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1、Unit 2 What should I do? 一丶重点短语1argue v争论;争吵argue with sb.与某人吵架 I my best friend我和我的好朋友吵架了。2 either   adv.(用于否定句)也  He doesnt have any money, and I dont,他没有钱,我也没有。  I cant play chess. She cant,.我不会下国际象棋,她也不会。  too 也(用于肯定或疑问句) Im a teacherHe is a teacher,我是老师,他也是老师。3ask (sb)f

2、or sth向某人寻求某物;要   Don't food every dayGo and find some work 别天天要饭,找点儿工作做。 I dont think you should your parents some money.我想你不应向父母要钱。 4the same as. 与相同 (注意前后两个比较对象的属性保持一致)The clothesmy friends'这些衣服与我朋友的一样。 Tom is age Anna Tom is old Anna 汤姆和安娜一样大。 Her backpack is mine.  &

3、#160; 她的背包与我的一样。 5except 除以外;(不包括在内) My class has been invited me除我以外,我的同学都被邀请了。 All the students went to the park him除了他之外,全体同学都去过公园了。They all America her.  除了她以外,所有的学生都去美国旅行过。 注意区别:besides 除以外,还有.(包括在内) We all went there him除他去以外,我们也都去了。( He went thereWe went there, too) 他也去了,我们也去了!/大家都去了!The

4、re are five more visitors me.除了我之外还有5名访客 (加上我是6个)6wrong adj错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?) I've got a headache我头痛。 Whats wrong with your watch? It doesn't work.你的手表怎么了?它不走了。 注意:Whats the matter with you?=Whats wrong?=Whats the trouble with you? 你怎么了?/你出什么事了?7get on(we

5、ll) with sb与某人相处(融洽)get on ( well ) with sth 某事进展地好The students will the teacher学生会和老师相处得非常好。 How you your new friends? 你和你的新朋友相片如何 ?These days ,Mr Greenon his new job. 这些天,格林先生的工作进展很顺利8have a fight with sb fight with sb与某人打架 I dont want to my cousin 我不想和我的堂兄打架。 They never each other.They are really

6、 good friends.            他们从不打架,他们的确是好朋友。  二、主要句型(Key Sentences Structures) What should I do?  You could write him a letter What should he do? Maybe he should say sorry to him What should they do? They shouldn't argue 三、词语辨析

7、1. borrow sth. from sb.   从某人处借进某物 (借回来) lend sth. to sb. =lend sb. sth   把某物借给某人 (借出去)注:  borrow sth. from sb.  是指该句的主语从别人处(往里)借进某物lend sth. to sb. =lend sb. sth. 是指该句的主语把某物(往外)借给别人用例:He the dictionary from Lucy yesterday.=Lucy the dictionaryhim他昨天从露西处借了那本字典. 例如:Could

8、you me your car? =Could you your car me?请你借给我你的车用一下好吗?2. get sb. to do  使做(以人为对象时,有“说服使做”的含义)     He could get a tutor to come to his home. 他可以请一位家庭教师来他家。     Youll never get her to agree.  你决不可能使她同意。 ask sb. to do  邀请(人)做    We her to our party

9、.我们请她来参加聚会 tell sb. to do让某人做某事  例如:     The teacher him the work that day. 老师那天让他完成那项工作。3、be in style   时髦的,流行的 be out of style    过时的,不时髦的 Look! Her new dress is.她的新裙子很时髦。Those clothes are. 那些衣服过时了。四、课文解释1、I dont want to surprise him. 我不想让他感到意外。

10、60;   此处surprise是及物动词 surprise sb. 使某人感到吃惊    eg. My friend always surprises me.2、talk about it on the phone  用电话就此事进行交流On the phone 在电话里 。不能使用 in the phone、eg. They talk about a lot on the phone yesterday.他们昨天在电话里谈了很多3、call sb. (up) =give sb. a call   给某

11、人打电话4、write sb. a letter = write a letter to sb.    给某人写信5、give him a ticket to a ball game.给他一张观看球赛的入场券 (注意to 译为:.的)  eg.They got two tickets tonights show. 他们搞了两张今晚表演的入场券。6、She has the same haircut as I do.  她和我有相同的发型。eg. Tim has clothes his brother does.提姆和他的弟弟有

12、相同的衣服。7、find out (经过某人的研究、努力)发现,查出,找出8、Everyone else in my class was invited except me. 除了我以外,我们班其他别的人都接到了邀请(信)此句中else一词不能单独使用,它必须跟在不定代词像“someone, anyone nobody”等词的后面,或跟在特殊疑问词像“what, where”等词的后面使用意思是“别的”eg. What else 别的什么, Who else 其他谁 someone else 其他人9、I cant think what I did wrong.  我真想不出我做错了

