1、中新猕猴桃贸易商务谈判剧本金色阳光农业科技发展有限公司 新西兰佳沛国际有限公司Golden Sunshine Agricultural Science and Technology Development Company Zespri International Limited Company总经理:戴斯扬 亚洲区副总经理:麻玉涵 General Manager:Dai siyang Deputy General Manager of Asia: Ma yuhan谈判代表1:李宙 谈判代表:黄秋婷Negotiator1:Li zhou Negotiator:Huang qiuting谈判代表2
2、:陈来Negotiator:Chen lai戴:欢迎来自新西兰佳沛国际有限公司的各位谈判代表来都江堰进行业务洽谈,我是金色阳光农业科技发展有限公司的总经理XX,首先,由我来介绍我方的谈判代表,这位是,这位是戴: Welcome negotiators coming from Zespri International Limited to Dujiangyan for conducting the business negotiation. I am the General Manager of Golden Sunshine Agricultural Science and Technolog
3、y Development Company.First,let me introduce our negotiators.This is李宙.This is 陈来.麻:非常高兴来到美丽的都江堰。我是新西兰佳沛国际有限公司亚洲区副总经理。下面由我来介绍我方谈判代表。这位是黄秋婷麻: very pleased to come to the beautiful Dujiangyan.Im Zespri International Limited Companys Deputy General Manager of Asia .Now,let me introduce our delegates. T
4、his isXX.戴:贵方代表从新西兰远道而来,南北半球骤然的气候变化还适应吗?想必此时的贵国定是艳阳高照吧?戴:Coming from far New Zealand,have you being adapted to the climate change caused by transferring from Southern hemispheres to the Northern.Is your country immersed in the wonderful sunshine?新方副总:一切都好!四川气候宜人,山清水秀。“天府之国”的美誉果真名不虚传。DGM:Everything i
5、s well! Sichuan is a place with pleasant weather and beautiful scenery. The reputation of"Land of Abundance" is really well-deserved .戴:谢谢贵方的称赞。不知贵方代表对我方安排的千亩种植基地之行还满意吗?戴:Thank you for your praise. I wish all of you could be satisfied with the arrangement of your trip to our company's
6、acres of planting base新方副总:满意,非常满意。!DGM: Oh! yes! very excellent. 戴:XX先生过奖了。希望我们此次谈判也能够让双方如此满意!戴:Mr. XX.It is overpraised.We just hope that we can also enable both parties in the treaty!新方副总:当然会的。我方也很期待啊!DGM: Oh,yes.Of course. We are also looking forward to!戴:(微笑点头)好的,那么我们开始吧!戴: Okay, so here we go!
7、(新方副总点头同意)戴:首先,关于此次谈判,我方希望在谈判过程中的贸易解释规则为2000年国际贸易术语解释通则,不知XX女士是否同意?戴:First of all,as to this consultation,we go for <<International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 2000>>.Does any demurrer exist,Mrs XX?新方副总:当然可以。DGM: Of course not.(中方总经理点头,并示意对方开始。)新方副总:我方了解到贵公司拥有目前亚洲最大的猕猴桃种植
8、基地,而各品种中属红阳猕猴桃名传四海。我方此次慕名前来就是为了采购一批品质优良的红阳猕猴桃。那么,就请贵方详细介绍一下吧!DGM: We have informed that your Company owe the most tremendous kiwi fruit planting base in Asia.While among all the varieties , Hongyang is the most selebarted brand. Therefore,we come here to purchase a branch of good quality of kiwi fru
9、it of hongyang. So, please describe it in detail!李:下面容我为大家具体介绍我方生产的红阳猕猴桃:我公司生产的红阳猕猴桃是四川省自然资源研究所科技人员通过十几年努力,从秦巴山区野生猕猴桃实生单株中选育出来的稀世优良品种,其品质特点和品种资源的独有性具有国际领先水平。李:Next,let me introduce our hongyang Kiwifruit.our products of hongyang kiwifruit was selected from rare unparalleled wild species vegetating i
10、n Qinba area through more than ten years of hard work of Sichuan Institute of Natural Resources scientists.Its an international leading level in the unique characteristics of its quality and specialty. 黄:那么关于质量认证呢?黄: What about the accreditation about quality?李:我公司生产的红阳猕猴桃于2006年取得四川省进出口检验检疫局出口基地认证;关
