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1、9B-Unit 3The environment(二)Grammar: like & same & different语法梳理A 、 “ The same ” and “ different”.如果两个或两个以上的事物是完全相同,英语中可以用the same 表达,如果不相同, 我们可以用different表达。 The same 和 different 可以做形容词做表语或者做定语修饰名词代词等, the same 后面常接单数名词而different后常接复数名词.翻译:我们在同一所学校,但是在不同的班级。_.B 、 “ like,”“ the same as和“”diff

2、erent from”说明事物或人物之间存在某种程度的相似性,我们常用“like或”“be like; look l ike “,像;看起来像 ”,说明事物或人物完全相同,我们常用:“the same as,既”不相似也不相同,我们常用:“be different from 。 ”He ran out _ an arrow. (像)It sa special music, sounds great! (像)Mr Jiang s computer and my computer arein size, his is big and mine is small. (不同)An MP3 player

3、 _ _ _ a CD player, an MP3 player doesn t use discs(.不同于)My bike _ _ _as yours.(相同)This suit looks _ _ _that one.(相同)C、 “ the sameas ”我们可以把名词或短语放在the same 之后,构成the same+n./phrase+as句型。翻译:我爸爸和他叔叔在同一所公司上班。_.D. 总结句子结构:1. sth. + v. + the same这两首歌听起来一样。_2. sth. + v. +different这三个教室大小不一样。_3. sb. + v. + li

4、ke + sth.坐在那里的老人像一块石头。_4. sth.+v.+the same as +sth.我衣服的颜色和你的相同。_5. sth. + v. + different from + sth.他们的房间和我们的不同。_6. the same + n .+ as她和我犯了同一个错误。_语法练习:1. Peter is the same age _Paul.2. We should be different _them and use both sides of paper.3. The cat in picture A is _(small) than the one in pictur

5、e B.4. He is as tall _his father now.5. I can speak English as _(good) as French.6. The more we get together, the _(happy)we will be.第一节英英释义() 1. I really don t know the answer. guessingI. m justA. trying to look smartB. trying to get upC. trying to get an answer() 2. The building was completely des

6、troyed by fire.A. enteredB. damagedC. pushed() 3. I m very busy. I havemountains of work to do.A. a large number ofB. a small amount ofC. a large amount of() 4. Your age shouldnmake tany difference to whether you get the job or not.A. keep in touch withB. have any effect onC. take responsibility for

7、() 5. The bad weather resulted in many car accidents.A. led toB. happened toC. kept to第二节语法填空As an international student, applying to study in the USA needs to make a plan and do lots of (16) _ (work). Youmay have some problems and (17) _ (need) some help to apply to study in the USA. We have (18) _

8、 (make) iteasier foryou to succeed by (19) _ (put) together a free database (数据库 ) of articles and stories (20) _international students, the US educational system ( 系统 ) (21) _ much more.Here (22) _ (be) our 12 most popular articles, includingHow to Get a Student Visa, Transferringto a USUniversity,

9、 Applying to a US Universityand Learning English . (23) _ you don t need themoucany also find other(24) _ (use) articles here. We are trying (25) _ (help) you succeed in studying in the USA.第三节完型填空Dear friends,My name is Sarah and I am 23 years old. I am a _26_ in a hospital and I would not change m

10、y career choice foranything else in the world _27_ I love helping people who are injured and helping them live a healthy life. Just thesimple“ _28_ ” I receive from a patient or a family member makes _29_ worth it.I love the outdoors, anything like horseback riding or boating! I may not be a common

11、girl because I love _30_. I1love watching and doing sports!“ Brother Dog,” asked the wolf,“ why do you have that patch around your neck where there is no fur?”I believe that laugh can make any day better! That is why a sense of humour (幽默感 ) is a MUST for me! I love toThe dog slowed down, stopped an

12、d turned to the wolf with sadness in his eyes.make people _31_ and I can be very funny when needed! That is also why I really enjoy _32_ to comedy clubs like“ That is where they place the leash around my neck. They do this so they can control me and keep me in my place,the Funny Bone. What s more, I

13、 love country music and I often go to some concerts.replied the dog, sadly.My friends and family _33_ everything to me and I would be sad _34_ them. I love them very much. I love _35_time with my brothers and sisters. That s me. Do you want to make friends with me?Yours,Sarah() 26. A. teacherB. farm

14、erC. doctor() 27. A. becauseB. soC. or() 28. A. SorryB. HelpC. Thank you() 29. A. somethingB. everythingC. nothing() 30. A. sportsB. filmsC. music() 31. A. cryB. laughC. crazy() 32. A. joiningB. goingC. making() 33. A. meanB. makeC. buy() 34. A. withB. inC. without() 35. A. wastingB. payingC. Spendi

15、ng“ Never! ” said the wolf as he began to go back into the forest.“ I would rather be hungry and free than be fat andslave.”() 36. Where did the dog go after he slipped off the leash?A. To the park.B. To the zoo.C. To the backyard.D. To the woods.() 37. Why did the master tie a leash to the dog s ne

16、ck?A. Because the master hate the dog.B. Because the master loved the dog.C. Because the master wanted to control the dog.D. Because the master wanted to give morefreedom to the dog.() 38. Why did the wolf go back to his place at last?A. Because he didn t want to be as a slave.B. Because he didn t l

17、ike the master.C. Because he didn't want to live with people.D. Because he didn't have food to eat at the dog's home.() 39. What did the dog look like?A. He was tall.B. He was short.C. He was fat.D. He was thin.() 40. Which is the best title for this passage?第四节阅读理解A. A dog and the maste

