二年级上册英语教案Unit 10 Put on your coat_牛津译林版(一起)_第1页
二年级上册英语教案Unit 10 Put on your coat_牛津译林版(一起)_第2页
二年级上册英语教案Unit 10 Put on your coat_牛津译林版(一起)_第3页
二年级上册英语教案Unit 10 Put on your coat_牛津译林版(一起)_第4页
二年级上册英语教案Unit 10 Put on your coat_牛津译林版(一起)_第5页
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1、.牛津小学英语2A Unit 10 Put on your coat单元教学目的:1. 能听懂Put on your coat.和Take off your sweater.并能用All right.或OK.答复。2. 能使用Put on your coat.和Take off your sweater.建议别人根据情况增减衣服,语音语调正确。3. 能听懂,会说,初步认读和口头运用coat,sweater,skirt and T-shirt.发音正确。4. 会说歌谣Put on your coat。单元重点:1.能听懂,会说,会读和口头运用单词coat,sweater,skirt and T-

2、shirt.2.能发指令Take offPut on并做正确的反响。单元难点:1.Sweater和skirt的正确发音。 2.在实际情景中,正确使用Take offPut on这对反义词。学生知识根底: 已学过: What color? Its Look at ItsIs this/that? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Whats this/ that? Its Whos he/she? Hes/Shes Merry Christmas! Theis for you.Thank you.教学安排:三课时1. 复习与新授:PartB2. 操练与稳固:PartA,C,D3

3、. 检测与进步:情景拓展与练习。第一教时教学目的:1.能听懂,会说,会读和口头运用单词coat,sweater,skirt and T-shirt.2.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生觉得英语是门快乐的学科。教学重点:能听懂,会说,会读和口头运用单词coat,sweater,skirt and T-shirt.教学难点:Sweater和skirt的正确发音。 课前准备:图片,礼品盒,洋娃娃,衣服,PPT教学过程:Step 1 Free talk 3分T: Whos he/she?S: Hes/ ShesT: Is this/that.?S: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.T:

4、 Whats this/ that?S: ItsT: What color?S: Its设计意图:复习旧知,为新课内容的教授做铺垫。Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Teach: sweater,skirt 3分让学生看一幅图片书上41页,然后一起讨论图片。T: Whos he?Ss: 圣诞老人。T: Yes, you are right. Hes Christmas Father.T: Can you guess what they are talking about?Ss: For example:Sa: Merry Christmas.Sb: Merry

5、 Christmas.Sa: The gift is for you.Sb: Thank you.T:You did a very good job. Now I am the boy. Whod like to be Christmas Father?Ss: 请一位学生当圣诞老人,并把准备好的礼品盒给学生。S: Merry Christmas.T: Merry Christmas.S: The gift is for you.T:Thank you. Whats in the box? Do you want to know? 问所有的学生。Ss:Yes.T: Lets open it an

6、d see. Oh, its a doll. Its very nice. She has a yellow sweater and a red skirt.设计意图:利用学生的好奇心,创设了圣诞老人送礼物这一场景,翻开礼品盒时,发现其中有一个穿着黄色毛衣和红色裙子的洋娃娃,从而引出sweater和skirt这两个单词的教学。2Teach:sweater 4分T: Sweater. Read after me.Ss: Sweater.Read the word after the teacher three times. Ask students to look at the teachers

7、 mouth and try to imitate.边板书边让学生跟读。Little train. Read the word and spell it one by one.开两组小火车Teacher writes the word “sweet beside “sweater to help students differentiate them by reading them slowly.For example, read them in this way: Sweet = swee + tswi: t Sweater = swea + ter swe t3.Practise: swe

8、ater 4分T: Look at my red sweater.Ss: Its very nice.Little train.开两组小火车For example: Sa: Look at my yellow sweater. Ss: Its very nice.设计意图:通过开火车来检查单词的发音。让全体学生一起答复,主要是为了让每个学生都参与进来,尽量做到整体操练,同时维持学生的注意力。4. Teach: skirt 3分T: Skirt. Read after me.用手指指着洋娃娃的红裙Ss: Skirt.Read the word after the teacher three ti

9、mes. Ask students to look at the teachers mouth and try to imitate.边板书边让学生跟读。Little train. Read the word and spell it one by one.开两组小火车Teacher writes the word “bird beside “skirtand asks students to find the pronunciation of “ir.5. Practise: skirt 4分Play a game.Pass the doll. The student who gets th

