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1、TEXT1.1.James loves sneaking up on sneaking up on his sister to frighten her. 詹姆斯喜欢溜到妹妹身後吓她一大跳。2.2.The cat ate the food and sneaked offsneaked off. 猫吃完食物就偷偷跑了。3.3.He sneakedsneaked a chocolate fromfrom the box. 他从盒子里偷拿了一块巧克力。Group discussion1. What are your hobbies and interests ?2. What hobby would

2、 you like to cultivate in your children ? Why ?Hesitate at/about/over .He hesitates at hesitates at nothing.他从不优柔寡断Dont hesitate about hesitate about that. Do it at once.He is still hesitating over hesitating over whether to join the expedition.She hesitated over hesitated over the choice between th

3、e two dresses. Without any hesitationhesitation, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child. Recommend She waswas strongly recommended for recommended for the position.Can you recommend recommend me a good novel?recommendation I bought it on your recommendationon your recommendation.Write /

4、give sb. a recommendation为某人写推荐信,给某人一封介绍信Our hints Our hints were were not not lost on lost on him (he him (he noticed them and acted accordingly)noticed them and acted accordingly) get/be lost in get/be lost in sth.sth. lost in lost in thought/wonder/admirationthought/wonder/admiration想的入神想的入神/ / 不

5、胜诧异不胜诧异/ / 欣赏入迷欣赏入迷 get lostget lostTell him to Tell him to get lost.get lost. infant voices an infant teacher/schoolInfant prodigy神童As an infant, she has to wear diapersTourism was then still inin its infant stageinfant stage. infancy in early infancyThe project was cancelled while it was still in

6、its infancy.to come or result fromto come or result fromIssueIssue an orderThe post office issuedissued the stamps last weekSmoke issued from issued from the chimneysA weak trembling sound issued from his lips.His difficulties issue from issue from his lack of knowledge.n.They have published a lot o

7、f new books on international issuesinternational issues.He died without issue.issue. .名词 n. 1. 频繁,屡次UAccidents are happening with increasing frequencywith increasing frequency. 事故正在愈加频繁地发生。 high frequency the frequency of the frequency of death 死亡频率 2. 【物】频率;波段This radio station broadcasts on three

8、different frequencies. 这家电台以三种不同的频率广播。 frequent frequently It was quite an event when a woman first became the Prime Minister.Which events have you entered for? field event track eventOccasionallyOnce in a while we go to the restaurantbut usually we eat at home.He went to see them once in a while. 形

9、容词 a. 1. anxious; worried (+about)She is concerned about concerned about your safety. 2. 有关的;参与的(+in)(+with)This story is concerned with is concerned with fairies and wicked magicians.3. 感兴趣的+to-vShes most concerned to solve this problem她很想解决这个问题。形容词 a. 1. 费力的,吃力的Checking all the names was a slow, l

10、aborious laborious job. job. 2.勤勉的Ants and bees are laborious insectslaborious insects. 3. 牵强的;生硬的His books are written in a laborious stylelaborious style.他写书文笔艰涩。The film was quite enjoyablean enjoyable holiday enjoymentHe spoiled my enjoyment of the film by talking all the time.He found a great e

11、njoyment in his work.Anyway=anyhow adv.无论如何,总之,至少无论如何,总之,至少-He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him anyway (whether he likes or not)I dont know it was lost or stolen, anyway, its gone.Anyway, you can try至少你可以试试至少你可以试试v.1.Mary is always complaincomplaininging about about something, why c

12、ant she be pleasanter?2.May often complainscomplains to me to me about about her husbands rudeness.3.Dont complain without good cause4.Our next door neighbor said hed complain about us to the police if we made any more noise.N.抱怨 埋怨 不满The road-works caused much complaintcomplaint among local residen

13、ts.申诉 控告 投诉She lodged a complaintcomplaint about the noise.My sister is always My sister is always hit on hit on by cute guys by cute guys wherever she goes.wherever she goes.I was hit by a falling stone.I was hit by a falling stone.She hit him hard on the face.She hit him hard on the face. hit on /

14、upon hit on /upon somethingsomethingShe She hit upon hit upon a good title for her new novel.a good title for her new novel. hit-and-runhit-and-run hit the bottle hit the bottleMake a hit 成功The movie finally made a box office hit. a positive attitude / feeling乐观的态度/情绪Everyone of us should hold a pos

