



1、五年级英语下册第一次月考试卷一、选出与其它单词不同类的一项(10分)1.( )A come B watch C looking D live2. ( ) A thank B talking C changing D living3. ( ) A buses B goes C eggs D televisions4. ( ) A has B ladies C miss D like5. ( ) A book B took C look D learn6. ( ) A learnt B wrote C studied D teach7. ( ) A in B big C good D heavy8

2、. ( ) A sent B find C learnt D ate9. ( ) A for B about C go D on10.( ) A she B me C they D we二.英汉互译(16分)1.a small house_2.很多公交车_3.in the fields_4.努力学习_5.fish and chips _6.图书卡_7.on Shelf C _8.一本关于科学的'书_三.选择最佳答案(20分)( )1.Look, there _a beautiful cat on the chair.A are B is C were( )2.She gave her

3、hamburgers _Sam.A to B for C of( )3.Ten years ago, my father _a famer.A is B was C were( )4.I _ you are well.A like B hope C want( )5.The world is _fast.A changing B changes C changing( )6._is this ?A What B Who C Whose( )7.She didnt _a cake yesterday.A make B maked C made( )8.When the leaves are mo

4、ving, the wind_passing through.A are B is C was( )9.What did lingling _ for breakfast?A has B had C have( )10.What _these big books?A are B is C was四、根据提示选择最佳答案。(12分)( )1.你想告诉大家你昨天晚上看过电视,你会说:_A. You watched TV last night.B. I watch TV last night.C. I watched TV last night.( )2.你想知道照片上的人是谁,你会问:_A. Wh

5、o are they?B. What are they?C. They are my grandparents.( )3.当玲玲问你书在哪排书架时,你告诉她:_A. Where are the books?B. They are on Shelf C.C. They are on the desk?( )4.Sam 很喜欢汉堡,他会说:_A. He likes hamburgers.B. I like hamburgers.C. I like sandwiches.( )5.你怎样判断有没有风_A. I can see it.B. You can see it.C. The trees are

6、 shaking.( )6.当你告诉别人你很想念奶奶,你会说:_A. I miss China.B. I like my grandma.C. I miss my grandma.五、根据课文内容填空(16分)Dear Daming,I _a television programme_China last night.An old lady_ about _life many years ago. She_ in the _. She _ _ a fire. She didnt _a television _a radio. She _ _a telephone. She couldnt _

7、or _.I _my grandma. I miss you too!I _ you are well.Love,Lingling六、根据要求完成句子(16分)1.She learnt to dance.(变成否定句)She _ _to dance.2.What did you have for lunch?She _sandwiches.3. didnt enough have we food ( .)_4. changing is the world fast very (.)_5.likes at school working he (.)_6. lingling English foo

8、d does like (?)_7. books for weve got students (.)_8. put on them lets this shelf(.)_七、阅读理解(10分)Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come here to work. Jim comes here to study.He is in No.5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isnt late for school. He st

9、udies hard. He can read English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much.。He likes living here. He likes Chinese students very much. We all like him, too.根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。对的在括号内填“ T ”, 错的填“ F ”.( )1. Jim gets up late every day.( )2. Jim often helps us with our English


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