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1、 Unit5 Seasons单元教材分析: 本单元主要学习描述不同季节的气候特征,以及不同季节里人们从事的活动。教师可以先鼓励学生根据平时的观察,用已有的语言知识,对当季的气候特征或者当天的天气做简单描述。在学习目标词汇和新句型后,让学生进行自主描述,体现循序渐进的学习方法。学情分析: 教师在词汇教学中可利用图片或实物,启发学生联想,使他们更好地掌握关于季节和温度的词汇。教师可结合三年级和四年级的词汇和句型,设计词汇教学活动或拓展活动。单元教学目标: 1.能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, summer,autumn, winter, hot,

2、0;warm, cool, cold.  2.能听得懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter.In, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We  3. 会唱歌曲A sunny day.  4. 能了解字母i在开音节单词中的发音。  5. 能客观地对自己进行评价。 单元教学重点: 1.能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, summer

3、,autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.  2.能听得懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter.In, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We 单元教学难点: 1. 会唱歌曲A sunny day.  2. 能了解字母i在开音节单词中的发音。  3. 能客观地对自己进行评价。教学准备:录音机

4、图片ppt教学课时安排:第一课时Story time第二课时Vocabulary & Fun time第三课时Cartoon time and Song time第四课时 Sound time, Checkout time and Ticking time第五课时:复习及讲解补充习题 个人初备案二次修改课时第一课时课题Unit5 Seasons授课类型新授课教学 内容Story time教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spr

5、ing, it is warm. We go boating。3.能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。4.能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。教学重点1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。教学难点1.能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。2.能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。教学方法Q-and-A method、work in pairs、free discussion、

6、Group works教学准备 PPT教时安排1课时教学过程Step 1: Warm up 1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss WangT: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you.T: Nice to see you.Ss:Nice to see you too.2. 复习swim, skate, boat 等词。T: What day is it today? Ss: ItsT:When can we do these things?Ss: We canStep

7、 2: Presentation and practice.1.出示季节图片让学生认读单词, 通过游戏巩固季节单词。教师出示春季游玩图片及相关问题:1、Who are they?2、What are they doing?引导学生填词In_, its _.We _.We go _.(教授go boating)We like 用相同结构描述夏、秋、冬场景。培养学生的小组合作意识及口语表达能力。2. 分别出示夏、秋、冬活动图片,教授go climbing,go swimming,go skating。引导学生用动作、表情复述内容。 3. play a game看图片,快速反应季节名称。T:You

8、did a good job. In different seasons, there are different weather. Now Whats the weather like in spring? T:In spring, it is warm.(师带读两遍) Follow me, please.T: Now Lets read together with your action, OK? Ss: OK.T:Now Whats the weather like in summer?生答T:In summer, it is hot. (师带读两遍)生齐读句子加动作。T:Now Wha

9、ts the weather like in autumn?T:In autumn, it is cool.(新词,师带读两遍)生齐读句子。T:Now Whats the weather like in winter?T:In winter , it is cold.(师带读两遍)生齐读句子加动作。T:Now we know the weather of four seasons. What can we do in different seasons? Look at the pictures and try to say. You try, please. S1: In spring, i

10、t is warm. I fly a kite. I go boating.S: In summer, it is hot. I go swimming. I eat ice creams. S: In autumn, it is cool. I have a picnic. I go climbing.S: In winter, it is cold. I make snowmen. I go skating.5. T: Now read the poem and underline the activities.T: Have you finished? Lets fill in the

11、form.Spring warm fly kites go boatingSummer hot eat ice creams go swimmingautumn cool have picnics go climbingwinter cold make snowmen go skatingT: We do different things in different seasons. This is the whole poem. Step 3: ConsolidationPlease introduce your favorite season to us. I like _. It is _

12、. I_ I .作业布置1.Read and recite the poem with emotion.有感情地朗读小诗并背诵。2.Choose one season and compose a poem.选择一个季节,并创编一首诗。      3.Preview Fun time and Cartoon time.板书设计Unit5 Seasonsspri

13、ng  warm  fly kites/go boating summer  hot eat ice creams/ go swimmingautumn  cool  have picnics/ go climbing winter  cold  make snowmen/ skating 个人初备案二次修改课时 第二课时课题U

