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1、现在完成时阅读练习S: Have you done your chores? Were leaving in an hour.J: Ive done some of them. S: Have you packed your bag?J: Its in the front hall. S: Have you said goodbye to Grandma?J:The telephone was busy. S: And have you watered the plants yet?J: Oh, no. I havent. Ill do it now. S: Have you cleaned

2、your room?J: Do I need to? S: Yes, you do.J: Okay. S: What else? Oh yeah, have you washed the dishes? J: Its your job to wash the dishes. S: No, its your turn.J: Okay, Ill do it. S: One more thing. Have you gotten the mail from the mail box?J: Look on the table. S: Thanks.Fill these blanks one blank

3、 one word1. Have you_ your chores? 2. We_ _ in an hour.3._ you _goodbye to Grandma? 4._ you_your room?5. _you _the dishes? 6._ you_he mail from the mail box?It was there! It is Sports Day. All the students are very excited. Su Hai and Su Yang are watching the running race. Su Hai wants to take some

4、photos. She is looking for her camera. Su Yang is helping her.Su Hai: Look, Su Yang. The boys are running. Its very exciting. Let me take some photos. Su Yang, wheres my camera?Su Yang: Its in your bag. Su Hai: Let me see. No! It isnt here.Su Yang: It was there a moment ago. Where is it now?Su Hai:

5、Is it in your bag? Su Yang: Let me see. Oh, yes, it is.Su Hai: Where are the films? Su Yang: They are in my bag.Su Hai: Can I have them, please?Su Yang: Oh, no! They arent in my bag. They were here just now. Are they in your bag?Su Hai: No, they arent Su Yang: Where are they now?Su Hai: Look, theyre

6、 on the ground. Can you pick then up for me, please?Su Yang: Sure!.Questions about the text:1. What day is it today? 2. Where are Su Hai and Su Yang?3. What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing now? 4. What does Su Hai want to do?5. Why is Su Yang helping Su Hai?.Read the sentences. Write T if the is true.

7、Write F if the sentence is false.( )1. There was a running race. ( )2. I wanted to take some photos.( )3. The camera was in my bag. ( )4. The films were on the ground.What does the underlined word in each of the following sentences mean?1. The boys are running. Its very exciting.2. Su Hai: Wheres my

8、 camera? Su Yang: Its in your bag.3. Su Hai: Where are the films? Su Yang: Theyre in my bag.4. Can you pick them up for me, please? 5. Look, theyre on the ground.Say in other ways.1. Su Hai: Is it in your bag? Su Yang: Let me see. Oh, yes, it is.2. Su Yang: Where are they now?Su Hai: Look, theyre on

9、 the ground. Can you pick them up for me, please? 3. It is Sports Day.Read, think and answer. Su Hai cant find her camera and films. Why? Children: Hello! Rose and Tom: Hello!Yongxian: This is Rose and this is Tom. They are my friends from Britain.Children: Welcome to our class. Rose and Tom: Thank

10、you.Rose: Do some of your classmates come from the other countries?Yongxian: Yes. Were from more thacountries.Tom: What languages do you usually speak at school?Yongxian: We speak Chinese or English.Rose: Your classroom is beautiful. Its bright, clean and tidy.Yongxian: This classroom is much better

11、 than the old one. We like it and clean it every day.Rose: What time do your classes begin? Yongxian:At a quarter to eight.Tom: Then you have to get up earlier than us. What time do you leave school?Yongxian: At about five.Rose: Then you leave school later than us. How many pupils are there in your

12、class?Yongxian: There are forty-five.Rose: Your class is bigger than ours. There are only thirty pupils in my class. Your teachers have a harder job to do.Tom:I think all teachers are hard-workingSeasons in CanadaI love summer! In summer, the weather is usually very hot, and I can swim in the sea. S

13、pring is beautiful, but in Canada it often rains. And it is hard to plant flowers in the rain. I love my garden! It is so nice to watch the flowers grow. In autumn I can pick apples. They are so delicious in the autumn. I also love to watch the leaves fall. Is that why we can call autumn “fall”? It

14、usually snows in winter in Canada. Sometimes it snows here in Beijing, too. When it snows, I can ski. I love all the seasons. They are all beautiful and I can find many things to do.Post-reading.Read the text again, and fill in the blanks with the right words, one word for each blank. The first lett

15、er of each word is given.(再读课文,根据所给首字母填空,每空填写一个单词。)Canada is a big country. Its n USA. There are four seasons in Canada. Mike likes summer. He can s in the sea. Spring is often r . He likes spring also, because its i to watch the flowers grow. He likes to watch the l fallin autumn. In winter, when i

16、t s , Mike can ski. He loves a the seasons, and he has m to do in each season.因为我们就这么一辈子,几十年的光景,无法重来,开心也好,不开心也罢,怎么都是活着,那么何不让自己开开心心的过好每一天呢!生活虽辛苦,但我们一定要笑着过,以积极乐观的心态让日子过得有滋有味,这样才不白来人世走一遭,才会无怨无悔。因为生活没有真正的完美,只有不完美才是最真实的美。不要总是悲观地认为自己很不幸,其实比我们更不幸的人还有很多;要学会适应,学会调整自己的心态,学会宽容和理解,许多的苦、许多的累,都要坦然面对。只有经历了,体验过了,才能明白了生活的不易。因为“经历就是收获”.要知道世上没有什么不能割舍,人生没有过不去的坡,当你调整好了心态,一切都会风清云谈。人活着,活的就是一种心情。谁都有不如意的时候,这就要求我们做任何事情上都要持有一颗平常心。只要做到不攀比,不虚荣,待人诚恳、做事踏实,以知足乐观的心态释怀所有,做事尽量站在别人的角度去考虑别人的感受,常怀感恩的心态待人,哪怕平庸,也会赢得世人对你的认可和尊重!因为人活着,就需要一份积极向上的乐观和感恩的好心态来对待所有。只要心中有景,何处都是彩云间;只要有一份


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