11、于产权,贵方完全不必担心。李: In the year of 2006,hongyang kiwifruit successfully obtain export base for certification from Sichuan Import and Export Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. As for the property rights, you do not have to worry about!麻:看来贵公司提供的特级猕猴桃产品很符合我方的采购要求,请问贵方报价如何?麻: It seems your company's sup
12、er Kiwi product is in line with our procurement requirements, how much the price of your product?陈:不知贵公司此行的采购计划(故意停顿)陈 I do not know your company's procurement plan for this trip黄:我方暂定采购特级红阳猕猴桃2000公吨,目的港为新西兰皇加雷港口,时间为2014年6月15日之前。黄:Our tentative purchase super Hongyang kiwifruit 2000 tonnes, the
13、port of destination in New Zealand Port Royal Sangare,and the arrival time should be before June,15,2014.陈:我方的报价是,3800美元/公吨CIF皇家雷港。陈: Our offer is 3800 U.S. dollars / tonne CIF Royal Sangare Port.麻:朋友,你是在跟我们开玩笑吗?贵方的报价实在太高了。麻: Ah my friend,are you kidding with us? Your side's offer is too high.黄:
14、根据我公司长期的国际采购价格,平均价格也只有2000美元/公吨,况且,你方的红阳猕猴桃并无特殊之处。黄: According to my company's long-term international purchase price, the average price is only 2000 U.S. dollars / tone. Moreover, your side is not so special about the hongyang kiwi fruit.陈:贵方此言差矣。国际上普遍认为红阳猕猴桃口感优于国际上选育的任何品种,更以“红色软黄金”的美誉享誉海内外,是无公
15、害、出口型高档水果的优先选择。陈:international breeding species, but also to "red soft gold" reputation is truly a pollution-free,export-oriented high-grade fruit preference.麻:我看也不怎么样嘛!麻: Well,I do not think it very excellent!陈:那么我们就用贵公司畅销多年的品种进行比较。请看(示意)。显而易见,我方生产的红阳猕猴桃品质明显高于其他品种。陈: Then we will use your
16、 company's best-selling multi-species comparison. See (indicative). It is clear that our productions quality is significantly higher than other varieties of kiwi fruit.麻:(沉默不言,放笔背靠椅子)戴:XX女士,我方的报价是非常合理的。戴: madam, our offer is very reasonable.麻:非常合理?贵方的报价如此离谱,还算合理吗?我实在怀疑贵方的诚意。麻: Very reasonable? Y
17、our offer is so outrageous, fairly reasonable? I really doubt the sincerity of your side.黄:贵方一味强调商品的优质性,完全忽视我方的利益。看来,我们此次的谈判根本无法继续。黄 Your side keeps emphasizing high-quality goods and completely ignore our interests. It seems that we simply can not continue the negotiation.李:无法继续?如此合理的报价怎么会无法继续?李: C
18、an not be continued? How dose such a reasonable offer would not be able to continue?戴:XX女士。XX女士。(X回头不说话)(对秘书低声示意)百闻不如一见,百说不如一尝。让我们先来品尝红阳的美味吧。戴: Sir sir , Seeing is less than believing, 100 have suggested that a try. Let us to taste the delicious hongyang fruit first.麻:贵方的猕猴桃肉质鲜嫩、香甜清爽,果真回味无穷。麻: The K
19、iwi meat is tender, sweet and refreshing which is really food for thought.戴:很高兴贵方能喜欢我方的猕猴桃,如此的美味想必我们双方都不愿放弃吧!戴: Glad that you can enjoy it.As such a delicious taste that we must have both reluctant to give up!麻:当然。我方不远万里来到贵地,难道贵方认为只是为了观光吗?麻: Of course ! Ccome to your side through thousands of miles,
20、 can you believe just for tourists ?黄:听说贵方这一季的猕猴桃早已成熟,收成应该不错吧!如果不尽快寻找销售渠道,那么贵方所承担的成本和风险将会更大。相信我方庞大的销售网络和成熟的营销技能必定能够给予贵方一定的帮助。黄: Heard that your kiwifruit has already matured in this season,I guess the harvest should be very good! If you do not find distribution channels as soon as possible, then the
