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1、类别要求掌握的项目Unit4 The Information Age教学目标Keyuse phone anywhere cartoon opinion besides online science bring sight soundWordsacross settle.,worry book music movie turn finallywithout hospitalalmost. howeverwaste result harm growth real strange opinion technology developmentUsefulspend.( in) doing be wor

2、ried about result fromtum on settleon a variety ofExpressionget addicted to make good use of stay up lateLanguage SkillListeningSpeakingReadingWriting听对话,辨听运用以卜交际用语:材料关于电对学生实际情对看电视的不Absolutely.视和互联网”况表述微商表达同看法,培养That's exactly what I was训练阅读理个人看法。通过听力搜集thinking.解能力能掌信息的能力,That's a good point

3、.握短文的主要并按要求完成That's just what I want to say.信息力理解后表格内容及填空That's a good idea.能回答一些的习题。I disagree.在课文理I'm afraid I don ' t agree.解的基础上Well, it depends.掌握重要词Well, I don't know.汇和语句的用等表达对观点的同意和/、同意。能复述课Grammar FocusWord Formation(2)构词法(二)构词法中的派生法,掌握-些常见的前缀和后缀。教学要求与建议UP1 .教学内容分析与要求1)

4、语言知识与语言技能(1) 学习与"现代信息”有关的词汇与表达方式。如: cellphone , mobile phone , computer , Internet , get information , write blogs , netizens , play onlinegames, chat online.(2) 体会两个问题Why are TV , cellphones and computers so popular Do you think some people don t use these things in a good way(3) 交流对看电视、使用手机、电

5、脑等传递信息方式的认识,就上述两个问题阐述个人的观点。2) 情感态度与价值观学会相互合作;正确认识使用现代信息手段,养成良好的个人习惯。3) 重点和难点( 工)运用“热身”部分的词汇和句型进行讨论。(2) 用英语描述书中的四幅图片,阐述个人的观点。4) 达到的标准能用英语进行关于现代信息方式的话题讨论,简单描述图片内容。2 . 教学建议1) 导入T : Hello , the development of the information use different meansto communicate with you tell me what they are( TV, cellphone

6、 , computer , Internet , blog , MSN and so on.)T : have become part of our need them every , we re going to learn more about them.2) 研讨、探究与实践(1) 认知“热身”部分的词汇及短语。(2) 布置任务,学生分组,每小组研讨插图,自主探究下列问题:Why are TV , cellphones and computers so popular Do you think some people don t use these things in a good wa

7、y(3) 课堂实践:小组代表发言,向班级汇报本组的意见或看法。下列语句供学生参考: Some people always like to watch TV sitting in a sofa at spend too much timewatch ing who spend too much time watching TV are called“ couch potatoes ”. People can use cellphones or mobile phones to talk to tlleir friends and theirfamily people even use them

8、for fun or just feel“ cool ”. Some people do nothing but sit in front of thecomputer a11 are called “ mousepotatoes ” .They play computer games on the Internet , surf the Internet , send , get information , write blogs and so on. Somenetizens often play online games or chat online in the Internet ph

9、enomenon is called “ Internet addiction ”3. 教学参考材料1)Do you think some people don t use these things in a good way你觉得有些人没有恰当地使用这些东西吗in a good way “用一种很好的方式”。如:They are learning English in a good way.他们学英语的方法很好。2) “ Couch potatoes ” are people who spend too much time watching TV. “沙发土豆”就是花太多时间看电视的人。sp

10、end。(in)doing ”花费做某事“;spendon Sth."在上花费”。如:He doesn t spend much time on his homework. 他花在作业上的时间不多。They spent three months touring Europe.他们花了三个月时间周游欧洲。辨析:spendcost pay takespend "花费: 其主语通常是人,常用于以下句型:some money/some time on sth.some money some time(in)doing sth. 如:I spent fifty yuan on the

11、 coat.我花 50 元买了这件大衣。He spent three days on the work.他干这项工作用了 3 天。=He spend three days(in)doing the work.take “占用、花费”,其主语通常为形式主语“ it ”或物。句式是:It takes time some money to do sth.time/some money。如:It took me three years to build this house.建这所房子花费了我3 年时间。cost “花费”,其主语必须是某物。常用 (sb.)some mOnev 。如:The dict

