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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上八年级英语下册语法知识复习1. should 情态动词,应该,应当,用于询问,提出建议,或表达职责和义务。如:What should I do? You should have a talk with your parents.could 也可以提出建议,比较委婉。如: You could write him a letter.could还用于礼貌地请求,如:Could you please clean your room? 否定句式:Could you please not do sth?其他常用情态动词:must必须,have to必须,不得不,may可能,可以,

2、can能,会,可能,可以need需要。 情态动词+动词原形作谓语。2. 非谓语动词形式(一)动词不定式结构:to+动词原形或不带to。否定:not+to do或not do句法功能:1)主语:常用it作形式主语,不定式为真正的主语:It is +形容词+for sb. to do sth.It is important to keep fit. =To keep fit is important.2)宾语:(1)直接宾语:想,喜欢,希望:want, like, love, would like, hope, expect; 决定同意拒绝开始学习:decide, agree, refuse, b

3、egin, start, learn, 需要计划帮助提供:need, plan,help,offer+ to do(划线的动词还可以接doing) 如:Ill help to clean up the city parks。(宾语)疑问词(what, who, which, where, when ,how,)+to do 作宾语I dont know what to say. 我不知道说什么。(2)宾补:tell,ask,want,wish,allow,invite,help,encourage,teach等+ sb. to do (hope不能接sb. to do)She asked me

4、 to say sorry. 她让我道歉。不带to的不定式作宾补:使役动词make/let/have sb. do(3)用it作形式宾语:I thinkfind、+it+adj.+to do sth 如:I find it hard to learn English.3) 定语:放名词或代词后,如:a good way to do, the best time to do, a place to do, something to drink/eat. 4) 状语: 无固定搭配,常在完整句子后表目的。如:You could visit the sick kids to cheer them up

5、.你可以看望生病的孩子来使他们高兴起来。5)表语:用在系动词后。My dream is to become a scientist.(二)、动名词doing1). 只接doing不接to do的动词:finish, enjoy, keep, practice, mind, consider, put off, give up, feel like, be busy, have problems/difficulty/trouble/fun , cant stop +doing 2). 接to do与接doing意不同:stop/continue to do停下来/接着去做另一事stop/con

6、tinue doing停止/继续做某事, remember/ forget to do记得/忘记去做某事,remember/forget doing记得/忘记做了某事try to do努力去做某事 try doing 尝试做某事3).接do与doing 意不同:感官动词see, hear, watch,notice + sb. do看见/听见/观看/注意到某人做了某事。 see, hear, watch, notice +sb. doing 看见/听见/观看/注意到某人正在做某事。4). 表示户外活动:go shopping, go skating 去溜冰, go fishing, go bo

7、ating, go camping, go hiking, go bike riding, go swimming.4). 动名词作主语时,谓语看作单数。如:Listening to music makes me happy.5). 在介词后动词要加ing, 即介词+doing.如:Thanks for helping me.3.发出请求和请求允许的句型Could you (please)+动词原形+、?请你、好吗? (发出请求)肯定回答:Yes, I can. Yes, sure. No problem. 否定回答:Sorry, I cant. Im afraid I cant.Could

8、I +动词原形+、? 我可以、吗? (请求允许)肯定回答:Yes, you can. Yes, please. 否定回答:Sorry, you cant. Im afraid you cant.以could开头的表示礼貌地发出请求或请求允许的疑问句,简略回答不能用couldcouldnt,要用cancant4.过去进行时:表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作。1),结构:=主语+was/were+doing+其它=主语+was/were+not+doing+其它=Was/Were+主语+doing+其它2),时间状语:last night, at this time of yest

9、erday等;或者与when,while,as引导的过去时间状语连用3),when 当、的时候,引导的时间状语从句可用一般过去时或过去进行时;可以和非延续性动词连用(begin to rain非延续性),表示点时间;也可以和延续性动词连用,表示段时间。I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. 当开始下大雨的时候,我正在等公交车。When I was waiting for the bus, it began to rain heavily.当我正在等公交车时,开始下大雨了。while 当。时,引导的从句只能用进行时态,和延

10、续性动词连用,表示段时间。当复合句的主句和从句都用过去进行时,连词只能用while不能用when。如:My mother was cooking dinner while my father was reading a newspaper.可归纳为以下主从时态结构:过去进行时+when+一般过去时一般过去时+when/while+过去进行时过去进行时+while+过去进行时4)主从句判断方法:连词引导的是从句,另一个就是主句。主从位置不限定前后,若从句在前,中间用逗号隔开。主句从句各有自己的主谓结构。5. 连词与状语从句: 1)until 直到。用于肯定句,与延续性动词连用;not 、unti

11、l , 直到、才,否定句中 ,引导时间状语从句。如: I studied until midnight. = I didnt stop studying until midnight.2)so that 以便、为了,引导目的状语从句,且从句常含有情态动词(can, could, should等)You should talk to him so that you can say youre sorry.3) so+形容词+that从句,如此、以至于,引导结果状语从句。 当主句和从句的主语一致,且从句是肯定句时,so that与enough to可转换; 当从句时否定句时,so that与too