10、e doll points to the skirt on it and says, “Look at this skirt. The rest students answer him or her together in this way: Its very nice.设计意图:由于教授本课的时候,天气比较冷,所以穿裙子的孩子几乎没有。低年级的孩子很喜欢洋娃娃,而且很好动,根据他们的这个年龄特点,设计了传递洋娃娃这个游戏。利用游戏,鼓励孩子们大胆说英语,从而培养他们大胆说英语的自信心。6. Teach: T-shirt 3分Show a picture to the studnets.T:

11、Is this a skirt?Ss: No, it isnt.T:Its a T-shirt. Read after me.T-shirt.Ss: T-shirt.Read the word after the teacher three times. Ask students to look at the teachers mouth and try to imitate.边板书边让学生跟读。Little train. Read the word and spell it one by one.开两组小火车Teacher writes the word “skirt beside “T-s

12、hirtand asks students to find the pronunciation of “irt.7. Practise: sweater, skirt and T-shirt 6分快速反响游戏:在投影仪上,展示不同颜色衣服的图片。要求学生快速答复老师的问题。1) For example:图1:T: Whats this?Sa: Its a sweater.T: What color?Sa: Its yellow.T: So we can say, “ Its a yellow sweater.2The following pictures are pracised in the

13、 following way like:T: Whats this?Sb: Its a red skirt.3 游戏过程中,老师特意放上一张外套的图片。T:Is this a sweater?Ss:No,it isnt. T: Its a coat.What color?Ss: Its black.T: Its a black coat.设计意图:利用快速反响这个游戏,引出本课最后一个单词coat的教授,抓住学生的眼球,从而进步课堂效率。8. Teach: coat 3分T: Coat. Read after me.Ss: Coat.Read the word after the teache

14、r three times. Ask students to look at the teachers mouth and try to imitate.边板书边让学生跟读。Little train. Read the word and spell it one by one.开两组小火车Step3 Consolidation1.Teach a chant 2分Show the chant to the students in this way:图,图,图,I like my 图.图,图,图,I like my 图.T-shirt, T-shirt,a purple T-shirt,I lik

15、e my purple T-shirt.Skirt,skirt,a red skirt, I like my red skirt.第一句和第二句老师打着节拍领读,学生跟读。接下来两句让学生一起打节拍并朗读。2. Practise the chant 3分此时的chant以全部文字的形式出现。1.全体学生一起唱两遍,要求第二遍速度要比前一遍快。2.小组比赛。将全班分成三组,看哪组唱得既快又准确。设计意图:朗朗上口的Chant是学生比较喜欢的形式,还可以激发学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性。边唱边打节拍,动脑又动手,使学生集中注意力,活泼课堂气氛,同时又稳固和操练了单词。3.Do the exercis

16、e 2分看图圈出括号内正确的单词。1. Look at my 图 _. coat,cake2. Whats this? Its 图 _. sweater,sweet3. The 图 _ is for you. skate, skirt.4. Is that a 图 _ ? T-shirt,skirt Yes, it is.Check answers.设计意图:通过练习来检查学生对于单词的认读情况,为下节课的教授做准备。Step4 Homework1. Listen to the tape and read after it.2. To be a little teacher and teach

17、 the four words to their parents.Blackboard design: Unit10 Put on your coatsweatersweetbirdskirtT-shirtcoatskirt第二教时教学目的:1.能发指令take off和put on并做正确的反响。 2.Encourage students to take care of others in their daily life 3. 会说歌谣Put on your coat.教学重点:1.能发指令take off和put on并做正确的反响。教学难点:在实际情景中正确使用take off和put

18、 on这对反义词。教学准备: ppt, word cards, pictures and some clothes.教学过程:Step 1 Warm up.预设时间3分钟1.Review the words about clothes.1 Show students the chant in ppt, and ask them to say the chant together.T: Look at the chant. Lets say it together.Ss: A coat, a coat, a black coat. I like my black coat. A sweater,

19、 a sweater, a yellow sweater. I like my yellow sweater. A T - shirt, a T-shirt, a purple T- shirt. I like my purple T- shirt. A skirt, a skirt, a red skirt. I like my red skirt.2. Review the sentences: Look at Its nice. Its red游戏活动:T: Look at my coat. Is it nice? Is it red?Ss: Its nice. Its new.S1:

