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1、Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section A重要词组next to, save money, hang out重点句型Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money?Sure. There' s a bank on the second floor. Take the escalator to the second floor andturn right. The bank is next to the bookstore.一、单项选择()1. P

2、lease tell me how many students in your class next term.A. will there beB. will haveC. there will be D. have will答案:C()2. She prefer for a walk rather than at home.A. to go;stayB. going;to stay C. go;staying D. to go,staying答案:A prefer to do sth rather than do为固定结构,意为“更喜欢而不是”。()3. Many visitors enjo

3、y a few hours through the history museum.A. to spend; walkingB. spending; walkingC. spending; to walkD. to spend; to walk答案:B enjoy后接动名词,spend time doing sth花时间做()4. Turn the left at the second crossing and walk ahead aboutetres.A. /; inB. round; forC. to; forD. to; /答案:C()5. Make some marks you fin

4、d the mistakes in the article.A. whenB. whereC. beforeD. until答案:B where引导一个地点状语从句。二、看图完成对话6. A:Would you mind not playing your TV so loud.? I ' m writing a letter. B:Oh,. I ' ll it. It is OK now?A: That ' ll. Thanks.答案:sorry, turn , down, be right7. A: You look so sad, Mary.?B: I didn &

5、#39; t do the final exam.A: Why, you did wonderfully, Mary.答案:What' s the matter, well in三、句型转换8. Do you tell me where I can exchange money?(变为简单句 ) Do you tell me where money?答案:to exchange9. Why don' t you go to the mall with your friends?(变为同义句) to the mall with your friends?答案:Why not go

6、10. The fine arts museum is both beautiful and interesting.( 变为同义句 )The fine art museum is beautiful interesting.答案:not only , but also11. If you go into stores,you will always spend too much money.( 变为简单句 ) Go into stores,will always spend too much money. 答案:and you12. I have no time to go to the m

7、arket now.(变为同义句 )I' m busy go to the market now.答案:too, to(tooto意为“太而不能"。)四、补全对话(一空一词)A: Hi, Jill, where have you 13 for your holiday?B: Hainan island.A: Hainan island? I 14 that' s a beautiful place. But I ' ve 15 been there before. What do you 16 about is the best thing there ?B:

8、 Mmm. I think it ' s scube diving.A: Aren ' t you 17 of it ? That' s in the deep sea.B: No, not at all. That' s very great. You can see 18 different 19 of fish and the colorful reefs in the sea.A: That _ really cool. I suppose I ' ll 21 my holiday there next time.B: Oh,if you can

9、, please 22 it. I' m sure you' ll have a good time there.13. 14. 15. 16. 17.18. 19. 21. 22.答案:13. been 14. hear 15. never 16. think 17. afraid 18. many 19. kinds sounds 21. spend 22. takeSection B重要词组take a vacation, dress up as, take lessons, ask about重点句型Can/Could you tell me where there &

10、#39; s a good place to eat? Of course. What kind offood do you like?一、根据句意和首字母完成单词1. This washing machine is very c. You can do other things at the same time.答案:comfortable2. During the summer v, I always like to go hiking with my friends in the hill.答案:vacation3. Sailing is a kind of f sports enjoy

11、ed by young people.答案:fascinating4. Where do you usually h out with your friends in your free time?答案:hang5. Taking s to work is usually uncrowded and inexpensine.答案:subway二、单句改错(每题有一处错误,找出并改正)6. They went to the airport to see off me.答案:see off mefsee me off7. I think the price of the book is too e

12、xpensive.答案:expensivefhigh8. Would you like Other piece of bread?答案:otherfanother9. I prefer going to school by bike rather than walk there.答案:going fto go10. The population of China is larger than any country in Asia.答案:在any后加other any other+单数名词表示“任何一个”三、用所给词的适当形式填空11. Our Chinese teacher encourag

13、es us our own stories. (create)答案 :to create encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事12. My father will take computer (lesson) this summer vacation.答案 :1essons13. The badly (injure) man was unable to stand up though struggling hard.答案:injured动词injure与所修个词"man”的关系是被动的,所以用过去分词。14. The little girl has plain

