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1、表3-1主题单元设计模板主题单元标题What would you do?作者姓名周佩所属单位武汉市光谷实验中学联系地址武汉市光谷实验中学联系电子邮箱782898909邮政编码430223学科领域 (在内打 表示主属学科,打+ 表示相关学科) 思想品德 音乐 化学 信息技术 劳动与技术 语文 美术 生物 科学 数学外语 历史 社区服务 体育 物理 地理 社会实践 其他(请列出):适用年级九年级(人教版)所需时间6学时主题单元学习概述(简述单元在课程中的地位和作用、单元的组成情况,解释专题的划分和专题之间的关系,主要的学习方式和预期的学习成果,字数300-500)本单元学

2、生将了解在一些虚拟的情况下该如何去做,为自己在生活中遇到的问题提前预知,并且最好心理准备,另外让学生在面临紧急情况意外伤害时如何去做,提高学生处理突发事件的能力,以及在面临突发事件时临危不乱,同时让学生学习到生活中的小常识。还给学生创设一些情景,让学生相互讨论得出结论。本单元主要学习虚拟语气,分成两方面:1、学习虚拟语气,给他人提出具体建议 2.、突发情况处理,生活小常识。这一单元重点如何运用虚拟语气给学生提出具体建议,以及遇到紧急突发事件如何处理。本单元这里划分为两个专题专题一:what would you do if you .专题二:What would you do if you we

3、re in different situations ?专题一帮助学生根据语法学会如何给别人建议,帮助学生解决生活中的实际问题,专题二主要是让学生如何学会紧急处理状况如急救等:主要的学习方式:情景模拟、小组合作、角色扮演、合作学习、问题探究预期的效果:学生形成良好的心理素质,不畏惧中考,大胆在众人面前演讲,在此基础上,灵活处理紧急情况下发生的事情。主题学习目标(描述该主题学习所要达到的主要目标)语言知识:1、掌握并灵活运用虚拟语气相关知识。 2、针对性的完成相关习题和听力。 语言技能:1、能运用虚拟语气进行相关对话和文章书写。 2、通过活动给出对方建议,在听、说、读、写等方面全面进步。情感态度

4、:形成良好的心理素质,具备一定的承压能力,遇紧急情况能运用自己所学知识冷静处理。 学习策略:1、通过多媒体学习相关知识,并灵活运用,解决对话、调查、角色扮演等问题。 2、通过活动和老师创设的语境体会并运用英语相关知识。文化意识:了解中外在给出建议方面的文化差异,从而更好地将知识与实际相结合。对应课标1.通过本单元学习学会谈论一些假设的虚拟的情况。2.通过本单元学习达到如何使用虚拟语气提建议的目标。3.学会运用知识处理自己面临的问题并形成良好的心理素质。4.运用自己良好的心理素质,完成紧急情况下处理相关问题的能力。主题单元问题设计1, Master the knowledge about sub

5、junctive mood.2.How to deal with the problems that you had in different situations?3.Using the knowledge to take part in all kinds of activities.专题划分专题一: what would you do if you . ( 课内2 课时)SectionA专题二:What would you do if you were in different situations ? ( 课外2课时)SectionB and reading其中,专题 2中Readin

6、g的活动作为研究性学习专题一what would you do if you . 所需课时课内2 课时本专题学习目标 (描述该学习所要达到的主要目标)1.学会并掌握虚拟语气2.学会面对各种考试的压力3.学会面对在众人面前演讲的紧张情绪4.形成良好的心理素质专题问题设计1.Learn and master the knowledge about subjunctive mood.2.Students can use it to express themselves .3.They can give other people good advice .4.Dont be nervous befor

7、e senior high school entrance examination and dont be afraid of speaking in front of other people.所需教学材料和资源(在此列出学习过程中所需的各种支持资源)信息化资源PPT videos 白板常规资源Recorder and tape、投影仪 电脑教学支撑环境教室 其他教学活动设计(针对该专题所选择的活动形式及过程)Step 1 greetings and revisionGreet the class and begin to learn the new knowledge Step 2 lea

8、d-in (导入呈现)电脑屏幕呈现几个著名人物:比尔盖茨、李嘉诚、成龙、巴菲特等,学生一看就明白他们都是著名的富翁,然后很自然的过渡到本文的话题和知识点:What would you do if you had lots of money?1、ask and answer (class work)ask the students to say out the names of the famous rich men,then tell the class if I had lots of money I would give it to the charity,and then ask the

9、 students what would you do if you had lots of money?(同时在黑板上写下这两句话,并且两句话的谓语动词had ,would give和would do 都打下红色着重记号。2、talk and say(group work)Ask the students to talk about the questions in group ,encourage and help them to talk by using “I would.if I had.”, and then share the answers with class.S1:I wo

10、uld buy a big house for my parents if I had lots of money.S2:I would put it in the bank .S3:I would travel around the world . .设计说明:图片引入和时髦话题如果你有钱的自由谈论,迅速激发了学生学习兴趣,而且自然的过渡到本课话题。同时也对if引导的虚拟语气的意义(现在不可能发生的情况)及句式结构(if 从句过去时,主句would +V)有了初步的形象认识Step3 listen and write电脑屏幕呈现1b的图片,同时在每幅图片下用红色标出目标短语:put it i

