1、54新编英汉翻译下期课件第2学期1. 英汉翻译三部曲如果把翻译工作不只当成理论研究而且当成具体谋生的职业或手段,除那些复杂的翻译理论和技巧外,还要遵循翻译三部曲的方法来进行翻译,可能入门更快,效果更好。入门准备: A. 译者在英汉翻译入门前必须掌握英语句子成分及其顺序:并列句,复合句或并列复合句都是由简单陈述句(各定语和状语扩编成句子时又可形成复合句,并列句或并列复合句)组成的,而要理解英文原文,首先必须掌握英文简单陈述句各部分的语序和定语的位置: 每个陈述句最多可以由6个成分组成,各部分的顺序如下:1 主语,2 谓语(或系动词),3 宾语(或表语),4 方式状语,5 地点状语,6 时间状语;
2、时间状语6可以放在主语之前。练习:用正确的顺序把下列单词连接成句子并翻译成中文:1. Games, played, yesterday, in their room, the children, quietly.The children played games quietly in their room yesterday参考译文: 昨天孩子们在他们的房间里静悄悄地玩游戏。2. the little boy, an apple, this morning, ate, greedily, in the kitchen.The little boy ate an apple greedily i
3、n the kitchen this morning参考译文:今天早上这个小男孩在厨房里贪婪地吃了一个苹果。3. Before lunch, the letter, in his office, quickly, read, heHe read the letter quickly in his office Before lunch参考译文:午饭前他在办公室里很快读了信。4. A new school, built, they, in our village, last year.They built a new school in our village last year参考译文:去年他
4、们在我们的村里建造了一所新学校。5. This morning, a book, I, from the library, borrowed. This morning I borrowed a book from the library 参考译文:今天早上我从图书馆里借了一本书。英语句子中定语的位置:1) 在被修饰的名词前面: 名词,形容词,分词,动名词等短的修饰语2) 在被修饰的名词后面:从句,短语(包括某些名词,如something等所要求形容词)等长的修饰语3) 定语总是在被修饰语的前面或后面,在后面而又有一个逗号隔开的定语是非限定性定语,可能是对主句提出补充资料或修饰前面的某一个名词
5、, 并列句,复合句或并列复合句中的主句和从句(条件状语从句,原因状语从句,让步状语从句或结果状语从句等)的顺序比较灵活,主要取决于作者的逻辑思维和强调重点。B. 译者在英汉翻译入门前必须掌握中文句子成分及其顺序:1 主语,2 时间状语,3 地点状语,4 方式状语,5谓语(在中文中,除动词外,形容词,介词等也可作谓语),6宾语;时间状语2和地点状语3也可以放在主语1的前面, 在这一顺序中,时间和地点状语的位置与英文的不同,而且,在英文中,只有动词才能作谓语,而在中文中,除动词外,形容词,介词等也可作谓语,例如,她漂亮,他生气了.我们在教室里,用英文表示时, 则必须在这些形容词和介词短语前面加上系
6、动词be, get 或 become等。例如,She is beautiful. He was (got 或became) angry. We are in the classroom.练习:1. 她昨天在家看电视时收到她哥哥的来信。参考译文: She received a letter from her brother when she was watching TV at home.2. 他们上周修这条路时才知道这块石头大。参考译文: They got to know that this stone is big when they were rebuilddidng the road.3
7、. 这家公司去年非法在我们村建立了一家化学工厂。参考译文: This company built a chemical factory illeagelly in our villiage last year.4. 很喜欢音乐的那个先生很生气。参考译文: The gentleman who likes music very much got angry.5. 他能用英语表达思想,而且说得很清楚。参考译文: He can express his idea in English clearly.复杂句字中的主句和从句(条件状语从句,原因状语从句,让步状语从句或结果状语从句等)中,条件状语从句和原因
8、状语从句都放在主句前面,让步状语从句或结果状语从句可以放在主句后面。1.1. 英译中A,第一部曲: 理解英文原文用已经学过的英语语法来理解英文句子原文,英文句子无论是并列句,复合句或并列复合句,都是由简单陈述句组成, 简单陈述句都包含一个概论,用来叙述一件事情,找出每个英文句子中的句子成分和它们之间的关系。根据这些成分和它们的关系来确定句子的意思,深入推测句子里面包含的意义,就可以全面真实地理解句子想要表达的内容。B 第二部曲: 用中文再现英文句子想表达的意思记住英文句子想表达的内容,丢掉英文语法这根拐杖,用中文句子的下列语序来再现这些内容。中文句子也是从简单陈述句开始,把简单句中的状语和定语
9、扩编成句子,再加上条件状语从句,原因状语从句,让步状语从句或结果状语从句等,也就形成了从句,主句,复杂句等,要用中文表达英文句子中内容,必须掌握中文简单句中各个成分的顺序以及它们与英文中相应成分的区别: 中文简单句中各个成分的顺序: 1 主语,2 时间状语,3 地点状语,4 方式状语,5谓语(在中文中,除动词外,形容词,介词等也可作谓语),6宾语;时间状语2和地点状语3也可以放在主语1的前面;中文的状语和状语从句往往都放在它修饰的动词或主句前面。中文的定语总是放在被它修饰的名词前面。C 第三步曲: 对中文译文进行逻辑分析检查中文译文是否读得通,是否有矛盾,若有矛盾则必须回到第一部曲对英文原文进
