



1、2020军队院校招生文化科目统一考试英语考前冲刺试卷考 生 须 知1. 本试题共五大题,考试时间120分钟,满分100分。2. 将单位、姓名、准考证号分别填写在试卷及答题纸上。3. 所有答案军卸载答题纸上,写在试卷上的答案一律无效。4. 考试结束后,试卷及答案之全部上交并分别封存。一、单项选择(本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。()1. Whatgreat SUCCeSS The Wan deri ng Earth is! It isfirst SCie nce ficti On film Set in S

2、PaCe in China.A. /; theB. /; aC. a; aD. a; the()2. I Went to college in theand bega n to work in.A. 1980's; my twentyB. 1980; my twe ntiesC. 1980s; my twentiesD. 1980 ' s; my twentieth()3. I don't like these T-shirts. They aretoo Iongtoo short.A. both; andB. either; orC. n either; nor D.

3、 much; and()4. We Want to try SOmeth ing n ew, but findingto Start is always the hardest part.A. SUCCeSSB. WiSdOmC. COUrageD. trust()5. You should go over your test PaPeryou hand it in.A. beforeB. thoughC. afterD. as Soon as()6. ThiS kind of T-Shirt looksand sells.A. nice; wellB. nice; goodC. well;

4、wellD. good; nice()7. Mr Smith will give US a talk On COmPUterSn ext week.A. some timeB. SOmetimeC. SOmetimeSD. some times()8. My Pare nts are free today, so IStay at home to look after my brother.A. mustn ' tB. couldn ' t C.shouldn ' tD.needn 't()9. Could you help methe pen? It'

5、s Un der your chair.A. take UPB.look UPC.PiCk UPD.PUt UP()10. Most boysblue to Pink while most girlsWear Pink tha n blue.A. would rather,PreferB.prefer, would ratherC. would rather,would ratherD.prefer, Prefer()11. HiS aunt wants tohim to fix the watch, but he has already had it.A. make, repair B. g

6、et, repair C. have, repaired D. get, repaired()12.great PrOgreSS She' S made in the PaSt mon th!Exactly. To my, She' S really Changed a lot.A. What, SUrPriSeB. What a, SUrPriSe C. What, SUrPriSed D. What a, SUrPriSed()13. I thoughtdifficultthe final decisio n.A. it, to make B. it ' s, to

7、 make C. that, to make D. it, making()14. Do you knowthis after noon?rm not sure, but l tell you as Soon as She.A. how will Betty arrive; StartSB. how Betty will arrive; will StartC. Whe n Betty will arrive; StartSD. Whe n Betty will arrive; will Start()15. ReCently I bought a SeCOnd -hand car, WaS

8、Very reasOnable.A. WhiCh PriCeB. the PriCe of WhiChC. its PriCeD. the PriCe of whose()16.Tom is the Onlyone of the StUdents who to Shanghai.A. have goneB. have bee nC. has bee nD. had gone()17. fired, your health Care and other ben efits will not be immediately CUt off.A. Would you be B. Should you

9、be C. Could you be D. Might you be()18.The companies are working together to Create they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st Century.A. WhiChB. that C. What D. Who()19. the PrOjeCt as planned, We' Il have to work two more hours a day.A. Completi ngB. Complete C. Completed D. To

10、complete()20. Would you mind tak ing the Un dergro Und to the theatre toni ght?. It will take less time tha n by car.A. CertainlyB. Of COUrSe not C. You ' re welcomeD. You ' d better not二、阅读理解(共两节,40分) 第一节(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从所给的 A.B.C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项AWome n are On the whole more VerbaI tha n

11、men. They are good at 1an guage and VerbaI reas oning. while men tend to be skilled at tasks demanding ViSUaI-SPatial( 视空)abilities. In fact, along With aggressiOn these are the most commonly accepted differe nce betwee n these sexes.Words are tools for com muni Cat ing With other people especially

12、in formati On about people. They are mainly social tools. ViSUaI and SPatiaI abilities are good for imagi ning and man ipulati ng ObjeCtS and for com muni Cati ng in formati On about them. Are these tale nts PrOgrammed into the brain? In some of the n ewest and most Con troversial research in n euro

13、physiology(神经生理学),it has been SUggeSted that When it comes to the brain males are SPeCiaIiStS while women are generalists.BUt One knows that, if anything this means in terms of the abilities of the two sexes. Engineering is both ViSUaI and SPatiaI and it ' S true that there are relatively few wo