20、Look at my Ss: Its nice. Its S2: Look at my Ss: Its nice. Its 多让几组同学进展操练设计意图:在Warm up 这一环节老师先后设计了chant 和game 两个环节,目的是帮助学生复习稳固上一节课的单词和句子,也为了这节课的内容作铺垫.2.Review the sentence :What can you do ? I can1 Say the chant in ppt, do the action together.Ss: Run, run, I can run. Jump, jump, I can jump. Sing, sin

21、g, I can sing. Dance, dance, I can dance. Swim, swim, I can swim. Skate, skate, I can skate.2 游戏活动Little trainT: I can run. What can you do?S1: I can What can you do?S2:I can What can you do?S3: 设计意图:这一游戏形式与上一环节相似,但是,目的除了能让学生动起来,激发学生的学习热情,重要的是导出hot这个单词,引出这节课所要学习的重点句型.Step 2 Presentation.预设时间14分钟1. T

22、each hot take off1T: Im hot. Ill take off my coat. 老师作热状,并脱下自己的外套Show students the picture and the word “ hot dog in ppt. T: Whats this?Ss: Its a hot dog.Delete the word “dog. Ask students to read the word “ hot.T: Hot, hot. Its hot. 老师作热状Ss: Hot, hot. Its hot. 学生作热状分组操练该句子。2 Teach the sentences: Ta

23、ke off your coatT: We are hot. We can take off our coat.示意学生脱衣服活动设计:通过cake来学习takePresent the card “ Take off your coat. Read the word “ take together, then change the letter “ t into the letter “ c and read the word “cake together. Change the letters for several times, the students should response q

24、uickly. Finally read the sentence groups by groups.设计意图:通过运动引出句型 “ Its hot.进而引出重点句型Take off your 在此之中take 和cake 在字形和读音上都较容易混淆,需要比照教学.2.Listen and act 1Ask students to do some actions according to the teachers orders.Just like this:T: Its hot. Take off your coat.S1: All right./ OK. 引导学生作脱衣服状T: Take o

25、ff your coat.S2: All right./ OK. 学生作脱衣服状2Encourage some students to give orders to the students next them.设计意图:在这一环节,需要老师稍作引导,通过听指令做动作,进而单个学生给指令,命令其他同学,让学生能纯熟运用本课重点句型.在执行的时候可以让两组同学得到操练.3.Teachcoldandput on 1Choose some students to ask questions.T: Are you hot now?S: Yes./No.If the student answerd “Y

26、es then the teacher should ask him/her to take off his/ her clothes.T: Take off your coat. Take off your sweater.Till the students say “ no, the teacher can say “ Put on your sweater. 2通过coat引出coldPresent the word “ cold. Read it together and show them the word “coat .Pay attention to the letters “t

27、 and “ d.Follow the teacher.3操练T: Cold, cold. Its cold. 老师作冷状Sgroup1: Cold, cold. Its cold. 学生作冷状 Sgroup2: Cold, cold. Its cold. 学生作冷状4T: Put on your sweater.老师作穿衣服状Present the sentence and ask students to read it one group by another group.5操练:Ask students to do some actions according to the teache

28、rs orders.T: Its cold. Put on your sweater.S1: All right./ OK. 引导学生作穿衣服状T: Put on your sweater.S2: All right./ OK. 学生作穿衣服状6Encourage some students to give orders to the students next them.Step3 Consolidation.预设时间15分1.学习partA部分1 Look at Picture1 of the text and ask them some questions.Q1: Whos she?Q2

29、: Is it hot or cold?Q3: Guess what they are saying.2 模拟朗读 Listen to the tape and read after the tape. 3Look at Picture2 of the text and ask them some questions.Q1: Whos he?Q2: Is it hot or cold?Q3: Guess what are they saying?4 模拟朗读 Listen to the tape and read after the tape. 2 通过游戏,操练句型游戏说明哑剧表演:邀请四位

30、同学上台,根据老师的口令,做出相应的动作,比比谁的动作最形象. 再由做得最好的那位同学,做动作,请其他同学猜猜是什么.T: Put on your skirt. Take off your sweater. Put on your T- shirt. Take off your coat.Ss: All right./ OK.选出表演得最好的同学做动作,让其他同学来猜短语。3 Do some exercise. Take out the exercise paper and finish the exercise.Choose the sentence according to the pic

