1、第九届全国研究生生物质能研讨会会议论文摘要集第一部分生物质资源开发与政策国内外生物质连续炭化技术装备研究进展贾吉秀1,2,姚宗路2,赵立欣2*,丛宏斌2,王金星1,刘双喜1(1.山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,泰安 271018;2.农业部规划设计研究院农业部废弃物能源化利用重点实验室,北京 100125)摘要:在研究国内外连续式炭化设备的基础上,结合连续式炭化工艺和原理,对目前国内外各种连续式炭化设备进行系统的归纳和分类,详细阐述了各种设备的特点及其主要的应用范围。对其性能和应用进行了对比分析,得出回转炉式炭化设备生产率高、原料适应性好,炭化均匀,适合于工业化推广。针对目前国内生物质炭化设备
2、存在的问题,提出了我国生物质炭化设备产业化发展的方向。关键词:生物质;炭化技术;炭化设备;研究进展;Progress in the study of Continuous Biomass Carbonization EquipmentJIA ji-xiu,YAO zong-lu,ZHAO li-xin,CONG hongbin,WANG jin-xing,LIU shuang-xi(1.College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Taian 271018,China;2.Ch
3、inese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Key Laboratory of Energy Resource Utilization from Agriculture Residue, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100125, China)Abstract:Based on the study of domestic and foreign continuous biomass carbonization equipmen
4、t, this article summarized and classified all kinds of continuous biomass carbonization equipment , combining with continuous carbonization process and principle, and described the characteristics of various equipments and main applied scope in detail. Compared and analyzed of various equipments, we
5、 can conclude that the carbonization equipment of rotary klin is more suitable for industrial promotion for its high productivity、good adaptability of raw materials and good quality of carbonization. Aiming at the current problems of biomass carbonization equipment , the development of Chinas equipm
6、ent industry in the direction of the biomass carbonization was put forward.Key words: biomass; carbonization technology; carbonization equipment浒苔与鸡粪联合厌氧发酵生产甲烷的可行性研究李瑞瑞1,段娜1*,张源辉1,2,李保明1,刘志丹1,卢海凤11.中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,北京 1000832. 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校摘要:本文以浒苔为原料联合鸡粪厌氧发酵生产沼气,探究了35该厌氧发酵体系适宜的底物质量比(浒苔/鸡粪 VS= 0:10, 2
7、:8, 3:7, 5:5, 7:3, 8:2, 10:0),并以鸡粪单独发酵作为对比,发酵周期25天,探讨了浒苔与鸡粪联合厌氧发酵生产沼气的可行性。实验结果表明,浒苔/鸡粪 VS=7:3时甲烷产量可达到35.48mL/g VS,相比鸡粪单独厌氧发酵提升了185倍;但继续增加浒苔含量该体系出现了不同程度的氨氮抑制,甲烷产量反而下降。实验过程中,总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、挥发性有机酸(VFAs)以及pH没有明显变化;但联合厌氧发酵体系COD的去除率明显高于鸡粪单独发酵。这表明,浒苔与鸡粪联合厌氧发酵在生产可再生能源和构建环境友好型社会方面都具有不可小觑的作用。关键词:厌氧发酵;浒苔;甲烷;COD
8、去除率Co-digestion of Enteromorpha and Chicken Manure for Enhancing Methane ProductionLI Rui-rui1, DUAN Na1*, ZHANG Yuan-hui 1,2, LI Bao-ming 1, LIU Zhi-dan1, LU Hai-feng1(1.China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China, 2.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)Abstract:Anaerobic digest
9、ion(AD) of Enteromorpha and chicken manure (CM) was conducted in triplicate to determine the biogas production rates of algae for 25 d, with a constant total VS content (10g for each bottle) and Enteromorpha/CM ratios (0:10, 2:8, 3:7, 5:5, 7:3, 8:2, 10:0, blank) at 35. The objective of this wok was
10、to determine the feasibility of co-digestion of Enteromorpha and CM, and optimum Enteromorpha/CM proportion on methane production and macronutrient degradation in laboratory scale. Results showed that the co-digestion of Enteromorpha and CM led to the highest CH4 production of 35.48mL/g VS at the ra
11、tio of 7:3, demonstrating 185 times improvement comparing with that from the solo-digestion of Enteromorpha. But it deteriorated as the ratio increased due to the increased ammonia inhibition. The concentration of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and pH values