14、men engneers. BUt women become just as skilled as men at shooting a rifle or driving a Car task that involve ViSUaI-SPatiaI skills. They also do equally well at PrOgramming a COmPUter, WhiCh is neither ViSUaI nor SPatiaI. Women do, however, Seem less likely to fall in love With the ObjeCtS themselve

15、s. We all know men for whom machines Seem to be extensions of their identity. ( 82)A Woman is more Iikely to See her car, rifle Or ComPUter as a USefUl tool but not in itself fasci nat ing.21. ACCOrd ing to the passage, wome n are usually good at.A. body Ian guageB. logical reas OningC. tasks dema n

16、ding for the USe of wordsD. both A and B22. The word "accepted ” in the last SentenCe of the first paragraph, roughly means.A. believed B. assumedC. receivedD. recon ciled23. In the author' S opinion, ViSUaI and SPatiaI abilities are good for.A. achieving One' S objects.B. mind and body

17、.C. PrOgram ming tale nts into the brai n.D. imagi natio n and com muni Cati on.24. All the followi ng tasks in volve ViSUaI-SPatiaI abilities EXCEPT.A. imagi ning and han dli ng objects.B. PrOVidi ng a COmPUter With a Set of in StrUCt ionsC. shooting a gun and driving an automobileD. pla nning and

18、making things as an engin eer does25. Why do wome n Seem less likely to fall in IoVe With the ObjeCtS themselves?A. BeCaUSe they have no ViSUaI-SPatiaI skills.B. BeCaUSe they are Only good at 1an guage and VerbaI reas oning.C. BeCaUSe they are less likely to See their Charm ing or in terest ing aspe

19、cts.D. BeCaUSe they rarely USe mach ines SUCh as cars, rifles, computers, etc.BThe US. gover nment has rece ntly helped people Iear n more about the dan gers of earthquakes by PUbIiSh ing a map.ThiS map shows the Chances of an earthquake in each Part of the CoUntry.( 83)The areas Of the map Where ea

20、rthquakesare most Iikely to oc CUr are CaIled earthquakeTh“ geVerhment is, SPending a great deal money and is working hardto help discover the an SWer to these two questi ons: I. Can We PrediCt earthquake? 2. Can We Con trol earthquakes?To anSWer the first question, SCientists are looking Very close

21、ly at the most active fault( 断层)systems in the CoUntry SUCh as the SanAndreas fault in California, a fault is break between two SeCtions of the earth "surface. TheSe breaks betwee n SeCt ions are the place Where earthquake occurs. SCien tists look at the faults for Cha nges that might show that

22、 an earthquake WaS about to occurs. BUt it Will Probably be many years before We Can PrediCt earthquakes accurately. And the Con trol of earthquakes is even farther away.NeVertheless, there have been some interesting developments in the field of Controlling earthquakes. The most in terest ing develo

23、pme nt ConCernS the Rocky Mou ntai n ArSe nal earthquakes. Here Water WaS PUt into a layer of rocks 4000 meters below SUrfaCe of the ground. Shortly after this injection Of water, there Were a small number of earthquakes. SCientists have decided that the Water WhiCh WaS injected into rocks works lik

24、e oil On each other. When the Water “ oiled faUIltel the fault became SIiPPery and the energy of an earthquake WaS released. SCientists are still experime nti ng at the Site of these earthquakes. They have realized that there is a Conn ecti On betwee n injectio n Of the Water and the earthquake acti

25、vity. They have SUggeSted that might be POSSibIe to USe this knoWIedge to PreVent Very big destructive earthquakes, that is, SCientists could inject some kind of fluid like Water into faults and Change One big earthquake into a nu mber of small, harmless earthquakes.26. EarthqUake belts are.A. maps

26、that show Where earthquakes are likely to occurB. ZoneS With a high PrObabiIity of earthquakesC. breaks between two SeCtions of the earth' S SUrfaCeD. the two IayerS of earth along a fault27. The San Andreas' fault is .A. an active fault SyStemB. a place Where earthquakes have bee n PrediCte

27、d accuratelyC. a place Where earthquake have bee n Con trolledD. the IoCati On Of the Rocky MoUntain28. What did SCientists Iearn about earthquakes at the Rocky MoUntain ArSenal ?A. They occur at bout 4000 meters below ground levelB. The injectio n Of Water into earthquake faults PreVe nts earthquak

