: acquisition and learning. (T)3. There are two interacting factors in determining language transfer in second la

2、nguage learning. (F)4. Three important characteristics of interlanguage: systemacticity , permeability and fossilization. (T)5. Intrinsic motivation:learners learn a second language for external purposes. (F)6. Neurolinguistics is the study of two related areas: language disorders and the relationsh

3、ip between the brain and language. (T)7. The brain is divided two sections: the higher section called the brain stem and the lower section called the cerebrum. (F)8. An interesting fact about these two hemispheres is that each hemisphere controls the opposite half of the body in terms of muscle move

4、ment and sensation. (T)9. Most right-handed individuals are said to be right lateralized for language. (F)10. CT scanning uses a narrow beam of X-ray to create brain images that take the form of a series of brain slices. (T)11. 1 Right hear advantage shows the right hemisphere is not superior for pr

5、ocessing all sounds, but only for those that are linguistic in nature, thus providing evidence in support of view that the left side of the brain is specialized for language and that's where language centers reside. (f)12. 2 Evidence in support of lateralization for language in left hemisphere c

6、omes from researches in Dichotic listening tasks(t)13. 3 interpersonal communications is the process of using language within the individual to facilitate ones own thought and aid the formulation and manipulation of concepts. (t)14. 4 Linguistic lateralization is hemispheric specialization or domina

7、nce for language. (t)15. 5 Dichotic Listening is a research technique which has been used to study how the brain controls hearing and language, with which subjects wear earphones and simultaneously receive different sounds in the right or left ear, and are then asked to repeat what they hear. (f)16.

8、 6 Dichotic Listening is a research technique which has been used to study how the brain controls hearing and language, with which subjects wear earphones and simultaneously receive different sounds in the right and left ear, and are then asked to repeat what they hear. (t)17. 7 Input refers to the

9、language which a learner bears and receives and from which he or she can learn. (f)18. 8 Fossilization ,a process that sometimes occurs in language learning in which incorrect linguistic features (such as the accent of a grammatical pattern) become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writ

10、es in the target language.(f)19. 9 The different languages have a similar level of complexity and detail, and reflect general abstract properties of the common linguistic system is called Universal Grammar . (t)20. 10 Acculturation a process of adapting to the culture and value system of the second

11、language community.(t)21. In socialinguistic studies,speakers are not regarded as members of social groups (F)22. new words maybe coined from already existing words by substracting an affix thought to be part of the old world (T)23. all languages make a distinction between the subject and direct obj

12、ect,which can be illustrated in word order (T)24. It has been noticed that in many communities be language used by the older generation differs from that used by the elder generation in certain ways (F)25. A pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it isnt used by peop

13、le who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading(F)26. It is interesting to know that the language used by men and women have some special features of others (F)27. It is an obvious facts that people who claim to be speakers of the same language dont speak the language in the

14、 different manner (T)28. A regional dialect is a linguistic variety used by people living (T)29. Fusion refers to this type of grammatication in which words develop into affixes (T)30. Historical linguistics,as a branch of linguistics is mainly coverned with both the description and explanation of l

15、anguage changes that occurred over time (T)选择题Chapter 71.Which one is not right about Blenging?(b)A:disco-discotheque B:brunch-breakfast+luchC:B2B-Business-to-Business D:videophone-video+cellphone2.Semantic changes contains three processes ,which one is ture?(a)A:namely widening ,narrowing and shift

16、 in meaningB:semantic broadening ,narrowing and semantic dispearingC:semantic shift ,narrowing and semantic lossingD:namely widening ,narrowing and not shift in meaning 3.Science and technology influence English language in these aspects(d)A:space travel B:compnter and internet language C:ecdogyD:ab

17、ove of all 4.Language changes can be found at different linguistic levels,such as in the<D>A:phonology and morphology B:syntax and lexiconC:semantic component of the grammarD:ABC5,Morphological and syntactic change contian<D>A:addition or loss of affixes B:change of word ordenC:change in

18、 regation ruleD:abrove of allChapter 81.Which is not Halliday's social variables that determine the register? (D)A:field of discourseB:tenor of discourseC:mode of discouseD:ethnic dialect2.Which is not dialectal varieties?(C)A:regional dialect and idiolectB:language and gender C:registerD:ethnic

19、 dialect3.To some extent,language especially the structure of its lexicon,refects_of a sociey.(C)A:physical B:social environmentC:both AandB D:social phenomenon4._,refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.(D)A:Social-class dialect B:sociolectC:A andB D:A or B5.Two