10、行反复推敲,直到消除矛盾为止;如果没有矛盾,则应对中文译文进行润色,不仅要使中文译文符合汉语规范又要使文字优美。1.2 中译英A 第一部曲,理解中文原文全面理解中文句子,找出句子中 1 主语,2 时间状语,3 地点状语,4 方式状语,5谓语和6 宾语以及定语,如果中文句子是复杂的句子,则先要把主句和从句找出来,然后在找各个单句的成分。B 第二部曲, 用英文再现中文句子想表达的意思完全丢掉中文语法规则,用英文简单陈述句的各部分的顺序规定将相应的中文部分连接起来,对谓语或系动词进行时态或语态处理,做语态处理时,对主语和宾语做相应处理。翻译复杂句子时,需要按英文的习惯先确定各个从句和主句的位置。注意
11、!时间和地点状语在简单陈述句中的位置中文与英文的不同,而且,在英文中,只有动词才能作谓语,但在中文中,除动词外,形容词,介词等也可作谓语,例如,她漂亮,他生气了.我们在教室里,用英文表示时, 则必须在这些形容词和介词短语前面加上系动词be, get 或 become等。例如,She is beautiful. He was (got 或became) angry. We are in the classroom.C 第三步曲: 对英文译文进行逻辑分析读一读英文译文是否通顺,检查句子各部分是否符合英语中对各成分顺序的规定,即1 主语,2 谓语(或系动词),3 宾语(或表语),4 方式状语,5 地
12、点状语,6 时间状语;时间状语6可以放在主语之前。并列句,复合句或并列复合句中的主句和从句(条件状语从句,原因状语从句,让步状语从句或结果状语从句等)的顺序比较灵活,主要取决于作者的逻辑思维和强调重点。然后对英译文句子进行改进,例如将某些从句改成分词短语或介词-动名词短语,调整某些状语的位置等。 为了翻译出规范的译文,译者必须尽可能多地掌握其它关于英汉和汉英翻译的书籍介绍的方法和技巧。例如: 2009-06-21 GET PAPER A Changes and developments in a science are determined by numerous causes. Every
13、science grows from its past, and the state reached in a previous generation provides the starting point for the next. But no science is carried on in a vacuum, without reference to or contact with other sciences and the general atmosphere for learning. Scientists and men of learning are also men of
14、their age and country, and they can't live independent of the culture. Besides its own past, the course of science is also affected by the social context of its contemporary world and the intellectual premises in it. Applications of the science and the expectations that others have of it may be
15、a very important determinant of the direction of its growth and changes.2009-01-03 GET PAPER B Section A英译汉:When dominant innovators in a science respond to the challenge of a situation that demands some change in its practice, this may take a number of forms, and rival schools may grow up around di
16、fferent leaders responding differently to a particular situation. These rivalries may be reinforced and perpetuated by the use of standard textbooks. Any empirical science must be able to cope with its own phenomena, and once any observation is accepted as relevant, its theory and modes of descripti
17、on and analysis must be able to handle it with scientific adequacy, of which exhaustiveness, consistency, economy are basic principles. The extension of a science to new but relevant fields may require the further elaboration and presentation of existing theory along previously-followed lines.1. 有次房
