1、TEM4命题作文的写作模式及语言参考年份作文题目题材题型体裁1999AMajorAdvantage/DisadvantageofAdvertising on Television社会现象利弊讨论议论文2000TheImportanceofExtracurricular Activities学生生活观点说明说明文2001Travel Broadens the Mind大众生活观点说明说明文2002The Best Way to Stay Healthy大众生活提出建议说明文2003The Importance of Keeping aGood Mind大众生活观点说明说明文2004Will Ph
2、ones Kill Letter Writing?社会现象观点讨论议论文2005My Idea of a University ArtsFestival校园文化生活提出建议说明文2006Saving Money or SpendingTomorrow s Money大众生活观点讨论议论文2007Is It Wise to Make FriendsOnline?社会现象观点讨论议论文2008The Benefits of Volunteering大众生活观点说明说明文2009W川 Tourism Bring Harm to theEnvironment?社会现象观点讨论议论文1 .比较选择类作文
3、20%2 .观点说明类作文(意义、重要性、危害性等)30%3 .观点论证类作文30%4 .现象解释类作文5 .提出建议、解决问题类作文20%观点说明类作文(意义、重要性、危害性等)1 .典型题眼:The Importance of/Travel Broadens MindThe harm of 2 .结构模板第一段:引出要说明的事物,明确自己对这一事物的态度(赞同或反对,应该不应该,重要否?有利还是有害?)第二段:第一句:承接首段观点,对本段容及其发展方式加以限制(一般用举例法),说明重要性(危害性、有利之处)表现在以下几个方面:分主题一:重要性(危害性、有利之处)之一(一句话)+拓展观点(2
4、-3句);分主题二:重要性(危害性、有利之处)之二(一句话)+拓展观点(2-3句);第三段:结论:重要性+建议或展望(危害性+警示;有利性+建议)Directions: People in modern society live under a lot of pressure, fromeducation, career, or family. So it is important for them to keepa good mood under whatever circumstances. Write acomposition on the following topic: The Im
5、portance of Keepinga Good MoodThe Importance of Keeping a Good MoodCompetition is one of the traits of the society. Heated competition incareer and education has exerted great pressure on people, which brings about many physical 川ness and mental problems. In my opinion,a good mood is critically impo
6、rtant for us under whatever situations.The importance can be shown in the following two aspects. For one thing, a good mood is beneficial to our health, both physically and mentally. People who are always gloomy, according to traditional medicine, have more chances to suffer from physical 川ness such
7、 askidney pains. On the contrary, keeping a good mood, we can keep ourselves relaxedand therefore can keep calm and optimistic indifficulties. Therefore, a good mood keeps the doctors (including mental healing) away. For another, with a good mood, we are likely to work more efficiently. In a good mo
8、od we are more willing to cooperate with others, and are more willing to listen to others ' advice. With such relaxation, it is easy for all the people to cooperate to figure out solutions to the problems. Therefore, it is not exaggerating to say that a good mood is the precondition of high work
9、ing efficiency.From the reasons we have presented above, we can surely come to the conclusion that keeping a good mood, we will be healthier, and in a good mood, we are more likely to succeed in our career.语言模板:A plays a very important role in The importance of A lies in the following aspects. First
10、ly A is necessaryto Secondly, A can also From what are discussed above, we can naturally draw the conclusion that A is essential to Therefore, we shouldDirections: Currently, there has been a heated discussion on whether it is appropriate for college students to rent an apartment and live outside ca
11、mpus. Write an essay about this issue to state your opinion.The Harms of College Students Renting and Living OutThere is a popular tendency that college students live in rented houses, enjoying their freedom. No matter how popular it is nowadays, however, I hold a disapproving opinion to such a beha
12、vior.Money is the first and the most important reason for me to say“no” tothis practice. Renting a house out of campus would cost them much more money on water supply, electricity supply, house maintaining andso on. This is a heavy burden for college students who are still economically independent.
