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1、四级英语作文技巧及范文1文章结构:(ten sentences, 120words)Para. 1. S1 General talk of the topic S2 Thesis: the writers attitude towards itPara. 2. S3 The writers reasons to have this attitudeS4 Support IS5 Detail IS6 Detail IIS7 Support IIS8 Detail IS9 Detail IIPara.3 S10 Conclusion: restate the thesis2. Developmen

2、t Paragraphs:段落特征:统一,完整,连贯常用的连接手段:1 每段的内容要围绕主题句,保持内容的一致性,并从不同的角度来充分发展段落的主题思想。2 使用代词来代前面提到的人,物或观点3 重复段落中的关键词,短语或句子4 使用同义词5 使用转折词语和句型:1 用于段落开始的词语:of all, to begin with, nowadays, with the development/invention/progress of,generally speaking, recently, etc.常用于段落开始的句型:1. Peoples views/ideas/opinions onv

3、ary from person to person. Some people think that2. Different people have different views on 3. It is held that4. Just as/As the proverb/old saying goes5. It is commonly believed that6. Is.? Answer to this vary greatly. Some people think that7. When asked about, different people will offer different

4、 opinions. Some people say that8. Nowadays, play(s) an important role in/is popular around us. Like everything else, has/have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.9. Many ways can contribute to solving this serious problem, but the following ones

5、 may be most effective.10. There are many reasons/causes for, but in general, they come down to two/three major ones.11. There are many factors that may account for, but the following are the most typical ones.2 用于举例的词语:for example, such as, for instance, to illustrate, a case in point, takefor exam

6、ple, etc.3 用于比较和对比的词语:similarly, in the same way, equally important, in/by contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand, unlike, however, yet, etc.4 用于表示因果关系或分析原因的词语:due to, owing to, as a result, therefore, so, thus, consequently, amongreasons, one should be emphasized that, etc.5 用于表示层次递进的词语:first

7、/firstly (second/secondly, etc.), to begin with, moreover, finally, first of all, since then, after that, further, etc.6 用于表示让步的词语:although, in spite of, despite, etc.7 用于表示结论的词语:in conclusion, to sum up, to conclude, in short, in a word, in summary, the conclusion is that, in brief, etc.常用于结尾的句型:1

8、From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that2 Taking into account all these factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that3 Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely arrive at/reach the conclusion that4 All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that5 All t

9、he analysis justifies an unshakable conclusion that6 From what is mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion that7 As far as I am concerned, I agree with/I am really in favor of /I am of the opinion that/I hold that/I cling to the opinion that8 There is some truth in both arguments, but I think

10、the disadvantages ofoutweigh its advantages.9 In my opinion,/in my view,/as for me, I10 As far as is concerned, I preferto11 Its high time that we tried every possible means to put an end to/we took measures to solve the problem of12 Theres still a long way to go towards solving the problem. We hope

11、 that efforts should be made to13 Many solutions are being offered here. All of them make some sense, but none is very satisfactory/adequate enough. The problem should be approached in a new way/a wider context.14 There is no easy solution to the problem of, but might be useful/helpful.15 There is n

12、o denying that immediate/considerable/special/further attention must be paid to the problem of16 There is little doubt that serious attention must be called to the shortage of17 It is necessary that effective/proper/quick actions/steps/measures be taken to.18 Its suggested that great efforts be made

13、 to19 Its apparent/clear/obvious that the task of requires immediate/great attention/efforts/consideration.20 To check/control the tendency/trend is no easy task, and it requires a good/deep awareness/understanding of3. 段落的展开方法:1 列举法2 举例法3 定义法4 比较和对比法5 因果法6 分类法7 叙述法8 综合法4. 词汇的变化1)用不同的词汇表达相同的意义,避免单调,

14、枯燥的重复。如:好学生:top/gifted/superior/excellent/outstanding students损害:have a negative effect on; do great injury to; cause great damage to妨碍:stand in the way of.; be an obstacle/barrier to.对很重要:be indispensable/important/vital to学习知识:pursue/acquire/learn knowledge/skill许多:a large portion of; many a; enor

15、mous; large numbers of重视:assign/attach much importance/significance to.强调:place/put much emphasis/stress/value on.越来越:be increasingly +adj.; be on the rise; the growing number of.接触新思想:be exposed to new ideas; have an/some acquaintance with.接触社会:come into frequent/close contact with the society;提出观点

16、:advance/put forward/come up with ideas作出努力:make tremendous/persistent effort to do sth.; take great pains to do sth.影响学习:interfere with studies; have an interference with studies产生影响:have/exert a profound influence on; have a dramatic/undesirable effect on.取代:substitute for sth.; take the place of

