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1、八上英语 1-5 单元复习练习(精) 学习参考 Un itl where did you go on vacati on? ()1. Where would you like to spe nd your vacatio n? I ike to go _ . I hate hot days A. cool somewhere B. somewhere cool C. hot somewhere D. somewh ere hot ()2. There is_ in today newspaper. Let esd a storybook. A. someth ing in teresti ng

2、 B. nothing in teresti ng C. i nteresti ng someth ing D. i nteresti ng no thi ng ()3. Have you got _ ready for the sports meeti ng? Not yet. We still have _to do. A. any thi ng; nothing B. somethi ng; everyth ing C. everyth ing; somethi ng D. someth ing; no thi ng ()4. Did you go fish ing with _ yes

3、terday? Yes, I went with my father. A. some one B. anyone C. no one D. every one ()5. There is_ with my computer. Can you help me mend it? A. nothing wrong B. anything wrong C. somethi ng wrong D. wrong someth ing ()6. Did you see my Chin ese book? Yes. _ took it away. But I don know him. A. Some on

4、e B. Anyone C. No one D. Every one 八上英语 1-5 单元复习练习(精) 学习参考 ()7. I like _ bananas and pears.学习参考 Oh, I only n eed _ orange juice. A. some; a few B. a few; a little C. a little; a few D. a little; a few ()8.1 have quite _ frie nds. I feel very happy. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ()9. _ did yo

5、u go on vacati on? Hong Kong. A. What B. How C. Where D. When ()10. I _ my homework last ni ght. I went to the cin ema with my pare nts. A. did B. didn t C. didn do D. don do ()11. _ Tom and Jim _ a walk yesterday eve ning? No, they _ . A. Do; take; doesn t B. Did; take; didn C. Did; take; did D. D

6、o; take; don t ()12. How was your vacati on? _ . I liked it very much. A. Very bad B. Wonderful C. I mne D. Have a good time ()13. The coat looks good on you. Where _ you _ it? In a supermarket. A. do; buy B. did; buy C. will; buy D. does; buy ()14. Who teaches _ singing? Nobody, I lear n it by _ .

7、A. your; mi ne B. your; myself C. you; myself D. you; me ()15. The book is _ . I feel _ . A. bori ng; bori ng B. bored; bori ng C. bori ng; bored D. bored; bored 学习参考 ()16. Steve n, can you help me buy some meat? _ . I like shopp ing.A. That right B. It right C. Of course D. You weelcome 学习参考 ()17.

8、Tom, your father is wait ing _ you at the school gate. A. for B. at C. with D. as ()18. My pare nts decide _ to the beach this week. A. go B. goes C. to go D. going ()19. We have to stay at home _ the heavy rain. A. because B. because of C. but D. so ( )20. We don have _ to buy this sweater, though

9、( 然)the sweater is _ . A. eno ugh mon ey, good eno ugh B. eno ugh mon ey, eno ugh good C. money eno ugh, well eno ugh D. eno ugh mon ey, well eno ugh ()21. Ann likes going to school by bike but dislikes _ to school on foot. A. to go B. go C. going D. goes ()22. The cookies _ good. Can I have some mo

10、re? A. taste B. smell C. feel D. sound Un it2 How ofte n do you exercise? ()1. _ do you exercise? Hardly ever. A. How many times B. How ofte n C. Whe n D. How ()2. Jane stay up late because she did n fini shed his homework. A. had to B. must C. should D. must to A. That right B. It right C. Of cours

11、e D. You weelcome 学习参考 ()3. Tom studies _ . He _ plays with his frie nds.A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. Hard; hardly D. hardly; hard 学习参考 ()4. Jane is high school stude nt in the Un ited States. A. a 18-year-old B. a 18-years-old C. an 18-years-old D. an 18-year-old ()5._ it was very cold, _ my

12、friend still went swimmi ng in Jiali ng River this m orni ng. A. Although; but B. Although; / C. But; although D. /; although ()6. How often do you drink milk? I don like it, so I _ drink it. A. always B. usually C. hardly ever D. ofte n ( )7. “ 85%of the stude nts in our class like En glish. means

13、“ _ stude nts in our class like En glish. ” A. All B. Most C. Few D. No ()8 Does Antony always fin ish his homework on time? Yes, of course. He _ leaves today swork until tomorrow. A. also B. n ever C. only D. usually ()9 _ do you use the Internet a week? Twice. A. How ofte n B. How soon C. How long

14、 D. How many times ()10. How ofte n does the train run to Jinan ? _ twenty mi nu tes. A. Any B. Each C. Every D. Ano ther ()11. It stoo dark in the room. He can hardly see anything , _ ? A. can he B. does he C. can he D. does n the ()12. It was _ lovely weather _ we decided to spe nd the day on the