31、tures.Picture2Picture1 A: _. A: _. B: _. B: _.a. Its cold. b. Its hot.c. Put on your coat. d. Take off your coat.Step4.拓展与延伸预设时间7分钟1. Learn the rhyme. 1 Look at picture2 in the exercise.T: Its winter. Its cold. Its so cold.老师分别做cold和so cold 状。引导学生模拟。2 Show students the flash of the rhyme, ask them t

32、o listen carefully.3 Say the rhyme with some actions.4 模拟改编儿歌Encourage students to change the words in the rhyme. The teacher could make a model at first. Then the students could make it with their partners. Finally invite some students to perform before the class.Step5 Homework.预设时间1分钟1. Read the t

33、ext and the rhyme.2. Try to recite the words three times.附:板书设计Unit 10 Put on your coatTake off hotPut on cold第三教时教学目的:1. 能在实际的情景下使用句子Put on your/ Take off your 及其答复All right/OK.2. 能听懂会说a coat, a sweet, a T-shirt, a skirt,发音准确,并能根据实际的情况判断适宜穿着的服装。3. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生养成良好的英语学习习惯。教学重点:1能在实际的情景下使用句子Put o

34、n your/ Take off your 及其答复All right/OK.2能听懂会说a coat, a sweet, a T-shirt, a skirt,发音准确,并能根据实际的情况判断适宜穿着的服装。教学难点:能在实际的情景中快速判断可以穿着的服装,并正确使用句子Put on your/ Take off your 及其答复All right/OK.进展交流。教学准备:PPT 魔法棒 相关服装 学生文具教学过程:Step1热身针对学生已有知识的整体复习1. Free talk滚动复习已学过的句子,通过每课自由交谈加深印象。3分钟 e.g. Hello. / Hi. / Good mo

35、rning / afternoon / evening. How are you? Im fine, thank you. Whats this / that? Its a / an What are those / these? Theyre What can you do? I can Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. What colour? Its Look at the / my Its Merry Christmas!2. Chant 复习已学过的形容词 2分钟 T: Hello, boys and girls. Its show time n

36、ow. Where are your hands? Raise them please. Ss: Show their hands. T: Lets chant now. Ss & T: Big, big, its very big. Small, small, its very small. bright / nice / new / long / short3. Game复习句型Look at Its 为下一步的学习做好铺垫 5分钟 【PPT出示单词文具类物品和句型Look at Its 】 1T: Now lets play a game. First please show u

37、s what the words mean. For example, if I point to the word pen. You should hold on your pens, and say my pen. Understand? Ss: Try to follow the order. 2T: Do you want to introduce your writing materials?S: Yes.T: OK. Take out a pencil Look at my pencil. Ss: Look at the teachers pencil. T: Then you c

38、an say “Its long. Look at my pencil.Ss: Its long.T: Good. Its your turn.S1: Look at my Ss: Its big / small / bright / nice / new / long / shortS2: Look at my Ss: Its big / small / bright / nice / new / long / shortStep2 复习由上面的游戏自然过渡 4分钟1. 引入通过老师和学生的对话及动作给大家提供示范T: Look at my coat.Ss: Its nice.T: Put

39、on my coat.将自己的衣服递给一个学生S1: Thank you. Its big.2. 操练T: 引导学生开小火车 Lets begin to move our little train.Ss: Little train, woo, woo. S1: Turn around Look at myS2: Its nice.S1: Put on my 将自己的衣服递给下一个学生S2: Thank you. Its Turn around Look at myS3: Its nice.Step3. 活动通过游戏“点兵点将让学生快速说出本单元的重点句型Put on / Take off .并

40、反响其相应的动作 3分钟T: Boys and girls, lets have a rest. Play a game, OK?Ss: OK.T: Lets say together: Round, round me. Round, round you. Then the magic stick will point to one of you. You should stand up and say a sentence just like “Put on your sweater. Others say “ All right. And act it out. Clear? Lets b

41、egin.Ss: Play the gameStep4 情景运用 10分钟场景:圣诞节来了,商家正在开展各种促销活动,大家一起去服装店购物T: Christmas is coming. The clothes are cheaper. Lets go shopping by bus.Ss: All right. Little bus, Duba, duba.T: We are in the clothes shop now. Oh, whats this / that?S: Its a T: Is this / that a ?S: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its a T: Do you like them?Ss: Yes!T: Lets try them on.引出下面将试穿服装的活动E.g. A: A , please. B: Here you are. C: Put on the A: OK. / All right. C: Oh, its big / small / long / short. Take off the A: OK. / All right. C: Put on the A: OK. / All right. C: It


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