12、showed no significant difference. However, removal rate of total organic carbon (TOC) in co-digestion was much higher than that of solo-digestion, indicating that co-digestion of Enteromorpha and CM was a promising technology for both waste treatment and clean energy production.Keywords: anaerobic d
13、igestion, Enteromorpha, methane, COD removal基于烟杆的生物油浆供应链经济性分析刘捷1,2,梅艳阳1,杨晴1,3, 王贤华1,杨海平1,陈汉平1(1.华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室,武汉 430074;2. 华中科技大学中欧清洁与可再生能源学院,武汉,430074; 3.华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院新能源科学与工程系,武汉 430074)摘要:以贵州毕节市某电站为研究对象,通过构建供应链模型,采用成本分析法分析了生物油浆供应链的经济性,并与生物质供应链进行了对比。结果表明,生物油浆供应链的经济性主要取决于热解成本能否被运输成本的减少额所补偿;敏感性
14、分析表明生物油浆供应链在生物质大规模利用的情况下才比生物质供应链更具优势。关键词:烟杆;生物油浆;供应链;经济性ECONOMY OF A BIOSLURRY-BASED BIOENERGY SUPPLY CHAIN FOR TOBACCO STALKSLiu Jie1,2, Mei Yanyang1, Yang Qing1,3, Wang xianhua1,Yang Haiping1, Chen Hanping1(1. State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, W
15、uhan 430074, China; 2.China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; 3.Department of New Energy Science and Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)Ab
16、stract: In this paper the bioslurry supply chain models were developed based on a power plant in Bijie City, Guizhou Province and the economy analysis was performed using cost analysis method. The results were compared with the biomass supply chain. The results show that the overall economy of such
17、a supply chain depends on the trade-off between the reduction in transportation cost and the increase in cost due to the introduction of distributed pyrolyzers. The sensibility analysis showes that the bioslurry supply chain is more competitive than the biomass supply chain on a large scale.Keywords
18、: tobacco stalks; bioslurry; supply chain; economy能源草厌氧发酵产气性能及动力学研究张毅1,2 ,孔晓英*1,2,李连华 ,孙永明1, 杨立贵1,2, 牛红志1,2,袁振宏1(1. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室,广州 510640;2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049)摘要:能源草作为第二代新型能源作物,具有广阔的开发利用前景。选取五种能源草为发酵原料,采用中温序批式厌氧消化工艺,研究其发酵产气性能。实验结果表明:不同能源草产气性能与原料特性之间有较大的关系,草料的产气性能与木质素成负线性相关。象草类能源草要优于杂
19、交狼尾草,其中华南象草的产气性能最佳:累积产气率为379.58 mL /g VSadded,产CH4量为228.55 mL /g VSadded,生物燃气中CH4体积分数为60.21%。对累积产气量动力学分析,发现采用修正Gompertz方程能较好模拟能源草发酵累积产气率的变化过程。关键词:能源草;厌氧发酵;生物燃气Study on the biogas performance and kinetics of anaerobic fermentation of different energy grassKong Xiaoying*1, 2, Zhang Yi1,2, Li Lianhua1,
20、 Sun Yongming1, Yang Ligui1,2, Niu Hongzhi1,2, Yuan Zhenhong1(1.Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS, KeyLaboratoryofRenewableEnergy, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong China; 2.University of China Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)Abstract:Energy grass with un
21、ique advantages, as the second generation of new energy crops, has a brightly prospect. Five kinds of energy grass were selected for the fermentation of raw materials, laboratory scale batch anaerobic digestion test at mesophilic temperature(35), to investigate the performances of anaerobic digestio
22、n of different energy grass. The results indicated that there were great differences in the relationship between the performances of biogas production and the characteristics of energy grass, the performance of biogas production is better for the raw material with lower lignin content, it was a line