18、东问我,Did you eat anything yet? 我回答:No.(没吃) 她听后重复了一遍,So you did nt eat anything. 我说:Yes.(吃了) 房东老太太犹豫了一下,又问:Did you eat?我说: No.(没吃) 她接着说,So you did nt eat anything. 我说:Yes. (吃了) 估计她当时要崩溃了。2. 班上有一哥们儿英语不好,有一天他迟到了,站在门口,说:Sorry,Im late for class. 我们的Miss是一位很严格的老太太,问他:How come? 这哥们儿想了几秒,很认真、很诚恳地回答:By bus。 全
19、班哄笑,老太太一脸黑色。2. 第6章(P.64) 翻译的基本技巧(P64)所谓的翻译技巧就是对语言差异的”灵巧”处理。2.1 转性与变态(P64)转性就是转换词性,翻译中的词性转换是没有限制的,比如名词可以转换成动词,形容词,副词等;动词可以转换成名词,形容词,副词等;形容词,副词也可以转换出名词,动词等。不过,英译汉时,词性转换多表现在英语的名词、介词转译成汉语的动词。(例句1,2,4和5见原文64-65页)翻译练习及参考译文:1. 两位美丽无邪的小姐妹首先倾吐了要做姑嫂的喜悦,然后拥抱在一起,洒下了欣喜的泪花。2. 苔丝出于自尊,不屑再回头去看父亲意欲何为,哪怕他真的要- 3. It is
20、 my conviction that though men may be no more wicked than they always have been, they seem less likely to be ashamed.我相信,人们虽然未必比以前更缺德,但似乎比以前更不知羞耻。变态就是改变语态。a.将英语的被动语态翻译成中文的主动语态; b, 将英语的被动语态翻译成中文的被动语态,即a)不带被动意义的标记和b)带被动意义的标记, 中文中常见的被动标记有被,由,给,把,让,受,为,遭,所,获,使,加以,予以,蒙等等;c.特殊的变通手段。(例句6,9,10,11,12,13和 14见
21、原文65-67页)翻译练习及参考译文: 7. I was truly dumbfounded by this deep fury that possessed her whenever she looked at me.Dumbfound=使目瞪口呆,惊呆; fury=愤怒;狂怒; possess=占有, 拥有, 持有, 摆布, 支配她每次打量我时那种凶神恶煞的样子, 真的会令我呆若木鸡。8. Blue jeans can be purchased pre-washed, pre-faded, and pre-shrunk for the suitably proletarian look.人
22、们可以买到经过水洗,褪色和缩水处理的牛仔裤,穿起来很像无产者。9. 任务完成了,但仍不能杜绝以后出错。13. 在美国旅行期间,给我很深印象的是一种根深蒂固的忧郁症。在我看来,该症状似乎极其普遍常见,这也给社会改革家出了难题。14. 每年,列维的服装均卖出了二亿五千多万件, 其中包括八千三百多万条钉有铜铆钉的蓝牛仔裤。15. Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrongdoings. 在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的坏事。16. They worked long hours
23、 on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. 他们吃简陋的饮食,住寒冷的窑洞,靠微弱的灯光,长时间地工作。17. Stevenson was eloquent and elegant, but soft. 史蒂文森有口才,有风度,但很软弱。18. The security and warmth of the destroyers sick bay were wonderful. 驱逐舰的病室很安全也很温暖,好极了。19. He is physically weak, but mentally sound. 他身体虽弱,但思想健康。20. The g
24、arden- party is a success. 游园会很成功。2.2 增补与省略(P67)翻译时不能按英文原文的字数翻译,在根据原文所表达和内含的意思进行翻译时,必须用中文的结构和用词行文,这可能会增加或减少词汇,但增词不增义,减词不减义。(例句15,16,17,18,19,20,21和22见原文67-69页)翻译练习及参考译文:1. 这种飞机体积不大,价格便宜,无人驾驶。This plane is not big in volume, low in price and pilotless.或This aircraft is small, cheap and pilotless.2. 实
25、现这个目标易如反掌。(breeze=轻而易举的事)Achieving this target is very easy.或Achieving those targets will be a breeze. (or: will be very easy.) 11. Fantastic Piece of Logic荒谬的逻辑SydneyJ. Harris锡德尼J 哈里斯One of the most fantastic pieces of logic Ive ever seen in print is the rationale of capital punishment recently off
