已阅读5页,还剩71页未读 继续免费阅读




1、primaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideo

2、l ogy, sometimesdue to thepractical nee ds of inventionnotifications,thisareanee ds furt hertthhee aprreinacuipnldeeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjiectsistrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeoflanpdar,tlmiennktesdtotoathppeoiimntplaefmuellnt-attiimone opferusr

3、obnannealstatind ruornaeld icnoanrsetarusctiondlaednidinccatreeadsteo acoordinantiddencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemeontblinedmiscaatssocoiratsefdorpwriithbuorsiityareanesspsresionjtehict.sCsheargesc,toinr.tWhentohtehre peraorjeescutsbsotfanwtiaatleri,electri ssues,sciety,catorleadminisdtreartsivaerra

4、ngechdartgoepsearsonnadlpreferleyinternvteianlep,oinlicie-sp.eInrstohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,paunsdhtsaenttglieble aread ibnuailreadingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssyliprnode.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithind sntan5dyaeradrisaftezretahdeministraticveomexpalemtiionnationoaffiscalincendnatipv

5、perstooevalnitteemrpsr,isseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintiaonnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriationofnlaksn,di,mtapxr,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrdotherrdeisnogutrothec.e.s,and construct "Gover nmentcre dit+ busi ness credit" cre ditsystem, establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercialization andmo

6、derni zation oftheinve stment andfina ncingplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland&qu

7、ot; asthegoa l,to optimizeSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral"eight rules" a ndopposi ng "the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli

8、cit opini ons based on outstandingprobl ems checke dsw ing, careful a nalysi s andref lection. Will now checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot heparty's politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe party's

9、 political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party' s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cal andmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation oftheparty

10、9;s politicaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,小学一年级音乐第二册学期教学计划全册教材分析:本课本是义务教育课程标准实验教科书,课本共包括 “春天来了”、 “大家齐动手” 、 “音乐中的动物”、 “五十六个民族”等六个单元,包含的内容有歌曲、读谱知识、综合

11、训练、欣赏等,各部分内容之间有一定的联系,教师可根据教学需要来设计教学的顺序和内容的组合。教学内容:一、课本中共设计了九首歌曲,这些歌曲充分体现了儿童天性,富有童趣,很适合一年级学生学习。二、欣赏包括感受和鉴赏、音乐表现、音乐创造等。学生情况分析:一年级学生刚入学,虽然有一定的音乐表现力,但歌唱技能、表演能力和读谱知识方面还是空白,因此本学期将对学生进行各方面的训练和加强学生的音乐常规训练。教学目标:一通过歌曲的学习,使学生掌握演唱技能,提高唱游、律动的表演水平。二 通过欣赏中外优秀的民间乐曲,使学生接受音乐的熏陶,培养及发展学生对音乐的注意力、记忆力、想象力、音乐感受力、和理解音乐的能力,并

12、增强爱国主义思想和民族自豪感。三通过综合训练达到多种技能训练或知识引用的要求。教学进度表:treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctlyaccor ding tot he regul ations.Six is strictly your prese ntationpublished strictlyaccor di

13、ng to t he reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicle sand office spaceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulwork ,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurther

14、 cl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovation mustcontinuetoimpr ove.Second,the "fourwinds" some outstanding issues 1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not h

15、ighenough, system perform ancei s not strong enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le arni ng fewgeneralities and learn mor e,delvi ng int o less.tthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvirdEIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjiectsistrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeoflanpda,rtlmienn

16、ktesdttooathppeoiimntplaefmuellnt-attiimone opferusrobnannealstatindruornaeldicnoanrsetarusctiondlaendidinccatreeadsteo acoordinantiddencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemeontblinedmiscaatssocoiratsefdorpwriithbuorsiityareanesspsresionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.tWhentohtehrepreojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lie

17、lectrissues,csiety,catorleadminisdtreartsivaerrangcehardgetsoapersonnadlpreferleyinternvteianlep,oinlicie-sp.eInrstohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,paunsdhtsaenttglieble areadibnuailreadingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssyliprnode.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithindsntan5dyaeradrisaftezretahdeministra

18、ticveomexpalemtiionnationoaffiscalincnednatipvperstooevalnitteemrpsr,isseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintiaonnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriationofnlaksn,di,mtapxr,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrdotherrdeisnogutrothec.e.s,andconstruct "Gov er nmentcre dit+ busi ness credit" cre dit system,establ is

19、hme ntofmarketization, commercialization andmoderni zation oftheinve stment andfina ncingplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds

20、,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland" asthegoa l,to optimizeSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral"eight rules" a ndopposi ng "the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a n

21、d checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli cit opini ons based on outstandingprobl ems check dsw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will now checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot heparty's politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle oftheba sic sit

22、uationof1,i n compliancewit hthe party's political dis cipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party' s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe

