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1、用心爱心专心 -1 - Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend Period Four Teach ing target 1 Learning how to use Wh- questions to find out f 2 Ask ing Wh- questi ons and giv ing their an swers. 3 Lear ning how to use s hort an swers. Preparati on 1 Students Book 8A, pages 3, 8, 9 & 11 2 Workbook 8A, pages 2 & 3

2、3 Grammar Practice Book 8A, pages 1 & 2 A small check-up 1 Finish each sentence by choosing a suitable word from the box. ambition physics- chess hobby+J enclose born*1 a) Yesterday I played _ with my brother. b) My favourite _ is collecti ng old coins. c) We must study _ to lear n how an aeropla ne

3、 flies. d) My youn gest brother was _ three years ago. e) Pauls_ is to take part in the Olympic Games. f) When you write to me, please _ a photo of your family. 2 Finish the follow ing sentences by using the phrases or words give n in the box. sports fields am keen on- enipy playing in themiddle+J w

4、as born oivns1 called works as1 walks to favourite subject1 a) David has a pet dog _Rocky. b) My school is a big new school. It has three big _ c) My father _ in 1954 in Sha ndo ng. d) I like sports very much. But of all I _ basketball most. acts from a passage. 用心爱心专心 -2 - e) I like reading novels(

5、 小说).But I _ detective stories most. f) Simons lives quite n ear his school so he usually _school every day. g) My brother lear ned bus in ess at uni versity. Nowhe _ a bus in essma n. h) Aaron Kwok is quite rich and he _ quite a lot of private cars. i) My _ at school is P.E. j) Who is _ in this pic

6、ture? Mary is. Questi ons to the passage 1 Hand out a questi onn aire to each stude nt. Each has got the follow ing questio ns. a) Where does Sid ney live? b) What colour is Sidn eys eyes? c) Whats his favourite hobby? d) How old is Sid ney? e) When did the family go to Brita in? f) Which grade is S

7、id ney in? g) What is Sid ney keen on? h) Whats his ambitio n? i) Why does Sid ney like his school? j) What did Sidney en close in his letter? 2 Have students finish the questionnaire in no more than 8 minutes without look ing back to thei r books. Ask them to use complete senten ces. 3 After they h

8、ave finished, ask the students to open their books and check their an swers. a) He lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. b) His eyes are brow n. c) His favourite hobby is play ing computer games. d) He is fourtee n years old. e) The family went to Brita in about 30 years ago. f) Sidney is in Form One. 用心爱心专

9、心 -3 - g) Sidney is kee n on sports. h) His ambiti on is to be an engin eer. i) Because the teachers are very frien dly. j) He en closed a photo of himself and some school frien ds. 4 Put the an swers aside. Tell stude nts that we will use it aga in in later of this class. Language 1 Say: We use que

10、stion words to ask questions. We can use question words to find out the facts that we want to know. Sometimes we may want to find out some information from a person. So we may ask his several questions, such as, Whats your n ame? How old are you? Wh erere you from? etc. So masteri ng questi on words

11、 well is quite importa nt. 2 What, where, whe n, how old, and how many a) Have stude nts finish sect ion A1 in Lan guage A on page 8. b) Remind the students that they can refer the reading passage if necessary. c) Check the an swers orally. d) Con clude the usages of these questi ons words by using

12、sect ion A2 in Language A on page 8. What? - thin gs Where? - places Whe n? - times How old? - ages How many? - nu mbers e) Have stude nts finish sect ion A3 in Lan guage A on page 8. f) Remind the stude nts to add more words to finish the senten ces. g) Invite several students to come to front and

13、write their answers on the board. Check th e an swers orally. 3 Whoa nd which g) Who? We use who for people (somebody) 用心爱心专心 -4 - Who is your favourite sin ger? Who are you? We can use questi on word who in two ways: (a) We use it as the subject. Who has got my key? Who lives in this house? (b) We

14、use it as the object. Who are you look ing for? Who did you meet yesterday? h) Which + noun (th ings or people) Which train did you catch - the 9.50 or the 10.30? Which doctor did you see, Doctor Ellis, Doctor Gray or Doctor Hill? Which way shall we go? We use which without a noun for thin gs, not f

15、or people: Which is bigger - Can ada or Australia? 4 What + noun (What colour ?/What kind of ? et c.) What colour is your car? What colour are your eyes? What size is this shirt? What time is it? What make is your TV set? What day is it today? What kind of job do you want? What without a noun: Whats

16、 your fa vourite colour? What do you want to do this eve ning? Additi onal exercise Write questi ons with what. Ive got a new TV set . (make?) What make is it? I want a job. 用心爱心专心 -5 - (ki nd?) What _ Ive got a ne w sweater. (colour?) What _ I got up early this morning. (time?) _ get up? I like mus

17、ic. (type?) _ I want to buy a car. (ki nd?) _ 5 How ? A1:How was the party last ni ght? B1: It was great. A2:How do you usually go to work? B2: By bus. You can use how + adjective/adverb (how tall/how old/how often etc.)用心爱心专心 -6 - tall are you? Jfm 1 me tre 70/ big is the housed Not very bi护 far is

18、 it from here to the airport?7 Tive kilometers/*-1 often do you use vor cai?r - J - J JEvery day/* lone have they beenmarned?f JTen yearsZ+J much was the meal?7 Tw enty po unds/ Additi onal exercise Complete the questi ons with How + adjective/adverb. A:How High is Mou nt Everest? B:Nearly 9000 metr

19、es. _ A: is it to the stati on? B:Its about two kilometers from here. _ A: is Hele n? B:Shes 26. _ A: do the buses run? B:Every ten mi nu tes. _ A: is the water in the pool? B:Two metres. _ A: have you lived here? B:Nearly three years. 6 Short an swers. a) Say: When we talk, we usually give short an swers. They are easier and faster to give, but we should contain all the facts the questi oner wants to know. Now, please ope n your books and turn to page 9. Read secti on A4 in Lan guage A. old is your mother? Wh How 用心爱心专心 -7 -


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