28、es from OCCUrri ng.C. They are usually CaUSed by the oil in the faults.D. HarmfUI earthquakes Can be POSSibIy PreVe nted by CaUS ing small harmless earthquake.29. What Can be Said about the experime nts at Rocky MoUn tai n ArSe nal?A. They have no PraCtiCaI value in earthquake PreVe ntio n.B. They m

29、ay have PraCtiCaI value in earthquake PreVe nti on.C. They are Certa in to have PraCtiCaI value in earthquake PreVe nti on.D. he article does not Say anything about their PraCtiCaI value in earthquake PreVention.30. What is the most appropriate title for the passage?A. Dan gers of EarthqUakeB. Earth

30、qUake Belts and PrediCti OnC. EarthqUake PrediCtiO n and Con trolD. EarthqUake Engin eeri ng in Califor niaCSPorting activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior. VieWed biologically, the modern footballer is in reality a member of a hunting group. HiS killi ng WeaP On has turned in

31、to a harmless football and his Prey into a goalmouth. If his aim is accurate and he SCOreS a goal, he enjoys the hunter' S triumph of killing his prey.To Un dersta nd how this tran SfOrmati On has take n place We must briefly look back at our forefathers. They SPe nt over a milliOn years evolvin

32、g( 进化)as Cooperative hunters. Their Very SUrViVaI depended On SUCCeSS in the hunting field. ( 84) Under this PreSSUre their whole Way of life, even their bodies, became greatly changed: They became chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and Prey killers. They cooperated as skillful male group a

33、ttack.Then about ten thousand years ago, after this immensely Iong PeriOd of hunting the food, they became farmers. Their improved in tellige nce, so vital to their old hunting life WaS PUt to a new USethat of con troll ing and domesticati ng (驯养)their prey. The hunt became SUddenly out of date. The

34、 food WaS there on the farms, awaiting their needs. The risks and Un Certa in ties of the hunt Were no Ion ger esse ntial for SUrViVal.(85)The SkilIS and thirst for hunting rema in ed, however, and dema nded new outlets. H Un ti ng for SPart replaced hun ti ng for necessity. ThiS new activity involv

35、ed all the original hunting SeqUences( 后果),but the aim of the OPeration WaS no Ionger to avoid StarVatia n. In Stead the SPartSme n Set off to test their skill aga inst Prey that WaS no Ion ger esse ntial to their SUrViVal. Ta be sure, the kill may have bee n eate n, but there Were other purposes, m

36、uch SimPIer of obta ining a meaty meal.31. What is the main idea of the Passage?A. HUn ti ng is Very importa nt in huma n CiViIiZati on.B. SPorting activities SatiSfy the desire of modern society.C. It ' S hunting that PraVideS human beings With food.D. The importance of SParting activities in m

37、odern society.32. ACCarding to the author, SParting activities .A. are essential to the SUrViVaIB. have actually developed from huntingC. evolve as biological developme ntD. are football games33. Far over a million years. our forefathers Were basically .A. skillful SPartSme nB. SUCCeSSfUI farmersC.

38、runners and jumpersD. CaaPerati ng hun ters34. The Ward “ OPeratia n (Par. 4)refers to.A. SPartS activitiesB. hun ti ngC. farmersD. Prey killi ng35. WhiCh of the folloWing is true according to the passage?A. The goalmouth is equal to the WeaP On in hun ti ng.B. WithaUt hunting our forefathers couldn

39、' t live.C. After our forefathers became farmers they still hun ted for food.D. FarmerS are SatiSfied With StabIe live S and they didn' t have enthusiasm for hunting any more第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。HaW to Make SUre YaU Enjay Y our TriPA trip is a planne

40、d destination(目的地)Where One arranges in advance in WhiCh the main PUrPaSe is to SearCh for adve nture and to Create a memorable mome nt. Here are the StePS On hW to make SUre your trip is enjoyable. Pla n it Well. TriPS are ideally pla nned for it to go Well. _31A CheCk list is helpful, making SUre

41、youneeds. PaCk necessities必S需品).Bring What you need. TriPS are Shart journeys and belOng to the SUb -level of traveling. PaCkOnly the things you need.32 Be safe. Ta be CaUtiaUS is smart. Na matter What you are UP to, SUrfing, cliff diving, SnoWbaarding, SCUba diving., it isalWays recommended to be s