23、ar relationship. Pennisetumpurpureumcv.Huanan has the best anaerobic digestion performance: the cumulative biogas yield was 379.58 mLg1VS, the cumulative CH4 yield was 228.55 mLg1VS,the CH4content of biogas was 60.21%. The energy grass fermentation process of cumulative biogas yield could be appropr
24、iately described by the modified Gompertz equation.Key words: energy grass; anaerobic digestion; biogas一株野生藻的鉴定及在跑道池初步放大培养霍书豪1, 2,3,尚常花1,周卫征1,秦磊1,徐忠斌1,王忠铭1,袁振宏1,董仁杰3(1 中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室广东广州 510640;2 江苏大学食品与生物工程学院江苏镇江 2120133;3中国农业大学工学院北京 100083)摘要:复杂多变的天气状况以及虫害的侵袭,导致微藻户外放大培养难度增加。一株优良的微藻藻株不仅要有较好的油脂累积能力
25、,更要在复杂野外环境下良好的生存能力。连续阴雨天气,Chlorella zofingiensis G1室外跑道池并不能正常生长,死亡后被野生优势野生藻所取代。经鉴定,该株藻属Scenedesmussp. FS。后期试验中即便在较低的接种量情况下(OD680,0.08),该株野生栅藻依然能在400 m2跑道池中生长,对碱性环境具有较好的适用能力。培养条件未优化条件下,该株野生Scenedesmussp. FS油含量已达22%以上,C16C18含量达79.68%有一定的生物柴油开发潜力。关键词:跑道池;微藻;培养;鉴定Screening one of wild microalgal strain
26、and studies on its amplification culture in outdoor raceway pondHuo shuhao1,2,3, Shang Changhua1, Zhou Weizheng1, Qin Lei1, Xu Zhongbin1,Wang Zhongming1, Yuan Zhenhong1, Dong Renjie3(1. Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China; 2. School of
27、Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China; 3. College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China )Abstract: Outdoor cultivation process is facing many problems, especially the pest pollution and complex, changeable weather which t
28、hreaten the cultivation of microalgae. The selected algae strains requires not only the strong ability of the oil accumulation but also the strong survival ability to adapt to the complicated external environment. Using 18S rDNA technology in this paper, one wild strain Scenedesmus sp. FS was identi
29、fied. After pollution by this species, it could quickly replace Chlorella zofingiensisG1 and occupy ecological niche in raceway pond. Scenedesmus sp. FS showed high alkali resistance and anti-pollution performance. Results also showed that even under the condition of a low inoculum rate (OD680, 0.08
30、), Scenedesmus sp. FS could still grow in the outdoor raceway pond with high alkaline environment. Even under un-optimized conditions, the oil content of Scenedesmus sp. FS could reach more than 22% and C16-C18 content up to 79.68%, showing that this species has a good potential for the biodiesel pr
31、oduction in the near future.Keywords: outdoor raceway pond, microalgae, cultivation, identification生物质预处理常用方法综述李明灏,李文志(中国科学技术大学,热科学和能源工程系,合肥230026)摘要:从木质纤维素中制取的生物燃料,也被称为“第二代生物燃料”,相比于从淀粉和糖类中获取的生物燃料,更加具有经济性和环保效益。然而,由于木质纤维素本身组成物分子之 间具有致密的物理和化学结构联系,阻碍了半纤维素和纤维素有效水解为可溶性糖类。预处理的主要目的便是打破这些物理化学上的障碍,使得预处理材料增加有
32、效表面积,更有利于接下来酶的水解作用。然而,不同的预处理方法各自有其优势与劣势,对经济性和环保性要求也各自迥异,需要我们根据实际情况进行综合考量,本文回顾了目前常用的物理-化学预处理方法,并指出了为实现大规模工业化生产,这些方法各自所需注意的关键性因素。关键词: 木质纤维素,生物燃料,预处理,水解Abstract:Biofuels derived from lignocellulose, which is also called “second generation biofuels”, has been recognized as more economical and environmen
33、tal-friendly compared to biofuels derived from starch and saccharides. However, due to the tight physical and chemical structure connections between the molecules which form the lignocellulose, it is an obstacle to the progress of hemicellulose and cellulose hydrolyzing and converting into soluble s
34、accharides. The main aim of pretreatment is to break the physical and chemical barriers and enhancing the effective surface of pretreated materials, thus benefit the subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. Notwithstanding, different pretreatment methods vary in its merits and demerits, and require differen