21、 cost borne by your side and risk will be even greater. I believe our vast distribution network and proven marketing skills will be able to give some effevtive help.陈:谢谢贵方能为我方精打细算。我们也从未质疑贵方的能力。我方也希望通过贵公司将我公司的红阳猕猴桃推向国际市场。陈: Thank you for your careful calculations. We also never questioned the ability
22、 of your party. States, . It is also our hope that our red-yang Kiwi can enter the international market through your company.戴:考虑到我们双方的相互需求,为表诚意,我方愿意将原报价降至3500美元/公吨。戴: Taking into account of our mutual needs, as the table sincerity,we are willing to bid down the original quote to 3,500 U.S. dollars
23、/ tonne.麻:XX先生,2800美元。您看怎么样?这确实是我们能够承受的最高价格了,超出此价格就不是我职权范围所能够决定的了。不知您方意下如何?麻: XX President, how about 2800 U.S. dollars. This is indeed the highest price we can afford, and beyond this the price is beyond my remit to decide the scope . How do you square think of it?戴:虽然贵方已经做出了一定的让步,但是此价格我方仍然难以接受。通过刚
24、才的分析,相信贵方也明白我方报价的合理性。如果贵方坚持原价格,我们可以以FOB价格成交。戴: Although you have made concessions to some extent,.But it is still difficult of us to accept the price. Through the analysis earlier, I believe that your side also understand that our offer is reasonable. If you persist in the original price, we can set
25、tle a bargain in FOB price.麻:那怎么行!更换贸易术语,我方坚决不同意。不过如果贵方愿意将价格降至我方刚才的报价,我方愿意将采购数量提高到2500公吨,并愿意与贵公司建立长期友好的合作关系。麻: Oh no!How can you do that?Frankly speaking, we are strongly disagreed with the replacement of trade terms. However, if you are willing to cut down the price to our earlier offer, we are hap
26、py to increase the quantity to 2,500 metric tons, in the mean time ,we can promise to hold on the long-term friendly relations of cooperation with your company.(中方人员商量,中方市场部部长递资料给总经理)戴:不好意思,XX女士。我方坚持3500美元/公吨的报价。并且,我方只能一次性为贵方提供2200公吨的红阳猕猴桃。戴 I beg your pardon, MrXX.We insist on 3,500 U.S. dollars /
27、tonnes offer. At the same time ,our side can only provide a one-off for your 2200 tonnes of hongyang kiwi fruit. 麻:好吧!我方可以接受。但是为确保合理降低风险,我方要求所有产品按10%加成投保水渍险和淡水雨淋险,保险费用由贵方承担。麻:Okay! We can accept. Whereas, in order to ensure a reasonable risk reduction all the products should be 10%-plus insured W. P
28、. A., and freshwater rain insurance.And your company should bear all the insurance premium.戴:没有问题。按照我公司出口惯例,我方将在货物装船前向中国人民保险公司办理投保手续。请贵方放心!戴:No problem.According to our export tradition,we will transact the policyhold procedure to People's Insurance Company of China before shipment.Dont be worri
29、ed!麻:(点头同意)那就好。DGM:That will be okay!戴:嗯,可以。那么现在我们就支付方式进行磋商吧!戴: OK. Now lets discuss the payment!黄:我方会在签约后10天内开立以贵方为受益人的不可撤销远期信用证,以美元结算。同时,开证行、黄: We will sign an irrevocable letter of credit within 10 days after the opening to your side as a long-term beneficiaries,balancing in USD.And its our turn