12、ionary cost me 20 yuan.这本辞典花掉我20 元钱。3) 信息时代简介人们常用最具代表性的生产工具来代表一个历史时期,如石器时代、青铜时代、铁器时代、蒸汽时代。用这种思维模式来观察20 世纪,可以说,人类从电气时代走向了信息时代。20 世纪上半叶,波澜壮阔的第二次技术革命,以电力的广泛应用和内燃机的发明为主要标志。发电机、电动机、电灯、电话、电报、电影、汽车、飞机、钢铁是这个时代的重要标志性产品,这些产品至今还是我们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。1901 年,意大利人马可尼成功地进行了第一次无线电通讯;190 工年,第一台洗衣机被制造出来,并于 40 年代广为应用;1903

13、年,美国人莱特兄弟成功地将世界上第一架飞机“飞行号”飞上天空,开启了航空工业;1903 年,美国人亨利。福特和另外11 位同业成立了福特汽车公司;1908 年,第一辆汽车从亨利。福特家开出;1907 年,利奥 . 比克兰发明塑料,制造了当今生活中的千万种物品;1913 年,世界上第一台家用电冰箱在美国芝加哥诞生;1928 年,美国通用公司生产出第一台电视机;1939 年,人类成功实现对核能的利用;新科技革命以电子信息业的突破与迅猛发展为标志, 主要包括信息技术、 生物工程技术、 新材料技术、 海洋技术、 空间技术五大领域。 晶体管和大规模集成电路极大地降低了信息传播的费用,其结果是:人类社会从

14、工业时代进入了信息时代。1945 年,第一部电子计算机投入使用;1957 年,第一颗人造卫星由前苏联发射升空,开辟了航天时代;1961 年,前苏联进行了人类第一次无人驾驶的宇宙飞船登月试验,并取得成功;1969 年,阿波罗号飞船使人类第一次在月球上留下足迹;1983 年,第一个机器人在联邦德国大众汽车股份公司投入服务;1989 年,互联网出现,一个全新的网络经济从此迅猛发展。Language Skill(I)Listening1.教学内容分析与要求听力材料中4个学生谈论“对看电视的看法”,培养学生在听的过程中获取关键信息,同时培养学生的速记能力。1) 要点与要求(1) 熟练掌握必知必会的单词和

15、短语。(2) 听懂关于“对看电视的不同看法”。(3) 辨听相关的信息,填写表格。2) 情感态度对待事物有自己的观点,能一分为二辩证地看待问题。3) 重点与难点(1) 听懂关于“对看电视的不同看法”的叙述,完成填空练习。(2) 听清空白处所缺的词或短语,并能快速、准确地拼写出来。4) 达到标准听懂短文,复述相关内容。2.教学建议1) 导入Do you think it right to watch TV for a long time without doing anythingWhat' s your opinion about itThen let ' s listen to

16、 a short students are talking about watchingcarefully and answer the following questions according to what you hear.2) 研讨、探究与实践(1) 听力第一环节 The main ideaThe listening text is a dialogue among four are talking about watching havedifferent opinions about watching TV.Listen to the tape for the first time

17、 and tellme the main idea of the listening.(2) 听力第二环节Listen to the tape and choose the names of the people who are talking in theconversation.(3) 听力第三环节阅读练习二的要求,明确本节听力课的任务。再听材料,注意需要填写的内容。完成表格。(4) 听力第四环节再听录音,小组讨论.(5) 听力第五环节全班核对答案,模拟听力录音材料,操练表演对话。3. 参考注释1)We can know everything that has happened in th

18、e world without going out ofthehouse. 不出家门就能知道世界各地发生的每件事。句中 that has happened in the world 为定语从句,修饰先行词 everything 。注意:当先行词为不定代词时,其定语从句只能使用“ that ”引导。如:Is there anything that I can do for you我能为你做点什么吗2)How convenient it is! 多么方便哪!convenient “合宜的;方便的,便利的”。如:Please come whenever it is convenient to you

