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1、2021/8/21Rice is the staple diet in many Asian countries,and is the stable income of peasants. stable 和staple的区别2021/8/22shoot 摄影;射击;嫩芽,幼苗 射击 bamboo shoot 竹笋2021/8/23instant 的意思At the instant I saw him, I knew he was the man whom the police were looking for. instant coffee instant noodle2021/8/24Lif

2、e is a cyclical journey .Its beginning turns out to be its end .2021/8/25swallow 吞咽(v.)燕子(n.)2021/8/26She has blond hair, fair skin ,and blue eyes. o2021/8/27 She pampers her own spoiled children.(v.纵容,宠) super 特级的 ,超好的2021/8/28日用产品英文翻译crest山顶,波峰,冠 Head&shoulders 头和肩 safeguard 保护,保卫 rejoice高兴 喜悦

3、2021/8/29Observe的用法 1. 表示“观察观察”,后面接名词或代词。 Please observe the phenomenon of the experiment . The policeman is observing a suspected person now. 现在那个警察正在监视一个可疑的人。 The scientist observed a curious phenomenon. 那个科学家观测了一种奇妙的现象。2021/8/2102. 表示“遵守”,后面接名词。 We must observe Traffic Rules .2021/8/2113. 表示“遵循”,

4、后面接名词。 People still observe the old traditions here. 在这里,人们仍然遵循古老的传统。2021/8/2124. 表示“庆祝(节日等)”,后面接名词。With a joyful heart we observed our National Day. 我们满怀喜悦的心情庆祝国庆节。2021/8/2135. 表示“注意到”、“看到”,后面接名词、代词、that-clause、what-clause和how-clause。 He observed that it was getting dark. 他注意到天慢慢地黑下来了。2021/8/214202

5、1/8/2152021/8/2162021/8/2172021/8/2182021/8/2192021/8/2202021/8/2212021/8/222前缀 over- oversleep overachieve overconfidence overdevelop overcrowded Overwork overweight2021/8/223create God created the world. She created a new world record. creature 生物(人,动物) Worms(蠕虫) are very simple creatures. Shes a

6、beautiful creature. Creative有创造性的 a creative approach 2021/8/224Divide separate 区别We will divide the students into six groups The Taiwan Straits separates Taiwan from Fujian Individual 个人 个体 individual economy an individual style divorce 离婚What can lead to divorce? 2021/8/225He looked embarrassed. 2

7、021/8/226铜丝易弯曲铜丝易弯曲。他脑瓜灵活。他脑瓜灵活。2021/8/227upset vt.使不适,使不适, 使心烦使心烦 n.混乱混乱 upset2021/8/228approach prut v.靠近靠近,接近接近, 啊啊扑肉吃扑肉吃2021/8/229witness witnis n.证据;证人 vt.目击 “为他为他了了事事”2021/8/230选修六第五单元部分单词表杰出的,卓越的英语单词exceptional尤指(品质、才能、能力、智力、技艺等)较优的,优越的,杰出的,卓越的,出类拔萃的extraordinary不寻常的,不平常的,不普通的distinguished著名的

8、,有名的,驰名的,以著称的;卓著的,卓越的,杰出的outstanding2021/8/231unzip zip zip you mouth!2021/8/232 wonder奇迹,想知道 wander漫游,徘徊 一个人想知道世界八大奇迹之一-埃及金字塔,所以独自漫游 2021/8/233必修六unit 5 带有否定前缀的词 incredible unzip invalid2021/8/2341.表示否定意义的前缀 1) 纯否定前缀dis- 加在动词、形容词之前 dislike,discover,disappear(消失),disarm(解除武装),disconnect(失去联系),disagr

9、ee, dishonest, dissatisfied,dishonorablein-, 加在形容词,名词之前 incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无力), inaccurate(不准确的), incapableil-,放在l开头的形容词前 illegal非法的 illiterate 不识字的 illogical不合逻辑的 illimitable无限的2021/8/235im-,加在字母加在字母m,b,p之前之前 impossible(不顺能的),(不顺能的),impolite(不礼貌的),(不礼貌的), immoral, Ir-,加在以加在以r开头的词前开头的词前,ir