14、 (look), but a nice heart.答案 :looks15. The trip promised to be long but (adventure).答案:adventurous16. Nike always gets (relax) from watching cartoons on TV .答案:relaxed 这里get 是连系动词,后接形容词作表语。17. Make your own conversation (use) the following words and phrases.答案:using use 的逻辑主语与主句的主语一致,故用现在分词。18. You

15、can take the escalator to the (two) floor and turn right You can find it there.答案:second四、根据汉语提示完成句子19. One of of doing that job is that you can get a high pay. ( 优势 )答案 :the advantagesCartoons are for children, many young adults like them,too.答案 :no longer just21. Though he is a policeman, he usual

16、ly wears after work. ( 便服 )答案:plain clothes22. I m free tomorrow, we can find a good place to .( 闲逛 )答案:hang out23. In the Clown City Cafe, the staff like to clowns toamuse the kids. (打扮)答案 :dress up asSelf Check (时间1,满分 100分 )一、单项选择(每题 1 分,共 10 分 )() 1. I don t know Mr wang lived ten years ago.A. w

17、hereB. whenC. whyD. which答案:A where引导宾语从句在句中作地点状语。()2. Li Lei is a good student. His teacher often speaks highly him.A. toB. ofC. withD. for答案:B speak highly of sb对某人评价高 ()3. Beijing is really a good place. I hope I can my lifetime there.A. liveB. takeC. spendD. leave答案:C()4. - Jack,would you please

18、 pass me the salt?A. Not at all.B. No problem.C. My pleasure. D. No big deal.答案:B A表示没关系,不用谢; C表示很乐意。()5. Foreigners in Beijing learn the language Chinese culture.A. as long as B. as much asC. as far asD. as well as答案:D A表不只要;B表不多达;C表木迹至。()6. I am not only reading English,but also the tape.A. learnB

19、. hear ofC. hearingD. listening to答案:Dnot only but also连接两个对等成分。()7.seemed strange to my brother that I liked maths.A. ThatB. ThisC. ID. It答案:D it形式主语,指代"that l liked maths()8. The weather here is very nice. It ' s too cold too hot.A. both;andB. either;orC. neither; norD. between;and答案:C()9

20、. - Excuse me. Could you tell me get to the plane ? Certainly. Go straight along here.A. how can we B. how we canC. when can we D. when we can答案:B()10. This is the best cartoon I have watched on TV this year.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. when答案:A 在定语从句中,如先行词有最高级修饰,只能用that。二、完形填空(每题1分,共The summer holiday a

21、re the best part of the year for most children. The 11 is usually good, so that one can 12 most of one ' s time 13 in the garden or if one lives in the country, out in the 14 and fields. 15 one lives in a big town, one can usually go to a 16_ to play.The best place for a summer holiday, 17 , is

22、the seaside. Some children are lucky enough to 18 near the sea, but for 19 who do not. A week or two at one of the_ towns issomething 21 they will talk about for the 22 of the following year.In England, it ' s not only the 23 who can take their children to the seaside; if a factory worker or a b

23、us driver, a street cleaner or a waiter 24 to take his wife and children to South end or Margate, Blackpool or Clacton,25 is usually quite able to do so.Now, what is it that26 like so much about the seaside ? I think it is the sand, sea andsun -27 any other things. Of course, there are lots of new _

24、28, nice things to eat, and29 things to do, but it is the 30 of sand under one' s feet, of salt water on one' s skin, and of the warm sun on one ' s back that make the seaside what it is.()11. A. timeB. placeC. weatherD. life答案:C()12. A. spendB. enjoyC. takeD. use答案:A spend time doing st

25、h.花时间做杲事,也可说 spend time in doing sth.()13. A. stayingB. playingC. livingD. working答案:B()14. A. countryB. riverC. woodsD. car答案:C 此处应与 country , fields属一类词。()15. A. UsuallyB. SometimesC. ThoughD. Even if答案:D()16. A. parkB. CinemaC. museumD. shop答案:A 本句中“toplay”作宾补,与 play搭配的最佳选项为 park。()17. A. and so

26、onB. howeverC. or soD. in a way答案:B however作副词表转折,一般用逗号隔开。()18. A. liveB. fishC. swimD. watch答案:A()19. A. youB. herC. othersD. many答案:C()A. foreignB. seasideC. fishingD. new答案:B()21. A. necessaryB. badC.goodD. which答案:D which引导非限制性定语从句,指主句内容。()22. A. wholeB. restC. beginningD. part答案:A()23. A. menB.

