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1、八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷时间:100分钟分数:100分一、听力部分(20分)笔试部分二、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1. - Jim,I want to be engineer when I grow up. Sounds fantastic.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. 一 Did your parents go to climb Mount. Tai last Sunday?No, they went to a movie.A. bothB. allC. eitherD. each3. 一 We can ' t pass the exam,we study h

2、ardA. becauseB. unless C. thoughD.or4. - I don ' t know how be good with my family problem. Could you give me some.A. adviceB. messagesC. informationD. invitation5. 一 My mother says my friend is similar me , but l think she is different me.A. to : fromB. as: fromC. to: toD. as: to6. My brother i

3、s as as me. We both like telling jokes.A. outgoingB. more outgoingC. most outgoingD. very outgoing7. We must work hard. There an important exam in June.A. will haveB.is going to haveC.will beD.has8. 一 people came to Baotu Spring during May 1stA. hundredB. hundred of C. hundred s of D. Ten hundreds9.

4、 一 Can you stay here longer?.But I have to prepare for my exam.A. I ' d love to.B. I ' m afraid not.C. I'm sorry, I can ' t.D. No. I ' m not avOia10. I want to go for my winter vacation.A. somewhere differentB. different somewhereC. anywhere differentD. different anywhere11. love

5、ly day! Let ' s go for a walk.A. What aB. How aC. HowD. What an12. Please the light when you leave the classroom.A. turn onB. turn offC. turn downD. turn on13 . Spring Park is the place in the city on weekends. Lots of people enjoy doing different kinds of activities there.A. worstB. most terrib

6、le C. quietestD. most popular14 .一 are you going to do that?-I am going to take acting lessons.A. WhenB. HowC. WhereD. What15 .Mary will go to Sydney if she a five-day trip.A. haveB. hadC. will haveD. has16 .What do you thin k of China ' s Got Talent.They are so boringA. I like it very much.B. I

7、 can ' t stand it.C. I don ' t mind.D. I think it ' s ok.17 .Mr. Li is ill in hospital. His daughter is looking after him.A. I'm sorro hear thatC. I;m afraidB. Not at allD. It doesn ' t matter18. Which of the pictures below tells people not to fish here?719. Boys and girls, Liste

8、n to me carefully, Let me tell you to the Bird Island.A. how to getB. what to get20. Excuse me. Do you know ? Yes. He came here yesterday.A. why did he come to the zooC. when he came back homeC. Where to get D. which to getB. how he came hereD. where he will came三、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)请阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案。Li D

9、ong is a farmer. He has a very big 1 . On the farm, he grows oranges, grapes and bananas. Many people come to2 his farm. He is a successful (成功的) young man and becomes very famous.In 2003, he went back to his hometown 3 he finished middle schoo l. " What work can I do? ” he said to himself. The

10、n he had an idea. 4 I farming . I can grow fruit! ” He began to watch many on TV about growing fruit. He also read a lot of books about it. Then he went to 6 on Mr Wang ' s farm for two years. He<brned a lot there.In 2005, he started his own(自己的)fruit farm. 7 , Li Dong farm was small. But now

11、, his farm is much bigger. His fruits are very good. He sends them to many big 8 in China, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. He 9 grows vegetables and raiseschickens on his farm. His family eats very 10 food. He has a very happy family.()1. A. farmB. parkC. schoolD.shop()2. A. lookB.takeC. vi

12、sitD. catch()3. A. butB.afterC. forD. so()4. A. enjoyB.encourageC. throwD. follow()5. A. gamesB.songsC. programsD. plays()6. A. seeB.playC. eatD. work()7. A. At lastB.At that timeC. At this momentD. At once()8. A. villagesB.schoolsC. citiesD. farms()9. A. tooB.alsoC. eitherD. as well()10. A. healthy

13、B.badC.happyD. unhealthy四、阅读理解(每小题24共20分)AIn almost every big university in the United States football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer.Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have

14、 four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points. This is called a touch down. It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten

15、 yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team. Each university wants its team to win. Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell for their favorite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders come on the field to help the people yell more. They dance and jump while they yell. Each team p

16、lays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1st, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on

17、television.( )1. In American football players can.A . only kick the ballB . only throw the ballC. only carry the ballD. kick, throw and carry the ball( )2. If a team wants to get points, it has to move the ball.A. 10 yards B. to the other end C. 40 yards D. away from its own end ( )3. Who are dancin

18、g and jumping while they yell?A . The cheerleaders.C. The winners.B. All those who are watching the game. D. The players of both sides. ( )4. Most teams play games in.A. springB. summer C. autumnD. winter( )5. When do the best teams play again?A. At Christmas.B. Before the season ends.C. On New Year

19、 ' s Day D. On the last day of seasonB Happy Children ' s Pa官ce(MONDAY19:00 20:30English learning Pro. G. White Would you like to improve your English?(2 weeks)TUESDAY17:30 19:00PhotographyMr. GreenLearn to take good photos. Bring your own camera with you. This is for middle school students.

