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1、考试题型 一、Put the following words into English(共20分,每空1分) 把单词翻译成英文(共英文(共20个单词)个单词) 二、Put the following terms and phrases into English(共20分,每空1分) 把术语和短语翻译成英文(共英文(共20个术语和句子)个术语和句子) 三、Fill in the blanks with the following words and phrases(共10分,每小题1分) 选择给定的词填空(共(共10个空)个空) 四、Put the following sentences int

2、o Chinese(共10分,每小题2分) 把英文句子译成汉语(共五个题)(共五个题) 五、Put the following sentences into English(共20分,每小题2分) 把中文句子译为英语(共(共10个题)个题) 六、Translate the following letters into English(共20分) 把中文信件翻译成英文信件。unit one business letter writingNew Words格式简明礼貌各位先生私人信个人信机密信layout ConcisenessCourtesyPrivate Personal Confidenti

3、alNew Words挂号邮件快递邮件平信急件附件 附言RegisteredExpressOrdinary MailImmediate (urgent)EnclosurePostscriptUseful expressionsn The letter head 信头n The date 日期n Inside name and address 信内名字地址n “For the attention of” 送呈某某人n The salutation 称呼n The subject heading事由 n The opening sentences开头语n The message 内容n The c

4、losing sentences结尾语 n The complimentary close 信尾客套话n The signature 签名n Reference number 参考号码n For the attention of”请呈交某某人n passed on to sb. 转交某某人n stereotyped phrases 套话n commercial jargon 商业术语n Semi-indented style 缩行式n Block style 齐头式n Modified Block Style 改良平头式15.Semi-block Style with Indented Par

5、agraphs 混合式unit two Establishing business relationsSample lettersLetter-(1)New Words 1.intensify 加强 2.keen渴望的 3.pharmaceutical药物 4.voluminous广泛的 5. statement报表Useful expressions加强业务活动互惠互利有潜力的市场大量订货请您放心为某人效劳 专门从事土特产品半成品 intensify our activitiesmutual benefit promising market place large ordersPlease

6、rest assured that be of service toSpecialize innative producesemi-finished products Sample lettersLetter-(2)New Words1. Embassy 大使馆 2. line 行业Useful expressions商务参赞处靠的力量要买利用 国营公司使熟知一收到就坚持共同努力 Commercial Counsellors Office owe to in the market for avail oneself of state-operated corporation Acquaint

7、sb. with sth. Upon receipt ofadhere to by joint efforts Sample lettersLetter-(3)New Words1.courtesy 礼貌2. commencement开始3. catalogue商品目录Useful expressions价目单供你参考感谢某人的推荐可用于的 price list for your examination through the courtesy ofavailable forSample lettersLetter-(5)New Words1.enamelware 搪瓷器具Useful exp

8、ressions属于的范围 销售 能够做fall within the scope of for the sales ofbe in a position toSample lettersLetter-(1)New Words1. pillowcase n.枕套2. range种类3. dealer商人4. moderate适度的5. discount折扣6. dozen一打 Useful expressions付款条件每样商品公道的价格打折 terms of payment individual items moderate priceat a discountSample lettersL

9、etter-(2)New Words1. illustrated有插图的2. examine审查3. durability经久耐用的 Useful expressions带有插图的商品目录另外邮寄深信 合理的价格 不可撤销的即期信用证 满足需求 餐巾 即期装运 illustrated catalogue by separate post feel confident that reasonable price irrevocable L/C at sight meet the demand table napkins npkn prompt shipment Sample lettersLet

10、ter-(5)New Words1.captioned 标题项下的2.mill 工厂3.Acrylic 人造纤维的4.Anticipate 期望petitive 竞争性的6.season 季节7.keelung 基隆8.prompt 迅速的Useful expressions淡季淡季旺季开立信用证以你方为受益人即期交货即期付款在新加坡船上交货价及两分佣金 out of seasonoff seasonbusy seasonOpen an L/C in your favor prompt deliveryprompt paymentFOBC 2% Singapore Sample letters

11、Letter-(6)New Words1.crystal 晶体2. superior 优质的3.Gunny 黄麻布4. survey 检查5. critical应急所必需的Useful expressions以大连港船边交货为基础报价极度匮乏on an FAS Dalian basiscritical shortageSample lettersLetter-(1)New Words1. Groundnuts 花生2. Walnutmeat 核桃仁3. shelled 去壳的4. Entertain 接受5. strengthen vt. 加强Useful expressions还盘以为条件导

12、致某种后果 counter offersubject toresult inSample lettersLetter-(2)New Words1.leather 皮革2. deerskin 鹿皮3. issue发行4. waistbelt 腰带5. brochure 小册子6.taste兴趣7. receipt收据Useful expressions高兴做完成装运有帮助 受到;得到take pleasure ineffect shipment be of help=be helpfulmeet withSample lettersLetter-(3)1. imperative 必要的,势在必行

13、的New WordsUseful expressions收到标题糖按照如下现货保兑信用证in receipt of subject sugar To comply with as follows ready stockconfirmed L/CSample lettersLetter-(4)new words 1.Lagos 拉各斯 2.instalment分期装运 3.trial 试验性的 4.bale捆 5.concrete具体的Useful expressions特惠盘印花细布在适当的时候由卖方选择试订货special offerPrinted Shirtingin due course

14、at sellers optiontrial orderSample lettersLetter-(1)New Words1. reduction降价2. Worth值的,3. worthwhile 有价值的 Useful expressions让步情况既然如此 make concessionSuch being the case Sample lettersLetter-(3)New Words1. prevailing现行的2. indicate指出3. parcel 包4. level 水平Useful expressions锡箔纸尽早;得便务请从速成交鉴于最终用户与-不符长期的Tin