27、 womenC. richD. people答案:C()24. A. refusesB. wantsC. asksD. waits答案:B()25. A. allB. oneC. theyD. he答案:D “he”泛指上文出现的任何一个。()26. A. ladiesB. childrenC. parentsD. teachers答案:C这里指作者转而谈“家长们也渴望享受大自然”。()27. A. more thanB. together withC. not onlyD. and so答案:A more than不仅,超过; together with也()28. A. fishB. sh

28、ipsC. thingsD. faces答案:C()29. A. excitingB. funnyC. difficultD. easy答案:A funny指滑稽的,可笑的。()30. A. warmthB. feelingC. numberD. finding答案:B 根据句意,“脚下的沙子,皮肤上的海水,背上温暖的阳光”只有人去感受,而不 是发现,故选Bo三、阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)It took over 100 years for Mary Elizabeth Bower to receive the honor. Yet this unknown black woman pla

29、yed a part in the winning of the Civil War. She was a spy( 间谍)for the north and worked in the home of Jefferson Davis, the president of the South. She could ' t read or write, still, she was able to remember reports she came across. She would then pass the reports along at secret meetings with a

30、nother woman spy. Then the woman would send the reports to general Grant. Mary ' s life was in great danger every day. Yet, there was no record that she was honored for her brave and important work. This wrong of history has now been made right over 100 years later. She has finally been consider

31、ed as a true heroine(女英雄).()31. Mary Elizabeth Bowser was a spy who.A. took reports north to General GrantB. wrote her reports at secret meetingsC. was a white womanD. remembered reports found in the home of Jefferson答案:D 见相应句 "She was able to remember reports- She would thanpass”()32. She was

32、probably known to General Grant as.A. a woman who sent him reportsB. a close friend he often visitedC. a poor black womanD. a loyal(皇家)member of the Jefferson Davis' sfamily 答案:C 根据文章大意,把"reports”通过另一个"womanspy”之手送给 General Grant, 因此A、B、D选项排除。()33. It was that she was honored.A. before

33、 the Civil WarB. after the Civil WarC. in the beginning of the Civil War D. when the Civil War broke out 答案:B 见第一句和倒数第 2 句"this wrong of history has been made right over 100 years later.”()34. That was why she became a heroine.A. Jefferson Davis knew her very well B. Mary worked hard for Jeffer

34、son DavisC. both A and BD. Mary played an important part in American history答案:D 全文简要介绍了Mary在美国内战中所做出的贡献或所起到的作用。()35. Which statement agrees with the story?A. This is the history of the American Civil War.B. Jefferson Davis lost a woman spy.C. How a black woman helped the North. D. The Civil War las

35、ted 100 years.答案:C与全文意思一致。BTo me, life without music would not be exciting. I realize that this is not true for everybody. Many people get quite well without going to the concert, and listening to the record. But music plays an important part in everyone' s life, whether he realizes it or not. T

36、ry to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feelings , the moving plot(情节),and the greatest interests be as exciting or dramatic(戏居U性)? I' m not sure about it.Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaningthe kind of musicwe hear in t

37、he concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we discover them in our everyday life tooin the rhythm(旋律)of the sea, the melody of a bird in the woods andso on. So music surely has meaning for everyone, in some way or other. And, of course, it has special meaning for everyone,

38、in some way or other. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.It is well said, “Through music a child enters into a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart,feels the joy of doing things along, learns to take care o

39、f others, develops his mind and makes his body strong.” ()36. What does the writer say more about in the text?A. Life full of music.B. Life without music.C. Importance of music.D. Development of music.答案:A 不是单纯的说明音乐的重要性,而是音乐融于人们的日常生活中,以及对人们产生的重要影响。()37. Form the text, we know that many people.A. don