19、. 方便的时候,请随时来。3)I think watching 7V is a waste oftime.我认为看电视是浪费时间。a waste oftime “浪费时间”。4)I agree with you.我同意你的看法。agree with"同意,赞同某人的意见”。5)at the same time , they can get a lot of knowledge which may be much moreimportant than their homework. 同时,他们能获得许多比作业重要得多的知识。at the same time “与此同时”。"u

20、ch more important"更加重要"。这里much修饰比较级,表示"更加"。6)Oh , it is time for the cartoon. 噢,到动画片时间了。It is time for sth 。"到的时间 了”。It is time to do sth. “到做某事的时间了”。7)What about you two 你们二位呢 ( 询问意向的常用口语 ) 。4. 听力材料原文与参考答案Listening Text and the answers:Nowyou ll hear a short conversation 。

21、Four students are talking about watching carefully and answer the following questions according to what you hear.David : What do you think about watching TV , SusanSusan : I think television is really can know everything that has happened inthe world without going out of the convenient it is!Do you

22、think so, DavidDavid: welL I think watching TV is a waste of time。Betry: Yes, I agree with you , people sit in front of the TV sets for many hoursa some students even forget to do their homework.Bruce : But don t forget , Betty , at the same time , they can get a lot of knowledge which may be much m

23、ore important than their homework.Susan : is time for the have to go will go with me to watch the cartoonBruce : Me!Susan : Only Brucewhat about you twoDavid and Betty : Wewant to surf the Internet 。 We re going to chat online with her at 10.The answers, David , Betty , BruceII)Speaking1.教学内容分析 (与要求

24、本单元口语任务是练习表达“赞同与反对”。 学习样板对话, 了解小组讨论的过程, 掌握如何表述“赞同与反对”的观点和理由;学习 useful expressions ,掌握表述“赞同与反对”的观点和理由的常用语句; 组成 4 人讨论小组, 就“买手机”问题按角色卡片规定内容分别发表看法,进行讨论。1) 要点及要求(1) 掌握。(2) 明确提出观点并陈述相应理由。2) 情感态度阐述自己的观点,以理服人。3) 重点与难点(1) 掌握并运用表达同意与不同意的交际用语。(2) 运用语句进行情景对话、交流。4) 达到目标掌握表述“赞同与反对”的观点和理由的常用语句;就“买手机”问题发表看法,进行讨论。2.

25、 教学建议1) 导入People have different opinions towards one wants to buy a she buys one, sheasks her parents and her best friend Cindy fOr their are having a heated discussion about S read the follow ing dialogue.2) 朗读并分角色表演对话3) 学习表述“赞同与反对”的观点和理由的常用语句,用每种表达方式造一个句子, 进 行练习。4) 研讨与探究学生每4人一个小组,每组按书中提出的要求准备4张角色卡

26、片,组员抽签决定角色,给3分钟个人准备时间,然后小组就“买手机”问题开始讨论,每人表述“赞同”或“反 对”的观点和相应理由。组员间可互相帮助,补充表述内容。5) 教师点评小组讨论情况,选优秀小组向全班汇报表演。6) 角色表述参考范例1)You are want to buy a cellphone.You think that a cellphone iS very useful because(1)It is convenient to get in touch with others.(2)I can download some information easily by using it

27、.(3)I can listen to music when I ' m tired.2)You areJane' s best do not think Jane should buy a cellphone because.(1)It ' s expensive to use a cellphone.(2)7alking on the cellphone is a waste of time.(3)Itmakes youhave no time to study.3)You are Jane ' s do not think Jane should buy

28、a cellphone because (1)It is too expensive.(2)Jane will spend too much time talking on the phone.(3)You ' d better use your time to study.4)You are Jane ' s think Jane should buy a cellphone because (1)It ' s convenient to call Jane.(2 )It ' s easy to know where Jane is.(3) (3)III .R

29、eading1 .教学内容分析与要求1) 语言知识与语言技能的要点及要求(1) 掌握重点词汇和短语的用法,如: turn on , go through , settle on, be worried about , communicate with , a variety of , get addicted to , stay up late , result from,make good use of , benefit from ,等等。(2) 认知构词法中的派生法,归纳常见构词的前缀和后缀。(3) 通过阅读课文完成Reading comprehension 中的 5 道选择题和回答问题

