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1、.PEP小学六年级英语期期末测试试卷 儋州市新州中心校  任世春         学校:             姓名:           成绩:         I.  听力部分(30%

2、)一、听录音,选择你听到的音标或单词.(10分)(   )1.A.ts           B.ds            C.z(   )2.A.p           B.k      

3、       C.t(   ) 3.A          B.f             C.v(   ) 4.A. æ         B.e    

4、0;       C.i(   ) 5.A.ei     ) 6.A.subway       B.cinema      

5、;  C.straight(   ) 7.A.vapour        B.tourist        C.traffic(   ) 8.A.ride          C.dive( 

6、;  )       B.dictionary   ) 10.A.singer         C.cleaner二、听上句,选择正确的下句。(10分)(  )1.  A. The cloud comes from th

7、e vapor. B. She comes from the Hong Kong.(  )2.  A. He works in a hospital.B. She works in a bank.(  )3.  A. He is reading a book.B. He is an engineer.(  )4.  A. Yes, he does.B. Yes, I do.(  )5.  A. I like collecting stamps.B. She likes collecting stamps.

8、(  )6.  A. I go to school by bike.     B. He goes to school by bike.(  )7.  A. Im going go the cinema.B. Im going at 3 oclock.(  )8.  A. She is a TV reporter.B. Yes, there is.  )9.  A. I can go on foot.B. I go home on foot.(  )10.

9、 A. Yes, I do.          B. Yes, I am.三、听音填空。(10分)John is my pen pal. He     in China. He likes _ and _ the _. His mother is a teacher. She            . She goes go work _ _. She of

10、ten              at night. 1. II.           笔试部分(70%) 一、        选出下列每组单词中发音不同的一项.(10分)(  )1.A. please      B.meat&#

11、160;      C.great(  )2. A.drop       B.some       C.front(  )3. A.five       B.give        C.nine(  )4. A.cry    &#

12、160;  )5. A.ride  )6. A.traffic

13、ke(  )7. A. straight        C.train(  )        B. yellow      C.flower(  )9 A.what        B. where   

14、   C.who(  )10. A.wood     B.hook       C.woof二、英汉互译。(10分)1.乘坐火车_   2. read a magazine _3.集邮_   4. post office _5.漫画书_  6. motor cycle_7.下周_       8. pen pal _9.交通灯_   10

15、. TV reporter_三、按要求写出词语。(10分)ride (ing形式)                     swim (ing形式)                 have(第三人称单数)   

16、0;            play(第三人称单数)             making (原形)                     diving (原

17、形)                  their (同音词)                      right(反义词)        

18、0;        doesnt (完全形式)                  sing(名词)                   四、根据句末的标点符号连词成句。(

19、10分)1              father,  bike,  to,  by,  work,  does,  go,  your                      

20、                                ?1. clouds    comes    it    the    from   


22、; .1. your,  where,  mother,  does,  work                                        

23、;               1. go,  to,  your,  does,  teacher,  how,  work,  English                     &

24、#160;                                 ?1. the,  is,  where,  office,  post        

25、60;                                              ?五、根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)1. She

26、_  _(没有)an uncle. I want to have an uncle.2. She likes _(看) books.3. My father often _(看) TV after supper.4. Tom and Alice _(喜欢)listening to music.5. How does she _(去) to school.6. He _(有) a new bicycle.7. Im going to _(买) a story book.8. Its _ _(旁边)the hospital.9. He dances. He is a _(舞蹈家).10.

27、 She _(打扫)streets. She is a cleaner.六、选择正确的答案,将字母填入题前的括号里。(10分)(  )1. Does your mother wash clothes?A. Yes, she doesnt.    B. Yes, he does.   C. No, she doesnt.(  )2. What does Tom do?1. Tom goes to school. 2. Tom is a boy. 3. Tom is a teacher. (  )3. How does

28、 he go to school?A. On feet.       B. By foot.       C. On foot.(  )4. He likes _kits. He likes _, too.A. make/swimming  B. making/swiming    C. making/swim(  )5. Where is your home?.A. Its south of the post of

29、fice.B. Im at home.C. I live in the city.(  )6.- _-You can go by the No. 15 bus.1. Can I go on foot? 2. How can I get to Yongming Park? 3. Where is the Yongming Park? (  )7. -Happy birthday.        -_A. Happy birthday.   B. Thank you.  

30、;     C. Ok.(  )8.- _?-Im going to the zoo.1. Where are you going? 2. When are you going? 3. What are you going to do? (  )9.Who are you ?  _.A. Im little Water Drop.B. Who are you?C. Im fine.(  )10.Where does he work?A. He goes to work by bus.B. He works in a

31、 hospital.C. He can be a doctor.七、小作文(10分) 以My family为题写一篇短文.要求:句意通顺,60-80个单词. PEP小学六年级英语期期末测试试卷答案一、听录音,选择你听到的音标或单词.(10分)A B C C B A B C A  A二、听上句,选择正确的下句。(10分)1.Where does the cloud come from?  2.Where does he work?3.What does your father do?     4.Does your brother go to work by car5.Whats your hobby?          6.How does your uncle go to work?7.When are you going


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