42、afe.33Don' t be StUbbarn and PUt yourself in harm When there are PreCaUtions. 34YaU may See delays, a different culture, lifestyle, food, and even a Shartage of CaSh SametimeS -this is all Whattravel is about-experiencing things With a neW perspective. OnCe you expect to experience neW things, y

43、ou ' Ibe a happy traveler and free from stress. SaVe the memory.35ThiS is not one of those regular days Sa you ought to SaVe the mome nt. It Will make yourtrip more enjoyable after all that CraZ in ess; you get Sameth ing to revieW the good times.A. TraVeI With an OPe n mind.B. Get PrePared for

44、everyth ing n eW.C. ThiS is all We expect from a trip.D. SeiZe the mome nt by tak ing pictures.E. It is important to Wear PrateCtiVe equipment When advisable.F. It is easy to get tired if you have too many things in your package.G. Take your time, a day or a Week ahead to make a plan for your trip.三

45、、完形填空(本题共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I did not have a rich father. I tried 3 times for UniVerSity, but all36 . I applied for HarVard for 10 times, but allfailed. They didn ' t even want to See m!7 , I Went to the teachers' college WhiCh WaS ConSidered

46、as the third class(my city. After I graduated, I applied 38 for 30 times.A lot of people Said AIibaba WaS a 39 model. However, I said,"I believe it. ” I thi nk this thi ng could be big40_ thought it would be so big like today. I believe that there must be 41 Waiting for me, and I have to work h

47、ard to prove myself. That WaS a hard 42 . So We gathered fifty thousand US dollars from 18 founders ( 仓U建者).LittIe by little, We built UP our 43. And now, after 16 years, We have an AIibaba group; We have a T-mall group; We have a Taobaogroup; We have Alipay.“ You areso smart,44 could you make a com

48、pany like that? ” People alwayssked. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet,Mark ZUCkerberg, the 45 between those people and other people is that they are always OPtimiStiC ( 乐观的)for the future. They never 46. They always try to solve the problems. When you are optimistic, it ' S always a Chance. Doncompla i

49、n. I SaW a lot of people, 47 young people, have fan tastic ideas every eve ning. BUt the next morning, they go to the OffiCe On time aga in.Tomorrow is new. Take action.48inVeStOrS (投资者 )believe this or not, Whether your friends believe it or not,Whether your Parents believe it or not, that 'not

50、 49. You believe it. Your team believe it and work day and night Onthis. EVeryth ing happe ns. Make eno Ugh 50. You fall, and you Sta nd up. Any mistake is an in come and a Won derfulrevenue (收 益).YoUng people should follow the dreams. If you have a dream, just go ahead.()16. A. SUCCeededB. achieved

51、C. lostD. failed()17. A. At firstB. At mostC. At lastD. At least()18. A. jobsB. scholarshipsC. POSiti OnSD. rewards()19. A. SeriOUSB. terribleC. PeaCefUID. fan tastic()20. A. seldomB. alwaysC. neverD. Often()21. A. everythi ngB. SOmeth ingC. nothingD. anything()22. A. eventB. SUbjeCtC. PrOjeCtD. exp

52、erie nce()23. A. bus in essB. kindn essC. rich nessD. glad ness()24. A. howB. Whe nC. WhatD. Why()25. A. dista nceB. relati On ShiPC. differe nceD. SeCret()26. A. improveB. PrOmiSeC. compla inD. explai n()27. A. speciallyB. usuallyC. PrObabIyD. especially()28. A. ifB. WhetherC. Unl essD. though()29.

53、 A. i nteresti ngB. impossibleC. importa ntD. in COrreCt()30. A. mistakesB. moneyC. dreamsD. PrOgreSS四.翻译(每小题3分,共15分)51就我所知,教育对一个社会的发展起着决定性的作用。52. 我们应立即采取有效措施,制止黑客犯罪。53. 学生家长们普遍认为学校不再对教单词感兴趣。54. A SeriOUS earthquake took place in Los An geles last Week WhiCh CaUSed heavy losses of property.55. Whe n turned dow n aga in and aga in, those job applica nts tend to feel disappo in ted and thus attribute the blame to the society.五、书面表达(本题满分10分)赠人玫瑰,手有余香。时代需要志愿者精神,社会也需要更多的志愿者服务。为此,某英文报开展了一次关于初中生参加志愿者活


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