30、。2) 情感态度与价值观目标(1) 培养学生自主学习意识;小组合作学习、探究学习的良好习惯.(2) 通过对课文的学习,让学生了解电视和因特网给人们生活带来的利与弊,引导学生正确地认识和使用电视及网络。培养学生正确的价值观,对待事物有正确的认识。3) 重点与难点重点:(1) 熟练掌握下列短语的用法: turn on , go through , settle on , be worried about , communicate with , a variety of,get addicted to , stay up late , result from , make good use of,

31、benefit from 等。(2) 归纳常见构词的前缀和后缀。难点:讨论对电视及网络的正确认识和使用。4) 应达到的标准(1) 通过对课文中重点词汇和短语的学习,能正确使用,并能顺利完成相关基础练习。(2) 掌握构词法中的派生法,归纳前缀和后缀构成的常见词汇。(3) 读懂课文内容,表述对正确使用电视及网络的认识和看法。2. 教学建议(1) 导入Hello , use TV and the Internet almost every day in our can we use them in agood wayLook at the picture , what can you get fro

32、m the pictureA teacher is talking to a boy at the gate of an Internet the boy gets addicted to playing computer games on the teacher tries his best to persuade him not to play the computer games again.(2) 研讨、探究与实践(3) 带着 Reading Comprehension 中的问题,快速阅读课文。(4) 布置任务,分组研讨理解文章中的难、长句,教师提示重要的语言点。如:TV brings

33、 the world into our home in sight and in sound.It tells us what is going on across the country and all over the world.Sitting at home , we can visit places of interest, enjoy music or TV plays ,see movies and even watch live sports games.In the evening , they do nothing but tum on theTV , slowly go

34、through all the channels and finally settle on the one they like.So , parents and teachers are worried about this.These netizens get addicted to online games, online entertainment or evenonline chatting with some strangers.The Internet addiction , mostly resulting from playing online games , is doin

35、ga lot of harm to the growth and development of teenagers and interfering withtheir studies.(5) 小组讨论: How could we make good use of TV and the Internet小组代表向班级汇报同学们的认识和看法。(6) 教师点评小组讨论情况,作课文教学总结。3. 教学参考材料1 、 TV brings the world into our home in sight and in sound. 电视用图像和声音 把世界带到我们家里来。in sight and in s

36、ound“用图像和声音”。本句中介词 in的含义是“以途径,方式”,多用于抽象名词之前。如:你必须用密码写电文。You must write a message in code.它告2)It tells us whats going on across the country and all over the world.诉我们祖国和世界各地正在发生什么事情。go on “发生,进行,继续”。又如:What s going on here 这里发生什么事了The hot weather will go on for some time. 炎热的天气还要持续一段时间。all over th e

37、world=throughout the world “遍及全世界”au over "在(遍及)各处",后面只接表示地点的名词。如:The disease spread all over the country.疾病在全国蔓延开了。all over 作副词,意思为“到处、全部”。如:He is wet all over. 他浑身湿透了。The war was all over. 战争彻底结束了。3)Sitting at home , we can visit places of interest, enjoy music or TV plays ,see movies an

38、d even watch live sports games.坐在家里,我们就能参观旅游景点,欣赏音乐或电视剧,看电影,甚至观看现场直播体育比赛。本句中 live 是形容词,意为“活的;活跃的;现场转播的”。如:We sell live fish. 我们出售活鱼。We watched a live television show.我们观看了一场电视现场直播的表演。4)In the evening , they do nothing but turn on the TV, slowly go through all the Channels and finally settle on the o

39、ne they like. 晚上,他们什么都不干,只是打开电视,慢慢浏览所有频道,最后选定一个自己喜欢的。(1)turn on “打开 ( 电灯自来水电器 ) ”。如:Shall I turn on the light要我开灯吗Could you turn on the bath tap for me你替我打开浴缸的水龙头行吗另外还有:turn off “关闭 ( 电灯自来水煤气) ”。如:Don t forget to turn off the lights before you go to bed. 睡觉前不要忘记把所有的灯都关上。turn up “出现,露面;开大( 收音机电视机) 音量