12、 to可转换He is so strong that he can carry the box. = He is strong enough to carry the box. 他那么壮,能搬动这个箱子。He is so weak that he cant carry the box. =He is too weak to carry the box. 他那么弱,搬不动这个箱子。such+(a/an)+形容词+名词+that从句, 如:This is such an interesting book that I cant put it down. 4)as soon as一、就、引导时间状语

13、从句。谈论将来的事,时态要“主将从现”。如:I will call you as soon as I get home.我一到家就给你打电话。谈论过去的事,主从都用过去时。 5)unless连词,除非,如果不=if not 。 时态符合“主将从现”You will be late unless you hurry up. = If you dont hurry up, you will be late.你将迟到,除非你快点。 6)although=though=even though,尽管,即使,虽然。引导让步状语从句,与but 不能连用。7) whether or 不管、还是, 引导让步状语

14、从句。6. 数词知识:1)1000以上的基数词的读法,从右开始数,每隔三位数加一个逗号:第一个逗号thousand(千),第二个million(百万),第三个billion(十亿) nine million, six hundred thousand 注意:hundred后通常加and,十位数和个位数之间加连字符-,小数点读作point,小数点后的数一 一读。2)确数:基数词+hundredthousandmillion 。百/千/百万(前有数字后无s与of)如:four thousand概数:hundredsthousandsmillions +of 数以百计/。(前无数字后加s与of)3)

15、分数的表达方式:分子分母=基数词序数词(当分子大于1,分母加s)three quarters=three fourths 四分之三7. 形容词、副词的等级:原级:只描述一个人或事物,原级前可用very,quite, so, really等修饰。as+adj或adv.原级+as: 和、一样,否定结构:not asas+adj或adv.原级+as: 不如8. 现在完成时(一):表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 常用时间状语有:already已经(肯定句中) yet已经(用于疑问句句末)还(用于否定句句末),just刚刚,ever曾经never从来没有,before以前(用于句末

16、),so far到目前为止,once一次如:I have already finished my homework, so I can watch TV now.(完成作业对现在看电视的影响)(二)表示从过去开始延续到现在的动作或状态。常用时间状语有:for+一段时间,since+过去某时刻/ ago/过去时从句,in the last/past years, how long. 必须与延续性动词连用,如:I have had this bike for three years.现在完成时结构:1)主语 + have / has + 过去分词 + 其他(

17、当主语是第三人称单数时用has,其余人称用have)过去分词:规则动词的过去分词构成与动词过去式相同:+ed;不规则动词P136。havehas been (to)+地点 去过某地(已回来,)havehas gone ( to) +地点 去了某地(未回来,)havehas been (in) +地点(还在某地,和时间段连用)(当地点是副词时,介词省略)。如:I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京两次。Where is she? She has gone to Beijing.她去哪了?她去了北京。She has been in Beijing for two we

18、eks. 她在北京呆了两个星期了。现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:1、与现在是否有联系:一般过去时只强调过去发生的动作,现在完成时强调过去的动作对现在的影响。I read this book yesterday (只强调读这个动作) I have read this book. I learn something new now. (读这个动作对现在的影响:学到一些新东西)2、一般过去时与过去的具体时间连用,如:yesterday, last year, when, two days ago等。现在完成时则不能。9、Whats the matter with sbsth? 某人或某物怎么了? 询

19、问问题的其他常用句型:Whats the troubleproblem with sb?Whats wrong with sb? What happened to sb? 某人发生了什么事?10、健康问题的表达:1)havehas a coldfevercough (感冒,发烧,咳嗽)2)havehas a stomachachetoothacheheadache(胃疼,牙疼,头疼)3)havehas a sore backthroat (背疼,嗓子疼)4 ) head and neck hurt 头和脖子疼(P2)5) hurt yourself 伤到你自己(P4)hurt his back

20、伤到他的背(p5)6)cut oneself身体部位 cut myself切到自己(P2)7)have a heart problem心脏病 have problems breathing 呼吸困难 8)get hit 被打 get sunburned 被晒伤11、不规则复数:foot-feet tooth-teeth Japanese-Japanese Chinese- Chinese 12. too much 太多,可以修饰动词和不可数名词;much too 太,修饰形容词, too many 太多,修饰可数名词复数。13.enough修饰名词,可前可后,water enough=enou

21、gh water足够的水;修饰形容词需后置,big enough足够大14.用an 表示“一个”的词:X-ray, 8-year-old boy, accident, alarm, amusement park, island, interesting book, honest student等元音开头的词(不是看元音字母)15. with 介词 带有,具有。如:hot tea with honey 反义:without没有,不带有:without eating breakfast16. because of+名词、代词、动词ing; because+ 从句17. 反身代词:单数:myself