26、ered by Dr. George Crane1, the only syndicated columnist2 who signs himself, "Ph.D., M.D.”Fantastic=幻想的, 奇异的, 稀奇古怪的, 荒谬的; rationale=合逻辑的论据,根本原因; syndicate=联合成辛迪加我在出版物中见到的最为荒谬的逻辑之一,是乔治克莱恩博士最近提出的有关死刑的逻辑依据。此人是署名中自称“哲学博士、医学博士”的惟一报业辛迪加专栏作家。He writes: “Clergymen should stress the fact that without ca
27、pital punishment, there would be no Christianity at all. If Jesus had not been sentenced to death on the cross, how could there be any Catholic or Protestant churches today? So Christianity owes its very existence to capital punishment.”Clergymen=教士,牧师, 神职人员; Catholic=天主教徒; Protestant=新教的, 新教徒的;他写道:
28、“神职人员应该强调这样一个事实:如果没有死刑,就决不会有基督教。如果耶稣不是被处死在十字架上,今天怎么会有天主教或新教呢?因此,基督教的产生应归功于死刑。”With the use of this tremendous reasoning device, what cannot be justified in history? For instance, without the madness and despotism of King George I3, there would have been no American Revolution and no United States of
29、 America.Device=方法, 手段,装置; despotism=专制统治,运用这种绝妙的推理手段,历史上还有什么事情能说是没有正当理由呢?比如说,没有 乔治一世国王的疯狂和专制,就不会有美国革命,就不会有美利坚合众国。Many of the Kings advisers and members of Parliament were in favor of giving the colonies more freedom and self-government and lifting the harsh taxes that had been imposed on them.Harsh
30、=粗糙的, 荒芜的, 苛刻的国王的顾问和国会议员中,不少人都赞成给殖民地以更多的自由和自治,并取消强加于殖民地的苛捐杂税。But George I,who eventually went mad, bitterly resisted such advice, and clamped down on the colonists. So we should be grateful to insanity and despotism for resulting in the U.S.A. Ergo, insanity and despotism are good things, just as ca
31、pital punishment is.clampe down=取缔, 施加压力; insanity=精神错乱, 疯狂, 愚顽; Ergo=因此, 由是可是乔治一世最终发疯了,断然拒绝这样的忠告,肆意压制殖民地人民。因此,我们应该庆幸是疯狂和专制导致了美国的诞生。所以说,跟死刑一样,疯狂和专制也是好事。Lets keep in mind, too, that the Inquisition in Spain4 was a marvelous thing because it inaugurated the resistance to Roman Catholicism all over Eur
32、ope, culminating in the Protestant Reformation. So without the Inquisition, there might have been no Protestant Church, which owes its very existence to religious repression.Inquisition=调查, 探究, 审理, (中世纪天主教审判异教徒)宗教裁判所; marvelous=引起惊异的, 不可思议的, 非凡的; inaugurate=举行就职典礼, 创新, 开辟; Catholicism=天主教;我们还要牢记,西班牙
33、的宗教法庭也是件大好事因为它引发了全欧洲对罗马天主教的抵抗运动,最终导致了新教改革。因此,没有西班牙宗教法庭,就不会有新教,新教的创立要归功于宗教镇压。Ergo, once more, Inquisitions are good, just as capital punishment is right, because they result in the creation of a new, reformed church. Praise be to all Inquisitors everywhere.Inquisitor=宗教法庭审判官, 调查人,审讯人所以说,就跟死刑有理一样,宗教法庭
34、也是正当的,因为它们导致了一个经过改革的新教派的创立。应该感谢天下所有的宗教法庭审判官。There is no limit to what the imaginative historian can do with this device, henceforth to be known as “Cranes Equation.” Since most good things have arisen from the bad conditions that caused them, we should therefore support all bad things on the basis t