35、t economical and environmental demands, it is necessary to consider multi-factors of these pretreatment methods, and make a final decision which way or ways to use in order to fulfill a large scale industrialization.Keywords:lignocellulose biofuelspretreatment hydrolysis生物质成型燃料燃烧排放VOCs及颗粒物研究进展吴同杰12郭
37、Cs形成机理、排放排放特性研究不足。关键词:生物质 成型燃料 颗粒物 VOCs 排放特性生物油水蒸气催化重整制氢的研究进展及存在的问题薛亚平1,2,闫常峰1,2,*(1 中国科学院广州能源研究所, 广州, 510640, 中国 2中国科学院大学, 北京, 100039,中国)摘要:随着全球化石能源的枯竭和能源需求的不断扩大,寻求一种可再生清洁能源的是非常重要的。可再生的氢能源替代化石资源是一个非常重要的途径。生物油水蒸气重整制备氢气是一种很有前途的途径。本文主要从反应机理,热力学分析和重整催化剂三方面,对生物油水蒸气重整制氢的研究进展进行了阐述。指出生物油重整过程的主要问题是积炭,该问题是造成
38、催化剂失活的主要原因。最后展望了生物油水蒸气重整制氢的研究重点。关键词:生物油,氢,水蒸气重整,催化剂Abstract:With the depletion of fossil fuels depletion and the expansion of the demand for energy, it is important to seek for a sustainable and clean energy. Renewable hydrogen could be an alternativeoffossilfuel. Hydrogen production by steam reform
39、ing of bio-oil is a promising approach. This paper mainly consists of the research progressof the reaction mechanism, thermodynamic analysis and reforming catalyst in the steam reforming of bio-oil. Coke deposition on the catalysts is pointed out the main reason,which would lead to catalyst deactiva
40、tion. Finally, theresearchemphasisinthe steam reforming of bio-oil is proposed.Keywords: Bio-oil, Hydrogen, Steam reforming, Catalyst生物质焦油化学去除方法研究进展李贤斌1,2,姚宗路2*,丛宏斌2,侯书林1(1.中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083;2.农业部规划设计研究院农业部废弃物能源化利用重点实验室,北京 100125)摘要:综合分析目前生物质焦油化学去除方法的研究进展,分析了热裂解法除焦油的局限性(过高的温度要求、能耗严重),不适用于工业推广,并且对催
41、化裂解法除焦油的大致研究领域及方向进行了系统的总结和归类,阐述了催化剂类型、反应温度、气相停留时间、空速、催化介质等各种对焦油转化率影响参数的适用范围及特点,找出焦油催化裂解的最佳催化环境,同时根据研究者实验时的一些不足之处提出了自己的见解。关键词:焦油;热裂解;催化裂解Abstract:Comprehensive analysis of the material progress of the current method of removing tar chemical raw and analyzed pyrolysis method in addition to the limitat
42、ions of tar (high temperature requirements, serious energy consumption), so does not apply to the industrial promotion, and the catalyst method substantially tar removal research areas and directions are summarized system, described the type of catalyst, various reaction temperature, gas residence t
43、ime, airspeed, media and other catalytic conversion of tar influence the scope and characteristics of parameters to identify catalytic cracking tar the best catalytic environment, and proposed own opinion based on some of the shortcomings of the experiment the researchers.Key words: tar; pyrolysis;
44、catalytic cracking联立水热法与离子液体处理对毛竹组分分离的研究孙茉莉,付严,常杰*(华南理工大学化学与化工学院传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室,广东 广州 510640)摘要:本文提出了利用水热法和离子液体联合处理毛竹粉,实现竹材组分分离。水热预处理过程中,探索了温度、时间和固液比对半纤维素和纤维素的溶出规律及脱除比(半纤维素脱除率与纤维素脱除率之比)的影响。结果表明,最佳的预处理条件为:反应温度170、反应时间60min、固液比1:12(g/g),半纤维素脱除率达82.88%,纤维素保留率达97.39%。此条件下再生半纤维素的纯度较高,热稳定性良好,有利于半纤维素的综合利
45、用。此外,探索了不同离子液体对水热预处理后的竹粉溶解率的影响,不同离子液体对竹粉溶解能力的关系为:AMIMOAcEMIMOAcAMIMClBMIMCl,在170反应4h后,AMIMOAc对竹粉溶解率为42.71%。关键字:毛竹;水热预处理;离子液体;组分分离Research on component separation of bamboo by combining hydrothermal and ionic liquid treatmentSun moli, Fu yan, Chang jie*(KeyLaboratoryofHeatTransferEnhancementandEnergy
46、ConservationofEducationMinistry,SchoolofChemistryandChemicalEngineering,SouthChinaUniversityofTechnology,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510640)Abstract:In this paper,bamboo was successfully fractionated by combining hydrothermal and ionic liquid processing. The effects of temperature, time and solid-liquid rat
