已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、.初三优题库汇总一、语音1.The food my mother cooks is delicious. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?A f :d B fu:d C fud D fnd答案:B解析:双O发长音:food 、cool、room、 fool、 双O发短音:cook、foot、good、wood、book2.John read the book again in order to get more information from it. Which of the following is cor

2、rect for the underlined word in the sentence? A. /r i: d/ B. /r e d/ C. /r e id/ D. /r a i d/答案:B解析:read在原型是读作/r i: d/,在作为过去式讲的时候读作/r e d/3.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A My office is on the ground floor.B It was cloudy yesterday afternoon.C Id li

3、ke to buy this pair of trousers.D Ive been here for a couple of days.答案:D解析:A、/graund/ B、/klaudi/ C、/trauzz/ D、/kpl/4.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A Ann survived in the earthquake. B Would you like some tea?. C My aunt lives in the east of China.

4、 D There is a picture in my mind.答案:C解析:A、/sraiv/ B./laik/ C./liv/ D./maind/5.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. What animal jumps highest?B. Here is an invitation from a club.C. My father is a businessman. D. He found it was a dull party.答案:D解析:A.B.

5、C中的字母U发的都是短元音,只有D选项当中的字母U 发的是短音i一、单项选择1. -How are you going to meet your aunt at the airport _ Thursday morning?  -Im going there _ my car.  A. on, in    B. on, by    C. in, by    D. in, in答案:A解析:详细某日的早、午、晚要用介词on,by car,by后无冠词或代词,in ones ca

6、r,in后有冠词或介词。2.  _ big success the film was!   A. What an       B. What a       C. How a  D. How 答案:B解析:success,pleasure等抽象名词前假设有形容词修饰,要加冠词a/an。3. _ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth四分之一 o

7、f them are_ teachers.A. A number of; women                 B. A number of; womanC. The number of; women               D. The number of; woman 答案:C解析:a

8、 number of“许多,the number of“的数量,两者后都接可数名词复数,名词前有woman或man限定,变复数要两者都变。4.A lot of enjoyment is given _many people.A.at B.for C.to D.with答案:C解析:give,offer等接双宾的动词,假设将将直宾物提早,要加介词to或for,详细接to还是for由动词决定。5.You should do more _.Dont always be at the desk doing your _.A.exercise,exercises B.exercises,exercise

9、s C.exercise,exercise D.exercises,exercise答案:A解析:exercise当“锻炼讲,不可数,当“练习讲,可数。6.The police _the suspect at that time.A.is watching B.are watching C.was watching D.were watching答案:D解析:police,people为集合名词,本身就是复数。7.Videos like this one _anywhere.A.is seen B.sees C.are seen D.saw 答案:C解析:like此时为介词“像,名词后有介词b

10、ut“除了、except“除了、like“像、with“和等,谓语单复数由介词前的名词决定。8. _ useful piece of information you have got!A. What B. What a C. How D. What an答案:B解析:此题是一道易错题,陷阱有两处,一是学生容易看到information就选what没有注意到前面有piece,二是useful是以辅音字母开头却发元音的单词。9. My teacher told me not to come late _ school again.A. withB. forC. atD. to答案:D解析:此题是一

11、道易错题,学生容易想到be late for,但此处late为副词,come与to进展搭配。10. _ gets the lucky number at the end of the party will be given the new iPad. A. Those whoB. No matter whoC WhoeverD Anyone 答案:C解析:此题是一道易错题,难度较大,考的是主语从句的连接词,合适程度非常好的学生做,需要注意的一是谓语为单数,所以A选项排除,二是名词性从句中no matter who与whoever不相等。11. Our history teacher told

12、us that the Ming Dynasty_ for about 275 years in history. A. has existedB. had existedC. existedD. has been existed答案:C解析:此题是一道易错题,需要学生对时态有非常深化的理解,学生容易看到“for+时间段就选完成时,但明朝已经是一个过去发生的事实了,已经不存在了,所以此题选一般过去时。 12.The newly built supermarket will _ from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.in order to bring convenience to cust

13、omers.A. be openedB. be openingC. openD. be open答案:D 解析:此题是一道易错题,open既有动词的词性,作动词讲时是瞬间性的不能与段时间连 用,又有形容词的词性,做形容词讲可与be一起与段时间进展连用。13. The little boys decided to spend as much time as he _ _ the elderly.A. could to helpB. can to helpC. could helpingD. can helping答案:D解析:此题是一道易错题,难度较大,一是要看出as much time as

14、he can为插入语,二是s为has的缩写,三是spend后接动词的ing形式。14. -_ the students in Class Five to finish the art homework today? - No,they dont have to. A. OughtB. ShouldC. MustD. Have答案:A解析:此题是一道易错题,学生容易看到dont have to就选must却没有注意到句中有个to。15. Lucy, how do you like the latest movie Life of Pi ?少年派的奇幻漂流? - Very impressive.

