1、就某一价格歧视案例,或调查你熟悉的实施价格歧视的企业,用所学的关于价格歧视的理论进行分析,并写一篇论文。要求:1、5-6人一组(自由分组),每组提交一篇论文,题目自拟,须注明分工或每人的贡献;2、结合图形进行分析;3、2000字以上,手写或打印皆可;4、如有雷同,按0分计。5、16周收,具体时间地点另行通知一、名词解释:4分*5=20分二、单选:2分*10=20分三、判断:1分*10=10分四、作图:2题共30分五、计算:2题共20分名词解释机会成本 需求定理 需求价格弹性 价格上限 生产者剩余 交易成本 无差异曲线 收入效应 替代效应 边际收益 无谓损失 边际产量递减 规模经济 边际成本 价
2、格歧视 占优策略 外部性 科斯定理 排他性 公地悲剧1、 当MC>ATC时,ATC( B ). A.下降的 B.上升的 C.处于最低点 D.不能确定2、啤酒和比萨饼是互补品,因为人们常常边吃比萨饼边喝啤酒。当啤酒的价格上升时,比萨饼的需求( A ) A.下降 B.上升 C. 不变 D.难以确定3、公共资源具有的特性是( C ) A.排他性 竞争性 B.非排他性 非竞争性 C.非排他性 竞争性 D. 排他性 非竞争性4、当Sally的工资从每小时50美元增加到60美元时,Sally的每天收入从400美元变为420美元,则( B )A.工资上升的替代效应大于收入效应。B.工资上升的替代效应小
3、于收入效应。C.工资上升的替代效应等于收入效应。D. Sally对劳动的偏好增强了。5、下列不属于实证表述的是( C )A .社会应该要去福利领取者去工作。 B. 美联储应该降低货币增长率。C. 社会面临通货膨胀与失业之间的短缺权衡取舍。 D. 农业补贴应该取消。6.Poeye 的收入减少了,结果他买了更多的菠菜,则菠菜是( A )A.低档物品 B.必需品 C.奢侈品 D.正常物品7.如果需求富有弹性,价格上升总收益( B )A. 上升 B.下降 C.不变 D.不确定8.当政府对一种物品征税时,该物品的均衡数量( B )A. 增加 B.减少 C.不变 D.不确定9.垄断竞争厂商长期均衡时,价格
4、( A )平均总成本。A.等于 B.大于 C.小于 D.不等于10.苹果的需求增加,导致摘苹果工人的边际产量值( B )A.不变 B.增加 C.下降 D.不确定1、当政府对一种物品征税税收时,该物品的均衡数量减少。( T )2、沉没成本是已经发生而且无法收回的成本,当企业决定停止营业时要忽略沉没成本。 ( T )3、随着工人数量的增加,当工人的边际产量减少时,生产函数变得越来越陡峭。 (F )4、当两种商品完全互补时,如左脚鞋和右脚鞋,无差异曲线会是一条向右下方倾斜的直线,两种商品MRS不变。 ( F )5、吉芬商品降价时,价格变动引发的替代效应会使该商品的需求量增加。 (T )6、完全竞争厂
5、商,如果价格低于平均可变成本, 厂商会停止生产。 ( T )7、寡头市场上,厂商单独决策时,他们生产的总量将大于垄断的产量。 ( T )8、纳什均衡中,无论对方采取什么策略,参与者都有唯一的最优策略。 ( F )9、垄断竞争厂商长期均衡时,价格等于平均可变成本。 (F )10、完全竞争厂商实现长期均衡时,价格等于平均总成本,产量为有效规模,利润为零。( T ) 2、Using supply-and-demand diagrams, show the effect of the following events on the market for sweatshirts运动衫.a. A hurr
6、icane飓风 in South Carolina南卡罗来纳 damages the cotton crop.b. The price of leather jackets 皮夹克 falls.3、Draw the demand, marginal-revenue, average total-cost, and marginal-cost curves for a monopolist. Show the profit-maximizing level of output, the profit-maximizing price, and the amount of profit.4、Dra
7、w a diagram of the long-run equilibrium in a monopolistically competitive market. How is price related to average total cost? How is price related to marginal cost?P110-42、A price change causes the quantity demanded of a good to decrease by 30 percent, while the total revenue of that good increases
8、by 15 percent. Is the demand curve elastic or inelastic? Explain.该种物品的需求曲线缺乏弹性3、Consumers income raises by 15 percent, while the quantity demanded of a good increases by 10 percent, Is the good an inferior good or a normal good? Explain.该商品是正常商品 4、You have the following information about good X and
9、good Y: Income elasticity of demand for good X: 3 Cross-price elasticity of demand for good X withrespect to the price of good Y: 2Would an increase in income and a decrease in the price of good Y unambiguously(明白的,不含糊的) decrease the demand for good X? Why or why not?低档商品 替代品 5、Suppose the demand fo
10、r French bread rises. Explain what happens to producer surplus in the market for French bread. Explain what happens to producer surplus in the market for flour(面粉). Illustrate your answers with diagrams.P223-136、The market for a particular chemical, called Negext, is described by the following quati
11、ons.Demand is given by: QD = 100 5PSupply is given by: QS = 5Pwhere Q is measured as units of Negext and P is price in dollars per unit.a. Find the equilibrium price and quantity. Compute consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus in the market equilibrium.b. For each unit of Negext produ
12、ced, 4 units of pollution are emitted, and each unit of pollution imposes a cost on society of $1. Compute the total cost of pollution when the market for Negext is in equilibrium. What is total surplus from this market after taking into account the cost of pollution?c. Would banning Negext increase
13、 or decrease welfare? Why?d. Suppose that the government restricts emissions to 100 units of pollution. Graph the Negext market under this constraint. Find the new equilibrium price and quantity and show them on your graph. Compute how this policy affects consumer surplus, producer surplus, and the
14、cost of pollution. Would you recommend this policy? Why?e. Suppose that instead of restricting pollution, the government imposes a tax on producers equal to $4 for each unit of chemical produced. Calculate the new equilibrium price and quantity, as well as consumer surplus, producer surplus, tax rev
15、enue, and the cost of pollution. What is total surplus now? Would you recommend this policy? Why?f. New research finds the social cost of pollution is really higher than $1. How would that change the optimal policy response? Is there some cost of pollution that would make it sensible to ban Negext?
16、If so, what is it?7、A consumer has income of 540. The price of good 1 is 20 per unit and the price of good 2 is 30 per unit. What is the slope of this budget constraint(预算线)? If the consumers utility function is U=3X1X22,Calculate the optimal consumption choice and total utility.2/3 X1=9; X2=12; U=3
17、888P287-128. Consider the following table of long-run total costs for three different firms:Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Firm A $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 $110 $120Firm B 11 24 39 56 75 96 119Firm C 21 34 49 66 85 106 129Does each of these firms experience economies of scale or diseconomies of scale?P342-129、Bas
18、ed on market research, a recording company obtains the following information about the demand and production costs of its new CD:Price = 1,000 10QTotal Revenue = 1,000Q 10Q2Marginal Revenue = 1,000 20QMarginal Cost = 100 + 10Qwhere Q indicates the number of copies sold and P is the price in cents.a.
19、 Find the price and quantity that maximizes the companys profit.b. Find the price and quantity that would maximize social welfare.c. Calculate the deadweight loss from monopoly无谓损失=2250P363-410、For each of the following characteristics, say whether it describes a monopoly firm, a monopolistically competitive firm, both, or neither.a. Faces a downward-sloping demand curv
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