30、to appoint the issuing bank and the advising bank.李:我方不同意。我们所能接受的是即期信用证支付方式,并且议付行只能为中国工商银行。李:Sorry,We can not agree. What we can accept is the sight letter of credit payment,and the advising bank should only appointed be Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.黄:贵方对我们的条件实在是太苛刻了,要知道,即期支付会占用我方很大的资金,这实
31、在是难以实现。黄:Oh.Your requirement is too rigourious.Its nearly cant realized,for a large amounts of money will be impropriated.李:但我公司规模不大,无法承受如此大的风险,希望贵方可以考虑我方的难处。李: But,limited by small scale , we can not bear such a big risk.Therefore,we hope that you can consider our difficulties.黄:我们怎么能够那样做呢?要不我们各退让一
32、步,50%的即期信用证,剩下的用承兑交单,如何?黄:How can we do that?But how about we all getting one step back,thats to say,50%sight letter and the surplus by acception?As to the bank appointment,we can accept your request,and the issuing bank will be the Bank of New Zealand.(中方人员商量)戴:考虑到我们双方的友好关系和各自的疑虑,我方破例接受贵方提出的支付方式。戴:
33、 Considering our gaingiving and the well cooperation,we can accepe your sight payment with breaking rules.黄:关于检验,我方希望采用在中国上海港食品检验检疫局初检,在新西兰皇家雷港口局复检的方式。黄: In terms of inspection,we hope to adopt the way that the first inspection goes in Shanghai Food Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of China,then the
34、 reinspection goes in the Royal New Zealand Port.陈:我方同意。这是我国制定的农产品出口检验检疫标准。黄: This is our countrys inspection and quarantine standard towords food. To insure foolproof, plesase check accordance with the provisions of standard strictly.(双方交换检验检疫标准)陈 we are willing to take full responsibility for the
35、loss in accordance with the provisions of compensation for your side.What about it?黄:贵方真是爽快,我方对此十分满意,也充分相信贵方红阳猕猴桃的质量。黄:We are fully satisfied with your frank, and also completely believe that your Hongyang kiwifruit is of good quality.李:但我方希望贵方在货物到达皇家雷港口48小时内进行复检,超过检验期限但未进行检验,由此造成的后果,责任不由我方承担。李: But
36、 we request that your reinspect should be progressed within 48 hours after the goods reaching the port of the Royal Sangare Port.If beyond this term, we would not assume any of the resulting consequences or the responsibility.麻:好的,我方同意。麻: Yes, we agree. 戴:下面由我方秘书总结此次谈判的结果。戴: Now next,our secretary w
37、ill conclude the outcome for the negotiation.s李:下面由我来总结本次谈判的结果:李: Now let me sum up the results of this negotiation. 新西兰佳沛国际有限公司向我公司一次性采购特级红阳猕猴桃2200公吨,3300美元/公吨,海沃德猕猴桃300公吨,2000美元/公吨。小型纸箱包装,内置带果窝的托盘。采用班轮运输,20尺集装箱装船。数量和信用证都允许5%的增减。到达新西兰皇家雷港口时间为2009年1月15日以前。采用50%的即期信用证,50%承兑交单的支付方式,以美元结算。我方将在货物装船前向中国人
38、民保险公司办理投保手续,所有产品按10%加成投保水渍险和淡水雨淋险,保险费用由我方承担。贵方在合同签订以后10天内开立信用证,我方立即做装船准备。贵方在货物到达皇家雷港后48小时内进行复检。合同适用联合国国际货物买卖合同公约,公约中没有规定的事项适用中国大陆相关法律。仲裁交国际商会仲裁院按联合国国际贸易委员会仲裁规则解决。New Zealand, ZESPRI International Limited Company purchases at one-time 2500 tonne of kiwifruit from our company,including super hongyang 2200 tonne, 3300 U.S. dollars / tone; Hayward 300 tonnes, 2000 U.S. dollars / tonne. The package built-in nest with a fruit tray will be a small carton.Products are adopted the liner, 20 'feet container shipment. Amount of credit an
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