13、Why not spend such money on books or studying materials?The second reason for my disapproval is that living out of campus and separating from your classmates would bring about much communication inconvenience and consequently lead to little sense of belonging to your class, which will block you from
14、 much informal but useful information while talking with your pals.The last reason I want to point out is security. Living in students building, you are protected by school guards; living out, it is yourself to turn to. Theremaynot be anyoneto guaranteeyour safety whensomething happens.When students
15、talkabout rentinghouses out ofcampus, romanticscenes bubble.Butthinking aboutthe real life,we all have to berealistic enough.Directions: December 5th is International Volunteers Day. Since 1985, when the United Nations announced the special day, tens of millions of people around the world have volun
16、teered to help those in need. China now has 4.5 million registered volunteers who have provided more than 4.5 billion hours of volunteer work. What can you gain from volunteering?Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:The Benefits of VolunteeringYou are to write in three parts
17、.In the first part, state specially what your opinion is.In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details.In the third part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness . Failure to fol
18、low the instructions may result in a loss of marks.The Benefits of VolunteeringVolunteering, in many people s opinion, is almost a waste of time.Volunteers seem to gain little, if not nothing, from their work. But actually, it is not the case at all. Volunteers always find their work meaningful and
19、worthwhile.The most apparent benefit of volunteering is that volunteers can get valuable chances to get close to real society. As most volunteers are young and inexperienced college students, it will help them a lot to witness social reality and take part in social activities. Another major benefit
20、volunteers can gain is the cultivation of a sense of responsibility. By helping the weak members of our society, volunteers always feel on their shouldersthe duty ofcitizenship whichisnecessary inmaintaining good relationship in a family, a community and a whole society. A thirdbenefit that is often
21、 overlookedbypeople isthehappiness at the bottom of the heart. This is gained by simply helping others. Being a volunteer may not bring you any money, but surely one can gain a lot from their volunteering work which benefits their later life and work.Volunteering is the practice of people working on
22、 behalf of others without being motivated by financial or material gain. Volunteering generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. People also volunteer to gain skills without requiring an employer's financial investment.Volunteering tak
23、es many forms and is performed by a wide range of people. Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work in, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue. Others volunteer on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.?From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia? Be
24、nefits of volunteering? There are three major benefits of volunteering:? Economic benefits : activities undertaken by volunteers thatwould otherwise have to be funded by the state or by private capital, so volunteering adds to the overall economic output of a country and reduces the burden on govern
25、ment spending.Social Benefits : volunteering helps to build more cohesive communities, fostering greater trust between citizens and developing norms of solidarity and reciprocity that are essential to stable communities.Individual Career Benefits : graduates can meet people and gain work experience
26、through volunteering, and, it helps school students for scholarships knowing well that the judges are impressed when a resume lists volunteer work.比较选择类作文1 .比较选择题型A:比较两个事物的优缺点并表明倾向典型题眼:Borrowing Books Outweighs Buying BooksA Balanced Diet: A Better Way to Stay Healthy变通形式 1 : Will Phones Kill Letter
27、 Writing? (TEM 4: 2004)变通形式 2 : The Difference of My College Life and My Middle School Life (Which one do you prefer?) (TEM4: 1996) 结构模板:A1、B1 ; A2、B2对比比较法第一段:用现象或者事实引出要比较的 A和B的上义词C,说明A和B是C的 两个重要或者流行的选择,用一句话表明自己观点或倾向(假如说选择 是A).第二段:第一句承接首段观点,引出下文的发展模式(列举)A优点之一(1句),用拓展句加以说明(2-3旬);转折关联词说明B 相应的缺点(1句),并用
28、拓展句加以说明(2句)。A优点之二(1旬),用拓展句加以说明(2-3句);转折句说明B缺点 (1句),并用拓展句加以说明(2句)第三段:结论语言模板(引题)Between the two (AB的上义词或者概括词):A and B, I hold thatA is better (e.g. choice, means, way, access)My belief (statement, view, point of view) that A is better than B is basedon the following two reasons/ My reasons for the pre
