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1、LTE FDD 优化介绍优化介绍Dept. / Author / Date内内容容优化总述、流程和工具优化总述、流程和工具规划参数的影响和优化案例规划参数的影响和优化案例RF 测量和评估测量和评估RF 环境的影响和优化环境的影响和优化基于基于KPI指标的优化指标的优化峰值速率优化峰值速率优化Dept. / Author / DateOverviewDept. / Author / Date优化是使用一系列的方法,通过具体的方案实施,使网络性能达到一个既定的目标。从网络建成开始到网络的运营阶段,优化工作都是必不可少的。优化项目的确立非常灵活,根据不同分类和侧重,可以展开各种优化:从范围,重点区域

2、优化,全网优化;从时间,集中优化,持续优化;从内容,专题优化,系统优化;从方法,路测优化,指标优化;优化的确立和开展实施,通常需要结合多种因素,例如在正式商用前,路测优化显然是一种较适合的方式,商用后,随着用户数的增加,指标优化逐步成为重要环节。LTE建网过程中的络优化内容建网过程中的络优化内容优优化化流流程程举举例例-总总体体项项目目流流程程管管理理图图Dept. / Author / Date优化目标确立方法工具数据准备数据问题分析RootCause分析优化方案方案实施效果评估举举例例:基基于于路路测测/测测试试优优化化的的流流程程Dept. / Author / DateKPI/基站状态

3、检查参数一致性检查路测/测试及数据分析问题定位及解决结果和各阶段报告基基于于网网管管指指标标的的优优化化(Counter Based)Dept. / Author / Date基于使用场景(优化的需求)定制优化项目。需要提升KPI指标,或某些区域的特定问题,解决客户对网络质量的投诉等,均可以做为优化项目的目标和启动点。适于使用网管系统的统计指标 。例如,可以通过LTE网络的质量监控,掌握网络质量的实时变化和趋势变化,及时增加资源和优化调整,保证用户的服务质量。Performance supervision of the LTE Networksupervise the overall LTE

4、network performance on cell level and adjacency levelcompare the performance and quality of the LTE network with other technologiescompare the performance and quality of an eNodeB with another eNodeBcheck performance degradations over timemonitor the network usage to enhance the network resources in

5、 timecheck on a high level whether the offered quality is sufficient for the end customersLTE 优优化化现现场场工工具具测试工具信令工具基站工具内内容容优化总述、流程和工具优化总述、流程和工具规划参数的影响和优化案例规划参数的影响和优化案例RF 测量和评估测量和评估RF 环境的影响和优化环境的影响和优化基于基于KPI指标的优化指标的优化峰值速率优化峰值速率优化Dept. / Author / Date规规划划参参数数的的影影响响和和优优化化案案例例PCIPRACHTA/TA List邻区规划优化邻区规划

6、优化Dept. / Author / DatePCI的规划在LTE的空中接口中,物理小区标识(Physical Cell Identity,PCI)用于小区识别和同步过程。PCI的规划需要特别谨慎,如果相邻小区的PCI重复的话,这两个小区间的同步信号和RS干扰将会增加,影响小区的吞吐量和切换性能。 PCI总数有504个,分为168组,其中组号对应辅同步序列SSS;每组有3个,组内本地号对应为主同步序列PSS(0,1,2)。PCI = (3 NID1) + NID2PCI规划应按如下优先级进行考虑: 避免相同的PCI分配给邻区; 避免模3相同的PCI分配给邻区,规避相邻小区的PSS序列相同及规避

7、相邻小区RS信号的频域位置相同 避免模6相同的PCI分配给邻区,规避相邻小区RS信号的频域位置相同; 避免模30相同的PCI分配给邻区,规避相邻小区的UL 解调参考信号序列相同 。通过相应规划软件,对上述不同的PCI分配限制设定权重,基于Atoll规划软件的覆盖仿真,可以实现PCI的自动分配。 PCI的规划PCI中的主同步(PSS)序列解调的需要:包含0,1,2三个数,PCI 分配要避免同一个站内PSS相同。模3 不同即可。 PCI序列同样对应 RS信号在频域的位置。 共站及其邻区的RS位置重叠时,会相互干扰,影响信道估计过程。上图给出1、2、4天线时,RS信号分布的位置。所以需要规划 PCI