15、be ach. A. such a; that B. such; that C. such; as D. so; that A. apples; coffee B. coffee; apples C. apple; coffees D. apple; coffee 学习参考 ()13. There are a few _ but little _ in the cupboard. ()14. My dad _ a teacher whe n I grow up . A. wan ts me to B. wan ts me to be C. wants me D. wan ted ()15. I

16、 left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in _ the win dow. A. In B. through C. over D. across ()16. Mr. Li asks the stude nts _ in the river, because it too dan gerous. A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim ()17. If you have a toothache( 牙痛),you can go to see a _ . A. doctor B. d

17、en tist C. teacher D. policema n ()18. Read ing aloud is the best way En glish. A. to learn B. learni ng C. to lear n D. learns ()19. I can find my CDs. _ you put them in that bag. A. Must B. May be C. Maybe D. May ()20. Peter is my best frie nd. He ofte n helps scie nee. A. me with B. my with C. me

18、 on D. me of ()21. What about _ a rest? OK! Let go for a walk. A. to have B. had C. have D. hav ing ()22. How many books in the bag are yours? _ of them is mine. A. No one B. None C. Not o ne D. None ( )23. _ do you watch TV every week? Less tha n two hours. I ofte n have much homework to do. A. How

19、 many B. How much C. How long D. How ofte n A. apples; coffee B. coffee; apples C. apple; coffees D. apple; coffee 学习参考 ()24. What do you usually do weeke nds?A. on B. of C. in D. with 学习参考 ()25. Did you find the an swer the questi on about _TV very in teresti ng? A. to, watch ing B. of, watch ing C

20、. to, watched D. of, watched Un it3 Im more outgo ing tha n my sister. 1.1s your eating habit _ Lily s? A. The same B. same as C, same to D. the same as 2. _ The boy doesn speak his sister, but his handwriting is very good. A. as well as B. so good as C. More better tha n D. more worse tha n 3.It sd

21、ifficult for me to decide which one to choose, because _ of them are good. A. neither B. both C. So D. or 4 一 What about the silk scarf? 一 Wonderful! Nothing feels _ . A. nice B. better C. Best D. worse 5.A train can run _ a bus. A, so quickly that B. quickly tha n C. As quickly D. more quickly tha

22、n 6 一 Let s buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers Day. -Why not make some by hand? It much_ . A. i nteresti ng B. more in terest ing C. The most in terest ing D. less in teresti ng 7. The weather in Beiji ng is colder tha n _ in Sha nghai. A. it B. that C. those D. this 8 一 Both of the skirts

23、are in style. 一 But I think this one is _ . A, popular B, much popular C. more popular D. the most popular A. dear B. much expe nsive C. expe nsive D. much more expe nsive 学习参考 9. _ The blue skirt is tha n the white one. lO.Sometimes walk ing is eve n _ than driv ing duri ng the busy traffic time. A

24、. fast B. faster C. Slow D. slower 11. (2012 ,浙江宁波) -Have you see n the funny movie Let the Bullet Fly? Yes, it made me _ many times. A. laugh B. cry C. Sleep D. si ng 12. It important _ us_ English well. A. of; lear ning B. for; to lear n C. Of; to lear n . D.or; lear ning 13. (2012 ,湖北孝感)-Let go s

25、hoppi ng at the new mall. 一 Why not shop online? It _ . A. expe nsive B. more expe nsive C. Less expe nsive D. the most expe nsive 14. (2012 ,甘肃白银) Now, some robots are _ to do the same thi ngs _ people. A. eno ugh smart;as B. eno ugh smart;for C, Mart eno ugh;as D: smart eno ugh;with 15. ( 江 苏 无 锡

26、) _ Amy likes to go to the ci nema , but she does n t like to see horror films. A. Since B. As C. Though D. 不填 16. (2012, 湖 北 襄 阳)-Hele n, can I wear jea ns and a T- shirt to the school tale nt show? -OK,but a dress might be _ . A.good B. bad C. better D. worse A. dear B. much expe nsive C. expe nsi

27、ve D. much more expe nsive 学习参考 17. (热点题) The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became _ because of the dry weath. 学习参考 er. A. fewer and fewer B. more and more C. less and less D. little and little 18(热点题)Li Na _ a gold medal again in Shenzhen _ January 5th , 2013. A. beat;i n B. won; in C. Wo

28、n; on D. beat;o n 19. There are more stude nts in Grade Two tha n _ . A. grade one B. other grade C. i n Grade One D. others grade 20. The Internet makes the world become _ . A. bigger and bigger B. more and more C. smaller and smaller D, more and more bea utiful Unit4 What the best movie theater? (