13、什么。此句中what I did wrong是宾语从句,应用陈述语序 (即 :主语+动词)10、Im very upset and dont know what to do.我很沮丧,不知该干什么。此句中what to do是不定式作know的宾语,可用宾语从句来代替。可以说成“I dont know what I should do.”请背熟以下两个常见结构: I dont know what to do .我不知道该做什么。 I dont know how to do it. 我不知道该怎么去做它。11、You left your homework at home.你把你的作业落在家里了。

14、leave sth. +介词短语,是“把忘在,落在(某处)的意思。eg. He his umbrella the bus.他把伞忘在公交车上。 注:千万不能根据汉语的说法写为:forget sth ,只能用leave sth.表示“落下”13、You should try to be funny.  你应该试着幽默一些。Try to do努力做,试着做,尽量做而try not to do  是尽量不做eg. Please try late again.  请尽量不要再迟到。14、Their school days are busy enough.  他们

15、的学校生活是够忙的。  enough必须放在形容词/副词的后面,表示“足够的” (后置)eg. He is tall that apple.他足够高的可以够着那个苹果。15、be under too much pressure.  在太多的压力下16、see other children doing a lot of things    看别的孩子在做许多事see sb. doing    看见某人正在干某事 (强调动作正在进行)See sb do sth 看见某人做过某事 (强调动作已结束)eg.We saw t

16、hem basketball at that time.那时我们看见他们在打篮球 I often saw her (唱歌)in the nextroom. 17、find it +adj +to do sth.  发现做(事)怎么样 He found it math well.  他发现学好数学很难注:it 初中阶段常作:形式主语 /形式宾语 ,而句子真正的主语/宾语则由to do 来担当.八年级英语下册Unit2练习题一丶单项选择 1. Im not good at math. I really dont know_.A. what should I do B.

17、how should do C.what to do 2. My best friend is the same_. We are both 12 years old. A. as my age B.age as me C.as me age3. Can you_ what time the meeting starts? A.find out B.look after C.find4. My mother knows little about fashion. Her clothes are always_ A.in style B. Out of style C.new and smart

18、5. Dad, I dont have enough money to buy a CD. Could you_me some? A.borrow B.lend C.keep6. Dont argue_ your parents. Its not polite. A.to B.for C.with7. “What should I do ?”“_ you could get_part-time job.” A.Maybe ,a B.May be ,/ C.Really, a8.-Youd better not go out now. Its raining. - It doesnt matte

19、r. My new coat can keep_ the rain. A.in B.of C.out9. Its a beautiful coat. But he _ only 30 dollars for it. A. paid B.bought C.spent 10.The weather is_ for us to go swiming. A.enough warm B.warm enough C.too warm11.He_ his homework at home yesterday. A. left B.leaves C.forgot12. Could you give me_ t

20、o eat? Im hungry.A.anything B.something C.some thing13. If you are wrong, you should _sorry _others.A. talk, to B.say, to C.speak, about14. I was told to be here before seven. - Oh, you_ .Im sorry for not telling you that we have changed the plan.A. must B.cant C.neednt15. Whats wrong _ your radio?

21、- It doesnt work. A. to B.with C.for二丶根据首字母及句意完成单词。1. We a_ with the taxi driver about the money yesterday.2. Under the p_ of modern life, many people feel very tired.3. Everyone went to play soccer e_ Tom ,because he doesnt like it.4. She didnt go to bed u_her mother came back last night.5. Julia f

22、_ her test,so she was very upset.三丶甩所给词的适当形式填空。1. Dont be stressed out. You should try _ (be) relaxed.2. Give me_ (free) or let me die3. I plan to _ (surprised) her at her birthday party.4. Could you please _ (pass) me those dumplings?5. Im very upset and dont know what _ (do). 四丶根据汉语完成句子。1. 她生你的气了,

23、所以你她打电话。 She _ _ _ you, so you should _ _ _.2. 你能给我一些建议吗?Could you give me _ _ ?3. Henry很失落,不知道该怎么做。Henry is very _ and doesnt know _ _ _ .4. 星期三詹姆斯把他的历史书落在家里了James_ his history book _ _ on _.5. 孩子们需要时间和自由去玩耍与思考。Children need _ and _ to play and think.Unit 2  What should I do?1.keep out &#

24、160;不准进,阻止进入2.argue with sb.  和争吵=have a arguement with sb.  argue about sth. 为争吵3.out of style 过时的,不时髦的 in style  流行的,时髦的4.call sb. up = ring sb. up = call/ring/phone sb.   给.打电话5.give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.  给某人某物(bring, lend, pass, sell, send, show, take, write,

25、 read 等与 give 一样)6.a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的门票 a key to the door 门的钥匙the answer to the question问题的答案7.on the phone   在电话中,用电话8.pay for 付的款9.a part-time job 一份兼职工作 10.ask sb. for sth. 向某人要.11.borrowfrom从借(进)lendto 把借(出去)给12.bake sale面包或糕饼售买活动13.buy sb. sth. = buy sth for sb. 买给(类似:build, book,cook, get, keep, make, order, find 等)16.the same as 和一样的17.tell sb. (not) t


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