1、高二关于春节的英语作文春节是我国最重要的节日,也是一年中最隆重的节日,每家每户都会庆祝一番。那么这春节英语作文,要怎么写呢?下面x给大家分享高二关于春节的英语作文的内容,希望能够帮助大家!高二关于春节的英语作文1On ew Yer v, it as an ealy reparation form admyrther and sstern h vening, ouwhoe faiy together to eat thedneon Ne Yars Eve ieli, avent inih,myboher and sister ruhedonstairsireworks.s soon as wea
2、e downstir,wooked r an mpty space. broher lit afire, onl t ear bang, a lter o rdfirewrks o fl the k, issued a pit, pt ound. th h sound of fiewors, frewors fm a tof clrsn th sk,udeny fang,ikeso lk the srs hat Theavenl maid scater blossos; scaerd it i, lie th mer.ftr a lng tim, th wokswee finished.I a
3、d my brohand siste tarted arietyof smll frwoks. Som fthe mall firworks re call errybosso, sme ar cldutly lwers, an othersae called mgic stiks. Buterfly fower e put ot to pin, mysistead I have a ltleear nd daenot ti. My sisr ad I ie out magctis acrry ossms. Te siste u thegicstik on thras,i e lin te t
4、. mgi wn point ohe, constatly issuea Chi, Ch Chi,heoice o. Witt nse, many smalstas fell. I aloleanete appn of my ister, put he maic ick o he gss, ad hook th rry Bsm inhis had.Tese lorfl firworks ebauifull dorate on he ev of tnight mal frwrks,lke smltars ansmll sprk, danc toethr to elcome th coing of
5、tenew year高二关于春节的英语作文2The pring esiva, he peope av bee happya? BelowI come totell me o my Spig ei has psedTisyr bigric is very specal, it at home. n e early monin,my mothr got up el, wrte the is of egeabesfor the firstti, and ent ou to bufood.n te een, eveone ws bs, and thelast tae ofdihes wasde bye
6、eryne What a tate we eat!Goto thflowe makethis ya is articularlyntretin, because we oly spenthalf n hour, I havehadthads sent lf n ho, y kow bu w fes re very ood!!ew yer, ou wa toknow wha m breakfat i?Yar cake! Yes! I got up eary t ru t e kichn fie e cke, vryne aidgood!ew r, couse, you have t py ane
7、w year In theface o a missig reativs anfrescan b tain,tellg pele, d envelope!Well, th is my Sprin Festval!高二关于春节的英语作文3My heep yar pring Feivl is speil.Myuleandmy ut came ac romhanghaiMy family were veapy o keepheprnFstival with e. An as t os exiing fetvalfalte etivalsONw Yers ve, yather and m ucle t
8、alked utther wor together. y mum ddsome cooig wih my aunt Grandpaentan watced he ew Year TV rogrammes. At abou six oclk, e had a spcial faml innerWe al hught te dulng we licous.On heray ofhNewYear,evid orreives. In the aftnoon, w nt shopii iefnf RodMy uncl bouhtsome Jays CDs. He likesJaysmuic rymuch
9、 Thee wee s many peole n teoad.It was moe aive tan ny th time o ar.On the ecndndth th days,eptadefu eend in the coury. ere wre much ger teeh in thecity And the nimals weemore beatul thainthe ciy.aenjoyd uelv.高二关于春节的英语作文4n February 2nd, nthe thrt da oheyar,w o t train to the reatbb of iaxig or the ne
10、w ye.On the wy,yht as beatg ! eating! Its thers time m ont train.A sunexciteent! Sit on th train a look at th ndow:eveythings gng smllr! Thecarsamall as atrpillr, n a man s as smalasn an.o thebg unce home, greeted thcoueumbr on tetabe tha a plate of chikn,dc, fis and et Peope ftensay:we aresuthrer e
11、aumplng,nrherne a umpi. Of curse,tedumlngs an t be ess Atthe beginnin of dinner,my tomachwas long hungy! Itakethe chckenlgin my lefd, I hold heeg ofthdun my right hand, and amy oth icverdwi oilIhav vourd his meal andloked orseveral as without ai lik.Aftr dinne, wecould noti for a longtme t rn wnth s
12、tairs wih a firecracker,andtesn was rigint s a suc firewrs, eegy-saing!高二关于春节的英语作文5To,h sun is shin,frm te nnuataditiona fetil - e ingesial is stil a wee. gtup e temoring, because ad ook e u tdayto byspcial purhaes orthSpring Fsiva.Mherand I camtothe mal,he shopingmal, th ea o ee, tlg. Te gods iside
13、 aedazlng nd ious, ad I canse my dazlin Buy spial puhaes fo trng Fstva eope ina coniuou li, all peopare burstg i happissand feshnes. Te pring estivai a dayfor adlt, its ou chldens iva, them cintys, o, stationerycounterwas crwde wth any li friens, vry livey, thechilren to the wae f nothr we,ou is avo
14、rt t, evingheeul laugher.y faher nd bought newlothes,shoes a my favoite toy, happily wald out o e shop onthree,Malon street, the color is colorultan sual a lot, vrious peopehve,peoplehutti betwee tmaor supermarets,on thefaces of te spingfstivl celeraion. y fahr I rovbacko hehom, toy the purse f spec
15、i purchass for te Spng Fesivalttell my mothe what one sesad ers uilantlitenng,re h Spri estal, eery ousehold was brightly lat ight,n th hou as clnedin a uu wa. T by specia pures for hSpringFestval stacked tgetr,sedo enertai relativs and friends. As altte frin, I ke the prngestiva the most, I hoe tha
16、t erydaycn be as liely andfun as theSinFeival高二关于春节的英语作文6Soon after the ne ya, I want granda,ase thmothers it the thirt before he oidy, relcnt wai, wt t ack to my gandm and dadGranmas family ls i thean pblc ntes irn mie, nd dad neds to walk o ama home fr40 minues. So when I go up arlyn te ornig, I uriet pckpwhat waned to b. Myother hd lredy pu onabi bag for myw othesIwr n eewyea bfre Iwent tk,ndput myiter mwok,pino k,0iute redinand extr-curricular radingbo in my scolba, ooAfter fiishig he meal, I had bakfast wih my fahr. My faher tok me tote Guanguifruit wholeae mret to buysomruit,ad thn
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