8、控制RS的位置。两发射天线时, RS位置有3种,PCI需要满足模3规则。一发射天线时, RS位置有6种,PCI需要满足模6规则。RS信号(Reference signals) 用于信道估计,小区选择/重选,切换过程。时域位置为0,4和1。 2天线时,每RB保留8个RS。 1天线时,每RB保留4个RS。RS信号分布的位置模3原则和模6原则PCI的规划(上行RS信号)共站的不同小区以及邻小区应尽量使用正交的上行DM RS信号。正交的上行DM RS 是由ZC 根序列经过偏转产生的。它所占的带宽与UE在上行分配到的资源是一致的(PRB数*12子载波)。对应不同的上行分配RB数,需要相应长度的DM RS

9、信号。也就是需要长度不同的ZC根序列来产生这些DMRS信号(信号序列长度与根序列长度一样)。由一个ZC根序列经过位移产生的序列是正交的。可产生ZC序列的数量由ZC根序列的长度决定。对于每个可能的RB数(1-100),系统生成足够数量的正交序列(30个或60个),这些序列产生的相互正交的DMRS信号。规划的目标是本小区及其邻区不使用相同的正交序列。上行解调RS信号(DM Reference signals) 用于上行信道估计。模30原则PCI的规划为了对RS信号序列的管理,系统把可能的RS信号序列分为30组(Group0-Group29),每组包括1-100个RB对应的RS 序列。30组表示每种

10、RB分配时,都有30种相互正交的RS序列可用。系统根据PCI和分组参数决定每个小区使用的组号(u)。组号(u) (PCI+”分组参数”)Mod30 通常各小区的“分组参数”设为一致。所以在邻区的范围内只需考虑PCI Mod30不同即可保证UL RS信号的序列不同。上行解调RS信号序列分组模30原则(续)Mod30 Planning 影响案例影响案例Remember!: Cyclic shifts of a Fourier transform of an extended ZC sequence are fully orthogonalUL Throughput gets considerabl

11、y affected if UL traffic in neighbour cellFrom 40 Mbps to 22 Mbps in the example Worse ResultBetter ResultUL Throughput still suffers from UL interference in neighbour cell but the effect is lowerPRACH的规划优化每个小区Preamble需要64个,及其邻区所使用的Preamble 均要求保持正交性,通过ZC序列可以产生这样的Preamble。所以PRACH规划的目标:确定各小区的序列。序列共有83

12、8个(根序列)。使用这些序列,可以产生所需的Preamble。Preamble 由ZC根序列生成。根序列通过不同的位移产生符合要去的序列(构成Preamble)。对应不同接入距离,每个根序列产生若干序列(Sign. /root seq.)。据此,该小区需要一个或几个根序列。(#root seq. required/cell)PRACH规划就是要分配好各小区使用的根序列。即确定PrachCs(循环位移配置)和根序列索引。838/64/ PRACH的规划优化建议宏小区 覆盖最大距离为12km,PRACH Preamble序列生成使用的循环移位配置NCS为11,每个小区需要8个ZC根序列来生成64个

13、Preamble序列,ZC根序列的复用度为104个小区,可以保证100个小区的范围内的不重复使用。 PRACH配置索引为3,即PRACH Preamble的格式0,每帧(10ms)1个RACH。 室分小区 覆盖最大距离为1.4km,考虑到室分系统中相干带宽较大,快衰落效应强,为保证更好的接入性,需要更多的根序列,故而PRACH Preamble序列生成使用的循环移位配置NCS可以配置为,例如8,每个小区需要4个ZC根序列来生成64个Preamble序列,ZC根序列的复用度为208个小区。 PRACH配置索引为3,即PRACH Preamble的格式为0,每帧(10ms)1个RACH。 在LTE

14、的早期部署过程中,主要是在主城区的LTE站点密集部署,对于PRACH的规划建议如下: TA的规划主要原则1)TA划分需考虑TA更新的信令负荷和寻呼区大小之间的平衡 2) TA划分需考虑寻呼区域TA中的寻呼信道不受限 3)每个TA区建议包含大致包含50100个eNodeB。3GPP TS 36.331 定义一个寻呼消息块 paging message 可支持最大16条寻呼。 目前 空口的最大配置是每无线帧(10ms)配一个寻呼消息块(占1个1ms子帧,称为PO),通常配置为每4个无线帧(4*10ms)配一个寻呼消息块。在最大配置的情况下,每秒钟寻呼信道可发送1600条寻呼。通常配置每秒钟寻呼信道