23、acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party'spoliticaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,一、春天来了5课时二、大家齐动手5课时三、音乐中的动物5课时四、五十六朵花6课时五、我们多快乐6课时六、藏猫猫5课时 改

24、进教学的措施和教学中应注意的问题:本学期在教师教授的的基础上,进一步发挥学生的创造能力,特别是一些歌词生动、形象的歌曲唱游,让学生自己想象编排动作。一些简单的歌曲,主要采取听唱教学,培养学生的自学能力。教师业务学习及有关教学活动的安排:教师业务的学习水平决定了教学质量,因此要充分利用课余时间进行理论学习和业务进修,不断提高自己的文化水平、业务水平。同步或配套的教改实验和课题研究等.积极参与学校农村小学数学课堂合作学习的有效性研究的课改研究,并在课堂教学中积极探索体验。第一单元计划单元教材分析:教学内容:1 、歌曲春天来到了2、歌曲云3、歌曲小雨沙沙沙primaryfirst-hand an i

25、 nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetoth

26、e practical nee ds of inventionnotifications,thisareanee ds furt herSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral"eight rules" a ndopposi ng "the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a nd ch

27、eckthe spirit ofJiaoY ulu, i de ology,soli cit opini ons based on outstandingprobl ems checke dsw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Willnow check re portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot heparty's politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle oftheba sic situa

28、tionof 1,i n compliancewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party' s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe ac

29、ti on,t here is no vi olation oftheparty's politicaldisci plineproblem s.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,but hereare less grass-root sunit s,4、活动春天音乐会地位作用:本单元的两首歌曲都与声音有关,通过歌曲唱出不同的声音,引起学生对声音模仿的兴趣,用听唱法学唱歌曲,通

30、过优美的旋律感受音乐的美。教学目标:1 、以歌唱春天的音乐来激发学生学习音乐的兴趣,开发音乐感知力。2、在音乐活动中培养学生的协作能力。3、通过音乐实践活动,培养学生热爱大自然的乐观生活态度。教学重难点和关键:重点: 1 、进一步激发学生学习音乐的兴趣,在音乐中培养学生的想像力和创造力。2、在音乐实践活动中培养学生的合作协调能力。难点: 培养学生有表情演唱的能力,并在学唱歌曲中注意培养学生的节奏律动感。突破重难点的方法措施等:在活动春光好中可以用语言、动作、图画以及各种打击乐器来表现春游与春耕的各种生活景象,这对于发展学生的想象力和创造力有一定的启发作用,此外在欣赏春天音乐会中将培养学生的想象

31、力和创造力作为主线贯穿始终。教学用具:1 电子琴、录音机、课堂打击乐器。2 自生活中采集的有关春天来临时万物复苏、冰雪消融的音像资料。第一课时s 1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highenough, system perform ancei s notstrong enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le ar ning fewgeneralities

32、and learn mor e,delvi ng int o less.treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctlyaccor ding tot he regul ations.Six isstri ctly your presentationpublishedstrictlyaccor ding to t he

33、reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicles and office spaceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulwork ,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurt hercl oser to

34、 t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovation mustcontinuetoimprEspeciallyba sed onrationalthi nking on majorissues,ahespirit andessenceofthed a lot ofpower, butnotangscientificOutlookondevelible results.T hird, innont, did nottrulyachieve masterof motivat

35、ion.Emancipationdid notend,innovatin does notexist.y,to appl y,to acertain extent,affect thedevel- L, , II-_ ILJopme ntLIL.IIn practicalsand initiatives. Second,work arrangements,and less supervisiprevious w orkexperi ence, la ckof innovation initiatives,studyon theobjective,w hich needst okeeptogic

36、alw orkundert he newsituationthe conti nuity efforts dehrough,grid, butstressed int he w orktime,less supervisiogicaltre nds a nd changes are not deep,toprweekends i ntheandexploresummer theanew methodsof ideologiperformances, urging tow nships,communities and ruralareas shows theimplementation isin

37、a dequate,insufficie nt cult uralane ducationalrole t o pla y.Third ba se enoug h, master grassork is notmuch, a nd some la ckofreleva nce a ndtimeli ness.4, disci pline, low ering,a nd hard w orkare la cking. Whileworki ng ande nterprisi ng spiritdown. No real-lessreal.Pr opaganda and ideologicalwo

38、rkipasthonors,theirnthe newsit uationof characteristicom place ncy,a ndw orktose e theircsand regul arity ofenough,deescore s more,lesschecki ng hinamicssurve y, forgrass-rootstypi cally drivesatisfied face, online promoti on,t herearprimaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist o

39、bestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy, sometimesdue to thepractical nee ds of inventionnotificatio

40、ns,thisareanee ds furt hertthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjiectsistrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeoflanpda,rtlmiennktesdttooathppeoiimntplaefmuellnt-attiimone opferusrobnannealstatind ruornaeldicnoanrsetarusctiondlaendidinccatreeadst

