1、实用标准文案雅思考试全题模拟试题(1)ListeningTIME ALLOWED: 30 minutesNUMBER OF QUESTION: 40InstructionYou willhear a number of differentrecordingsand you willhave toanswer questionson what you hear.Therewillbe timeforyou toreadtheinstructionsand questions,and you willhavea chance to check you work.All the recordings
2、 will be played ONCE only.The testis in foursections.Writeyour answersin the listeningquestionbooklet.At the end of the test you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers toan answer sheet.Now turn to Section 1 on page 2.SECTION 1 Question1-9Question 1-6Listentoconversationbetween friendand
3、 thehousing officerand completethelistbelow.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.HOUSING LISTHOUSING LISTAddress Number of rooms Price per week Additional informationMr. J Devenport 82Salisbury Road Brighton BN 16 3 AN Tel 01273 884673 2 bedroomssitting room kit. bath Example120
4、 UnfurnishedMrs E.S. Jarvis2WickenStreetBrightonBN 15 4JH Tel 01273 771621 (1) sittingroomkit.bath (2)First floorMrs. E.C. Sparshott 180Silwood Road Brighton BN 14 9RY Tel (3)2 large rm/s shared kit and bath 35 Nice area (4)Mr A Nasiry 164 Preston RoadBrightonBN5 7RT Tel01273 703865 large bedroom si
5、ttingroom with kitchenette.bath. (5)Ground floor Central(6) 2 harrow Road Brighton BN9 9HK Tel 01273 745621 2 large rooms kit bath 86No petsQuestions 7-9Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer7.When is the accommodation available?8.Where is the telephone?9.How is the flat heated?SECTION 2 Que
6、stions 10-20文档实用标准文案Questions 10-14Circle the correct letters A-D10.How many conventions have already been held ?A.2B.3C.4D.511.Where is the convention being held?A. BrisbaneB. MelbourneC. CanberraD. Sydney12.How long is the convention forA 2 daysB.5 daysC.6 daysD. 7 days13.How many Australian speak
7、ers will be attending the convention?A.20B.25C.30D.3514.Which countries are the guest speakers from?A. Britain and CanadaB. Canada and the USC. Britain and the USD. Britain, Canada and the USQuestion 15-17Listentothe directionsand match the placesin questions15-17 to the appropriateletters A-G on th
8、e map.Example Peronis Answer ( A )15. Jumbo Sandwich Shop ( )16. Slims Vegetarian ( )17. The Geneva Bistro ( )Questions 18-20Look at this page from the program. Tick ( ) if the information is correct orwrite in the changes.CONVENTION PROGRAMExampleAfternoon sessions Answerstart at 2.00pm2.30finish a
9、t 4.00pm_TALKS“Marketing ” by Jane Howard (18) Blue Room (19)“Distribution of Goods ” by Sara Moore ” Barbara Moore Red Room (20)“Advertising ” by Peter NewsteadOrange RoomcancelledSECTION 3 Questions 21 32Questions 21_24Complete the table showing the prices and types of coffee sold Common Room.I =
10、InstantR = RealE = Espresso文档实用标准文案European Development studies Arts CBuilding American StudiesType of coffee Example I (21)E (24)Price of coffee Example 20P (22)(23)25PQuestions 25-32Complete the table showing the number of points1,2or3awarded to thefood offeredby eachCommon Room.Arts c Building Eu
11、ropean Refectory American StudiesMatthew(28)Alice (25)Example 1 (29)(31)Jenny (26)(27)(30)(32)SECTION 4 Questions 33-40Questions 33-35Look at Question 33-35 below and the grid . Tick ( )the relevant boxes in each column.COUNTRY 33. Which countries are affected by Britains pollution? 34.Which country
12、 relies heavily on nuclear power? 35. Which countries use lime filtering to reduce the amount of chemical pollutant released into the atmosphere?AustraliaBelgiumDenmarkFranceGermanyHollandJapan文档实用标准文案SwedenUSAQuestions 36-40Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.36. When did fish stock ther
13、e begin to decline?37. What did scientists inject into the land ?38. Has the situation improved?39. How effective is the use of limestone slurry?40. what is one of the major disadvantages of using limestone slurry?reading1TIME ALLOWED :1 HourNUMBER OF QUESTIONS :38InstructionsALL ANSWERS MUST BE WRI
14、TTEN ON THE ANSWER SHEETThe test is divided as follow :Reading passage 1 questions 1-11Reading passage 2 questions12-25Reading passage 3 questions26-38Start at the beginning of the test and work through it .you should answer all thequestions. if you cannot do a particular question leave it and go on
15、 to the next .you can return to it later.Section 1 question 1-14Question 1-4There are six job advertisements A-F on the opposite pageAnswer the questionsbelow by writingthe lettersof the appropriateadvertisementsin boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet .Example answerWhich job is in a travel agents ?D1. wh
16、ich job is in a hotel?2. Which job for someone to look after a child?3. Which WTO advertisements are for waiters?4. Which WTO jobs would particularly like a German speaker?文档实用标准文案A.RestaurantSupervisorWaiting staffTelephonist_the ideal candidates must have relevant experience gained in a high quali
17、ty hotel .please call personnel on 071-722-77333, or send your CV to :Regents Park Hilton , Lodge Road , LondonNW8 7JTLONDONREGENTS PARKHILTONB.USE YOURLANGUAGES AND EARN450-1200 P.W.we are one ofthe largest business publishers in Europeand have limited vacanciesfor intelligent young people in our L
18、ondon advertisement sales office. EnquiriesfromGerman Spanishand easternEuropeanspeakersespeciallywelcome. Phone AndrewWarburton on 071 753 4300C.SECRETARYBusy charteredAccountants requireexperienced/efficientsecretary,accounts,typingexperienceand an excellent telephone manner essential shorthand us