15、It cant be _. The director must have put great effort into the film.A. any worseB. any betterC. so bad D. the best 答案:B解析:此题需要学生理解比较级的否认形式表示最高级。16. It is unfair that such a nice person like Jane _ lose her job. She works so hard!A. canB. mayC. shouldD. Shall答案:C解析:此题should译为“竟然,表吃惊、惊讶、意想不到的感情色彩。17.

16、What do you think of the concert today? - Great! _ but a genius could perform so successfully.A. None B. All C. Everybody D. Anybody答案:A解析:此题中but为介词“除了,需要学生积累这种用法。18.The balloon Li Ming's father has just bought him is _ mine. A. as three times big as B. three times the size of C. three times big

17、 as D. as three times the size of答案:B解析:此题考察表示倍数的方式,表示倍数总共有3种方式,借此可给学生复习一下。19.This book is _ for a seven-year-old boy to read A. Too much difficult B. much too difficult C. Too more difficult D. more too difficult答案:B解析:此题需给学生区分一下too many、too much、much too的用法。20.By the end of next year, another new

18、gym _ in Shanghai. A. had been built B. has been built C. would be built D. will be built答案:D解析:“by + 过去的时间后用过去完成时,此种用法常见一些,但“by + 将来的时间后用将来完成时的用法略微少见一些,此处让学生明白其中的联络,by后用完成时,用那一完成时由by后的截止时间决定。21.In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be w

19、aiting答案:A解析:此处需给学生区分mean to do“打算做某事与mean doing“意味着做某事。22.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating 答案:C解析:be seated = remain seated此时seated为形容词“坐着的,remain属于系动词“保持。23.The enemy had no way out but _ A. sur

20、render B. surrendering C. to surrender D. surrendered 答案:C解析:have no way but to do“别无他法只能做,此处but译为“除了,可给学生讲前无do后有to的规律。24.The telephone is out of order and requires_ A. to be repaired B. to repair C. to be repairing D. being repaired答案:A解析:require“需要与need用法一样,require/need doing“需要被做主动表被动,等于require/n

21、eed sth to be done“需要被做。25.The students were made _ football in the playground by the heavey rain.A. not playing B. didnt play C. not play D. not to play答案:D解析:feel/listen to/hear/make/let/have/see/watch/notice/observe用于主动语态时省略to,用于被动语态to复原。 26.Is there_ to make fun?A. enough some interesting thingB

22、. enough anything interesting C. something interesting enoughD. anything interesting enough答案:C解析:此题涉及到两个考点,一是形容词修饰复合不定代词,二是enough修饰形容词,稍难,需要稍加考虑。 27. _ important news is in our daily life!A. What anB. What aC. WhatD. How答案:D解析:此题是一道易错题,学生容易看到news就选C,而此题中news做主语。 28. Alice _ to answer the question t

23、hat was _ by the teacher.A. Raised, risenB. raised, raisedC. rose, raisedD. rose, risen答案:C解析:此题区分rise与raise,rise“上升“起身为不及物动词,raise“举起“筹集“抚养“提出为及物动词。 29. Maguerite, along with her friends _ just _ to Beijing, capital of China. -Since nearly two years ago.A. have .beenB. havegone C. hasgoneD. hasbeen

24、答案:C解析:此题一考主谓一致along with , with , except , but ,like等谓语与其前面的名词一致,二考have been to“去过与have gone to“去了的区别,30. Great Wall today is much more beautiful than before. Mr. Black said he, with his family, would visit it fourth time.A. The, a B. /, the C. /, a D. The, the答案:A解析:此题考冠词的用法,一是含普通名词的专有名词必须加定冠词the,

25、二是序数词前加不定冠词比方a fourth time表示再一次。31.Taking a walk after supper is of to all of us.A. much help B. many help C. great helping D. Helpful答案:A解析:be of +名词=形容词,be of much help = very helpful。32.These girls will become when they graduate from medical college.A. woman doctors B. womens doctorsC. women doct

26、ors D. men doctors答案:C解析:含man或woman的复合名词变复数man或woman和中心词两者都要变复数。33.The room in the hotel is all right, the terrible room service.A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that答案:D解析:区分besides、 except 、except for 、except that四者,besides包含所除去的内容,except 不包含所除去的内容,except for美中缺乏所除去的内容不为同一类,except that

27、后面接句子。34.He suggested that she another day.A. come B. comes C. came D. will come答案:A解析:此题考suggest当“建议讲时的虚拟用法:suggest that should do。35.All the crowns are made gold and jewels. The collection is 12 crowns which belong to the British royal family.A. of, consisted of B. from, made up ofC. of, made up o