14、nit5 Seasons教学 内容Vocabulary & Fun time教学目标1.能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, summer,autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold. 2.能听得懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter.In, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We 3.自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事

15、情。4.有感情地朗读课文。教学重点1.能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, summer,autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold. 2.能听得懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter.In, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We  .X 1.教学难点1.自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。2.有感情地朗读课文。教学方法Q-

16、and-A method、work in pairs、free discussion、Group works教学准备CAI,故事填写学习单教时安排1课时教学过程Step 1: Warming up1. Sing a song: I like four seasons 2. Recite and act the poem of story time with music(上节课没来得及展示的小组进行配乐诗朗诵)Step Two: Presentation1. T: Boys and girls, I think you all past the first challenge. Lets go

17、to the next stage-第二阶段:语言表达能力和手脑并用能力T: Do you have confidence? Our slogan is -Ss: Go, go, lets go!PPT呈现本节课培训目标与任务Task One语言表达能力I can talk about the four seasonsTask Two手脑并用能力I can make a postcard about seasons. 2. Task One - I can talk about the four seasonsRead and guess(1)It is warm. We fly kites

18、and have picnics.T: Which season is it?S: Its spring.T: Thats right. (给出不完全单词_ pr_ _ _ ) Can you spell spring?S1: S-p-r-i-n-gT: Well done. Lets spell together. (2)It is hot. We eat ice creams and go swimming.T: Do you know this season?S: Its summer.T: Good. (给出不完全单词s_ m _ _ ) Can you spell?S1: 此环节进行

19、过程中完成板书3. Task two I can make a postcard about seasons.T: Congratulations! All of you can talk about the four seasons very well. Let s go on to make a postcard. Our slogan is -Ss: Go, go, lets go!T: Look at this postcard. Is it nice? (呈现书上做好的postcard)Ss: Yes, how nice!T: Its Tommys card. Lets listen

20、 to him.(播放书上Tommy介绍的音频) Which season does Tommy like?(如果学生听不明白does,教师可提示Spring? Winter? ) Ss: winterT: Which season do you like? S1,2,3: T: Can you introduce your favorite season like Tommy?Tips: Can you introduce(介绍) your favorite(最喜欢的) season?给出提示语句:It is I I I like Step 3: Show time1. Talk in gr

21、oups. Invite four Ss to show. 2. Make a postcardT: Now lets make a postcard by yourself or in pairs. We will choose some excellent postcards.作业布置1. Read and act “cartoon time”. 2. Introduce your season card to your parents.板书设计Unit5

22、60;Seasonsspring  warm  fly kites/go boating summer  hot  eat ice creams/go swimming autumn  cool  have picnics/ go climbing winter  cold  make snowmen/ skating 

23、; 个人初备案二次修改课时 第三课时课题 Unit5 Seasons教学 内容Cartoon time and Song time教学目标1. 学生能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。2. 学生能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续写故事。3. 学生能够有感情地演唱歌曲A sunny day。4. 学生能够模仿书上的歌曲创编新歌。教学重点1. 学生能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。2. 学生能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续写故事。 .X 1教学难点1 学生能够模仿书上的歌曲创编新歌。2.能客观地对自己进行评价。教学方法Q-and-A method、work in pair

24、s、free discussion、Group works教学准备PPT、头饰教时安排1课时教学过程Step 1: Warming up1. Greetings. Show your postcard, introduce and choose excellent postcards.(让上节课没完成postcard制作和介绍的同学展示)Step 2: RevisionShow the goals of this lesson - the Science Channel PresentersT: Boys and girls, Im happy that you come to the las

25、t challenge. PPT呈现本节课培训目标与任务招聘富有创造力的小小科普主持人。I can create a new song I can create a new story and act it.T: Our slogan is Ss: Go, go, lets go!Step 3: Presentation and practice(1) Song time1. Show the picture of Song time, talk about the picture, learn the new words T: Look at the picture. What can th

26、ey do?S: They can fly kites.T: Yes, they fly kites, because its a sunny day.Learn: (sun 与son同音,图片释义sunny -sunny day2. Say a rhymeA sunny dayIts a sunny day.Its a sunny day.Lets fly kites. Lets fly kites.1) Listen and chant2) Chant in groups3) Chant together3. Sing the song T: Its a funny rhyme and i