10、regular,irrational不合理的不合理的 , irrelative无关的,无关的, irresolute无决断力的,无决断力的, irresistible不可抗拒的不可抗拒的non-,加在形容词,名词前加在形容词,名词前 nonsense, non-existence(不存在),(不存在),non-essential(不主要的),(不主要的),non-electrical(非电的)(非电的)2021/8/2363) 表示反动作的意思 un-加在动词前, unload, uncover 2) 表示错误的意义 mis-加在动词、名词之前 mistake, mislead,misunde

11、rstand(误解) misjudge(误判),misfortune(不幸) un-加在名词,形容词,副词之前加在名词,形容词,副词之前 unable,,unfinished(未完成的)(未完成的)undoubted(无疑的),(无疑的),unemployment(失业(失业)2021/8/2374) 表示相反,相互对立意思 anti-,加在名词、形容词之前 antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的),anti-Japanese(抗日的),anti-social(厌恶社会的,反社会的),anti-virus2. 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀over-, 表示“在上

12、面,在外部,向上” overlook, overhead, overboardpre-, 表示在前”在前面” prefix, preface, preposition 2021/8/238transparent如何记忆?trans-做前缀有两个意义:1,表示转变、变换。transport(运输-从一地转到另一地)transplant(移植)translation(翻译-从一种语言转为另一种语言)transform(使变形,改造) 2表示超过、横跨、超。transcentury(跨世纪)transnational(跨国的)transcontinental(横跨大陆的) transatlantic

13、(横跨大西洋的) 2021/8/239resist insist resist assist assistant2021/8/240 tissue issue insert biodiversity handy compulsory optional rely reliable nonsense cell sample simple suspect pest pesticide gene genetics reproduce organism2021/8/241 As You Sow,So Will You Reap. 一分耕耘,一分收获。sow 播种 reap 收割2021/8/242联想记

14、忆 laughter(n.)笑 slaughter 屠杀2021/8/243 positive diffident negative confident2021/8/244 optimistic 乐观的 pessimistic 悲观的2021/8/245He likes wearing loose clothes while she likes tight one.2021/8/246module 4 sophisticated complicated2021/8/247I was touched by that touching film.2021/8/248We should take a

15、dvantage of time .2021/8/249 There is a sharp decline in memory.2021/8/250boom繁荣,迅速发展,兴起。2021/8/251virtue 美德2021/8/252One of the things that stresses an engaged couple most is not just the planning of a wedding but deciding on a wedding budget2021/8/253All our efforts were in vain. vain 自负,徒劳无功的,无结果

16、的,爱慕虚荣的。2021/8/254She devotes herself to charities.2021/8/255quit 离去,辞去;放弃,中断。 我辞职!2021/8/256migrant 移民 emigrant (从国内)移居到国外的移民 immigrant (从别的国家)移居到本国的移民2021/8/257We protested that Japan would invade our territory,so we should protect our own interests. protest protect2021/8/258cover的用法 覆盖 走了.路程2021/

17、8/259 采访,报道 cover看完(多少页书)2021/8/260cover an area of.占.面积2021/8/2612014高考基础写作模拟试题: 中国一个很大特点是地广人多。中国幅员辽阔,国土面积有960万平方公里,是英国的40倍。中国人口众多,超过13亿,是英国的20多倍。 China is a vast country, covering an area of 9.6 million square kilometers, 40 times the size of Britain. It has a population of over 1.3 billion, more

18、than 20 times that of Britain.2021/8/262DDR sent a bottle of perfume and Liiy to her girlfriend as Valentines Day present. present好有其他意思吗?2021/8/263 .重点词汇及短语 1represent vt.代表;表现;描绘;把叙述为;主张 Yesterday,another student and I, representing our universitys student association, went to the Capital Internat