17、sth.; replace sth.采取措施:take effective steps/measures to满足要求:meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of补偿损失:compensate for the loss; make up for the damage解释现象:account for the phenomenon; explain these phenomena培养信心:develop ones interest in.; foster ones confidence in.施加压力:put/exert a pressure on.提供机会:pr

18、ovide/offer/furnish an opportunity/chance for sb.抓住机会:grab/seize/take the opportunity/chance献身于:devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career提高技术,能力:sharpen/improve/enhance/boost ones skill/ability加快,促进发展:accelerate/facilitate/advance/enhance/boost the development of开阔眼界:broaden ones outlook; exp

19、and/enlarge ones mental horizons充满渴望:have a burning desire for.; have a great passion for.2)使用同一个词的不同词性,在句中作不同的成分,带来新颖性,形成变化。5. 句型的变化1) 比较级句子英语通过比较级来表达意思的句子远比汉语多. 比如:a) A young mans first car is less a means of transportation than a monument to his discovery of youthful freedom. (A young mans first

20、car is not a means of transportation, but a monument to his discovery of youthful freedom.)b) Success is as much a question of timing as anything else. (Like anything else, success is a question of timing.)c) No issue is as basic to individual and national survival as food. (Food is the most basic i

21、ssue to individual and national survival.)2) 同位语句子同位语有两种功能:归纳和解释. 例如:a) Another ingredient of courtesy is empathy, a quality that enables a person to see into the mind or heart of someone else.b) But whatever sad episodes exist in our past, we must hold a positive view of our history, a history that

22、 has been the story of hopes fulfilled and dreams made into reality.3) 平行排比句恰当地使用句子的平行排比,能使文章显得更生动,更有力.e.g. Our strength makes him strong; our determination makes him determined; our courage makes him a hero.4) 后置修饰句运用后置修饰语可以使文章的表达更简洁.e.g. There is an almost infinite variety of magazines available t

23、o satisfy the rich variety of interests and tastes.5) 插入语在正常的句子中插入某些成分,也会给句子带来变化.e.g. At the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of this century, a man had to be aggressive and ambitious-today he has to social and tolerant-in order to be attractive “package”.6) 被动句在主动句占绝大多数的情况下,被动句能带来一些变化.e.g. H

24、owever, very little control can be exercised over the media used to generate information that comes to you from the outside.7) 倒装句倒装句不仅带来句型的丰富,而且在句子的连贯上,平衡上也有一定的作用.e.g. From that science will come the realization that despite technology, man dose not exercise dominion over nature.8) 名词化句子正式文体中,名词化句子

25、的运用显得语言表达更成熟.e.g. Heavy exposure to TV will interfere with ones studies. (Watching too much TV will affect your studies.)9) 运用破折号运用破折号不仅对句子变化有帮助,而且有强调的作用.6.作文中常见错误1 时态方面的错误写议论文一般用现在时态。只有举例,提到过去的事才会用到过去时。2 主谓,人称等违反一致性方面的错误写一个句子,乃至一篇文章里人称始终要保持一致,不能一会儿用第三人称,一会儿又用第一人称。3 修饰语的位置错误a) Without television, pe

26、ople cant get information which comes from other parts of the world immediately.Immediately既可以修饰 comes:“得到迅速从各方面传来的消息”,也可以修饰 get:“迅速得到从各方面传来的消息”,意思含糊不清,所以要把它放到cant的后面。b) To participate in class discussion, a lot of books have to be read.不定式短语的逻辑主语决不是o lot of books,为了把逻辑关系表达清楚,要么把不定式短语改成 If one wants

27、 to participate in class discussion,要么把主句改成you have to read a lot of books。4 语法结构平行方面的错误a) With the computer, one can do shopping, banking, and read at home.用语法平行结构原则来衡量。前面用ing 形式,最后一个用动词原形 read是不妥的, 为了和 do shopping, do banking保持结构上平行,接下来的一个内容要用 reading。b) Participating in class discussion is not on

28、ly good for the pursuit of knowledge, and through it we can also develop our analytical skills.同样, 在说同样的事时, 相邻的句子在语法结构上尽可能要保持一致。后半句宜改为:It is also beneficial to the development of our analytical skills。5 代词用法方面的错误a) Sometimes teachers will inform students of the difficulty they will meet with in stud

