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1、国际商务经济学2016-2017-1 2企业国际化进程0-1-85-25-? 2000 2007 2015What is InternationalisationThe firms process of initiating and maintaining its involvement in international business activities3Extent of Internationalization How can an analyst assess the degree of internationalization? One simple way: Internati

2、onal sales/revenues as a proportion of total sales/revenues Scope of operations (Where to conduct business) Resource deployment (How to allocate resources among activities/markets)Anything else you can see from this table (e.g. Foreign market performance)?5Company ACompany BInternational Sales/reven

3、ue (% of total sales)$5m (20%)$3m(60%)Operation scope 11 foreign markets23 foreign marketsResource Deployment (% of total resources)$2m (20%)$1m (40%)Which company has a higher internationalisation degree?Extent of Internationalization(cont.)Foreign market analysis Effective internationalisation rel

4、ies on analysis of foreign markets: PESCTEL Cost-benefit and risk analysis Implement the strategy Establish control mechanisms7Source: http:/2012/books/challenges-and-opportunities-in-international-business/s12-03-international-expansion-entry-.htmlDimensions of Internationalisat

5、ion(Welch & Luostarinen, 1988)FOREIGN OPERATIONS METHODSHowAgents, subsidiaries, licensing, franchising, management contractsMARKETSWherePolitical/cultural/physical distance differencesSALES OBJECTSWhatGoods, services, know-how, systemsOrganisational CapacityORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Export depar

6、tment, international division. PERSONNEL International skills and experience; trainingFINANCE8Patterns of Internationalisation There is a wide range of potential paths to internationalise. Are there any consistent patterns observable? Typically, the growth of foreign establishments was distinguished

7、 by a series of small, cumulative steps over time Non-investment Investment (next slide) Goodsservices, know-how Distances are minimised with time and experience9Patterns of Internationalisation (Contd.)Evolutionary theory of foreign investments A small percentage of firms (15.4) directly moved to f

8、oreign investment. Over half of those firms were prevented from exporting because of the nature of their product, transport costs and other barrier & high service component. Types of FDI Horizontal Platform Vertical10De-InternationalisationBenito & Welch (1997)11De-InternationalisationWhat i

9、s De-Internationalisation? Any voluntary or forced actions that reduce a companys engagement in or exposure to current cross-border activities (Benito & Welch 1997: 9). 12De-internationalisation: causes Lack of international experience (early stage) Performance-related reasons (mid stage) Strate

10、gic changes External shocks Is de-internationalisation a good choice for a company that is not performing well in foreign market? (Think of the benefits and the barriers of de-internationalisation when tackle this question ?) 13Types of De-internationalisationFull or partial de-internationalisation

11、Reduction of operations or withdrawal (divestment) Divestment - admission to failure? Switching from high to low commitment mode Sell-off or closure of sales, service or manufacturing subsidiaries Reduction of stake in a foreign venture Seizure by local authorities (nationalisation)Expropriation Is

12、this the end of the world? 14Re-InternationalisationWelch & Welch (2009)15Re-InternationalisationWhat is Re-internationalisation? The re-engagement in international operations by firms which have previously exited. Key drivers international re-entry: the assets and liabilities that are generated

13、 by international activity prior to exit, the outcome of the processes of exit, time-out and attempted re-entry, and the array of new, internationally relevant influences that come to bear on a companys situation during the period beyond exit. 16Fig. 2. Re-internationalisation process.17Fig. 1. Re-i

14、nternationalisation entrepreneur and company.1819SummaryInternationalisationDef ExtentForeign market analysisDimensionsPatternsDeinternationalisationDefCausesTypesReinternationalisationDefKey driversProcessReadingsCompulsoryWelch, L.S. & Luostarinen, R. (1988) Internationalization: Evolution of

15、a Concept, Journal of General Management, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 34-55 (only read pp. 34-43)RecommendedBenito, G. and Welch, L. (1997). De-Internationalization. Management International Review, 37(2), pp. 7-25. Welch, L. and Welch, C. (2009) Re-internationalisation: exploration and conceptualisation In

16、ternational Business Review 18(6): 567-577. 20Tutorial QuestionsWhat is firm internationalisation? Briefly discuss each of the dimensions of internationalisation as described by Welch and Luostarinen (1988).There is a wide range of potential paths any firm might take in internationalization (Welch and Luostarinen, 1988). Based on this s


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