11、n the bank, give it to medical research , help the pandas, buy a big house .并且在a million dollars 旁用阿拉伯数字注明,让学生直观明白其含义,这样新授词million, medical, research都形象呈现出来。1、ask the students to listen and number the pictures1-4in the order they hear,and then check the answer. (class work)2、ask the students to list

12、en again and fill in the blanks(individual work).电脑呈现听力对话和所挖的空:Tape script Girl1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? An old man had a million dollars. And he gave it to charity. Boy1: Wow, what a nice man! Girl1: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Boy1: If I had a million dollars,

13、 Id give the money to the zoo. I want to help the pandas. Girl1: Thats a gook idea! I know what Id do. Id buy a big house for my family. Girl2: Really? Id put the money in the bank. Then Id just watch it grow! Boy2: Hmmmm I think Id give the money to medical research. Id want to help other people. T

14、hen check the answers 3、ask the students to read the dialogue three times together.(class work)设计说明:本环节的听力训练旨在提高学生听力技能,提高学生善于捕捉关键词句,排除冗余信息的技能。活动2在训练听的同时还融入了写的训练。并且听和写的内容都再次巩固本课所学话题和新知,达到了听、写、记、读的有机结合。Step4 exercise If I had one million I (把它捐给慈善机构)if I had lots of money I (把它捐给医学研究)if I had lots of

15、money I (把它存入银行)I (travel) all over the world if I (win)the world champion .I have two (million)dollars.what you (do)if you (meet)someone dangerous in the street at night?设计说明:此环节通过翻译和所给词的适当形式填空两种题型检测了本课的知识目标。Step5 conclusion 总结本课的生词、短语和句型。解释并强调本科的语法点虚拟语气的意义以及if从句与主句的谓语动词的时态关系。设计说明:从学生接受新知的能力不同的情况考虑

16、,对本课知识点作出总结回顾对于那些接受理解慢的学生来说是很好的帮助。The second class Activity one:role play (pair work)If you were nervous before senior high school entrance examination what would you do ?Ask some students work in groups ,one student is a psychologist .other is a student .All the students make a dialogue in the Cons

17、ultation room. After that they exchange their roles and continue the same activity .Activity two、make a survey(group work)1.电脑前呈现了一个学生因为不敢演讲而丧失了表现自己的机会而懊恼,另一位学生不敢与别人交流而性格孤僻没有朋友,一个学生在代表班级演出出现心理问题,造成发挥失常,大家都排挤他。非常困惑。What would you do if something happened to you ?S1I would tell each of students that I

18、 would have confidence in giving a speech in front of the whole school .S2I would be a friends with all the students S3I would apologize to everyone and represent my class to show next time.2.学生之间相互交流,分享经验,最终得出结论,并且通过投影展示出来。形成文本。设计说明:本环节的口语训练遵循了由易到难、由简到繁,循序渐进的过程。从两人角色表演对话,到创设心理情景话题,要求学生能够运用本课语言功能达到自

19、由交际。同时同学们在情感上相互交流,彼此之间相互理解,共同面对自己的问题教学评价学生学习成果及评价:1,学生学习虚拟语气的用法和掌握的程度。 2,学生的口语水平,解答问题的能力。3.学生角色扮演的水平,解决问题的能力。4. 学生学会调查,并且做出调查报告。5.对学生进行现场评价,并得出结论。评价方法:教师口头评价 学生互评 学生组间评价 教师评价小组。专题二What would you do if you were in different situations ?所需课时4课时(2个课堂课时,2个课外研习)本专题学习目标 (描述该学习所要达到的主要目标)1、细读课文,理解reading中关于

20、first-aid 相关知识。2.由专题一的训练和活动,学生养成了良好的心理素质3.学生遇到紧急情况,快速处理问题. 专题问题设计1、Learn the first-aid knowledge 。2.Whether you have confidence or not.3.If your classmate were burnt what would you do?4.If your grandma fell downstairs and wasnt moving what would you do?。所需教学材料和资源(在此列出学习过程中所需的各种支持资源)信息化资源PPT videos 网

21、络材料常规资源A clean cloth ,cold running water , phone, bandage 教学支撑环境模拟火灾现场、家里楼梯口教学活动设计(针对该专题所选择的活动形式及过程)The first class: activity one 1. show ppt to students 2.learn reading from ppt with all the students and explain to them .3.lead-in the activity Students were studying in the classroom quietly .Sudden

22、ly the desk caught the fire. Because one student poured some oil that was easily fired on the desk . The teacher organized some students to put out the fire and other students run away quickly .call 119Unluckily Toms arm was burnt and was dirty . one student help him deal with it(步骤如下:可用冷水及时冲洗局部,以降低温度,减轻痛感与肿胀。烧伤的局部比较脏,可用肥皂水冲洗,但不可用力擦洗;蘸干水后,再涂上红花油,然后盖上无毒纱布加以包扎即可。并迅速打电话给120) The fire was put out and Tom has already been sent to the hospital.学生轮换表演。教师当场得出结论。通过本次活动设计学生,学生学习与火灾时如何处理及应对并且及时救治伤员.做到所学知识与学生生活实际相联系。


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