40、”。如:我希望那块丢失的手表在某一天I expect the missing watch will tum up some day.会出现。I can t hear the radio very well , could you turn it up a bit 收音机我听不太 清楚,你能把音量放大一点吗turn down “拒不理会;关小,调低 ( 收音机电视机) 音量”。如:He tried to join the army but was tumed down because of poor health.他想方设法参军,但因身体不好而未被接收。PIease turn down the

41、television.请把电视机的音量关小一点儿。turn to “寻求帮助;求教”。如:She has nobody to turn to.她求助无门。Don t toturn him. 不要求助于他。(2)settle on “选定”。如:She settled on a red skirt.她选定一件红裙子。we must settle on a place to meet 。我们必须选个地方见面。另外还有:settle down “坐下来;安居下来”。如:Uncle George didn t settle down until he was nearly fifty.乔治叔叔一直到快

42、五十岁时才安顿下来。5)Many Children also watch too muchTV and sometimes even forget to do their homework.许多孩子们也看太多电视,有时甚至忘记做作业。forget to do sth. “忘记做某事”。如:I forgot to close the window 。我忘记关窗户了。 ( 没关 )注意区别 forget doing sth. “忘了做过某事”。如:I forgot closing the window.我记不得关没关窗户了。6)So , parents and teachers are worri

43、ed about this. 因此,家长和老师都很担心这 种情况。be worried about “担心,忧虑”。如:s health. 他担心她母亲的健康。He is wonied about his mother还有 worry about “担心”Don t worry about vour son=Don t be worried about your son. 不要担心你的儿子。7)Now , the Internet is getting more and more popular.现在互联网变得越来越普及了。本句中 get 是系动词,意为“变得”。又如:It is gettin

44、g have to go back home.天要黑了 , 我们得回家了。8)They waste too much time and money in front of the screen.他们在电脑屏幕前浪费了太多的时间和金钱。in front of "在的前面“。又如:In front of the classroom building is the school gate.教学楼的前面是学校的大门。9)The Intemet has changed the way we live, work , learn and play. 互联网改变了我们生活、工作、学习和娱乐的方式。

45、该句的句子主干是The Intemet has changed the way. 而 we live , work , learn and play为定语从句,修饰the way 。修饰 the way 的定语从句的引导词可以用 that , in which 或省略。如:I don't like the way he speaks to his mother.我不喜欢他和他妈妈说话的方式。10)These netizens get addicted to online games, online entertainment or evenonline chatting with so

46、me strangers.这些网民迷恋网上游戏,网上娱乐,甚至迷恋与陌生人网上聊天。get be addicted to “迷恋于”。如:The Children are addicted to computer games.孩子们对计算机游戏上了 瘾。注意: getbe addicted to 中的 to 为介词,后面接名词或doing 。又如: He is addicted to gambling 。他沉溺于赌博。介词 to 的类似常用短语还有: be used to 习惯于; look forward to 期望;get down to 着手做; objectto 反对,不喜欢,不赞成;

47、等等。11)The Internet addiction , mostly resulting from playing online games, is doing a lot of harm to the growth and development of teenagers and interfering with their studies.网瘾,多数源自网络游戏,正在给青少年的成长和发展带来很大危害并干扰他们的学习。result from "源自,由于,因引起“。又如:His bad health resulted from smoking.他的不良健康状况源自吸烟。int

48、erfere with“妨碍,干扰”。又如:Don t interfere with the activity at the English Comer. 不要妨碍英语角的活动。12)If we make good use of TV and the Internet , we will benefit a lot from them. 如果很好地利用电视和互联网,我们将从中受益良多。make use of “使用,利用”。 make good use of “善用”。又如:We should make good use of the water in the lake.我们应该充分利用湖中之

49、水。4. 练习参考答案1) Reading Comprehension1 .(1)D (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)D2 .(1)in sight, in sound (2)going, Sitting, live (3)nothing, though, settle (4)mostly results (5)make good useLanguage Study1.(1) was going on (2)spent three hours (3)turn on (4)In front of the house (5)results from (6)make good use of 2.