27、ts also a nice song, can you sing? Try to sing, please.1) Listen and learn to sing by yourselves2) Sing the song togetherT: Great! We can create a new song. Lets go on to the story. Step 4: Cartoon time Show the picture of a bag with a fishT: Look! What s this?S: Its a green bag.T: Today our story i

28、s about the bag. Whose bag is it?Learn: Whose (给出单词who, Chinese)a. Watch the cartoon and get the answerT: Whose bag is this?S: Its dogs.b. Show the picture of another bag with a fishT: Look at that bag in dogs hand. Whose bag is that? (Read the story)S: its Sams bag.T: How do you know?S: She has my

29、bag! (Learn: has)c. Discuss: What do you think of Sam and the dog?S:(中文回答也可以)粗心,迷糊出示最后一幅图,Its my bag! She has my bag!T: How to read the two sentences? Discuss in two.S: (学生讨论揣摩语气并朗读)d. Reading in pairs. T: Its lucky they find their own bag at last. What will the story continues?Sam和little dog 归还彼此的包

30、时会说什么呢?(让学生大胆想象,随便谈一谈Im sorry. Here you are. Your bag is nice. Its a fish on your bag. Our bags are green)e. Set an example for Ss to act the cartoon. Try to act it in pairs.作业布置1.将课上学习的歌曲和故事唱给爸爸妈妈听。2.小组合作给续写的故事配上图片和英语句子。3.完成课课练上的第二课时练习题。板书设计 Unit5 Seasons Mike   Chinese

31、0;  kite    like time   white Tom, Mary and Mike All like the kite. 个人初备案二次修改课时 第四课时课题 Unit5 Seasons教学 内容 Sound time, Checkout time and Ticking time教学目标1、能够熟练说出本单元有关季节的词汇。2、能综合运用本单元学到的句型谈论四季。3、能体会字母i的发音/ai/.4、能

32、对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。教学重点1、能综合运用本单元学到的句型谈论四季。2、能体会字母i的发音/ai/。 .X 1教学难点1 学生能够模仿书上的歌曲创编新歌。2.能客观地对自己进行评价。教学方法Q-and-A method、work in pairs、free discussion、Group works教学准备PPT、卡片 录音机教时安排1课时教学过程Step1: Warming up1. Greetings. 2. T: Science Life is broadcasting. The title of it focuses on Season

33、s. Little presenters, are you ready?S: Yes, go, go, lets go!Step 2: Sing a song / Say a rhymeT: Well done, boys and girls. You have got so many vocabularies about seasons. I think you like all the seasons very much. And its time to show your songs or rhymes about different seasons.S: A hot dayIts a

34、hot day.Its a hot day.Gu-li, gu- li.Lets go swimming. Lets go swimming.Gu-li, gu-li, on a hot day.Step 3: Play a gameNo NG in Thirty Seconds三十秒不NGTips: 四人小组三十秒内说出有关季节的单词或词组,尽可能多,不要重复评分规则:五个以下 五至七个 八个以上 Step 4: Presentation and practice. (1) Checkout time1. 出示checkout time 所有图片T: Boys and girls, lets

35、 have a talk show of seasons. But Im sorry these pictures are in a mess. Can you match relative ones in one minute?Ss: (Match) Feedback2. OK, its your show time. You can begin your talk show like: Its spring. Its In spring, I You can prepare in four.Tips: 四人小组,每人选择一个季节并根据图片提示来说一说。 (2) Sound timeT: Y

36、our talk show is excellent. I want to have a try too. Listen!T: I like spring. Its nice. I like to fly a kite.PPT显示句子I like spring. Its nice. I like to fly a kite.红色标注字母iT: Look at the sentence. These words all have the letter i, what does i pronounced as? S: /ai/ T: Look at my mouth, open it big or

37、 small. Try to imitate. S: Read one by one. T: Can you read these syllables? Chi, ki, li, ti, whi, mi T: Can you read these words? Chinese, kite, like, time, white. (在读同时出图释意)T: Read the sentence(3) Ticking time1. 出示句子I can talk about the four seasons. 2. 出示句子 I can talk about activities in each season. 3. 出示句子”I know the sound of the letter “i”(我知道字母“i”的发音。)让学生说一说哪些单词是这样发音的。学生自评。Step Five: Do the exercise.作业布置1. 听录音,跟读复习Unit5的内容,模仿语


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