35、hat they will stimulate truth, reason, justice, freedom, and reform.Henceforth=从此以后;今后;有了这一推理手段(以后就称作“克莱恩等式”),富有想象力的历史学家就无所不能了。鉴于绝大多数的好事都起源于恶劣的境况,我们可以因此支持所有的坏事,其根据是坏事能激发真理、理性、正义、自由和改革。 Slavery is excellent, because it precipitated the Civil War, and thus took the blacks out of bondage. Obviously, wi
36、thout slavery there could have been no Emancipation. Infectious and contagious diseases are marvelous things, too, since without them we never would have developed out anti-toxins.Precipitate=使提前或突然发生:使发生; bondage=奴役, 束缚; Emancipation=释放, 解放; anti-toxins=抗毒素奴隶制是了不起的,因为它引发了内战,把黑人从奴役中解放出来。显然,没有奴隶制,就不会
37、有奴隶的解放。同样,传染病、触染病也是大好事,因为没有了它们,就决不会研制出抗毒素。 同样,各种各样的传染病也全是大好事,因为没有了它们,抗毒素就绝对研制不出来。 A man needs both a Ph.D and an M.D. to figure these matters out. I am eternally indebted to Dr. Crane for a whole new slant on history.(407 words)Eternally=永恒地, 常常; indebted =负债的, 感恩的; slant=个人的观点或见解, 倾斜; 歪向一个人需要既是哲学博士
38、又是医学博士,才能悟出这些道理来。我要永远感激克莱恩博士,感谢他对历史提出了一个全新的看法。本文作者锡德尼哈里斯(1917-1986),美国报纸撰稿人和作家,其见解和言论经常被人援引。这里选取的是他的一篇反讽式的论说文。1George Crane:乔治克莱恩(美国报业辛迪加专栏作家)。2syndicated columnist:通过稿件辛迪加在多家报纸上同时发表文章的专栏作家。3King George I:乔治一世(1660-1727,英国汉诺威王朝第一代国王)。4the Inquisition in Spain:西班牙的宗教法庭开始于15世纪80年代,其审讯、迫害目标是犹太人和新基督教 徒。
39、这场残酷的迫害先后持续了三百多年,直至19世纪初,西班牙才废除宗教法庭。2.3 正译与反译(P69)肯定说法为正说,否定说法为反说,在翻译实践中,正说和反说可以保持,但也应该根据实际情况的逻辑关系进行转换。(例句24,26,27,28,29和30见原文69-71页)翻译练习及参考译文:23. Another person runs to avoid doing anything else, to dodge a decision about how to lead his life or a realization that his life is leading nowhere.Dodge=
40、躲避; realization=实现,领会; nowhere=无处, 到处都无,遥远或不知道的地方;23. 另一个人跑步是为了避免做其他的事,逃避对如何生活做出决定,无视自己人生的碌碌无为。另一个人跑步是为了避免做别的事,不去决定到底应该怎样生活,也不去想一想为何他的人生碌碌无为。24. 当然大家都想到了会感觉吃惊,但万没料到会如此大吃一惊。 当然大家都想到了会感觉吃惊,但出乎意料的是竟然大吃了一惊。 25. He had an aversion to yielding so completely to his feelings, choosing rather to absent himse
41、lf; and eating once in twenty-four hours seemed sufficient sustenance for him. Aversion=讨厌的人或事物; sustenance=营养物 他讨厌完全屈服于自己的感觉,宁愿不去吃饭,24小时吃一顿饭对他好像就足够了。26. 我在遇到你母亲之前就认识她了。2.4 抽象与具体(P71)英语原文的抽象概念可以转换成具体概念,具体概念也可以转换成抽象概念。(例句31,33和34见原文71-72页)翻译练习及参考译文:32.Again, therefore, she applied herself to the key,
42、 and after moving it every possible way, for some instants, with the determined celebrity of hopes last effort, the door suddenly yielded to her hand.Apply oneself to=致力于; celebrity=声望,名声; yield to= .屈服于,陷入,服从 (搬弄,鼓捣,摆弄,拨弄)因此, 她又摆弄起了钥匙, 怀着最后一线希望,果断用力地尝试不同的开锁法,不一会儿, 柜门突然打开了。 33. 留心一下他对我那可怜丈夫说的话,还有比这更
