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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外研版(三起)五年级英语下册期末测试题3 1、 选择题。1)、补全单词。( ) 1、h d A.ur B.or C. ar( ) 2、hamb ger A.er B.ur C. ar( ) 3、st dy A.a B.o C. u( ) 4、ex ted A.si B.ci C. sa( ) 5、li r ry A.b,a B.a,b C.b,e2)、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1、A.football B.basketball C.horse( ) 2、A.small B.shoe C. heavy( ) 3、A.sandwich B. breakfast

2、C.lunch( ) 4、A.gave B.learnt C.climb( ) 5、A.she B.us C.him3) 单选题。( )1. Yao Ming is very good basketball in china. A. in B. for C. at( )2. The girl is deaf . She cant . A. hear B. see C. find( )3. I get up half past seven . A. in B. to C. at( )4. Do you want to chess ? A. think B. make C. play( )5. Y

3、ou should look , then road . A. cross B. walk C. run( )6. Yesterday I lost my bag . I feel . A. happy B. hungry C. sad www.( )7. You are back China. A. from B. in C. to( )8. did you go to school yesterday. A . What B . How C. How many( )9. How many do you need? A. apples B. pear C. milk( )10. Let

4、9;s buy one kilo noodles. A. of B. for C. off( )11. They walked one hour. A. about B. with C. for( )12. I get up seven o”clock the morning. A. at ; in B. at ; on C. in ; on( )13. - did you go? - At eight o”clock. A. When B. How C. Where( )14. That's cap. It isn't . A. mine ; yours B. her ; h

5、is C. yours ; my( )15. We”re got enough everyone. A. for B. with C. in( )16. There not enough time. A. is B. are C. has( )17. Life was very different China many years ago. A .of B. at C. in( )18. Why is she these clothes. A. wear B. wearing C. wore( )19. Amy got a bag with wheels. A. have B. has C.

6、had( )20. His mum and grandma Chinese. A. are B. am C. is( )21. Thank you for us. A. tell B. tells C. telling( )22. Ive got email from Sam. A.a B.an C./( )23. They had eggs and milk breakfast. A.for B.on C.in( )24. Hell home at seven oclock. A. is B.was C.be( )25. Beijing is the north of China. A.on

7、 B.in C.to( )26. Is Line A the as Line B? A.longer B.long C.same( )27. Daming a dragon kite for Simon last week. A.buy B. buys C.bought( )28. Lets an e-card to Mum. A.send B.sent C.sending( )29. There not any telephones thirty years ago. A.is B. are C.were( )30. Yesterday Mum cooked a food for me. A

8、.China B.Chinese C.Chinese's二、填空。1)英汉互译。许多年前 _ _ _ 在炉火上 _ _ 归还 _ _去图书馆 _ click on _ _ the same as _ _骑马 _ _ at the office _ _ find out_ _2)按要求写单词。learn(过去式)_ easy (反义词)_ teach (现在分词) _ _these (单数形式)_ us (主格)_ _ put (过去式) _ _11. 连线。1. Where did you go last month? A. Here you are.2. Wheres Da Lian

9、 ? B. Becauce I dont like it.3. Lets send an E-mail to Dad. C. Thats a good idea.4. Why dont you eat it? D. Its in the north of China.5. Can I have your library card,please? E. I went to England.三、给下面的汉语句子选择正确的英语译文,将选项填入题前的括号中。()1.你应该对我的朋友说你好A You should say hello to my friend.B You should say my fr

10、iend hello.()2.你在想什么?A How are you thinking about ?B What are you thinking about ?()3.在英国他们在9点开始上课A They start school at 9 oclock.B They walk to school at 9 oclock.()4.这位老人不能坐下A This old man cant sit down .B This old man cant stand up .()5.你能很好地接住球吗?A Can you catch the ball well?B Can you control th

11、e ball well ?()6.在这个包里有太多的苹果A There is too many apples in the bagB There are too many apples in the bag四、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.你应该抓住我的手。 You should my hand .2.今天我赢了一场象棋比赛。 Today I a chess game3.电视对我们非常有用。 TV is very for us .4.他们想参加我们的足球队。 They want to be in our football .5.我的毛衣很干净。 My sweater is .6.我们需要

12、一些苹果。 We some apples .五、阅读短文,然后根据短文内容选择正确答案,将选项填入题前的括号中。AYesterday my father and I went to the park . On the road we saw a lot of people . There was a donkey (驴子) in the middle (中间) of the road . It didnt go . The cars and buses cant go , too.Then a policeman came . “Whose donkey is this ?” He asked

13、 . “Its mine .” said a farmer . “ But I cant let it go ” The policeman and the farmer moved (推动) the donkey, but they cant let it go. “Give it carrot(萝卜) ” My father said . “ Thats OK.” said the farmer . Soon he bought some carrots and took them to the donkey . When the donkey saw the carrots , it j

14、umped up and walked after the farmer . All the cars and buses can go at last(最后)( )1. I went to the park .A. with my friend B. my father C. Sam( ) 2. Father and I saw .A. some animals B. some flowers C. a donkey( ) 3. The buses cars cant go because .A. The donkey was in the middle of the roadB. The

15、policeman cant let them go .C. The farmer were not on the road( ) 4. The donkey was .A. mine B. the farmers C. the policemans( ) 5. took some carrots to the donkey . .A. My father B. I C. The farmer,BDear Mum and Dad, Im in New York now. I arrived yesterday. Grandma and Cousin Simon met me at the ai

16、rport. It was very exciting. We went in a yellow taxi to their flat. New York is very beautiful. There are lots of tall buildings and lots of cars and people. Everyone speaks English. Grandma made Chinese food for me. But I want to try American food. I want to find out about America. I will write again soon. From, Daming( ) 1、Daming is_now.A. at the airport B. in China C. in New York( ) 2、Daming w


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