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1、 上海英语听力卷(内含试题、原文、答案)I. Listening ComprehensionIn Section A, you will hear ten short conversationsDirections:between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, aquestion will be asked about what was said. The conversationsand the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear aconversation an

2、d the question about it, readthe four possibleanswers on your paper, and decide which one is the bestanswer tothe question you have heard.B. He was hurt yesterday because of an accident.C. He injured his back yesterday just by sneezing.D. He wants to look for a job at hospital.3.A. Excited. B. Serio

3、us. C. Impatient. D. Disappointed.4.A. Xi'an. B. Chengdu. C. At home. D. In the company.5.A. Contrary to the past, he lives a healthy life now.B. He has a habit of drinking orange juice. C. He is too careful about his diet.D. He is used to taking regular exercise all the time.6.A. Sun. B. Water.

4、 C. Fertilizer.7.A. Some courses on reading.D. Soil.B. Courses on writing.D. Her potential talent.C. The habit of keeping a diary.8.A. She is too busy to take exercises.B. She doesn t have enough money.C.It s unnecessary for her to take some lessons.D.She has never planned to play tennis according t

5、o her schedule.9.A. The park is far away from their home.B.He hates to walk to the park.C.He wants to drive his car to another park.D.It will be faster for them to drive to the park rather thanwalking.SectionBIn Section B, you will hear two passages and a longerDirections:conversation, and you will

6、be asked several questions on each of the passagesand the conversation. The passages and theconversation will be read twice, butthe question will be spokenonly once. When you hear a question, read the four possibleanswers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer tothequestion you have h

7、eard.Questions11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A. When they go forth into an area that they are unfamiliarwith.D.When they have never written the same subject.12.A. Because he is a baseball fan all his life.B.Because he has interviewed a professional athlete.C.Because they are mov

8、ed by the speaker s sincerity.D.Because they know that the speaker has done some sportsreporting before.C.Get some unexpected results.D.Become a productive writer. Questions14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A. Creativity is production of something original and useful.B.Creativity h

9、appens on the right side of the brain.C.Creativity is related to the freedom from concrete facts.D.Everyone has his special creativity.15.A. Concentrating on obvious facts and familiar solutions to seeif the answerlies there.B.Scans remote memories that could be vaguely relevant.C.Focus our attentio

10、n to search for a wide range of distantinformation.D.Cut off the connection it may have with the problem before itescapes.16.A. The common sense about the production of creativity.B.How the both sides of the brain work together to the result ofcreativity.Questions17 through 20 are based on the follo

11、wingconversation.17.A. Their plan for the summer vacation. B.The woman s new job.C.Peter s experience of volunteer.D.The activities they are passionate about.18.A. Supervise a volunteer program in a non-profit art gallery.B.Clean up the gallery every weekend.C.Donate cash and things.【听力原文】I. Listeni

12、ng ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hearten short conversations between twospeakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked aboutwhat was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and a question about i

13、t, read the four possibleanswers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to thequestion you have heard. 2. W: Mike, are you OK?M: I injured my back yesterday just by sneezing. My doctor said Ineed surgery3. M: Which team are you going to support ? W: You're not going totalk about

14、football again, are you? That's it4.M: Mary is not in the company. Has she returned from Xi'an yet?W: Yes. but before she went to Chengdu yesterday, she had beenhome for only one day.W: You cannot believe it. Now. he's careful about what hetakes regular exercise.eats and 6.M: I've mo

15、ved the flower into the garden and watered it every day.How come it is still not doing well?7.M: Wow, you won the first prize in the writing contest. You haven'ttaken any courses on reading and writing.8.M: You like tennis so much. Why not take some lessons? They startnext week9.W: Walk to the p

16、ark? You must be kidding! It takes only fiveminutes to drive there. 10. W: You've been dealing with that budget report for nearly anhour. Anything wrong?M: I keep adding and reading the numbers. but they just don'tDirections: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longerconversatio

17、n, and you will be asked several questions on each of thepassages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will beread twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear aquestion, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which oneis the best answer to the

18、 question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.It's common for you, nonfiction writers, to go forth into an areayou know little about. You may worry that you are not qualified tobring the story back. I feel that anxiety every time I start a newproject. I felt

19、 it when I went to Bradenton to write my baseball bookSpring training. Although I've been a baseball fan all my life, I hadnever done any sports reporting, never interviewed a professional athlete. Any of the men I approached with a notebook could haveasked. What else have you written about base

20、ball? But nobody did.sincere. It was obvious to thoseman that I really wanted to know how they did their work.Remember this. when you enter a new area and need a shot ofconfidence, what matters is how you do it. Also remember that yourassignment may not be as narrow as you think. Often it will turn

21、outto touch some unexpected corner of your experience or youreducation, enabling you to broaden the story with strength of yourown. Every such production of the unfamiliar will reduce your fear.11. According to the speaker. when may non-fiction writers feelworried12. Why didn't nobody in Bradent

22、on to care about what the speakerhad written before?13. According to the speaker, how does non-fiction writers'experience or education benefit them?The accepted definition of creativity is production of somethingoriginal and useful, and it is commonly thought that creativity occurs on the right

23、side of the brain, and the arts play an importantrole in enhancing it. But according to a new research, creativity isn'tabout freedom from concrete facts.Rather, fact-finding is vital in the creative process. It's the resultof both sides of your brain working together. To understand this. we

24、need to take a look at what leads to creativity. When you try to solvea problem, you begin by concentrating on obvious facts and familiarsolutions to see if the answer lies there. This is done mostly by theleft side However, if the answer doesn't come, the right and leftsides of the brain activa

25、te together. The right side scans remotememories that could be vaguely relevan tA wide range of distant information that is normally ignoredbecomes available to the left side. Then the left side catcheswhatever connection it may have with the problem. and quicklylocks in on it before it escapes. Wit

26、h extremely focused attention,the brain quickly pulls together these pieces of thought andcombines them into a new single idea, asthe brain recognizes theoriginality of what it has come up with. a sense of pleasure will arise.14. What do people commonly think of creativity? 15. According to the pass

27、age, how does the left side of the braincontribute to creative process?16. What is the passage mainly about?Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.W: Hello. Peter. I heard you worked in a remote village last monthin a primary school in southeasternW: A good choice for the su

28、mmer vacationM: For me, it's not only a choice, but a responsibility.W: You're right. What can a volunteer generally do?M: Many things, like creating a change in the surroundings,providing shelter and food to the needy ones.W: So you mean volunteering is not just donating cash or things?M: R

29、ight! We prefer to call that charityW: How did you come up with the idea of volunteering?M: It was my father. He used to supervise a volunteer program in anon-profit art gallery.M: No, in fact. a part-time job. He went to the gallery nearly everyweekend.W: Wow. this requires great passion M: Sure. T

30、he best way to volunteer is to get involved in activities weare passionate aboutW: Have you had any difficulties as a volunteer?M: Definitely! Lack of respect, acknowledgement, and lack of fundsnow and thenM: So the most important spirit is perseveranceW: I'd like to join you someday.17. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?18. What volunteer service did the man's father do?19. What does the man think is the best way to voluntee


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