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1、九年级英语全册Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSectionA4a4c同步语法精讲精练课件新版人教新目标版英语中,常用情态动词must,can,cant,may (not),could (not),might (not)等表示对某人或某事物的推测。肯定推测must表示可能性最大的肯定推测,意为“一定,准是”。eg:He must be tired after his long journey.长途旅行后,他一定很累。They must be making a movie now.他们现在一定正在拍电影。may,could,might表示可能性较小的肯定推测,意为“可能,也许”。

2、eg:You may be right.你可能是对的。He could/might be running for exercise.他可能正在跑步锻炼。否定推测cant表示有把握的否定推测,意为“不可能”。eg:That cant be Mary. Shes ill in hospital.那不可能是玛丽,她生病住院了。may not/might not/could not表示不太有把握的否定推测,意为“可能不(会)是”。eg:He could not/might not be at home. Im not sure.他可能不在家,我不确定。疑问句中的推测疑问句中的推测,常用can或coul

3、d,意为“可能”。eg:There is someone outside. Who can it be?外面有人,会是谁呢?句型:“Whose一般疑问句?”或“Whose名词一般疑问句?”答语:使用名词所有格或物主代词来回答。使用belong to sb.结构来回答。eg:Whose is this umbrella?/Whose umbrella is this?这把雨伞是谁的?Its Marys./It belongs to Mary.是玛丽的。一、根据句意,选择合适的单词填空。1You _ (can/must) be tired after working for a long time

4、 without a rest.2Who is the woman over there?Is she Mrs.Smith?It _ (may/cant) be her. She is much taller.3Wheres Zhang Lei?Im not sure. He _ (could/need) be in the zoo.4What will the weather be like tomorrow?It _ (must/might) be windy or rainy. Im not sure.5Alice _ (must/cant) be working now,because

5、 the light in her room is still on.mustcantcouldmightmust二、单项选择。1Bob,where is Linda?She _ be in the library,but I am not sure.Amust Bmay Cneed Dhas to2Look,someone left a book.Oh,yeah.This book _ be Kittys. Only she likes to read this kind of books.Acan Bmust Cmay Dmight3Is the longhaired man Bruce?

6、No,it _ be him. Hes in New York now.Acant Bmustnt Cneednt DmayBBA4Whos singing in the garden?It _ be Mr.Brown. He always practices singing at this time.Amust Bcant Cneed Dmustnt5Lets go climbing,shall we?You _ be joking!Dont you know I am afraid of high places?Amay Bcan Cmust DshouldAC三、按要求完成下列句子。1T

7、his is Sallys magazine.(对画线部分提问)_ magazine is this?2The book must be Lindas. Mo Yan is her favorite writer.(改为同义句)The book must _Mo Yan is her favorite writer.3这项工作可能要两个月才能完成。(翻译句子)It _ up to two months before the work is complete.4你下次花钱应该更谨慎一些。(翻译句子)You _ more careful when you spend money next time.5我不能肯定他在哪儿,或许他在学校图书馆里。(翻


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