29、ies.They既可以指代 teachers,也可以代students,明显的是指代不清。 其实只要把其中的一个名词变成单数,用 he和 they 分别代不同的名词就清楚了。如:Sometimes a teacher will inform students of the difficulty they will meet with in studies.b) People have been fighting against the influence of TV commercials, but it often proves useless.It指什么?指 influence ,在oft

30、en proves useless句子中显然不通。作者知道 it指人们的努力, 但 effort这个词前面没有出现过,就不能用it,所以要把 it改成 the effort。6 可数名词与不可数名词方面的错误information, evidence, advice, knowledge等是不可数名词,不能用复数。many, a great number of, another, few等只能与可数名词配用。而 a great amount of, a great deal of, less, much等须与不可数名词配用。7 冠词方面的错误a) Book knowledge is impor

31、tant, but we should also learn something in the society.b) When I was in the high school, I always had a beautiful picture of the college life.在没有特指意义时,不能用表示特指的定冠词The。这几句中的the都应去掉。c) There is a lot of discussion in the class.表示上课,用手,走路,上学,住院等都不用定冠词:In class, by hand, on foot, go to college, at hospi

32、tal。8 句子完整方面的错误a) TV now plays an important role in our daily life. Because we cannot live without it.中文用“因为”引出的句子可以独立, 而英文不行,用Because, since, as从句,只能附属主句:because we cannot live without it。b) There are many ways to contact with society. For example, joining clubs, take part time jobs and help the po

33、or.For example 引出的应是句子:For example we may join clubs, take part time jobs and help the poor. 而Such as引出的只能是词或词组,不能独立成句: Such as joining clubs, taking part time jobs and helping the poor.c) Unlike the movie, TV shows on continuously, and doesnt need to pay any extra money.Doesnt need to pay any extra

34、 money的主语是什么? 显然不是TV。汉语可以说:电视可以一直看下去,无需再花什么钱。将主语省去,但英语一定要有明显的主语,所以在 doesnt need to pay any extra money 前要加上one。d) Reading books can acquire knowledge.看上去句子有主语:Reading books。但这是假主语,因为 acquire knowledge的主语必须是人。汉语的主语和谓语关系是主题和评论的关系,可以说“读书能获得知识”。但英语不行,一定要有逻辑主谓关系。因此改成:Through reading one can acquire knowl

35、edge.9 过渡词方面的错误The city is seriously polluted, people have no fresh air to breathe now.中文可以靠意思本身来连接句子,但英文一定要用过渡词来表示因果,转折或递进关系。所以这一句可以是The city is so seriously polluted that people have no fresh air to breathe now. 或As the city is seriously polluted, people have no fresh air to breathe now.10。词语搭配方面的

36、错误a) We students might learn more knowledge through the lecture system. “学习知识”是作文中常要表达的,但大多数学生总是用错。英语中能和Knowledge搭配的不是 learn/study而是 obtain, acquire, gain等。同样和 traffic搭配的不是 crowded而是 traffic is rather heavy/busy;和 speed, price搭配的不是 fast, expensive,而是 The speed/price of the car is high.b) Open your c

37、omputer, you can know everything in the world.Open是打开盖子的意思。打开电脑盖子,只能看到芯片,怎么是 everything in the world ,这里应用turn on。打开信也不能用 open,而是用 unfold the letter。同时 People began to eat more vice food搭配也不对。副食品应是 non-staple foodstuff。而副总统,副经理,副教授,副作用分别是 vice president, assistant managers, associate professors, sid

38、e effects,一定要牢记。11。词语方面的错误c) After four years, we all graduated from college and entered society.过去时里表示四年后,应用Four years later,而不是 after fore years,用于表示将来的四年后,也不用 after,而是用介词 in: We will all graduate in four years.d) The computer like TV, it has both advantages and disadvantages.表示“像”,Like是介词,这里误用为动词

39、,应是: Like TV, the computer has both advantages and disadvantages.同样,Obviously, our country would stop develop if no electricity,这里 develop 的正确用法应是动名词developing,而 no 也不是动词,表示没有,英语的动词是There is not(no)或 have not。e) In my opinion, I think both the systems must be improved.In my opinion的意思已经包括在 I think 里

40、了,用一个就可以了。同样,People try to find a solution to solve the problem去掉 solve意思没有变,但句子简洁多了。f) The reason why many students like the lecture system is because it helps them to learn quickly and much more.句中Reason, why, because都指同一意思,至少要去掉一个。可以改成:Many students like the lecture system because it helps them t

41、o learn quickly and much more.12汉式英语表达1) 变化的原因有三点。(误)The reasons for this change has three points. (正) There are three reasons for this change.2) 这样我的英语水平就提高了。(误) My English level has thus improved.(正) My English has thus improved.3) 看电视能开阔眼界。(误) TV can widen our eyes.(正) Watching TV can widen our m