29、ference for A lies inthe following aspects. The first reason is that A can (a enables us todo)(拓展句加以说明2句).While B can (拓展句加以说明2句).Thesecond reason is that A can (拓展句加以说明 2 旬).But (Nevertheless, However) B can only (拓展句加以说明1-2句).For the reasons mentioned above, we can easily draw the conclusion that
30、A ( 观点)outweighs B (A is superior to B ) as an important C.Directions: When we decide to attend college, some people think schoolbrand is the most important factor to be taken into consideration, but others hold that major is more important.Which weighs more, a school brand or a major?Major is More
31、Important than School Brand in College ChoiceAfter years of preparation for high education, it is time for high school students to decide which school to enroll. Among various factors, school brands and majors become the most important factors to be taken into consideration.Between them, I believe,
32、major is moreimportant than school brand.My preference for a good major rather than school brand lies in the following two reasons. The first one is that an ideal major can motivate me to make greater efforts in academic study. As a popular saying goes, interest is the best teacher. With a major of
33、great interest, I will exert more efforts on it and more inspiration will come out.But in a famousschool with no ideal major, though there are learned supervisors and excellent teaching facilities, I will feel dull with no academic interest.The second reason is that a good major means a good occupat
34、ion in the future. The reputation of a famous college is very important in job hunting. But what employers need are faculties who can do special jobs.So they pay more attention to the employees ' quality and ability in specialties.From what we have discussed above, we can safely get the conclusi
35、on that major outweighs school brand in our decision of college entrance.2 .比较选择题型B:比较两种做法的利弊,表明倾向 典型题眼:Which Kind of Work to Choose: A Quick Profit or a Further Outlook?Where to Live: in a City or in a Country?Where to eat: In a Restaurant of At Home?Whether to Further Study or to Find a Job soon A
36、fter Graduation?结构模板第一段:引用段,用现象或事实引出要比较的A和B (1句),并说明A和B有利有弊(1句)。第二段:赞成A的人的理由总括(1句),并用拓展句加以说明(2-3句);赞成 B的人的理由总括(1句),并用拓展句加以说明(2-3句)。第三段:A和B各有弊端(1句)。A的主要弊端(1-2旬),B也有问题,举 例(1-2句)。第四段:结论:就我而言,由于(不)喜欢 A或B的某个(些)好处(弊病),所以选择A(B)语言模板As to the question: where should we A or B, different people have different
37、opinions. Actually, both A and B have their own advantages and disadvantages.Many people appreciate the convenience (or the bright future A may bring about) of A. + 拓展句(2-3 句)。But B is also attractive. + 拓展句 (2-3 旬)。Both A and B, however, have their own disadvantages. A的主要弊端。And B also has many prob
38、lems, such as As far as I am concerned, I hate (like) A (B). So, given the chance, I would prefer B(A) to A (B).Directions: Every June is the time for graduates to decide whether tofurther study or to find a job. Some students take part in graduate entrance examination, but others want to work as so
39、on as they graduate. Suppose you were to graduate, which one do you prefer?Which to Choose: to Further Study or to Find a Job Soon AfterGraduation?A survey says that in recent years more and more students enter for postgraduate entrance examinations. But many people argue against this tendency. They
40、 hold that to find a good job soon after graduation is more practical. Actually, different people have different opinions as to the question whether we should further study in graduate school or we should begin work, because both have their advantages and disadvantages.Many people appreciate the bri
41、ght future a masters degree may bringto them. Three years accumulation of knowledge is more likely to enable them to solve more challenging problems. And it is a fact that in many cases a graduate has more chances to get a promotion and tohave high salary than an undergraduate. But a promising job a
42、fter college graduation is also attractive, especially when the job hunting competition becomes more and more fierce. A job in hand is worth twoin the future. Another three years study means a delay but more heated competition.However, both of them have their own problems. Academic study in graduate
43、 school may be difficult for a freshman from college who has no practical experience, which may be also a problem when they search fora job three years later. Those without a master s experience may come across many problems too, like special knowledge inefficiency, and research ability inadequacy.A