28、f D. from, consisted of答案:C解析:一是区分be made of 与be made from“由制成,前者能看得出原材料,后者看不出原材料;二是区分be made up of 与consist of“由组成,后者通常不用于被动语态。36.In space, they made him captain of the spacecraft.A. /; / B. the; / C. /;the D. the;the答案:A解析:此题考冠词用法in space“在太空,职位、头衔前不加冠词。37.Ten eggs by the biggest hen in the past t

29、wo weeks.A. have been lain B. have been laidC. were laid D. were lain答案:B解析:此题要区分lie与lay,lie当“扯谎讲时,过去时lied,过去分词lied,当“躺和“位于讲时,过去式lay,过去分词lain;lay“下蛋“放置过去时laid,过去分词laid。38.What parents say and do at home will have a great impact _ their children.A. ofB. onC. inD. to答案:B解析:have impact on “对有影响= have e

30、ffect on,这个词组阅读量少的同学一般没见过,但在阅读文章中也会出现,可让成绩比较好的孩子积累一下。39.Although he_ lives on the _ island, he doesnt feel _ at all.A. lonely, alone, lonely B. alone, lonely, lonelyC. alone, lonely, aloneD. lonely, lonely, alone答案:B解析:alone既有形容词词性“孤独的又有副词词性“孤独地;lonely形容词有两个意思,一是“寂寞的,二是“荒凉的。40.Having the _ mind will

31、 be a great help to your future occupation, whatever you _.A. imaginary, make upB. imaginary, take upC. imaginative, make upD. imaginative, take up答案:D解析:imaginary“想象的,imaginative“富有想象力的,make up“化装,编造,take up“从事,占据。41.What you did _ wrong. How could you take away what _ to others?A. proved, belonged

32、B. was proved, was belongedC. proved, was belongedD. was proved, belonged答案:A解析:prove “证明+ adj,但be proved to be + adj,belong to“属于没有被动语态。42.I dont think my new roommate is a person hard _. At least, he is always willing to do his share of the housework whenever _ to.A. to deal with, is askedB. to de

33、al with, asked C. to be dealt with, is askedD. to be dealt with, asked答案:B解析:hardadj to do做后置定语,whenever he is asked省略he is。42.The little boy was interested in watching the stars in the sky _ a clear night.A inB onC at D by答案:B解析:night前有形容词clear修饰用介词on,morning、evening、afternoon也有同样的用法,且用法见的比较多,而nigh

34、t见的比较少。43.The old man lives _ in a _place, and she feels very_A alone, lonely, lonelyB alone, alone, lonely C alone, lonely, alone D lonely, alone, lonely答案:A解析:alone既有形容词词性“孤独的又有副词词性“孤独地;lonely形容词有两个意思,一是“寂寞的,二是“荒凉的。44. I _ stay up late. Really? I didnt. But I_ working at night. A am used to, am us

35、ed to B used to, am used to C am used to, used to D used to, used to答案:B解析:use几种用法的区别,易错,used to“过去常常做,常用于表过去与如今的比照;be used to do“被用于做;be used for“被用于;be used to doing“习惯于。二、词转:1. Please show me your tickets and I will lead you to your . sit答案:seats解析:此题需注意要与tickets相照应。2. Jacky happened to meet his

36、old friend on his way to a _ company this morning. remove答案:removal解析:此题需注意remove的名词为removal。3. Some people lack positive energy and they have been used to _ about everything that they are not satisfied with. complaint答案:complaining解析:此题需注意识别出是use的be used to doing“习惯于做的句型而不是be used to do“被用来做的句型。4.

37、The police brought the innocent people to _ and they caught the criminal at last. save答案:safety解析:此题需识别出是bring sb to sp 而不是动词不定式to do 构造。5. Smoked fish is the restaurants _. special答案:special解析:special本身有两个词性,一是形容词“特别的,特殊的,二是名词“特色菜,特刊,此题考第二种用法,不常见,学生可能不知道。6.Of all the girls, Linda sings . So she nev

38、er joins any singing groups.terrible答案:the most terribly解析:此题填副词的最高级,学生容易忽略形容词、副词有比较级、最高级。7.Listening to music us to feel relaxed.able答案:enables解析:动名词作主语谓语动词用单三形式。8.It is absolutely right that a good detective never jumps to_. conclusion答案:conclusions解析:jump to conclusions“贸然决定,这个词程度的好的需要积累。9.Were g

39、ot ready to_ the unknown world with everything we have. cover答案:discover解析:discover“发现,这种变换程度差的学生一般想不到。10.At last, Jack was _ to be innocent because the lawyer had found further proof. proof 答案:proved解析:be proved to be +adj“被证明。11.The students have reached different _ based on their own research. co