15、itive attitude toward life. negativeA positive refusal当面的拒绝A positive answer肯定的回答A positive order/ rules明确的命令/规定 adj.able to read and writeThough nearly twenty he was barely literateliterate. . .cultured. Well-readEvery literateliterate person person should read this book. All members of his family

16、are literateliterate. 他家里的人都有文化修养。nn. .a person who can read and writeThe old man has to ask a literate a literate to read the letter his son write him. Credit=praise give sb credit for .为某事称赞/奖赏某人 1. An average student as I was, the teacher gave me credit for every tiny progress I made. 2.Although

17、the invention was mine, I was given no credit for it.credit card 3.赊帐,赊欠U to buy sth on credit以佘购方式买下 3. 【美】学分;(某门功课的)及格记录CThis term, I gained 4 credits in English courses. for the sake of sth. /doing sth.We made concessions for the sake of for the sake of peace.Lets not spoil the job for the sake o

18、f for the sake of a few pounds. for sbs sakeI will help you for your sisters sakefor your sisters sakeFor Gods sake, stop arguing!1. 绊脚,绊倒(+on/over)He stumbled on stumbled on the staircase and hurt his leg. I stumbled over stumbled over a stone and fell.2.结结巴巴地说;踌躇.The boy stumbled through stumbled

19、through his recitation音:音:,resitein ,resitein The child The child stumbled through stumbled through a piece by a piece by Chopin.Chopin. The problem stumbled him.The problem stumbled him.To fix ;fasten; join - The door is attached to the door-post by hinges门板由合页固定在门框上门板由合页固定在门框上to be fond of ; be at

20、tracted by sthto be fond of ; be attracted by sth. . - I - I amam very very attached toattached to her/ the old her/ the old customscustoms -She -She was attached towas attached to Harry potter and Harry potter and Sorcerers Stone.Sorcerers Stone. to join as a member of to join as a member of . -The

21、 hospital -The hospital is attached is attached to that to that universityuniversityWe had a We had a delightfuldelightful holiday this holiday this summer.summer.One day my friend asked One day my friend asked delightedlydelightedly: : “could we have a walk after dinner? ”“could we have a walk afte

22、r dinner? ”Keen on ; interested in (a subject or belief)-Hes given up photography now Hes given up photography now and he and he s into s into religion and religion and modern music .modern music .When I was three years old my father passed away, leaving my mother alone to teach four boys how to gro

23、w and live and love. It wasnt easy for her at all; She worked night shifts as a teacher who taught at a night school. But some how she managed to pull it off. She would come home late , fix us dinner, listen to our stories , and put us all to bed before she had any time to herself . We never thought

24、 much of it at the time, but its obvious now that we were her life. I remember asking her why she made so many sacrifices for us, and her answer was amazing,“ Your success will be my greatest achievement.” From that day on my attitude and actions changed. I had the strength and the courage to deal w

25、ith problems instead of turning away. I wanted to push myself to new heights. She came to every competition and was always the first person at the finish line and the last person to leave. I can still hear those words that changed my life. Her goal was to give us a leg up and the opportunity to do g

26、reat things; my ambition is to take that opportunity and run with it.含there be 的固定句型There be +some/no +trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.-there is no giving up halfway.There is no sense /use/good point(in) doing sth.做某事没有道理/用处,好处,意义There is no need (for sb)to do sth./that.(某人做某事没有必要我记得曾问她为什么为我们做出这么多

27、的牺牲,她的回答令人惊奇:“你的成功就是我最大的成就”从那天起我的态度和行为就发生了改变我有了力气和勇气去应对种种问题,而不是选择回避我要督促自己达到新的高度她的目标是帮助鼓励我们,给我们机会去做大事情,而我的雄心则是,抓住这个机会,勇往直前 Good choice of friend, I thought, hoping the recommendation wouldnt be lost on my daughter. Para. 3)Shed have the next movie picked out before the first heart was colored in. The

28、 reading was only a necessary evil to endure for the sake of the prize. (Para. 9)1.女儿选的朋友不错,我心里琢磨着,同时希望它的推荐对我女儿会起作用。还没等第一颗心涂上颜色,她已经把想要看的下一部电影挑选好了。那时候阅读对她来说,只是为了获得奖赏而不得不咬紧咬关忍受的苦差。 1 An average student as I was, the teacher gave me credit for every tiny progress I made.I rent the book my friend recommended and quickly got myself lost in it. You go ahead to celebrate your victory with your friends and I will keep t


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