40、 ' t realize the importance of musicB. get along quite well without musicC. go to the concert instead of enjoying musicD. think music would be less exciting than films答案:A 作者认为 “ many people get along well without going to the concert and listening to the record”是因为他们没有认识音乐的重要性而已。()38. In the wr

41、iter ' s opinion,if there was no music in films or TV plays,.A. the cinema and theatre would be quietB. we would lose some of the audienceC. everything would be as exiting as beforeD. it would be hard to imagine the result答案:D见文章第一段最后一句。()39. What does the underlined word “ melody" mean in

42、the text ?A flyingB. lookingC. singingD. living答案:C 从前面“the rhythm of the sea”进而想到鸟在丛林中的歌唱,两者在一定意义上都 属于音乐。()40. From the last paragraph, we learn the music.A. is very important, especially for childrenB. is very necessary for our everyday lifeC. can make our life exciting and dramaticD. can enter an

43、other beautiful word答案:A 本段大意为通过音乐孩子们能进入一个美妙的世界,还能发展智力,强健身体,可见音乐对孩子而言是十分重要的。CIf you lose 12 times in a row(连续地),will you just give up? Dale Carnegie,a pioneer in public speaking and self-development, kept trying. And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.Carnegie was born in 1888 t

44、o a poor farming family in the central United States. The boy didn ' t see a train until he was 12 years old. In his teens,he had to get up at 3 a. m every day to milk the cows in his family.When Carnegie first entered college, he felt hopeless because of his clothes and ordinary looks. His moth

45、er encouraged him: "Why not try to be better in other things instead of just dress and good looks?"Carnegie tried to be more active in college. He joined the debate team( 辩论队).But one after another,he lost 12 meets. The young man was very disappointed in himself. He said later that he thou

46、ght of killing himself after so many failures.But soon Carnegie was seen practising public speaking on the riverside.His hard work paid off( 得至U好结果 )at last. In 1906, Carnegie won a famous speech contest and became widely known.The young man made his own words come true ,“ Believe that you will succ

47、eed, and youwill ” .In order to share his success,Carnegie opened schools and wrote books. His best-sellers include “ How to Win Friends and Influence( 影响)People" and " How to Stop Worrying and Start Living ” . More than 50 million copies of his books have been printed in 38 languages. The

48、y are still helping people on the road to success.()41. What did Carnegie ' s parents do for. a living?A. They had a farm to take care of.B. They were famous speakers.C. They worked for the government.D. They made a living by selling farms.答案:A见第二段第一句。()42. Which of the following statements is t

49、rue about Carnegie ' s teenage years?A. He had lots of friends to talk with.B. He seldom had enough sleep at night.C. He couldn ' t afford to go to school.D. He made lots of money by milking vows.答案:B()43. At college,Carnegie tried to.A. wear fashionable clothesB. take part in dance partiesC

50、. win the debates but failedD. make as much money as he could答案:C见文章第四段。()44. The last paragraph mainly talks about Carnegie ' s.A. family life B. achievements C. personality D. writing skills答案:B achievements意为“成就”,最后一段介绍了他开办学校,写书等说明了他的成功。()45. It can be inferred from the story that.A. Carnegie

51、 was never ashamed of his poor familyB. Carnegie was always optimistic about his futureC. Carnegie' s mother played an important role in his successD. Carnegie was a man with a good sense of humour答案:C文章第二段表明 Carnegie初进入大学时,为自己的服装和平庸的外表感到绝望时,他妈妈鼓励他做好其他方面,最后成功,故选 Co请用C篇阅读理解文章题中划线词的正确形式填空46 . My s

52、ister went shopping on the weekend having lunch with me.答案:instead of47 . He felt rather by the progress he ' d made.答案:encouraged48 . The operation has been completed quite. 答案:successful49 . He didn ' t say a word I explained everything to him.答案:until50 . Frankly speaking' m with your performance. You could have done better.答案:disappointed四、阅读填词(每题2分,共New York,London,Paris and o 51 big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many i52 things to see and to do. You can go to d53 kinds of museums, plays and films. You c


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