19、ional Airport to meet this years international students.(回归课本P26) 翻译:这篇文章说明你最近工作大有进展。 This essay represent a considerable improvement in your recent work.2021/8/264 归纳辨析 represent,on behalf of,stand for (1)represent用来表示“代表某人/某个团体/政府等;某种标志代表什么;某物(书、雕塑等)表现的是什么”和“把某人/物描绘成”。 He represented our school to

20、 take part in the competition and all of us were proud of him. 他代表我们学校参加竞赛,我们为他而感到自豪。2021/8/265(2)on behalf of只能用作状语,表示“代表/代替某人”。On behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words above Malaysian(sic) Airline Flight 370.(载自:米歇尔在北大的演讲)2021/8/266 (3)stand for往往用来表示字母、数字、符号等“

21、代表/象征什么”。 My name is Dean EBeller. 我的名字是迪恩E贝勒。 What does the X stand for? X代表什么?2021/8/267外研版必修一重点单词总结 by Jane 2021/8/268Contract 合同(n.) 收缩(v.)2021/8/269Contrasting with negro,he hasnt tanned skin.2021/8/270evolution和revolution的区别: evolution 发展 revolution 改革2021/8/271correct 和incorrect correct正确的;纠正

22、 incorrect 不正确的2021/8/272desert的dezt含义 desert 沙漠(n.) desert 抛弃,遗弃(v.)2021/8/273dessert dz:t(n.) 甜点,甜食2021/8/274expand扩张,扩大,膨胀 I come, I see, I conquer. - originally by Caesar 想一下expand的名词形式是什么?2021/8/275fake fake money(C55H、M3W9开头的假币,仿真度依然很高。) fake shoes2021/8/276artificial 假的,人造的;非自然的;虚假的 artificia

23、l egg 2021/8/277custom kstm习惯,惯例;风俗 Its the custom to shake hands with acquaintantces when we meet them.2021/8/278customskstmz海关2021/8/279His old car consumed much gasoline consumeknsjum (v.)消耗2021/8/280costumekstjum 服装,装束 After completing their CEE,the senior high school students organized a gradua

24、tion party , holding in five-star hotel .Their costume hold our attention.2021/8/281conduct (v.)执行,指挥conductor的三种含义? Wood is a poor conductor. 木头不是良好的导体2021/8/282want The flowers want watering daily. Many thousands are in want of basic needs . 好几千人缺乏基本的必需品2021/8/283Visitors to the slums were shocked

25、 to see so many families living in want . Indian 2021/8/284比较:acquire inquire require He acquired a doctor s degree . I will inquire when to begin our lessons. The police required the traveler to unlock his suitcase.2021/8/285vatamin 和 nutritious vatamin 维生素 nutritious 有营养的2021/8/286air的各种用法: He wal

26、ked with proud air. The show will be aired tonight.Our plans are still up in the air .这句话是什么意思?2021/8/287charge (n.) Delivery is free of charge. She rejected the charge that she beat the kids.2021/8/288take charge of 负责,掌管,接管。 charge (v.) She takes charge of financial planning.2021/8/289qualify kwlf

27、a使具有资格;证明合格vi. 取得资格,有资格 He is not qualified to be a teacher. 他不配做一名教师。2021/8/290qualitykwltin. 质量,统计 品质;特性;才能 Simple and plain living is a fine quality2021/8/291quantity kwntt n. 量,数量;大量;总量 A large quantity of books are on sale.2021/8/292can kn 能,可以 n. 罐头,开罐器 v. 开罐 can what you can can a beer can 20

28、21/8/293thoroughradj. 彻底的;十分的;周密的 Im thoroughly confused .2021/8/294economicaliknmk()l 节俭的,节省的economic iknmk 经济上的;经济学的 He was economical in economic policy all areas of his life .2021/8/295They fear exposure of their weaknesses and hide beneath layers of protective pride and pretensions. 他们害怕暴露自己的弱点