20、 languages are used side by side with each having a _role to play;and language switching occurs when the situation _.(A)A:different,changesB:similar,changesC:different,unchangingD:similar,unchangingChapter 91.which is not the component of culture ?<D> A.language B.ideas C.belief D.soil 2.in a

21、word,language express<D> A.facts B.events which represent similar world knowledge by its people C.peoples' attitudes.beliefs D.cultural reality 3.any linguistic sign may simultaneously have a <D> A.denotative B.connotativeC.iconic D.denotative,connotative,or iconic kind of meanings 4

22、.what's the meaning of"a lucky dog"in english?<B> A.a clever boy B.a smart ladC.a lucky person D.a silent person 5.traditionally,curture contact consists of three forms.which is wrong below<A> A.acquisition B.acculturation C.assimilation D.amalgamationChapter 101.The intera

23、vtionist view holds that language as a result of the complex interplay between the _A_of a child and the _A_in which he grows .A: human chracteristics environment B: chracteristics environmentC: language acquisition place D: gift place 2.The atypical language development includes_A_A: hearing impair

24、ment mental retardation B: autism stuttering C: aphasia dyslexia dysgraphia D: Both A ,B and C 3.Children's language learning is not complete by the time when they enter school at the age of _C_A: 3 or 4 B: 4 or 5C: 5 or 6 D: 6or 7Chapter 111.A distinction was made between ( ) and ( ).The former

25、 would facilitate target language learning,the later would interfere. < A >A positive transfer negative transferB negative transfer positive transferC contrastive analysis error analysisD error analysis contrastive analysis2.( ) are learners' consious,goal-oriented and problem-solving base

26、d efforts to cahieve desierable learning efficiency. < A >A Learning strategiesB Cognitive strategiesC Metacognitive strategiesD Affect strategies3.Language acquisition device(LAD) came from( ). < D >A John B.WatsonB B.F. SkinnerC S.D. KrashenD ChomskyChapter 121._is the study of two rel

27、ated areas:language disorders and the relationship between the brain and language.A.neurolinguistics B.linguistics C.neurons D.modern linguistics2.Psycholingusitics is the study of _and mental activity associated with the use of languageA.psychobiology B.psychological states C.physical states D.biol

28、ogical states3._uses a narrow beam of X-ray to create brain images that the form of a series of brain slices.A.PET B.MRI C.CT scanning D.fMRI4.The brain is divided into two sections:the lower section called the_and the higher section called_.A.brain stem,cerebrum B.brain stem,neurons C.cerebrum,brai

29、n stem D.cerebrum,neurons5.Damage to parts of the left cortex behind the central sulcus results in a type of aphasia called _.A.Wernicke's aphasia B.Broca'saphasia C.Acquires dyslexia D.fluent aphasia填空题第七章1. In addition to the borrowed affixes,some lexical forms become grammaticalized over

30、time,this process is called _2. Generally speaking,there are mainly two possible ways of lexical changes: _and _,which often reflects the introduction of new objects and notions in social practices.3.New words may be coined from already existing words by "subtracting"an affix thought t be

31、part of the old word ,such words are thus called_.4. Over the time many words remain in use,but their meanings have changed,three mainly processes of semantic change,_, _, _.5. While the "_"and "_ "do seem to account for some linguistic changes,it may not be explanatory enough to

32、 account for other changes.KEYS:1. grammaticalization2. the addition and loss of words3. back-formation4. widening, narrowing, shift5. theory of least effort, economy of memory 第八章1·-is the sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society,between the uses of langu

33、age and the social structures in which the users of language live.    答案  Sociolinguistics  2·The social group that is singled out for any special study is called the -.答案speech community3A-is a linguistic variety used by people living in the same geographical region.答案regio

34、nal dialect4he Ttype of  language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a-.答案register5A-is a special language variety thatmixes or blends languages ang it is used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading.答案pidgin第九章1. anguage and cul

35、ture,intrinsically interdependent on each other,have_through history (evolved together)  2. ulture reflects a total way of life of a people in a_(community) 3.in a word,_expreses culture reality (language)      4.culture differences are also evident in the way_ and complimen

36、ts are expressed (gratitude)     5.language as the_of culture is tightly intertwined with culture (keystone)   第十章1 ( ) refers to a childs acquisition of his mother tongue.2 Generally speaking, there are mainly three different theories concerning how language is learned,namely th