29、 )1. Which movie theater has _ scree ns, Tom Ci nema. Scree n Cin ema or Movie Palace? A. the bigger B. big C. the biggest D. biggest ()2. What a n ice watch it is! Yes. It _ one of all. A. expe nsive B. more expe nsive C. the most expe nsive D. much mo re expe nsive ( ( ) 3. Who do you think is act

30、or in Hollywood? A. the funny B. the funni est C. the most funni est D. more funnier ()4. China is one of _ in the world. A. larger country B. larger coun tries C. the largest coun tries D. largest country ()5. The _ girl sings _ . A. beautiful, beautiful B. beautifully, beautifully C. beautiful, be

31、autifully D. beautifully, beautiful 学习参考 ()6. What do you _ this new watch? A. thi nk at B. thi nk of C. thi nk over D. thi nk hard ()7. We hope life can get _ . A. best and best B. better and better C. good and good D. well and well ()8. Our city is beco ming _ . A. more and most beautiful B. more

32、beautiful and more beautiful C. more and more beautiful D. beautiful and beautiful ()9. All these tale nt shows have one thing _ com mon. A. on B. in C. at D. for ()10. Our teacher asked us to _ a story about the moon. A. make up B. make of C. make in D. make out ()11. It fun _ the tale nt show. A.

33、watch B. to watch C. watched D. watches ()12. There are _ school things in the store. A. a kind of B. kind of C. differe nt kind of D. all ki nds of ()13. Do you enjoy _ En glish stories? A. read B. to read C. read ing D. reads ()14. The stude nts should take the exams . A. serious B. seriously C. b

34、ad D. worse ()15. Pare nts play a role in _ their childre n. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teachi ng ()16. We should study hard to make our dream _ .A. come over B. come back C. come true D. come up 学习参考 ()17. It took me two weeks _ the no vels ( 小说)by Guo Jin gmi ng. A. fin ish read ing B. to

35、fin ish readi ng C. to fin ish to read D. fin ishi ng to read ()18. Actio ns speak _ than words.( 事实胜于雄辩) A. loud B. louder C. loudest D. loudly Un it5 Do you want to watch a game show? 1. What _ excit ing n ews! We are all very excited about it. A. a B. an C. t he D. / 2. If you pla n _ a movie, ch

36、oose Mula n. A. watch B. to watch C. watchi ng D. watched 3. We hope _ good grades. A. get B. to get C. gett ing D. got 4. I hope you _ a nice weeke nd. A. have B. to have C. hav ing D. had 5. Hi, Jea n! You look un happy. _ ? A. What did you happe n B. What you happe ned C. What happe ned to you D.

37、 Did you happe n what 6. Walt Disney was famous _ his carto ons. A. like B. as C. at D. for 9. I don mind _ soap operas. A. watch B. to watch C. watch ing D. watched 10. We waited an hour for Jack, but he did n _ . A. appear B. get C. arrived D. come out 11. His new book _ last weeke nd. A. came out

38、 B. came up C. came in D. came to 12. She and went to the party. 学习参考 A. wore B. put on C. dressed D. dressed up ()1don mind _ you with your English. A.help B.to help C.helpi ng D.helps ()2can tstand _ the terrible TV show. A.watch B.watchi ng C.to watch D.watched ()3. That magazine _ every Mon day.

39、 A. comes out B.comes up C.comes over D.comes true ()4.we should _ Lei Feng. Aearn from B.learn with C.learn to D.learn after ()5.Lets _ here,let him _ there. A.sit,sta nd B.to sit, to sta nd C.to sit,sta nd D.sit,to sta nd ()6.She ofte n plans _ somethi ng to help others. A.to do B.does D.doi ng ()

40、7. What happe ned _ you yesterday? I happe ned _ meet my old frie nd,Lucy. A.to,to B.with, to C.to,with D.with,with ()8.They are trying _ what is going on around the world. A.look for B.to look for C.to find out D.find out ()9.Does Joh n wa nt talk show?C.do 学习参考 A.to watch B.watch C.watches D.watch

41、s ()10. _ November 18,1978,Mickey became foumas. A.In B.At C.O n D.Of ()11. _ ,he made 87 cartoo ns with Mickey. A.In 1930s B.In the 1930s C.In the 1930 D.O n the 1930s ()12.Walt Disney made 87 carto ons _ ,he became _ . A successful,successful B.successfully,successfully C.successful, successfully D.successfully,successful ()13 .I saw two _ an apple whe n I came by. A.mice,eat ing B.mouses,eati ng C.mice,ate D.mouses,ate ()14.Mickey Mouse was the fir


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