已阅读5页,还剩37页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 ObjectivesIntroductionNew Words & Expressions ExercisesKeys to Exercises 1. 买方开立信用证的时间买方开立信用证的时间 2. 卖方催开信用证的一般情况卖方催开信用证的一般情况 3.撰写催开信用证的信函时的注意事项撰写催开信用证的信函时的注意事项 4. 催开信用证的信函的撰写催开信用证的信函的撰写 Issuance Applicant (Buyer) Issuing Bank (Buyers Bank) Advising Bank (Sellers Bank) Beneficiary (Seller) Contr

2、act Contract Order to Order to open creditopen credit Documentary Documentary Credit Credit Credit Credit advice/notificaadvice/notificationtionL/Can irrevocable L/Copened by letterIt is the usual practice that the letter of credit is to be opened and to reach the sellers 30 days ahead of shipment s

3、o as to give the seller enough time to make preparation for shipment, such as making the goods ready and booking shipping space. For prompt shipment, it is advisable that the letter of credit be issued in good time. No suggestion of annoyance is allowed to be shown in the letter urging establishment

4、 of L/C. It is not advisable, except under special conditions, to start off too strongly by blaming the buyer for not executing the contract. The first message sent should therefore be a polite note saying that the goods ordered are ready but the relevant letter of credit has not yet be received. If

5、 the first message brings no reply, a second one will be sent. This one, though still restrained, will express disappointment and surprise.1. Open the letter in a positive way. For example, in the first paragraph the seller usually informs the buyer that the goods are ready for dispatch or that the

6、shipping space has already been booked. 2. Politely push the buyers to open the L/C without delay, either by referring to the stipulations of the contract or by reminding the buyers of the seriousness of not opening the L/C in time.3. Express expectations and ask the buyers to take immediate action.

7、敬启者:敬启者: 我们很高兴地通知你们,你方第我们很高兴地通知你们,你方第TY213号购货合同号购货合同下的货物已备妥待运。下的货物已备妥待运。 按上述合同规定,货物在五六月份装运。装运期将按上述合同规定,货物在五六月份装运。装运期将至,但迄今我们仍未收到你方相关的信用证。因此,我至,但迄今我们仍未收到你方相关的信用证。因此,我们想请你方速开信用证,以便我们能够按规定日期交们想请你方速开信用证,以便我们能够按规定日期交货。货。 未免日后还要修改,开立信用证的时候,请确保信未免日后还要修改,开立信用证的时候,请确保信用证条款与合同条款严格相符。用证条款与合同条款严格相符。 盼早日收到你们的信用证

8、。盼早日收到你们的信用证。 此致此致敬礼敬礼 敬启者:敬启者: 我们已经收到了贵方我们已经收到了贵方4月月12日的来函,催促我们开日的来函,催促我们开立我方第立我方第TY213号购货合同下的信用证。号购货合同下的信用证。 信用证未能及时开立,是由于我方工作人员的疏忽信用证未能及时开立,是由于我方工作人员的疏忽引起的,我们非常抱歉。今天早上,我们一接到你们的引起的,我们非常抱歉。今天早上,我们一接到你们的传真,就联系了银行,并让他们开出了信用证。我们相传真,就联系了银行,并让他们开出了信用证。我们相信你们很快就会收到的。信你们很快就会收到的。 给贵方添了麻烦,我们再次道歉。我们希望贵方在给贵方添

9、了麻烦,我们再次道歉。我们希望贵方在收到信用证之后,能够尽早发货。感谢你们的合作。收到信用证之后,能够尽早发货。感谢你们的合作。 此致此致敬礼敬礼 敬启者:敬启者: 我方第我方第9816号售货确认书,我们已经联系贵方多次,催号售货确认书,我们已经联系贵方多次,催你方开立相关信用证。你方开立相关信用证。 但是非常遗憾,直到写信的时候,但是非常遗憾,直到写信的时候,我们还是没有收到上述信用证。我们还是没有收到上述信用证。 你们订购的货物已经备妥多时。但由于你方未能及时开你们订购的货物已经备妥多时。但由于你方未能及时开立信用证,我们不得不取消了已经订好的舱位,这给我们带立信用证,我们不得不取消了已经