37、e behaviorist,the interactionist ,( ) views.3 All child language acquisition theories talk about the roles of two factors to different degrees the age ang ( ).4 Lexical contrast and ( ) theories are also proposed to explain how children acquire their vocabulary or lexicon.5 The atypical language dev

38、elopment includes hearing impairment,mental retardation, autism,stuttering,( ),dyslexia,dysgraphia.答案:1. Language acquisition2. the innatist3. the linguistic environment4. prototype5. aphasia第十一章1. ( )refers to the systematic study of how one person acquires a second language subsequent to his nativ

39、e language (NL or L1) . 2. Contrastive analysis compares the ( ) cross these two languages to locate the mismatches or differences so that people can predict the possible learning difficulty learners may encounter . 3. In addition, because of its association with an outdated model language descripti

40、on (structuralism) and the increasingly discredited learning theory (behaviorism) , the once predominant contrastive analysis was gradually replaced by ( ). 4. The interlingual errors mainly result from ( ) interference at different levels such as phonological , lexical , grammatical or discoursal ,

41、 etc . 5. Krashen assumed that there were two independent means or routes of second language learning : acquisition and ( )。答案:1. second language acquisition(SLA)2. forms and meanings3. error analysis (EA)4. cross-linguistic5. Learning第十二章1. Neurolinguistics is the study of two related areas : langu

42、age disorders and the relationship between the ( ).2. The cortex has many wrinkles : a ridge (hill) on the cortex is called ( );a groove (valleys) on the cortex is called sulcus and a deep and prominent sucus is called fissure . 3. Each hemisphere is conventionally divided into four lobes : ( ) , pa

43、rietallobe , temporal lobe and occipital lobe . 4. Psycholinguistics is the study of ( ) and mental activity associated with the use of language . 5. A garden path sentence is an awkward sentence that misleads the ( ) and takes it down the garden path to the wrong analysis . 答案;1. brain and language

44、 . 2. gyrus :3. the frontal lobe4. psychological states5. syntactic parser名词解释 Semantic broadening:when the meaning of a word becomes broader ,itmay include all the meanings it used to mean,and then more. Semantic narrowing:semantic change has narrowed the meaning of some words which are still used

45、in Modern English.Speech community :the social group that is singled out for any special study .Speech variety : refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or a group of speakers.Sociolect : refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class .Register :

46、the type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation . Linguistic imperialism: is a kind of linguicism which can be defined as the promulgation of global ideologies through the worldwide expansion of one language. Intercultural communication: also known as cross-cultural co

47、mmunication,is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbols systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. Culture: In a broad sense,means integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that is both a result of and integral to the human capacity for

48、 learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. In a narrow sense, culture may refer to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be manifested in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture, etc. Sapir -Whorf hypothesis: Sapir and Whorf believe that language fil

49、ters people's perception and the way they categorize their experiences.this interdependence of language and thought is now known as Sapir -Whorf hypothesis. Language acquisition: Language acquisition refers to a child's acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand

50、 and speak the language of his community.LAD(Language Acquisition Device): The LAD was described as an imaginary "black box" existing somewhere in the human brain. The "black box" is said to contain principles that are universal to all human languages.Contrastive analysis: compar

51、e the forms and meanings across the native language and the target language.Error analysis: first describing the learners interlanguage , then comparing the two forms to locate mismatches. Neurolinguistics: is the study of language disorders and the relationship between the brain and language.Psycho

52、linguistics: is the study of psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of language.辨析题Chapter 7 Language change the types of language change ? Historical linguistics , as a branch of linguistics, is mainly concerned with both the description and explanation of language changes

53、 that occurred over time. The changes can be found at different linguistic levels such as in the phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, and semantic components of the grammar. in other words all parts of grammar may change.1) Phonogical changes. Among all the changes in language , the level of Morp

54、hological changes are particularly noticeable and varied. The tones ,stress , and syllable structuresare subject to change over time. Eg stan- stone2) Morphological and syntactic changea. Addition of affix . In English many affixes (such as suffix ment ) are borrowed from French words or another . m

55、any lexical forms become grammaticalized over time . n b. Loss of affixes.As affixes can be added to the grammar ,they can also get lost ,some affixas simply fade out of use for no apparent reason. For example old English had a complex system of affixes marking case and gender ,by the 15th century E

56、nglish case endings had changed radically, many of them were obliteratedb. change of word order. The middle English the present english S O V S V OShe him advised . she advised him.c. Changes in negation rules as late as 15th and 16th centuries , one could merely add not at the end of an affirmative sentence to neglect it,as in : he saw you not a do marked the proper tense must b


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