15、Foil Sheetsat your earliest convenience come to terms in view of; considering end-users out of line with long-standingSample lettersLetter-(4)new words1. Silicon 硅 2.realistic 现实的Useful expressions硅钢片价格偏高 虽然很有可能或有意办某事事实上由于,因为使某人知道某事Silicon Steel Sheets be on the high side. Much as see ones way (clea

16、r) to do sth. As a matter of fact On account of keep sb. posted of sth.Sample lettersLetter-(5)New Wordsintolerable无法忍受的 exceptional例外的conclude达成Useful expressions1.take into consideration把-考虑在内2.conclude the transaction 达成交易useful sentence 1.我们遗憾地告知,我们收到的货物与你方提供的样品不符。 We regret to inform you that t

17、he goods received are not in accordance with your samples. 2.我们真诚地希望能够建立广泛的和持久的贸易关系,而且请您相信我们将尽最大努力以实现双方友好的业务关系。 We seriously hope that a voluminous and continuous business might be established and please rest assured that we are always doing our utmost to realize a good business relationship with yo

18、u. 3.我们从瑞士驻北京的大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的名称和地址并被告知你方欲购纺织品。 We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counsellors Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for textiles. 4.我们是一家经营纺织品进出口的国营公司。 We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and expo

19、rt of Textiles. 5.为了让您对我们的业务范围有所了解,我们附函寄去一份目前主要可供出口的货物清单。 In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present. 6.如果其中有任何商品能引起你们的兴趣,请告知我们。 Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us know. 7.承蒙我们驻伦敦的商务参赞

20、处的介绍,我们注意到你方有意与我们做生意。 Through the courtesy of our Commercial Counsellors Office in London, we notice that you are interested in doing business with us. 8.为了使您对各种可供出口的纺织品有个大致的了解,我们附函邮去一份商品目录和价目单供您参考。 To give you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now available for export, we are enclosin

21、g herewith a catalogue and a price list for your examination. 9.搪瓷器皿出口业务属于我公司经营范围 。 the export of enamelware falls within the scope of our business activities. 10.我们是大型的纺织品经销商,并相信若上述产品在我地定价适当,其产品市场会看好。 We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderatel

22、y priced goods of this kind mentioned. 11.我们还另邮寄了一些样品,相信当你检验之后,你会认为这批货物是价廉物美的。 by separate post, we are sending you some samples and feel confident that when you have examined them you will agree the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. 12.对于购买数量不少于100打的商品我们给予2%的折扣。 Our regul

23、ar purchases in quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items we would allow you a discount of 2%. 13.正如所预料的,我方的订单数量将是很大的,希望你方所报的价格具有竞争性。 As expected, the quantity of our orders to be placed will be very large, and it is anticipated that the prices you are going to quote would be very co

24、mpetitive. 14.再有,由于销售季节即将来临,尽早的交货是绝对必要的。 Moreover, since the season is coming soon, early deliveries are absolutely necessary. 15.请放心,如果你们的价格具有竞争性,我们将向你方订货并及时开立以你方为受益人的信用证。 Please be assured that should your prices be competitive, we will place our orders with you and open L/C in your favor in time.

25、 16.此复,我们报实盘以你方时间9月30日复到为有效,250公吨花生,手捡、去壳、不分等级,成本加运费哥本哈根价每公吨人民币 2000元。 In reply, we offer firm, subject to your reply reaching us on or before Sept.30 for 250 metric tons of Groundnuts, Handpicked, Shelled and Ungraded at RMB¥2 000 net per metric ton CFR Copenhagen. 17.请你方注意,我们已报了最惠价格因而不能考虑接受任何还盘。 P

26、lease note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer. 18.然而,如果你们立即答复,你们就可以利用先机。 However you may avail yourselves of the strengthening market if you will send us an immediate reply. 19.正如你们所知,这种商品目前需求很大,毫无疑问这将导致价格的上涨。 As you are aware that there has be

27、en lately a large demand for the above commodities, such growing demand has doubtlessly resulted in increased prices. 20.按您所要求,我们很高兴向你方报价,以我方最后确认为有效,300打鹿皮手袋,型号MA190,成本加保险费和运费汉堡价每打124 美元。 As requested, we take pleasure in offering you, subject to our final confirmation, 300 dozen of deerskin handbag

28、s style No. MA 190 at $124.00 per dozen CIF Hamburg. 21.我们希望其中的一些产品能引起你方顾客的兴趣并满足你们的需要。 We hope some of them would meet your customers taste and need. 22.因此,为了便于尽早发货,如果我们的价格合乎你们的要求,请及时签订合同。 Therefore, it is imperative that, in order to enable us to effect early shipment, your letter of credit should

29、be opened in time if our price meets with your approval 23.请你们注意,我们手头没有充足的货源。 Your attention is drawn to the fact that we have not much ready stock on hand. 24.装运:从2011 年6 月起分3 个月3 次平均装运。 Shipment: To be made in three equal monthly instalments , beginning from June, 2000. 25.尽管很欣赏衬衫的良好品质,我们发现你们的价格对我

30、们所要供货的市场而言有些偏高。 While appreciating the good quality of your shirts, we find your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply. 26.事情既然是这样,我们不得不请你们考虑是否能减价,比方说10%。 Such being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price, say 10%. 27.由于我方订货价值将约值5 万英镑,你方定

31、会认为是值得做出让步的。 As our order would be worth around 50000, you may think it worthwhile to make a concession. 28.我们还要指出的是在我方市场有许多欧洲生产厂家提供的男式衬衫,所有这些产品的价格都比你方价格低15%到20%。 We have also to point out that the Mens Shirts are available in our market from several European manufacturers, all of them are at prices from 15% to 20% belo


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