20、(4 weeks)WEDNESDAY18:00 19:00Office 2000Pro. Wang LanLearn how to use the new software(软件) (10 weeks)FRIDAY 19:00-20:30 PaintingMiss Yang JingWould you like to learn painting? It ' for beginners only (16 weeks)SATURDAY15:00 16:30Cambridge Young Learner ' s English Pro. J. BrownThis course is

21、 for the children at primary school (20 weeks)SUNDAY10:00 11:00Swimming clubCoach: Liu XinWant to swim as fast as a fish?(9 weeks)( )6. You can go to Happy Children ' s Palace to learn some ski)ls( except(除了).A. Monday B. Thursday C. Wednesday D. Sunday()7. If you want to improve your English, y

22、ou can learn from.A. Miss Yang Jing B. Pro. J. Brown C. Pro. Wang Lan D. Pro. G . White()8.If you are interested in Painting, Miss Yang Jing can teach you.A. from 19:00 to 20:30 on Monday B. from 17:30 to 19:00 on TuesdayC. from 7:00 to 8:30 on Friday evening D.from 18:00 to 19:00 on Wednesday()9. I

23、f yo u don ' t have enough time, you want to learn a skill in two months,you can learn.A. how to use the new software B. swimming C. how to take photos D. painting ()10. Which of the following statements(陈述)is right? .A.Pro.G. White gives a talk about English learning for students on Monday Morn

24、ing B. If you want to learn swimming, you should go there on Sunday afternoonC. You can go to learn how to use Office 2000 from Pro. J. BrownD. Pro. J. Brown teaches children English from 3:00 to 4:30 on Saturday afternoon 五.选词填空(每小题1分,共5分)。in the front of; get ; neither; enough; look after 1.Someti

25、mes we make mistakes since we are not careful.2.Mr. Wang is standing the meeting room and giving a talk.3.-I have never been to Disneyland before.-Me.4. Look! The old man on the bus.5. Please the little boy.六.任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(10分)Mr. Smith had two sons .One is seven years old, and the other is fiv

26、e. One morning during the holidays, when he wascleaning the ca r, his younger son came and asked him for some money for sweets." Sweets are bad for your teeth,said. "Take these two oranges instead ,and give one to your elder brother,“ One of the orangesristiqeiite a lot biggtother one . As

27、 the small boy liked oranges very much, he kept that one for himself, and gave his elder (年长的) brother the smaller one. When the other boy saw that his brother had a much larger orange than his own ,he said to him,自私的)to the bigger one for yourself. If father had given me the oranges, I' d have

28、given you the bigger one. ”"I knyou would," answered his brother." That ' s why I took it. ”1 .请在横线处填入适当的单词 。2 .将划线部分翻译成汉语。3 .找出下面句子的同义句:Because the little boy really loved the oranges and wanted to have it, he gave the smaller one to his brother instead of thebigger one.4 .判断句子的正

29、 (T)误(F)。 The younger son wants some money for sweets at first.()5 .根据文章内容回答问题。Why is his younger son selfish?七、书面表达(15分)1. A)连词成句(5分)1 .down, you, mind, the music, would, turning2. to , we , Water World , the , went , last year3. next , is , to ,the , going , zoo , week , he4. the, guy , how, lucky

30、 , is5. speak , she , she , languages , say , three , couldB)作文根据汉语提示,写一篇短文,字数不得少于80字。1 . Bill来自于澳大利亚,13岁。现在是武汉中学的一名学生。2 .他在中国已经呆了一年,喜欢中国美食。他喜欢收集邮票和打网球。3 .他认为汉语不好学,很难于同学相处,很孤独。4 .请你给他提一到两条建议。八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷答题卡一、听力部分1-5 6-10 11-151617、18、19、20、二、单项选择1-56-1011-1516-20三、完形填空1-56-10四、阅读理解1-56-10五.选词填空(每小

31、题 1分,共5分)。123 45六、任务型阅读 阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(10分1 .请在横线处填入适当的单词 2 .将划线部分翻译成汉语。3 .找出下面句子的同义句:Because the little boy really loved the oranges and wanted to have it, he gave the smaller one to his brother instead of the bigger one.4 .判断句子的正 (T)误(F)。 The younger son wants some money for sweets at first.()5 .根据文章内容回答问题。Why is his younger son selfish?七、书面表达(15分)A)连词成


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