15、可发送400条寻呼。考虑到寻呼的碰撞和eNB/S1的处理负荷,建议每秒钟的最大寻呼发送量控制在500条。对应每小时寻呼量180万条。4)网络建设初期,TA规划可以适当大,后期随着网络负荷的上升,再做优化调整 5)TA不要沿着或者与主干道或者铁路平行,其边界也不要穿越密集用户区 6)鉴于LTE网络在现有2G/3G网络基础上部署,最直接的TA规划方案是将TA边界规划成与2G/3G RA或LA边界重叠。TA应尽量规划的大一些,从而降低TAU开销。但如果寻呼负载过高,应缩小TA。在LTE网络部署后,应通过网管来监控寻呼负载,防止寻呼负载偏高。TA List规划建议1)TA list 是一个到多个TA的

16、组合。2)TA list 在MME中管理。NSN的MME 可支持最大8000个TA list, 每个 TA list可支持最大16个TAI。3)TA list 有助于减小移动性的影响。在一个TA list范围内移动,穿过TA边界时,不需要做TA更新。4)如果TA list包含多个TA, 每个TA一定要适当缩小,因为寻呼的范围扩大为TA list的范围。TA 大小设置的原则就需应用于TA list的范围上。目前,在TA 区域已经过优化完成划分后(参考2G,3G 网的移动性数据),通常采用TA与TA list一一对应。 LTE中TA(Tracking Area)和2G/3G中得RA(Routing

17、 Area)类似。LTE只有PS域(Packet Switch),所以没有LA(Location Area)的概念。小区所属的TA在SIB1(System Information Block 1)中广播。 MME通过TA知道空闲态UE的位置信息。邻区规划和数量限制邻区规划和数量限制1)无线网元主干的参数结构如下图。服务eNB ,服务小区,相邻小区为级联分层展开的方式。 2)服务eNB与相邻eNB为一对多的关系,建立了重要的X2 接口连接。 3)相邻小区的设置与X2接口无关,最大可添加64个。相邻小区参数可以通过SON自动建立(基于UE测量和非基于测量方式),也可以手工建立。切换依然需要具备相邻

18、关系才可以进行。4)相邻小区的信息不通过系统消息通知UE, UE 根据收到的信号进行测量,上报测量报告。具备SON 功能时,有效的相邻小区可以逐步被建立。 5)无X2接口的相邻小区可以通过S1 接口切换。LNMMELNBTSLNCELLNRELLNADJ最大64个邻区1.321.161.6相邻eNB,建立X2连接服务eNB服务小区相邻小区1.64内内容容优化总述、流程和工具优化总述、流程和工具规划参数的影响和优化案例规划参数的影响和优化案例RF 测量和评估测量和评估RF 环境的影响和优化环境的影响和优化基于基于KPI指标的优化指标的优化峰值速率优化峰值速率优化Dept. / Author /

19、DateRF优化时三个主要的测试指示优化时三个主要的测试指示Dept. / Author / Date RF环境是网络质量的根本,RF优化不仅是预优化的重点,也是各个优化阶段都应该重视的。 RF环境的主要问题,如弱覆盖,干扰,重叠覆盖等,需要通过小区无线信号的相关指标来判断和定位。 用以衡量评估无线环境的三个主要测量指标SINRRSRQRSRPDetecting interference SINRPresentation / Author / Date Example: SSS-CINR + RS CINR versus top-N RSRP SINR measurements can ind

20、icate interference areas, but it doesnt necessarily see all interference sources:Impacted by network load. Traffic in the neighboring cells will reduce serving cell SINR.Depends on the measurement method (RS or SCH) and toolDepends on PCI planning (RS SINR)Results can be misleading!RS CINRS-SCH CINR

21、Detecting interference RSRQ RSRQ (N x RSRP / RSSI)depends on network load, including own cell load,-3 dB for 1Tx no traffic ,-10.8dB for 1Tx 100% PRB utilization. RSRQ reporting range -3-19.5dBRSRQ depends on serving and neighbour cell load Fluctuates quicklyHence difficult to interpret resultsSimil

22、ar to Ec/N0 in 3GDetecting interference RSRPRSRP is the linear average of received power of RS resource elements. Reporting range -44-140 dBm.RSRP measurement with scanner is the most reliable way to detect areas with possible interference problems and bad dominanceNot impacted by network loadRSRP m

23、easurement appears to be consistent between UEs/scannersThe number of PCIs in e.g. 10 dB power window is a useful indicatorA scanner with good dynamic range and PCI tracking capability neededPresentation / Author / Date Bad dominance!Detecting interference summary Absolute SINR measurement values ca