41、eo acoordinantiddencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemeontblinedmiscaatssocoiratsefdorpwriithbuorsiityareanesspsresionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.t Whentohtehrepreojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lielectri ssues,csiety,catorleadminisdtreartsivaerrangcehardgetso apersonnadlpreferleyinternvteianlep,oinlicie-sp.eInrs

42、tohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,paunsdhtsaenttglieble aread ibnuailreadingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy liprnode.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithindsntan5dyaeradris aftezretahdeministraticveomexpalemtiionnationoaffiscalincnednatipvpers tooevalnitteemrpsr,isseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintiaonnaci

43、ndanpgp,rionvtaelglriationofnlaksn,di,mtapxr,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutrothec.e.s,and construct "Gov er nmentcre dit+ busi ness credit" cre dit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercialization andmoderni zation oftheinve stment andfina ncingplatform;effective

44、Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland" asthegoa l,to optimizeSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe

45、 ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral"eight rules" a ndopposi ng "the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli cit opini ons based on outstandingprobl ems check dsw ing, car

46、eful a nalysi s andreflection. Will now checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot heparty's politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe party's political dis cipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party' s

47、 politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party'spoliticaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation oft

48、hecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,教学内容:课型:新授1 、歌曲春天来到了2、活动教学目标:1 、学会演唱歌曲春天来到了2、学习用汉语拼音标注法作音阶练习3、借助音乐游戏中的图画作“山谷回音”练习,理解声音的强弱变化及其表现情景。4、在活动“布谷鸟伴唱”中练习节奏配合。教学重难点:用汉语拼音标注法作音阶练习。教学过程:1 、教师以亲切的话语将学生引入“春天情境”中,朗

49、读春天来到了歌词。2、播放歌曲春天来到了录音。3、教师范唱。4、学生学唱。5、教师提醒学生注意各乐句的语气,并让学生模仿自己演唱。6、随伴奏分组学唱。7、全班齐唱,注意休止处唱整齐。8、音乐活动。( 1)唱准音阶。2 2)“山谷回音”模拟情景表演。treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctlyaccor ding t

50、ot he regul ations.Six is strictly your prese ntationpublished strictlyaccor ding to t he reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicle sand office spaceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe ne

51、wtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulwork ,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurther cl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovation mustcontinuetoimpr ove.Second,the "fourwinds" some outstanding issues 1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe

52、 didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highenough, system perform ancei s not strong enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le arni ng fewgeneralities and learn mor e,delvi ng int o less.Since theeducati onalpracti ceofthe mass line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi

53、n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral"eight rules" a ndopposi ng "the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, ide ology,soli cit opinions based on outstandingprobl ems checke dsw ing, careful analysi s andreflection.Willnow check

54、re portis a sfollows: first,adherence totheparty's politicaldi sci pline , eight in the centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle ofthebasic situationof 1,in compliancewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party's politica ldiscipline, abide by t heConstitution and

55、the rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ideologi cala ndmaintain hig hlyconsi stent withtheCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation oftheparty's politicaldisci plineproblems.2,in the impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Improving rese

56、arch,improving research methods,but hereare less grass-rootsunit s,( 3)节奏填空游戏“布谷鸟伴唱”板书设计:春天来到了do re mi fa sol la教学反思:第二课时教学内容:课型:新授活动春光好。教学目标:1 、通过音乐活动春光好,激发学生对音乐的好奇心和探究愿望。2、在音乐活动中培养协作精神和创造能力。教学重难点: 培养协作精神和创造能力.教学过程:1 、用课本上的插图引入音乐活动春光好。2、介绍有关“春耕”、 “春游”的常识。3、自由讨论,如何用声音、语言、动作来表现“春游”、 “春耕” 。4、用各种打击乐器模仿

57、“春游”、 “春耕”的音像。5、结合课本上的插图画面,鼓励学生创编以“春游”、 “春耕”为主题的音乐游戏。6、用声音、语言、动作等来表现“春游”、 “春耕”游戏中的情节。tthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvirdEIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjiectsistrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeoflanpda,rtlmiennktesdttooathppeoiimntplaefmuellnt-attiimone opferusrobnannea

58、lstatindruornaeld icnoanrsetarusctiondlaendidinccatreeadsteo acoordinantiddencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemeontblinedmiscaatssocoiratsefdorpwriithbuorsiityareanesspsresionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.tWhentohtehrepreojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lielectrissues,csiety,catorleadminisdtreartsivaerrangcehardgetsoapersonnadlpreferleyinternvteianlep,oinlicie-sp.eInrstohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,paunsdhtsaenttglieble areadibnuailreadingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssyliprnode.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithindsntan5dyaeradrisaftezretahdeministraticveomexpalemtiionnationoaffiscalincnednatipvperstooevaln


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