10、订好的舱位,这给我们带来了很多不便。然而,考虑到你我长期的业务关系,我们准来了很多不便。然而,考虑到你我长期的业务关系,我们准备再等等你们的信用证。信用证必须在备再等等你们的信用证。信用证必须在11月月23日之前到达我日之前到达我方。如果你方再不把信用证及时交给我们,我们将取消售货方。如果你方再不把信用证及时交给我们,我们将取消售货确认书,并让你方偿还我们替你们垫付的仓储费。确认书,并让你方偿还我们替你们垫付的仓储费。 静候佳音。静候佳音。 此致此致敬礼敬礼 1. foregoing adj. 上述的,前面的上述的,前面的 We hope the foregoing terms of paym

11、ent will be acceptable to you.我们希望你方能够接受上述的付款条件。我们希望你方能够接受上述的付款条件。Please let us know at an early date whether the goods we ordered can be shipped within the foregoing time of period.请尽快告知我方,我们订购的货物能否在上述请尽快告知我方,我们订购的货物能否在上述期限内到达我方。期限内到达我方。2. approach v. 接近,靠近接近,靠近 Since the sales season is approachin

12、g, we hope you can deliver the goods as early as possible.因为销售季节即将来临,我们希望贵方能够尽因为销售季节即将来临,我们希望贵方能够尽早发货。早发货。The date of shipment is approaching, but we havent received your shipping instructions.装运期将至,但我们仍未收到你方的装运指示。装运期将至,但我们仍未收到你方的装运指示。3. covering adj. 有关的,相关的有关的,相关的 Please see to it that the goods s

13、hould be shipped as soon as the covering L/C reaches you.请注意:我方信用证一到达你处,请即发货。请注意:我方信用证一到达你处,请即发货。After shipment is made, we will make out the covering documents and submit them to the bank for negotiation.货物装运以后,我们将缮制出相关单据交到银货物装运以后,我们将缮制出相关单据交到银行进行议付。行进行议付。 4. to date 到今天为止,迄今为止到今天为止,迄今为止 We havent

14、received any information from you to date.迄今为止,我们未从贵方收到任何消息。迄今为止,我们未从贵方收到任何消息。The captioned goods have not arrived at our end to date.标题标题中提到的货物至今仍未到达我处。中提到的货物至今仍未到达我处。5. rush v. 匆忙,加速匆忙,加速 On receiving your letter, we have instructed our factory to rush production of your goods.收到收到贵方来函之后,我们已经通知工厂加

15、快生贵方来函之后,我们已经通知工厂加快生产你们的产品。产你们的产品。We wish you will rush the relevant L/C so that we can effect punctual shipment.我们希望你方速开信用证我们希望你方速开信用证, 以便我方按时装运。以便我方按时装运。6. enable v. 使能够,使能够, 有助于有助于 We hope our favorable prices will enable you to find a good market for our products.希望我们优惠的价格有助于贵方为我们的产品希望我们优惠的价格有助于

16、贵方为我们的产品找到好的销路。找到好的销路。Your cooperation in this respect will enable us to get out of the present difficulty.贵方的合作将使我们能够摆脱目前的困境。贵方的合作将使我们能够摆脱目前的困境。7. conform to 跟跟相一致,跟相一致,跟相符相符 The quality of the products you provide should conform to that of samples.你方供货的质量应该与我方样品一致。你方供货的质量应该与我方样品一致。The stipulations