24、nt be used as a reliable performance indicator.Operators should be educated, not to blindly believe measured SINR values.Relative SINR changes can be used as performance indicator, if the same measurement tool is used all the time. SINR measured from S-SCH and RS behaves differently depending on the

25、 interference situation (intra/inter eNodeB). Detailed SINR measurement methods of the terminals and scanners are not known.RSRQ results depend on serving cell load and be variable in different UEs and other tools. The most robust and reliable measurement quantity seems to be RSRPPresentation / Auth

26、or / Date PUSCH SINR, PUSCH RSSI measurement PUSCH RSSI and PUSCH SINR measurement can be used to detect UL coverage and UL interference problemsInterpretation of counter values depends on UL PC settingsMeasurements are not correlatedRSSISINRUL CL PC upper SINR thrshldUL CL PC lower SINR thrshldUL C

27、L PC upper RSSI thrshldUL CL PC lower RSSI thrshldIdeally all samples are in this boxBTS noise floor for 1PRB bandwidth = -119dBmUL interferencebad UL coverageUL tx pwr too high, generates interferenceUL tx pwr too high, generates interferencePUSCH SINR, PUSCH RSSI measurement Noise rise impacts SIN

28、R versus RSSINot possible measure NR from counter directly.Interference drives counter samples to this regionKPI分分析析覆覆盖盖问问题:题:Bad downlink vs good downlinkPresentation / Author / Date CQI = 14Good DL coverageFairly bad DL coverage (or DL interference)need e.g. correlated CQI-RSRP counters to analyze

29、 interference further KPI分分析析覆覆盖盖问问题:题: Bad uplink coverage vs good uplink coveragePresentation / Author / Date UE Power Headroom: -1dB = PHR +1dB. UE Power Headroom: -15dB = PHR -13dB. Fairly good UL coverageFairly bad UL coverageOpen-loop UL PC used从从KPI/counters-检检查查干干扰扰问问题题的的难难点点 下行干扰定位需要由多个下行干扰

30、定位需要由多个counters 综合分析,如综合分析,如CQI-RSRP 的关联分析;无直接的关联分析;无直接counter指示下行干扰。指示下行干扰。无直接无直接counter指示上行噪声抬升。需要根据指示上行噪声抬升。需要根据BTS LOG数据进数据进行分析。行分析。Presentation / Author / Date 内内容容优化总述、流程和工具优化总述、流程和工具规划参数的影响和优化案例规划参数的影响和优化案例RF 测量和评估测量和评估RF 环境的影响和优化环境的影响和优化基于基于KPI指标的优化指标的优化峰值速率优化峰值速率优化Dept. / Author / Date优优化化原

31、原则则和和优优化化案案例例 一些因素导致的性能下降无法根除,只能通过无线优化和其他方法/技术减少和控制。这些因素的影响是不能忽视的。 邻区间干扰 有负荷的网络 另外一些导致的性能下降的原因,应该及时发现纠正和优化 天线安装位置和方式 天线接驳问题 主控区控制 过覆盖 RF优化的方法包括站点优化,天线物理调整,邻区优化(missing neighbour),参数优化等。Presentation / Author / Date 小小区区重重叠叠区区干干扰扰的的影影响响( Inter-site,Intra-site) Measuring peak MIMO dual-stream throughpu

32、t in the field can be tricky because of interference An idle cell produces common channel + RS interference to impact peak throughput need to find good interference-free measurement spot.Intra-site cell border, frame-synchronized cellsInter-site cell border, non-frame synchronized cellsImpact on pea

33、k tput from idle neighbour cell interference Measurement example #1, Samsung terminal, 20MHz inter-site and intra-site neighbour are unloaded (no PDSCH traffic)Inter-site interference, adjacent site cell about 5 dB weaker RSRP than serving cellIntra-site interference, adjacent cell about 5 dB weaker

34、 RSRP than serving cellAll neighbour cells attenuated 50dBAll neighbour cells attenuated 50dBIntra-site neighbour frame-synced, no RS interferenceImpact on peak tput from 100% loaded neighbour cell Measurement example #2, Samsung terminal, 20MHz Unloaded and 100% loaded inter-site neighbourUDP downl