50、 agreement disagreement usual unusual important unimportant convenient inconvenient honest dishonest possible impossible unfair fair dislike like happy unhappy appear disappear known unknown direct indirect3. develop development busy business produce production invite invitation instruct instruction

51、 funny funinform information successful success agree agreementhard hardness illillness difficult difficultydiscuss discussion operate operation angry anger happy happiness suggest suggestion describe descriptionhealthy health5.课文参考译文电视和互联网电视和互联网都是现代科技的重大奇迹。电视用图像和声音把世界带到我们家里来。它告诉我们祖国和世界各地正在发生什么事情。我们

52、坐在家里就能参观旅游景点,欣赏音乐和电视剧,看电影,甚至观看现场直播体育 比赛。电视使我们的生活更丰富多彩。但是有些人花费太多的时间坐在沙发上看电视。我们称他们为“电视迷”。晚上,他们什么都不干,只是打开电视,慢慢浏览所有频道,最后选定一个自己喜欢的。“好,就看这个吧。没有更好的了。”这就是“电视迷”们的一个典型的夜晚。许多孩子也看电视太多,有时甚至忘记做作业。因此,家长和老师都很担心这个情况。现在互联网变得越来越普及了。 我们不离开家就能购物或订票吗我们不去医院就能看病吗我们不上学校就能学习吗在互联网的帮助下,人们能和远方的人进行交流,在办公室或家里做各种各样的生意。通过上网,人们很容易就能

53、获得新闻和各种各样的信息。互联网改变了我们生活、工作、学习和娱乐的方式。然而,有些人没有正确地使用互联网。这些网民迷恋网上游戏、网上娱乐。甚至迷恋与陌生人网上聊天:他们在电脑屏幕前浪费了太多的时间和金钱。他们被称为“网虫”。此外,有些学生经常熬夜在网吧玩电脑游戏。网瘾,多数源自网络游戏, 正在给青少年的成长和发展带来巨大的危害并干扰他们的学习。请走出网吧,回到现实世界来吧。如果很好地利用电视和互联网,我们将从中受益良多。IV Writing1.教学内容分析与要求根据学生做微商的小组讨论情况,先回答问题,再将答案重组,写成一篇对小组讨论实际情况表述个人看法的讨论会总结。1) 要点与要求做好讨论会

54、记录,写实,小结 .提出赞同意见、值得肯定的内容和应该改进的东西。作“活动总结”写作练习。2) 情感态度学会从事物的两方面看待问题。3) 重点与难点(1) 写出正确的英语语句。(2) 内容的逻辑性。4) 应达到的标准叙述清楚完整,观点明确,理由充分。没有太多的语法错误。2. 教学建议1) 分组讨论微商中的问题。2) 回答写作训练中提出的问题。3) 提出写作建议,指导学生完成写作练习。4) 展示学生的范文。3. 参考范文略构词法( 二 ) Word Formation(2)3. 派生 Derivation一个词根加前缀(prefix) 或后缀 (suffix) 构成一个新词。 一般来说, 前缀改

55、变原词的词义但不改变其词性;而后缀一般是在原词义的基础上改变其词性。1) 常见的前缀un 用于某些形容词、副词或动词,构成其反义词。如:fair 公平-unfair不公平;able能够funable 不能;necessary 必要的funnecessary 不必要的;limited有限的funlimited 无限的;tie系上funtie 解开;im 用于某些形容词或副词,构成其反义词。如:possible可能的fimpossible不可能的;patient耐心的fimpatient不耐烦的;in 用于某些形容词或副词,构成其反义词。如:correct正确的fincorrect不正确的;complete 完全的叶 incomplete 不完全的;dis 用于某些动词,构成其反义词。如:appear出现fdis appear 消失; agree 同意disagree 不同意;cover覆盖discover 发现;mis 用于某些动词,表示“误,错”。如:understand理解misunderstand 误解;lead 领导,弓I导 mislead 误导;non 一表示“非: "无”等否


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