42、ind.4) 我不怕热天。(误) Im not afraid of the hot weather.(正) I dont mind the hot weather.5) 我感到书越来越重了。(误) I feel the books become heavier and heavier.(正) The books feel heavier and heavier.8. 超级作文模式1 对比选择型Some people tend to think that.(观点一) They point out that(理由一)Additionally,.(理由二)A case in point is(举例)

43、Therefore,(小结)On the contrary, other people hold the view that(观点二)They argue that(理由一)Whats more,.(理由二)As an illustration,.( 举例)Accordingly,.( 小结)As far as I am concerned, I think(我的观点)The reason is that(理由一) And also(理由二)So,(总结自己的观点)2 说明利弊型 Whenever we hear people say that(主题)well instantly have t

44、he idea that it is a good/bad thing for(某人)Indeed,(主题)have advantages to (某人)We can take (举例)as an example. It will benefit(好处一) In addition,(好处二) In the meantime, we must realize those disadvantages of(主题)First of all,(坏处一)Second,(坏处二) To sum up the above arguments, I think a proper attitude toward

45、s(主题) is that(我的观点) 3 问题解决型Nowadays, we have to face a problem that(问题)/Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem(问题)/It is important for us to(问题)For instance(例一)/First,(原因一)Moreover,.(例二)/Second,(原因二)People have figured out many ways to solve the problem./Confronted with(问题),

46、we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. Firstly,(解决方法一)Secondly,(解决方法二)Personally, I believe that (我的方法)/To me, I am taking two ways to solve the problem of(问题)One of them is(我的方法一)The other way is(我的方法二)By now, ways have been working perfectly and efficiently(结果)4

47、阐述主题型A famous saying goes that(名言或谚语)It means that(释义)An example of this case is.( 例一) Another case in point is(例二)I like the saying(名言或谚语), which encourages me(理由)5 图表题From the graph, we know the statistics of.(图表概况) It can easily be seen that(揭示含义)There are many reasons responsible for this instan

48、ce/change, and the following are the typical ones. For one thing,(理由一)In addition,.(理由二)The main reason is that(理由三)However, this graph may not predict the entire situation in the future. I believe(前景预测)/Above all, we now know about the problem and we should try to find some ways to solve it. For on

49、e thing,.(方法一)For another thing,.(方法二)Still another,(方法三) 9. 信函型作文英文书信有信头和信尾,有固定的格式。信头:2) 不知道收信人的姓名:Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sir/Madam,3) 知道收信人的姓氏,但他并非你的好友:Dear Mr. Jenkins, Dear Ms. Lang, Dear Dr. Smith, Dear President Push,4) 收信人是你的朋友:Dear Sue, Dear Michael,结尾:1) 正式公务信件:Yours very faithfully, Yo

50、urs very sincerely,2) 非正式的社交书信:Yours sincerely, Yours truly, With best regards,总的要求:1) 内容明确,简洁。不能漫无边际。 2) 措辞诚恳,坦然。不能感情夸张。1. 求职信求职信通常分成三部分。1) 引言部分要写明如何获得职位空缺,以及自己的态度。这部分的描写要表现出极大的兴趣。2) 文部分主要是证明自己有能力胜任这个职位。这部分内容要具体,不要空洞说自己如何好。3) 结尾部分主要是些客套,如提供的证明文件,希望面谈等。求职信常用套语:开头:1)I am applying for the secretary po

51、sition advertised in the China Daily on April,1.2) In answer to your ad in todays China Daily for an computer programmer, I am writing3) I have seen your ad in this mornings paper for.4) I would like to be considered as a candidate for the job.5) I would like to apply for the post/position of6) I sh

52、all be only too glad to have such a chance to正文:1)As you will see from the enclosed resume, I2) I am about to graduate fromUniversity in 2005, majoring in computer science.3) I have the necessary skills and ability for4) I have a good command of English as well as5) Although I have little on-the-job

53、 experience, I am confident my academic training has prepared me to handle the job.6) I wish to have a new job in which I can use the advanced knowledge of computer I acquired.7) Since your company is well known forit should be an ideal place for me.结尾:1)Enclosed are testimonials from my university teachers and my present employer.2) If these meet your requirements, please grant me an interview.3) I can be reached at 123456784) I am looking forward to hearing from you and talking with you soon.5) I am looking forward to an interview at your convenience.2. 给编辑的信给编辑的信实际上是一篇小论文:主要是对报


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