22、, yourself ,himself, herself, itself 复数:ourselves, yourselves, themselves常见短语:hurt oneself 伤到某人自己 by oneself 独自 enjoy oneself 玩的开心18. a few, few 后接可数名词的复数,a little, little后接不可数名词;a few几个,a little有点儿,表示肯定意义,few,little 很少、几乎没有,表示否定意义。19. be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 used to do sth 过去常常做某事I used to stay

23、up late, but Im used to going to bed early.我过去常常熬夜,但是现在习惯早睡了。20. lonely 孤独的(有感情色彩)alone单独,独自(无感情色彩)feel lonely; live alone21.动副短语接代词时,代词要放中间,如: give it/them up22. So +助动词/be/情态动词+ 主语 “某人也一样” 如:I often exercise. So _ he.Neither +助动词/be/情态动词+ 主语“某人也不”23. 区分:neither 两者都不,either 两个中任一个,both两个都,all三个或以上都

24、。用neither of或either of 作主语时,谓语为单数;用both of all of 作主语时,谓语为复数。如: Neither of them _been to London before. Both of my parents _(be) doctors24.区分:三个“也”too用于肯定句末,either用于否定句末,also用于句中。如:He did not want to lose his toy monkey, _25. 花费:spend, pay, cost, and takesb spend timemoney on sth doing sth 某人花费时间、金钱

25、做某事sb pay some money for sth 某人付钱买某物it takes sb some time to do sth 做某事话费多少时间sth cost (sb) some money 某物花费某人多少钱26in order to +do (短语)为了,目的是。否定:in order not to doso that +从句 “为了,以便于”27. 区分两个“如此”: such+(aan)+形容词+名词 , so + 形容词/副词。 如:such bad weather; so lovely28、复合句中的宾语从句用陈述语序。如:I can do what I love to

26、 do and help others at the same vide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物 同义:offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.30. keep sb./sth. + 形容词:使某人或某物保持。 如:keep clean and tidy 保持干净整洁31.Why dont you +do=Why not +do(动词原形) 为什么不。? (提建议)Why dont you talk to your parents? = Why not talk to your parent

27、s?其他提意见的句型(了解)Whathow about +doing sth? 做某事怎么样?Shall we +do sth 让我们做某事好吗?Lets +do sth 让我们做某事吧Would you mind +doing sth 你介意做某事吗?You had better (not) +do sth 你最好(不)做某事32. instead 相反,却,代替,修饰整个句子(放句首或句末). instead of+名词、代词、动词ing: 代替,而不是(放句中)如:He would like to stay at home _ going shopping.33.leave和forget

28、的区别: leave sth someplace把某物落在某地 forget to do sth忘记做某事(抽象的事情) 如:You _ homework at home yesterday. 34. other +名词复数 “其他的。”,泛指;onethe other(两个中)一个。另一个;another(三个及以上中)另一个;any other +名词单数 “任何其他的。” the other +名词复数=the others “其余的。”,特指35.This thatlastnext +时间(前面没有介词)如:What were you doing last night?36. 常见不可

29、数名词(抽象名词):pressure, stress, information, news, advice, weather, pollution, progress37. 区分:maybe也许、可能, 常放句首;may be可能是,在句中作谓语。38. 介词:1)against倚、碰、撞、反对。如:fight against对抗,beat against撞击;2).during在。期间,如:during the daytime,during the holiday; 3). among 在三者或以上之中,如:among the students, between 两者之间,如:the cla

30、sses在课间,between the school and the bank. 4)by 在。旁边by the sea; 不迟于by 5 oclock; 被,由某人by Moyan; 乘骑by bus; 通过做某事by exersicing;5))along沿着 along the way 6)down沿着;向下down the street, sit down39.区分: whole adj 全部的,整体的 the+whole+cn单数 如: the whole family 整个家庭All+the+uncn复数 all the money所有的钱 all the books所有的书40.

31、 感叹句:1) what+aan+形容词+可数名词单数+主谓!2) what+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主谓!3) How+形容词/副词+主谓!_ a long time you slept in the forest!你们在森林里睡了这么久!41. 区分: voice (人的)嗓音 sound 泛指声音 noise噪音 42. population 集合名词,人口,人口数量1)The population of + is 某地的人口是、(指人口总称,谓语动词单数)The population of China is 1.3 billion.2)分数百分数+of the populat

32、ion are (谓语动词复数)90% of the population in China are Han people.3)形容人口多少:big, large, small The population of China is large,中国人口众多。4)对人口提问:what或how large 如:Whats the population of China?43.tour 旅行,旅游(观光游玩);Journey(长途),trip(短途),travel泛指44. How high/long/wide/deep is .? 多高/长/宽/深? 答:Its +数字 + meters/kilometers high/long/wide/deep.45. as用法:1)由于 2)当。时 3)作为。(人)46. seem用法:意为:看起来,似乎It seems +形容词+ to do;It seems that+从句; sb. seems to do 47. else 常用在疑问词或复合不定代词后:who else, what else, anything el


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