18、r.AB. A dog and a wolf.BC. A dog's happy life.D. A thin wolf.A dog got away from his leash(拴狗颈的皮带) one day and went for a walk in the woods. After a time, he met aOur school decides to organize ( 筹备 ) an Englishwolf. The dog said to the wolf,“ Brother Wolf, you look so thin! How can you be happy

19、 when you are so thin? YouWeek to improve our English.should come to live with me and my master. I eat much every day and I never worry about food.”The wo lf thought for a moment and replied,“ Yes, you are right. Why should I be out here in the wild hunting forTimesmall pieces of food when someone e

20、lse will give it to me? And you are so well fed. Very well, I will come to live withplaceyou. ”“ Good, ” said the dog,“ then follow me.”As they went to the dog s home, the wolf noticed a斑patch点)around(the dog s neck where the fur had been wornoff.English Week25th, August 31st, AugustHaixiang Middle

21、SchoolReading EnglishTime: 8:00 8:40 every morning & 9:00 9:40 ever nightPlace: Haixiang Square2All the students in the school go to the square to read English. Every student will get a piece of newspaper. A teacher named Mr Green from England will teach us to read it. Hewill help us improve our

22、 spoken English.Watching English filmsTime: 10:00 12:00 every dayActivitiesPlace: On the first floor oft the libraryYou can watch many interesting English films, such asThe Pursuit of Happiness, EllaEnchanted, and Princess DiariesI. We can learn English when we enjoy the films. Fromthe films, we can

23、 know a lot of culture and learn lots of words.A speechTime: 2:00 pm 4:00 pm on 31st, AugustPlace: Xuehai HallThe best English teacher from our school will give a speech called How to Learn English Well. He is an experienced teacher. He has plenty of teaching and learning experience. He will share h

24、is own experience with the teachers and students in the school.() 41. Where does Mr Green come from?A. China.B. America.C. England.D. Australia.() 42. How long will the students spend on reading English on the square a day?A. Forty minutes.B. One hour.C. Two hours.D. One hour and twenty minutes.() 4

25、3. Which of the following film is NOT mentioned?A. Princess Diaries I .B. Princess Diaries II.C. Ella Enchanted .D. The Pursuit of Happiness .() 44. How many activities are there in the English Week?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.() 45. What is this passage mainly about?A. Activities in English Week

26、.B. Where to hold English Week.C. People who take part in English Week.D. When to hold English Week.CThere is a big demand ( 需求 ) for English teachers in China. The country develops at a high speed,so it needs lots of volunteers who can teach primaryschool students conversational ( 对话的 ) English ski

27、lls in China.Global Crossroad is mainlyconnected with several Chinese public schools. And most of them are inthe countryside.Non-native English speakers are also invited to join this project.With the growth of the country's economy, the demand for English education in China is growing. As Chinac

28、ontinues to be a global business country, the importance of English education is increasing as well. Many public schoolsin China have an "English Comer", which is a place of the classroom designed (设计 ) and set aside for teaching andlearning English. These schools are in need of internatio

29、nal teachers to teach English. Most schools in the countryside inChina are searching for good English teachers. Your time and efforts are so important in improvingthese studentsEnglish skills and helping them get more equal ( 平等的 ) chances to work in the future.() 46. What does China need according

30、to the passage?A. English teachers.B. Chinese teachers.C. Doctors.D. Scientists.() 47. China needs volunteers to teach conversational English skills to _ most.A. primary school studentsB. college studentsC. high school studentsD. junior school students() 48. Why is the demand for English education g

31、rowing?A. Because the number of students in China is growing.B. Because China is developing English study.C. Because the economy in China is growing.D. Because Chinese people have realized the importance of English.() 49. What is the "English Comer"?A. A place of the room set aside for wat

32、ching English films.B. A place of the room set aside for making English films.C. A place of the classroom designed for teaching and learning Chinese.D. A place of the classroom designed for teaching and learning English.() 50. What is the purpose of the writer writing this passage?A. To ask people t

33、o be volunteers.B. To help people know China.C. To ask people to give money.D. To help people learn English.DNow we all know that parenting (培养孩子 ) is a difficult thing. There are many ways we can deal with it, but some are3more useful than others:One thing we must remember is that no Mom or Dad is

34、an island unto themselves. Parenting is about socialconnections and learning, and it means other parents will give us more experience we use to teach our kids.Parenting may become very difficult if you come across problems you may have had when you were a little kid. Wemust do better than what we ex

35、perienced when we were young. We should also make sure it never happens to our kids.Kids may have difficulties in studying or making friends. We must be there when they need advice and help.Kids may cry for a number of reasons and you should allow them to show their feelings. It is a very common thi

36、ng. Even for boys, they should not be forced to hide their true feelings. Tears contain the hormones ( 荷尔蒙 ) of stress. They leave the body when we are crying. We must provide kids with proper emotional support ( 恰当的感情支持 ) so they can heal their pain.() 51. What can we know from the underlined sente

37、nce?A. Mom and Dad are not lonely.B. Mom and Dad are together.C. Parents should learn from each other about parenting,D. Parents should only teach their kids in their own ways.() 52. What should you do if your kids cry?A. Stop them.B. Give them sweet food. .C. Beat them.D. Let them cry.() 53. What will happen when our tears fall down?A. The hormones of stress make our eyes clear.B. The hormones of stress stay in the body.C. The hormones of stress get out of the body.D. The hormones of stress g


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