40、nclude 答案:conclusions解析:reach conclusions“达成结论。12.Whether he will go _ on your decision. independent 答案:depends解析:句子做主语谓语用单数。13.The judges have promised in public to carry out their duties _. faith 答案:faithfully解析:faithfully“忠诚地,易错。14.At the end of last month,they _money to the poor children in Yunn

41、an.donate答案:donated解析:at the end of last month为一般过去时的时间状语,by the end of last month为过去完成时的时间状语。三、句转:1. My uncle has planned to visit National Museum of China with me this summer. 对划线部分提问_ _ your uncle planned to visit with you this summer?答案:What has解析:此题需注意对visit后的地点进展提问用what而不用where,where属于疑问副词对“介词

42、+地点进展提问。2. Lisa was unhappy about the result. 改为反意疑问句 Lisa was unhappy about the result, _ _?答案:wasnt she解析:此题需注意虽happy带否认性前缀但后仍用否认形式,及否认性前缀不影响前肯后否原那么。3. Do you save any paper in your office every day? 改为被动语态 _ any paper _ in your office every day? 答案:Is saved解析:此题一是疑问句变被动语态学生一般没有做到过,二是容易忽略主谓一致的原那么。

43、4. The little dog was as heavy as the cat. 保持原句意思The little dog _ as _ as the cat.答案:weighs much解析:此题学生不容易想到,稍有难度。5. Mr. Black is a tall thin man with a pair of glasses. 划线部分提问 _ does Mr. Black _ _?答案:What look like解析:此题对人的长相进展提问,在句转中出现的频率比较少,可借助此题给学生复习一下。6.The scientists left his hometown two years

44、 ago.保持句意不变 The scientists has _ _ from his hometown for two years.答案:been away解析:与段时间连用要将瞬间性动词转换为延续性动词,leave转换成be away。1、 词转5题1. The peasants do not say anything more about their saving people in the rain, but we still think of them as _ heroKeys: them是复数,所以hero的复数形式是heroes2. According to a survey,

45、75% of the students consider college education as their first choice.recentlyKeys:survey为名词,所以为形容词recent.3. English is _ learned if you are heart and soul for it.easyKeys:修饰动词learned,用easy的副词形式easily4. Passengers have to pay _ charges for their extra luggage.addKeys:charges为名词,所以为形容词,add的形容词为additio

46、nal5. The family has 10 hens and five head of _ cattleKeys:cattle为担负同型,所以为cattle高频同义句梳理1. 为.做准备 prepare for =be/get ready for2. 到达 arrive in /at = get to=reach3. 对.满意 be pleased with=be satisfied4. 收到来信 recieve a letter from=hear from 5. 想要做 feel like doing=want to do=would like to do6. 借给某人某物 lend

47、sb sth=lend sth to sb=borrow sth from sb7. 参加 go in for =take part in8. 由.组成 consist of =be made up of9. 小心地 with great care=carefully10. 搜寻 search for=look for carefully11. 进步 improve=make progress12. 未能做 cant do=be not able to do =fail to do 13. 继续 continue = go on 14. 开场从事 begin to spend time doi

48、ng =take up15. 赞同,支持 be for=be in favour 反对 be against16. 负责,管理 take charge of =be in charge of =be responsible for17. 出发 begin=set out=set off18. 吓某人一跳 frigheten sb=give sb a fright19. 有时,不时 sometimes =from time to time20. 送行 say goodbye to=see sb off21. 根据某人所说 as is said by sb= according to sb22.

49、剪短 shorten =make.short句转易错题 III.Rewrite the sentences15%练习一1.Americans play tricks on people on April Fools Day.同义句转换 Americans make _ _people on April Fools Day.2.Cormorants is good at swimming and they can stay underwater for up to two minutes. 同义句转换 Cormorants is good at swimming and they can sta

50、y underwater for_ _ two minutes.3.In 50 years,there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.划线部分提问 _ _ will there be no more cormorant fishermen in the world?4.The wooden horse is 300 kg heavy.同义句转换 The wooden horse is 300 kg _ _.5.I could not ignore the fact any longer that he was deeply u

51、nhappy.同义句转换 I could _ _ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy.6.I borrowed a fishing rod and a net from John for two days.保持句意不变 I_ _ a fishing rod and a net from John for two days.7.Recently we are taking measures to improve the working conditions in the office.改被动语态 Measures _ _ to improve th

52、e working conditions in the office.1.fun of 2.at most 3.How soon 4.in weight 5.no longer 6.have kept 7.are being taken练习二1.Jane did very well in all her subjects last term. 感慨句 _ _ Jane did in all her subjects last term! 2.The kid looked carefully for his favourite toy in the house. 保持句意 The kid _ _ his favourite toy in the house. 3.The government will rebuild more old buildings


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