43、气人的吗?(更令人厌恶的吗?)2.5 分句与合句(P72)所谓分句法就是把原文某句话分解成两个或以上的句子进行翻译;而合句法就是把原文两个或以上的句子合并成一个句子进行翻译。(例句37,38和39见原文72-74页) 翻译练习及参考译文:35. The day before I was to leave I went walking across the river to the red mesa, where many times before I had gone to be alone with my thoughts. Mesa=方山, 平顶山 临行前一天,我徒步趟河去了红台山;我曾去
44、过那里多次,独自一人静思。 36. I have every reason in the world to think ill of you. No motive can excuse the unjust and ungenerous part you acted there. You dare not, you cannot deny that you have been the principal, if not the only means of dividing them from each other- of exposing one to the censure of the w
45、orld for caprice and instability, the other to its derision for disappointed hopes, and involving them both in misery of the acutest kind. think ill of=看不起(轻视); motive=动机; unjust =不公平的,不公道的, 不正当的; ungenerous=胸襟狭窄的,吝啬的, 吝啬的, 不宽厚的;principal=负责人, 首长, 校长, 主犯, 本金; means=手段, 方法; censure=责难, 谴责, 指责; world=
46、世人,世界; caprice=反复无常, 任性, 怪想; derision=嘲笑; misery=痛苦, 苦恼, 悲惨, 不幸; acute=尖锐的, 敏锐的。 我有充分的理由鄙视你。无论动机如何,都不能原谅你在那儿扮演的即不正当又不不宽厚的角色。就算你不是把两人拆开的唯一罪魁,也是个祸首;让世人指责一个朝三暮四, 讥笑另一个痴心妄想, 害得他俩痛苦至极。这你不敢否认,也否认不了。翻译练习及参考译文:1 两国运动员分手的时候,真有点念念不舍。When athletes of the two countries parted, they were really reluctant to leav
47、e.或The athletes of the two countries were reluctant to part at the end of the sports meet.2 出国前他如饥似渴地学习英语。(热心= eagerness)He studied English eagerly before going abroad.或He studied English with great eagerness before going abroad. 12. Now People and Then People追新者与守旧者Sydney J. Harris锡德尼J 哈里斯“Dont you
48、 want to be one of the Now people?” asks an ad for a new soft drink, going on to urge, “Become one of the Now generation!” “难道你不想成为追新族中的一员吗? ” 一则介绍一种新型软饮料的广告这样问道,接着又鼓动说:“加入追新族吧!”The only thing I can think of that is worse than being one of the Now people is being one of the Then people. As a member
49、of civilization in good standing, I reject both the nowness and the thenness of the generation. I opt for the alwaysness.in good standing=遵守规章的地,交清费用的地, 声誉良好的地; opt for=选择,赞成依我看来,比做一个追新者还要糟糕的惟一事情,就是做一个守旧者。作为文明世界还算合格的一员,我对当代人的追新思潮和守旧思潮,都表示反对。我赞成始终如一。To be a Now person means to be wholly concerned wit
50、h the present and the immediate future; to be involved in fads, sensations and the whole pulsating ephemera of whats-going- on; to be perpetually on the qui vive (on the alert) for the newest, the latest, the coolest, the in. It also means to be insensitive to the past, to cut oneself off from the r
51、oots of tradition, to favor the sensory and the subjective over the rational and the real, to become a new kind of technological barbarian, which is more frightening than the old kind of preliterate barbarian.Fad=时尚, 一时流行的狂热, 一时的爱好; be involved in =涉及, 专心; sensation=轰动, 激动; 轰动一时的人(或事物); pulsating= .