35、oad 100MbpsNeighbour site cell attenuated 50dBNeighbour site cell about 6 dB weakerNeighbour site cell about 1 dB weakerneighbouring site cell in idle modeTypical SINR= 15-17 dB at inter-site cell border, unloaded neighbour.负负荷荷的的影影响响: idle versus 100% loadExample results (RL10, 10MHz bw, 3HK trial)

36、负负荷荷的的影影响响: 0% vs 70% using RL20 LTE819The same dt route driven twice, with the same UE setupLTE819: DL Inter-cell Interference Generation to generate load0% load versus 70% DL loadCompare distribution of throughput and SINR, the same drive test route twice with and without load20MHz OL-MIMO, FTP do

37、wnload, 1UE inside the car, Samsung BT-3710, UE-internal antennasaverage throughput is 58% better without interferenceSelection of drive test route strongly affects result, here only results for one dt route010203040506070809010001throughput MbpsCDFEmpirical CDF 70% OCNG0%

38、 OCNG-505101520253001SINR dBCDFEmpirical CDF 70% OCNG0% OCNGMean = 36MbpsMean = 57Mbps案案例:例:MIMO x-feeder 天天线线接接驳驳问问题题ANTL-1 and ANTL-7 are defined active for sector 1ANTL-3 and ANTL-9 are defined active for sector 2Then the configuration in the upper picture is correctThe

39、 configuration in the lower picture is incorrect and results in sectors overlapping with each other bad throughput due to interferencePresentation / Author / Date 1357911Sector1Sector1MIMO x-feeder, example VDF-IT trial, scanner measurementPresentation / Author / Date Sectors 241 and 242 equally str

40、ong in area where 242 should dominate242241站站点点调调整整案案例例 reusing 3G sitesImproving performance by blocking excess cellsOverall SINR is improved due to reduction of inter-cell interferenceLocations with improved SINR are visible on the mapImprovement in throughput is even more significant (see next sl

41、ide)Presentation / Author / Date All cells, before optimizationBlocked cells, after optimizationAve SINR improved from 15.2dB to 17.4dBSINR50Mbps regime FTP throughput suffers greatly from:Packet loss, even very little packet loss!Too small TCP RX and TX windowCheck start from UDP If UDP tput not ok

42、 problem in radio parameters or maybe interference. Use scanner to check that there are no neighbours within 30dB of serving cell. Do not fully trust RS CINR measurement! Serving cell RSRP should be -80dBm for peak tput.Check HSS profile that there is no APN-AMBR or UE-AMBR limitationIf UDP tput ok

43、then its transport or TCP problem, troubleshooting can be narrowed down, problem is either i) packet loss in transport network, or ii) TCP settings of FTP server and/or UE. Change to Linux FTP server and optimize UE TCP settings. Check that you have no packet loss in transport network.Presentation /

44、 Author / Date 检检查查 radio interface DL buffer utilization: TTI Trace measurement example- -FTP sender okDRB1 data buffer is full OK! Problem not from FTP sender.检检查查 radio interface DL buffer utilization: Qualcomm measurement example- -TCP设设置置问问题题或或存存在在丢丢包包UE only scheduled about 600-700 subframes a

45、 second, non-full eNB transmit buffer! Problem with TCP tx timeouts and/or packet loss?FTP server is Windows (forget it) Use Linux as FTP server to no optimization needed to reach single-user 100Mbps FTP tput! Windows-based FTP server does not work off-the-shelf if it works at all. WinXPs own FTP cl

46、ient uses by default too small sending side TCP buffer, need to tunning. Also : 3rd party FTP client may override the Windows default. Hence better to set manually tx buffer size from the client Win7 has rx/tx TCP window autotuning. Manually setting window sizes requires 3rd party FTP client, like n

47、cFTP Linux kernels 2.6.x have TCP window rx/tx autotuning, tuning typically not needed for LinuxPresentation / Author / Date 例例:传传输输的的影影响响 Traffic shaping not activated in transport network Whenever feeding a low bandwidth box with high bandwidth input, check shaping in the transport chain Especiall

48、y if the tx buffer in the low bw box is small packet loss can occur reduces TCP throughput!Presentation / Author / Date A2200FPRODUFPR ODUA2200/A1200315Mbps315Mbpsthin pipe1GbpsData transfer directionActivate shaping here to reduce burstinessBox XBox YBox Zthick pipePacket loss here due to too small tx buffer relative to data burstinessGeneralization:Be alert for packet loss here !Example: A-2200 feeding FlexiPacket Traffic shaping not activated in transport networkPresentation / Author / Date


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