44、s far as I am concerned, I want to be more knowledgeable and capable through postgraduate study. So, given me the chance, I would choose to further study in graduate school.3 .比较选择题型C:同一事物的利弊比较典型题眼:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking a Part-time Job (TEM4:1995)On Online ShoppingOn the Widenin
45、g of College Enrollment结构模板:第一段:引题,说明A引起的争议;转承句子(常常说任何事物有利有弊)十点明主题,A有利有弊,且利 弊主要体现在以下几个方面。第二段:详写利弊的一端,或是利,或是弊,并证明自己的观点。第三段:得出结论。表明自己的观点,利大于弊,或弊大于利,或者折衷。语言模板: A coin has two sides. It is the same case for A. A has both advantagesand disadvantages. Though some people argue that,I insist that itsadvanta
46、ges outweigh its disadvantages.My decision that mostly lies in the following two conspicuous aspects.(On the one hand) One of the advantages of A isAnother reason formy preference for A is that Finally, A (On the other hand) But we must admit that there are some disadvantages induced by A. The most
47、serious is that A In addition A On the whole, A can be said a blessing and a curse. But fairly speaking, everyone should admit that the merits of A outweigh the troubles it brings to us, which, after all, is a problem of how to文:Directions: Shopping online has become a fashion among young people.But
48、 there are still many others taking it as a curse. What 's your opinion?Shopping OnlineAs a fashion among young people, shopping online has been applauded for its convenience, and criticized for the frequent reports about the online cheating. Actually, it is both a curse and a blessing.Online sh
49、opping does bring us a lot of convenience. What you need dois to key in the names of the goods you want and click theenter ”. In afew seconds, a list of relevant websites will jump out like series of shops before you. But can you find so many relevant shops in such a short time ? And except for some
50、 specialty shops, you need time to sort out what you want in a shop; often you get tired before you find what youwant from varied goods. Online, however, shopping decisions turn outto be easier. Visiting websites is visiting various shops, that is, shopping around can be finished much easier than in
51、 real shops according to the pictures of the samples and the published prices (which usually can be negotiable and can save your face in bargaining).As long as you made the decision, what you need do now is to stay at home waiting for door delivery.Then benefit, however, does not guarantee the total
52、 safety. We do find what we are delivered are not completely what we have ordered online. Sometimes, the differences color, size, and style do frustrate us.And one of my friends found his online account was stolen while payingonline. However the attitude of “throwing away the apple because of thecor
53、e ” is not reasonable in E-age. What we should do is to enjoy the convenience of shopping online and avoid the unhappiness by choosing reliable websites.s DevelopmentThe Importance of Games in ChildrenPlaying games again , Susan? You will never amount to anything ifyou spend your time that way!Many
54、children have heard words likethose from their parents or teachers. And until recently this hostile attitude towards games is the most common one. They are viewed as a waste of time. But now it is time for us to take a fresh look at games.Games are of great help for childrens development. For one th
55、ing,they teach children how to develop good social relationship. Games are simplified models of real life in society, where they are in a complex relationship with others. Only by correctly evaluating their position in games and adjusting themselves to other partners, can the games go on; otherwise
56、they have to be out of the games. So in games, children learn to cooperate, learn to respect the game rules, and learn to face the possible failures in the games, which are all valuable qualities they must have to a citizen.For another, games teach children how to deal with problem. Games, no matter
57、 how simple, are designed to solve certain problems for the children to tackle. When a child tries to find a hidden partner, for example, he must judge the possible hiding places by trying, by reasoning, or even by turning to military strategy“professing to attackin the east, but actually attacking in the west ” . Let alone other intelligence-involving games like chess Therefore, children who are not allowed to play games lose the benefits of developing problem solving ability.Therefore it is not exaggerating to say that a childhood without games is not so rich and rewarding
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