52、脉动的,跳动; ephemera= n.生命短促,瞬息; perpetually=永恒地, 终身地; on the qui vive =警戒的;警惕的;in=流行; insensitive=不敏感的,麻木不仁的; sensory=感觉的, 感官的; technological=工艺的,技术的; barbarian=野蛮人; preliterate=有文字社会前的做一名追新者,意味着只顾眼前和不久的将来,倾注于时尚、轰动和令人怦然心动的一时潮流,无时无刻不在关注最新、最近、最酷、最时髦的事物。同时也意味着对过去麻木不仁,将自己与传统的根基割裂,喜欢感性的、主观性的事物,不喜欢理性的、实在的事物,
53、从而成为科技时代新型的野蛮人,这种人比文字出现以前老式的野蛮人还要可怕。To be a Then person means to cling to the past for its own sake, to apply lessons that are not relevant today, to engage in a mixture of nostalgia, envy, rage, and fear toward “modem youth”,and to imagine that twentieth-century problems can be solved by sixteen-ce
54、ntury moralism or eighteenth century politics.Nostalgia=怀旧, 怀乡病;做一名守旧者,意味着为了守旧而守旧,搬用如今不合时宜的经验教训,对“摩登青年”抱着一种怀旧、嫉妒、愤怒和恐惧的复杂心理,幻想20世纪的问题能用16世纪的道义和 18世纪的政治来解决。These are false alternatives, for they are not exclusive alternatives. There is a better way than either, and that is to be an Always person, tra
55、nscending both the frantic cult of the new and the feeble cult of the old. This means selecting from both what is valuable, and discarding what is useless or harmful which, of course, implies the ability to make such judgments. It means, further, learning to discriminate between values that are perm
56、anent and universal and mere matters of convention or taste or the times.Transcend=超越, 胜过; frantic=狂乱的, 疯狂的; cult=礼拜, 崇拜,一群信徒,; feeble=虚弱的, 衰弱的, 无力的, 微弱的; discriminate=歧视, 区别, 区别待遇; convention=大会,习俗, 惯例这不是两种非此即彼的选择,因为并非只有这两个选择(这两者不是真的非此即彼,因为他们并不排斥其他选择)。还有一个比这两者更好的选择,那就是做一个始终如一的人,既超越了对新事物的狂热崇拜,又超越了对旧
57、事物的无力信奉(既不对新事物狂热崇拜,也不对旧事物盲目迷信)。这就意味着从两者中汲取有价值的东西,丢弃无用或有害的成分当然,这也意味着你要具备有做出这种判断的能力。这还意味着,你要学会将普遍的、永久的价值与仅仅属于习俗、喜好、时尚的东西辨别开来。The Always person does not throw out the baby with the bath water as the Now person does who thinks that because we have had a false and hypocritical morality in the past that therefore all morality is merely a matter of taste or preference. Nor does he, like the Then person, operate on the basis that everything that was true for previous generations is equally true and relevant toda
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