47、io on the ratio of the removal rate of hemicellulose and cellulose were investigatedin hydrothermal pretreatment. The results showed that the optimal hemicellulose removal rate of 82.88% and cellulose retention rate of 97.39% wereobtained at170, 60min and 1:12 (g/g). Under this condition, hemicellul
48、ose was regenerated with high purityand good thermal stabilitywhich are beneficial tofurther high-value utilization. In addition, the effects of different ionic liquids on dissolution rate of pretreated bamboo powder were studied. The solubility of pretreated bamboo in ionic liquids was as below: AM
49、IMOAcEMIMOAcAMIMClBMIMCl, AMIMOAc was selected as appropriate with the dissolution rate of 42.71% at 170 and 4h.Key words: bamboo; hydrothermal pretreatment; ionic liquid;component separation玉米秸秆生物预处理降解特性研究高赞1,2,李攀攀1,2,李刚1,2,李鹏飞1,2,焦有宙1,2(1.河南农业大学农业部农村可再生能源新材料与装备重点实验室,郑州450002;2.生物质能源河南省协同创新中心,郑州450
51、.1%,木质纤维素结构发生改变,增大了纤维素和半纤维素的暴露面积,有利于提高木质纤维素的利用效率;玉米秸秆复合菌预处理过程的第8d,物料中微生物生长量达到最大值1.521,pH值恢复到中性水平7.07,有机物含量达到最大值12865 mgL-1。关键词:预处理;玉米秸秆;复合菌;自然堆积;物料特性Degradation Characteristics of Corn Straw by Biological PretreatmentsGao Zan1,2, Li Panpan1,2, Li Gang1,2, Li Pengfei1,2, Jiao Youzhou1,2(1. Key Labora
52、tory of New Materials and Facilities for Rural Renewable Energy, Ministry of Agriculture, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2. Collaborative Innovation Research Center for Biomass Energy, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450002, China)Abstract: The characteristics of degradation of co
53、rn straw pretreated by composite microbes and natural stacking were investigated in this work.As for natural stacking pretreatment, 30 g corn straw with 40 mesh size in a 300 mL flask was mixed with 150 mL distilled water, and then the beaker was sealed against water evaporation.And as for composite
54、 microbes pretreatment, 30 g corn straw was mixed with 150 mL solution, which included Gloeophyllumtrabeum, Bacillus circulans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptomyces badius, Phanerochaetechrysosporium, Coriolusversicolor, Trichodermavirideand Aspergillusniger.The corn straw was fermented by natural s
55、tacking and composite microbes in the incubator at 30.Results show that pretreatment by natural stacking and composite microbes promoted the degradation of corn straw,and changed the structure of lignocellulose.In the process of natural stacking, corn straw experienced a long period of acidification
56、, and inhibited the growth of microorganisms. Compared with nature stacking, the pretreatment method by composite microbes demonstrated better degradation effects for hemicelluloses, celluloseand lignose, and the maximum degradation rate were 48.5%, 36.3% and 40.1% respectively.The results of scanni
57、ng electron microscopy (SEM) turned out that the com straw pretreated with composite microbes became rough and porous on the surface,thus facilitating contact of anaerobic microbes with the substances.After 8 days fermentation with composite microbes,cell density(OD600)and chemical oxygen demand (COD) showed a maximum of 1.521 and 12865 mgL-1respectively, with pH reaching up to 7.07.Keywords: pretreatment, corn straw, composite microbes, nature stacking, material characteristics生物质厌氧发酵工艺参数优化研究进展李标(中国科学院广州能源研究所,广东 广州 510
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