29、,因此将自己隐藏在层层骄傲和矫饰之下。expose 说到“接触”的英文表达,也许最容易想到contact,但有些时候,如接触有害物质、接触新事物,用expose更恰当: Will the children ever be exposed to a profound idea at home? We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible. 2021/8/296contribute to 本意是“对作贡献”,在不好的方面作贡献引申出“造成”,“导 致”的意思,相当于lead to 的用法。 用于好的方面则表示“

30、促成”、“有助于”的意思。 Cigarette smoking is believed to be a major factor contributing to lung cancer.2021/8/297result in、lead to、bring about、 contribute to、give rise to、 responsible for 用法辨析 1,Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. 这种药使用过量会损害肝脏。 2,High intake of salt is believed to

31、 give rise to high blood pressure. 大量摄入盐被认为会引起高血压。 3,responsible for 本意是“对负责”,引申出“是造成的原因”。 result in、 lead to、contribute to、give rise to 强调的是“果”,而 responsible for 侧重强调的是“因”。 The bad weather was responsible for the ill growth of crops in the region. 2021/8/298recommend, comment, command I recommend t

32、hat you resign as soon as possible. 我建议你尽快辞职 i recommend him as our monitor.2021/8/299comment Her comment evoked protests from the shocked listeners. 她的评论引起震惊的听众的抗议2021/8/2100commandkmnd 命令,指挥;控制 You should subject yourself to my command. 你必须听从我的命令。 I advised him to command his temper. 我劝他控制自己的脾气 co

33、mmander 2021/8/2101 He required us to assist him in carrying through their plan. 他要我们帮助他实施他们的计划。 I aided him with money. 我资助了他。2021/8/2102vital vat()ladj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的 Confronted with such a vital problem of life and death, he looked as cool as a cucumber. 面对着这样重大的生死问题,他的神态却异常冷静。 2021/8/2103estimate

34、We overestimate the value of money. 我们高估了金钱的价值。Dont overestimate your abilities. 不要把你的才能估计过高2021/8/2104你不能决定生命的长度,但你可以控制生命的深度 long ,high, wide ,deep的名词形式 length height width depth2021/8/2105apart from ,besides ,except 1.Apart from the pen he presented me with two notebooks . 除了那只钢笔以外,他还送我两个笔记本。 2.Ap

35、art from tears , only time could wear everything away . 除了眼泪,只有时间可以冲刷掉一切。 3.It is good work apart from a few slight faults.2021/8/2106tangible tn(d)b()l adj. 有形的;切实的;可触摸的 n. 有形资产 tangible visible intangible invisible2021/8/2107exhaustedzstd adj. 疲惫的;耗尽的v. 耗尽;用尽;使精疲力尽 He dropped down into an armchair

36、, exhausted.For thousand years, nature has brought human beings bottomless / inexhausted resources2021/8/2108industryindustrious Because he believed success came from industry, he was very industrious. 小时候,老师告诉我:人的体内都有一个勤奋小人和一个懒惰小人,当你犹豫不决时他们就会打架。 小学时勤奋小人经常把懒惰小人打得落花流水,初中时就打成平手了,到高中时就是懒惰小人经常获胜了。 可是到了大

37、学以后,我忽然发现他们不打架了,妈的,勤奋小人被打死了!2021/8/2109 commit kmt vt. 犯罪,做错事;把.交托给;指派作战;使承担义务 commit suicide 自杀 be committed to 致力于.,承诺做.2014.6.24一位考生因成绩不理想,查得分数几小时后,从27楼坠落。救援人员立即赶到现场,但已经晚了,男孩永远回不来了2021/8/2110desperate 和depression He always woke with a sense of deep sorrow and depressing loss. 他醒来时总是满怀哀愁,抑郁惆怅。 He

38、was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears. 他负债累累,走投无路。2021/8/2111make a difference 有影响;起(重要)作用有影响;有关系;紧要 What you have told me may make a difference to my own position. 你告诉我的一切,可能影响我自己的看法。 Also, eating a balanced diet can really make a difference. 还有, 饮食均衡也会有很大的影响. 2021/8/2112adapt Chung has tried to adapt to local customs. 钟


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