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1、高二徐州下册期末英语作文在英语写作中,过多地使用长句或过多地使用短句都不好。那么你知道怎么写作文吗?你有看过那些优秀的作文吗?下面xx给大家分享高二徐州下册期末英语作文的内容,希望能够帮助大家!高二徐州下册期末英语作文1Eo,my faoteeaher,is a petand slim lady.e ofthe most impoateason ht I lie hr i tat she svey siere.Whn she talks t oths,h aws has mile on herac.IthikEcho is narl teacher beacsesh as a lot fodm

2、thods teachig.Sh i ot onyquitefredly,but alo humoros.Her casis ullfunhat youav eve eel o.To imrov our gads,sheusully gvs us someaies bout ht laEngli wel.What#;sore,s acrificdher ownie to helpevry suden,no thoght gnSometies,he nearl haso imetoav lunch.When k he uestons,he ust pre no ffort tomake me u

3、dertand,wit paiecend censs. h never seen uh agodtacer sherbeoe.A gdteacher ca pont out thdirecti ad geoedles trenghwhen you ge intotroub.9;m cky enouhto have su agoodtacher psen t my lifeI#39;m thakful herhelpvery much.高二徐州下册期末英语作文2The isnodot tt ewillenunr sad things inallhs lfe. However, face wt s

4、aess, derent popleually ak different ttitudeto treattGeellypkin,th ie egarthese d things stheir valuabl eernes whichae indispensalei ther l. Wh#39; moe, never do they haesdness hun hemsees uickly, teyget ri fsaness dfind new peaures of le.Thus, thei lie always em sofie. Onthe contary, mpssmts lwyshv

5、esanes haut tem. Thir min alwa ader to past sa events, whc esults in hei moodess and vxationdaylong,d even caseslees night, por de,fequen edachs, etc Obviouly,noe of thseesultsiwht we wan a rel, thre isgrat ned forut ollo th wise rsons#39; exmp ad learn o rid of ainumemoy. Asan old in gos, teraeno s

6、uch sks thate cold ot overcom. e i mindht ever dooav sdnss haunyourself.高二徐州下册期末英语作文3or in Ameica, Thoms Eisonws a grea scintistand inento.He was once outtobe a boy whowano worth educating In fact, e a mn full of iagiaion.I admr Edson a lot becseof his geat ctribution to the orl. He had r tha 1,000

7、nvenns. In s iet, hewas alwys eagr to kow how ings orkd, which helpe hi arn heiknamthe Wizrd of lo Pak.H as alo o diligentthat he orke dayand nightAndthisexplaindwhy h had so many reatentons.Whtimrsse me m s hs famos ang,Gniss ne peet nspiran ad ninetynine percent pespiraion.Probaly ot e n Edisn ysl

8、f, butI a be ad-workng learer.Fomhim, rze th see t scesis notwhn o whereo wereborn, ut whatu are dnad how you oit in ourlie.高二徐州下册期末英语作文4The ag ars cn beanmotio assaut curse for pares and enagers.A ulf canrowbetee parens an hhildren dungadolesenceOne of the resons anyous find it sohrd is because it#

9、3;sa timef ra hysical evopet and ep emotinl chang. hesearxcitng, but cnsbe onfing and uncooale for child ad ent alike.Someadlescents bomeveycnerned abu ter appearae Thy may eel worred, eecialy ifthe nges happn erer r ar than theirpee Ty start tothink a ee iffrenty Te mak cls lationhis ouidthe fmly,

10、ih frindsf teiown g.Rltiohps ithin the fmiy so hange. Parents com les iportanti theireye as thei ife otsieth familyelps. Raldsagreements erge for th firt tie as young peole developviews o ther ownht areotnnosard by tei parents everody knows, adoescnts sed ao of tim in ach er#39;scmpany,on hetlephone

11、or inernet to ech othe. Thse friedshp arepatof learnig how o gton with other peopland aiin a sense of idntity tt isitint from that o th mily. Clothsaapprnce re awy f expring soidarity it frends, altough tene chidrare stillmor likelyt ge heir aue from the aml.It isnotjusta diffultstage, altoh it can

12、fl erymch lie it at tis. Dificut times omeadgo, ut mt aoescnts don#;tdelop eriousprobem.It#39;s worhrememeng thisw things are dficult高二徐州下册期末英语作文5 o#39; rmember hw my emitons I#39;ve takensine I began yschooli.Truth otell, I n39; keexamintin ata. dresa a, in fat, o studnt lies exinationWe oftehe ole

13、ay“Examinaton ar teachrs#; magwaon”, s mt f usma thnk t is our eahers wh ive us studts so man exminaios. Bt Ion;thik so. Almost al ofhem ve once entdens before tey becme eacers. W don3;tlkeexamintons, a neitr do ourtachrs,whchay berasoably concue. What#39; moe,the moreeinatisetake, the moe ie wibe takn om our teachrsad the mo troubleour teachers havet tak.i he syste r cunry, think, tha gives us stuentso mayxaminis. I ther wre oenranceexamnios, n l the studen couldgo uo the hgh gad


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