



1、 二年级英语试卷听力部分一、听音标号Ff Cc Jj Mm Tt Gg Ee Hh( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听音、标号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,打 或者 ×。四、 听音,连线。笔试部分一、按顺序写出26个字母并圈出元音字母-二、 写出下列字母的左邻右舍1.A_C 2.F_H 3.I_K 4.L_N 5.O_Q 6.R_T _ 7.V_XY 8._Y _ 9.b_d e 10.h_j k 11.k_m n 12.p_r s 13._v w _ 14.x_z 三、找出不同类的一项(

2、)1. A.apple B.orange C.dog( )2.A .train B.park C.plane( )3.A.monkey B.boat C.duck( )4.A.Chinese B.PE C.spring( )5.A.dinner B.mum C.dad( )6.A.warm B.winter C.autumn四、选择( )1.下列字母一笔成的一组是_ A.s ,a q B.i, t,v C.p,k,b( )2._ do you like? I like your bike. A.What B.what C.Where( )3.Lets _ my kite. A.flys B.f

3、ly C.flies( )4.Do you like dolls? _ A.Yes, I dont. B.No, I dont . C.No, I do.( )5.Here you are._ A.OK. B.Yes . C.Thank you.( )6.Amy _ dresses. A.like B.liking C.likes( )7.He _ like this shirt. A.dont B.isnt C.doesnt( )8.We _ Science in the morning. A.are B.have C.is( )9._ you like Art? Yes, I do. A.

4、Does B.Do C.Are( )10._ the time ? Its two oclock. A.What B.whats C.Whats( )11.Is it three ? Yes,_. A.it isnt B.its C.it is( )12.She likes this_. A.shirt B.trousers C.shoes( )13.I go to school _ seven in the morning. A.in B,at C.on( )14.She _ swimming. A.goes B.go C.gos( )15.Does he _ music? Yes, he

5、does. A.like B.likes C.liking( )16._ do you do at the weekend? I play football. A.Where B.How C.What( )17._ do you live? I live in Tieling. A.Where B.How C.What( )18._ do you go to school? I walk to school. A.Where B.How C.What( )19.How does you father go to work? He _ to work by bike. A.go B.going

6、C.goes( )20.Its winter.We wear _ . A.jackets B.coats C.sweaters( )21.I like summer. Its _. A.warm B.hot C.cool( )22.We eat dumplings at _. A.Christmas B.Chinese New Year C.Childrens Day( )23.Does she watch TV at the weekend?_ A.Yes, she does B.Yes, she doesnt C.No,she does( )24.下列每组中都是元音字母的一组是:_ A.a

7、,o,u B.e,c,i C.u,w,a( )25.He _ TV. A.watch B.watchs C.watches( )26.Does he _? No, he doesnt. A.play flute B.play the flute C.play a flute( )27.Does Lingling play the drums?_. A.Yes, she doesnt B.No, she doesnt C.No, he doesnt五、给下列词组连线1.看电视 2.上学 3.骑自行车 4.回家 5.乘飞机 go to school ride a bike watch TV by

8、plane go home6.吃午餐 7.好吧 8.起床 9.度假 10.上班all right have lunch on holiday get up go to work六、连线w W w .1.What do you like? A. I play football at the park.2.Where do you play football? B. I like these trousers.3.How do you go to school? C. Yes, I do. 4.Do you like summer? D. Its four oclock.5.Whats the time? E. I walk to school.6.


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