19、eful.PleasesendCVto:boxno .9246c/oeveningstandardclassified, 2 derrystreet ,kensington W8 5EE.D.TRAVELCOMPANYVacancyforself-confidentpersontolookafterbookingsforourCaribbeanhotels.salarybased on applicantsexperience&suitability.pleasesend CV to IanTaplin , MRI LTD, 9 Galena Road , London , WG OLXE.N
20、ANNY WANTEDFor 9 month old handful .Artistle/Prof householdNttingHill, 3 days perweek .somehours flexibility reqd .knowledge German/Hungarian advantage not essential071 221 7375F.JOIN THE STARS!FOOD SERVERSThe biggest and busiest restaurant in London is seeking additional stars for itsteam ofdedicat
21、edprofessionals.ifyou have experience inhighvolume restaurants文档实用标准文案and are looking for a challenge ,then come on down for an audition.Interview day is on Friday , 6th MAYfrom 12 noon to 7 pm .planet Hollywood is located at 13 Coventry Street , London. W1.Questions 5-10Read the page from a UK tele
22、phone directory on the opposite page.Answer the questions below by writing the appropriate telephone numbers in boxes5-10 on your answer sheet.What should you dial ifExampleYou want to speak to the international operator? answer1235 .there is something wrong with your telephone?6. there has been an
23、accident and you want to call an ambulance?7. you want to find out a number in a foreign country ?8.you want to know how much telephone calls cost?9.you want to purchase an answer-phone machine?10. you want to use a credit card to pay for a telephone call?Operator services 101The operator is there t
24、o help you if you have difficulty making a call or if youwant to use any of our special call service .these include: ALARM CALLS ADVICE OFDURATION CHARGE CREDIT CARD CALLS FLXED TIME CALLS FREEFONE CALLS PERSONAL CALLS TRANSFERREDCHARGECALLSSUBSCRIBERCONTROLLEDTRANSFER.for details of charges see our
25、 free leaflet , Dial 101 and ask for financial services.International operator 123See section 3 (international )for details.Directory Enquiries 142Tell the operator the town you require .have paper and pencil ready.International directory enquiries 130Emergency 010Tell the operator what service you
26、want .Faults 166Any fault should be reported to the local fault repair service.Sales 170Telemessage 190If you have something special to say and prefer to say it in writing .International telemessage 191International telegrams 192文档实用标准文案You can send a telegram to most other countries.Maritime servic
27、e 200SHIPS TELEGRAM SERVIE SHIPS TELEPHONE SERVICE INMARSAT SATELLITE SERVICE (DIAL177) .you can call or send a message to someone aboard ship by using our maritime services .for known .for INMARSAT (maritime satellite) service dial 178 .give theshipsname ,itsidentificationnumber and ocean region, i
28、fknown, satelliteserviceand provide the number .Any other call enquiries 111Question 11-14Read the following noticeUsing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage answer the questions below.Write your answer in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.FIRE NOTICEIn the event of life , the ALARM will ring .o
29、n hearing the fire alarm ,all thosein the West Wing should evacuate the building by staircase J.Rooms 1 to 199 are in the west wing .all others should use staircase A. The assembly area for occupantsof west wing is the staff car park at the rear of the building .all others assemble in the front cour
30、tyard.Evacuate the building even if the alarm stops.If you discover a fire ,shout fire and operate the nearest fire alarm .attack thefire with an extinguisher but do not take any risks .inform reception by dialling3333.ExampleWhere is room 1 answerthe west wing11.you are in room 101 .which staircase
31、 should you use to evacuate the building ?12. you are in room 201.where shouldyou wait outsideafterevacuatingthe building?13 what should you do if the alarm stops?14.who should you contact if you discover a fire?SECTION 2Questions 15-27Questions 15-20Read “ Information for New Students” below and an
32、swer the questions that follow.Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.HILTON ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTREINFORMATION FOR NEW STUDENTSCLASS TIMES9.00 am 10.30 am 11.00 am 12.30 pm 1.30 pm 3.00 pmThe Language Centre is open Monday to Friday. Each class has one afternoon free per week. On th
33、e first day go to the lecture hall to check your timetable.SELF-ACCESS文档实用标准文案The language laboratory (Room 1110) is open Monday to Friday from 3.15 pm to 5.oo pm for all full-time students. You can learn how to use the computers for language games or word-processing.There arecassettesforstudentstob
34、orrowtopractise theirEnglish. Go inand askthe teacher to show you.If you planto takepublicexaminations,therearedictationandlisteningcomprehensioncassettesforyou to practisewith. Thereareclozeexerciseson thecomputers.Ask yourclass teacherfora listofpastexam essays. Studentscan borrowcassettes to take
35、 home but they must be returned after two days.ATTENDANCEAll students on student visas are expected to attend classes regularly. Students who do not attend classes will be reported to oss. Eighty per cent attendance is required for students to receive their certificate on completion of their course.