17、 of the relevant L/C should strictly conform to the terms specified in our contract.有关信用证有关信用证的规定要与合同条款保持一致。的规定要与合同条款保持一致。8. subsequent adj. 后来的,随后的后来的,随后的 This regulation applies to all subsequent transactions.这项规定适用于以后所有的交易。这项规定适用于以后所有的交易。Subsequent to receiving your letter, we have contacted the

18、shipping company, requiring about the shipping space.接到接到贵方的来函之后,我们已经联系了船运公贵方的来函之后,我们已经联系了船运公司,询问舱位的情况。司,询问舱位的情况。9. urge v. 敦促,催促敦促,催促 We have written to urge the manufacturer to speed up production of your order.我们我们已经写信敦促制造商加速生产你方的订货。已经写信敦促制造商加速生产你方的订货。On receiving your letter, we have contacted o

19、ur bank and urged them to open the letter of credit.一收到贵方来函,我们就联系了银行,催促他一收到贵方来函,我们就联系了银行,催促他们开立信用证。们开立信用证。10. due to 因为,由于因为,由于 Due to our heavy commitment, we regret our inability to accept your order.由于由于我方订单太多,很遗憾,我们无法接受你我方订单太多,很遗憾,我们无法接受你方订单。方订单。Due to the recent shortage of raw materials, we ha

20、ve to cut down our production.因为因为最近原材料短缺,我们不得不减产。最近原材料短缺,我们不得不减产。11. delay n. & v. 耽搁,拖延,延迟耽搁,拖延,延迟 We wish to point out that our goods was delayed for more than two months.我们我们想指出,我方的货物晚到了两个多月。想指出,我方的货物晚到了两个多月。Any delay in shipping the goods will lead to our canceling this order.交货交货拖延将导致我们取消订

21、单。拖延将导致我们取消订单。Under the present situation, we have no choice but to delay the delivery of your goods until the next month.在目前这种情况下,我们不得不推迟到下个月才在目前这种情况下,我们不得不推迟到下个月才能装运你们的货物。能装运你们的货物。12. on ones behalf or on behalf of sb. 代表某人,代表某人, 代替某人代替某人 Our contract is concluded on FOB basis, but we can offer to

22、 book the shipping space on your behalf.我们的合同是在离岸价格的基础上达成的,但我们的合同是在离岸价格的基础上达成的,但是我们可以代你们定舱位。是我们可以代你们定舱位。13. refund v. 退还,偿还退还,偿还 The shipping company refunded the cost of the damaged goods.船运船运公司赔偿了损坏的货物的损失。公司赔偿了损坏的货物的损失。You will have to refund us the losses if you cancel your order.如果你方取消订单的话,你们就要赔

23、偿我们损失。如果你方取消订单的话,你们就要赔偿我们损失。We will refund the goods to you if our customers are not interested.如果如果我方客户不感兴趣的话,我们会把货物退还我方客户不感兴趣的话,我们会把货物退还给你们。给你们。Into Chinese:1.with regard to2.call your attention to the fact that3.You are requested to do sth4.enable sb. to do sth.5.make punctual shipment6.be in com

24、pliance with7draw near 8. catch the brisk season 9.prompt attention 10. the goods against Order No.125Into English: 1.有关信用证有关信用证 2与与严格一致严格一致 3标题中的销售合同标题中的销售合同 4在在号合同项下号合同项下 5到目前为止到目前为止6. 信用证的随后修改信用证的随后修改7.信用证条款信用证条款8.务请注意做到务请注意做到9.协议草案协议草案 10.催开信用证催开信用证1. We regret that we cannot comply your request

25、 payment D/P at sight.2. our disappointment, we havent received your L/C your order No. 123.3. We will try to meet your requirements the fact that we have difficulty obtaining new supplies. 4. We are appreciative your letter of March 12, which you ask us a better price of our raincoat.5. In view our

26、 long-term business relations, we are prepared to wait your L/C, which must reach us prior November 23.6. such circumstances, we have to cancel our sales confirmation and ask you to refund us the storage charges we have paid your behalf.7. We apologize you the trouble we have caused you.8. Any loss

27、arising the delay shipment will be your account.9. To avoid subsequent amendments, please make sure that the L/C stipulations strictly conform the terms of our contract.10. All the prices quoted are subject change notice. 1.请注意第请注意第FA156号销售合同项下的号销售合同项下的200公吨冻鱼备公吨冻鱼备妥已久,但至今我们仍未收到你方有关信用证。妥已久,但至今我们仍未收到


29、便我方能装上10日左日左右到达此地的直达轮。右到达此地的直达轮。8.交货期日益临近,但至今未收到你方有关开证的交货期日益临近,但至今未收到你方有关开证的消息。消息。9.由于你们未能及时开立有关第由于你们未能及时开立有关第308号售货合同的信号售货合同的信用证,我们不得不撤销这份确认书。用证,我们不得不撤销这份确认书。10.请注意做到请注意做到106号订单项下的货物应分三批按月号订单项下的货物应分三批按月装运。装运。先生:先生: 关于我方第关于我方第005号售货确认书项下号售货确认书项下150 公吨化肥,我公吨化肥,我方已按合同如期备妥,交货期日益临近。我们不知你们方已按合同如期备妥,交货期日益

30、临近。我们不知你们是否对第一批是否对第一批75 公吨。公吨。5/6月份装运的货物已经开出有关月份装运的货物已经开出有关信用证?请尽快开证,以便我方顺利势执行这项订单。信用证?请尽快开证,以便我方顺利势执行这项订单。 为避免随后修改信用证,务请注意信用证规定条款为避免随后修改信用证,务请注意信用证规定条款严格与合同相符。严格与合同相符。 如蒙速复,不胜感激。如蒙速复,不胜感激。 此致此致A.1.关于关于2. 提请你方注意提请你方注意的事实的事实3. 要求你方做某事要求你方做某事 4. 使某人能够做某事使某人能够做某事 5. 按时装运按时装运6.与与相符相符7.临近临近8.赶上旺销季节赶上旺销季节

31、9.立即关注立即关注/办理办理10.第第125号订项下的货物号订项下的货物B.1.covering/relevant/relative L/C2.be in exact accordance with. 3.captioned Sales Contract4.under Contract No. 5.so far 6.subsequent amendment7.L/C clauses 8.Please see to it that9.draft agreement10.urge for the establishment by L/C1. We regret that we cannot co

32、mply with your request for payment by D/P at sight.2. To our disappointment, we havent received your L/C against your order No. 123.3. We will try to meet your requirements despite the fact that we have difficulty in obtaining new supplies. 4. We are appreciative of your letter of March 12, in which

33、 you ask us for a better price of our raincoat.5. In view of our long-term business relations, we are prepared to wait for your L/C, which must reach us prior to November 23.6. Under such circumstances, we have to cancel our sales confirmation and ask you to refund to us the storage charges we have

34、paid on your behalf.7. We apologize to you for the trouble we have caused you.8. Any loss arising from the delay in shipment will be for your account.9. To avoid subsequent amendments, please make sure that the L/C stipulations strictly conform to the terms of our contract.10. All the prices quoted

35、are subject to change without notice. 1.Please note that the 200 metric tons of frozen fish under our Sales Contract No.FA156 has long been ready, but so far we have not received the relevant L/C. Please rush the L/C so as to enable us to arrange shipment.2.If you fail to open L/C by the end of this

36、 month, delay in shipment would be unavoidable.3.It would be advisable for you to establish the covering L/C as early as possible so as to enable us to make punctual shipment of your order.4.The specifications of the goods you quoted are not in conformity with those in our enquiry.5.We have shipped

37、the goods in exact accordance with your order.6. The matter is receiving our immediate attention and we expect to give you a satisfactory reply in a few days.7.You are requested to expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here on o


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