36、It is also required by oss for an extension to your visa.BOOKSIf students are given course books, the books are their responsibility.If a book is lost, the student will be expected to pay for it. If students wish tobuy books, there is a bookshop in the college specialising in English books (Room 352
37、0).15.when do classes begin and end on a full day?16.How many afternoons does a class meet each week?17.Where are the timetables displayed?18.Who can use the language laboratory after classes?19.Who is available in the self-access centre to help the students?20.How much of a course must you attend a
38、ccording to visa restrictions?Questions 21-27Read the passage below about a college in the city of Bath, written in 1985, and answer the questions that follow.The CollegeThe college has the advantage of location in one of the most attractive cities in the country. Within the city of Bath it occupies
39、 modern buildings in a landscapedgarden on Sion hill,Lansdown and an adjacentGeorgian Crescent,Somerset Crescent,which includes teaching and residential accommodation for post-graduate studies.Italso occupiesthreehouses in Sydney Place,which are used forstudioand workshopaccommodation forpart-timeco
40、urses in the VisualArtsand forthe FoundationCoursein Art and Design.The Newton Park site is situated four miles west of Bath between the villages of Newton St Loe and Corston. Within the grounds are a Georgian mansion, where the文档实用标准文案college s sentraladministrationis located,an Elizabethandairy,st
41、ables and thetower of a medieval manor house; all these older buildings have been adapted topresent-dayuse. A new purpose-builtHomeEconomics block was opened in January1985.During1986 a new SportsHall willbe completed and new residentialblocksare underconstruction tobe completed ready for the start
42、of the academic year in September1986; a new music Block will be completed in 1987.The Artand Design degree courseswhich are currentlyaccommodated atCorsham, aboutnine miles east of Bath, will be moved to the Sion Hill site in Bath by September1986 thus reinforcing Faculty and Course links.The colle
43、gecoursesaredesignedto take advantageofthe special opportunitiesandcircumstances provided by its environment. Students have available such resourcesas the Costume and Fashion Research Centre, the Royal Photographic Centre and theMuseumof AmericanDomesticLife at Claverton.Concertsand recitals,includi
44、ngsomegiven by staff and students, take place throughout the year in theAssembly Rooms.The collegeusesbuildingsin fivedifferentplaces.Where are thefollowingthingslocated?In boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet writeNPif something is located in Newton ParkC if something is located in CorshamSHif somethin
45、g is located in Sion HillSCif something is located in Somerset CrescentSPif something is located in Sydney PlaceExampleA landscaped garden AnswerSH21.Central Administration22.Home Economics Block23.Art and Design Foundation Course24.Art and Design Degree Course after 198625.Post-graduate Residences2
46、6.Sports Hall27.Music BlockSECTION 3 Questions 28-38Read the passage below and answer questions 28-38WINTER SPORTSIce,danger and exhilarationThe 17th Winter Games, heldin Norway in 1994,are partof an Olympictraditionwhichgoes back almost 3,000 years. For more than Games were held, every four years,
47、onhallowed ground near Mount Olympus, where the Greek gods were said to live.The Olympics brought togethermen from war-torntribesand statesinGreece andits colonies. A sacred truce was declared to allow men to travel to the games insafety.Womencouldnottakepartand were forbidden,on painof death,even t
48、oattendthe Games.文档实用标准文案The ancientOlympicswere abolishedby theRomanEmperor Theodosiusin393 AD, afterGreece had lost its independence. But the idea never died and the Frenchman BaronPierre de Coubertin, an educator and scholar, founded the modern Olympics,his aimwas to bring together, once every four years, athletes fr
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