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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 八年级英语下册一至三单元测试题班级: 姓名: 座号: 组号: . 根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. Hey, whats the m               with you, Lily?Oh, I lost my history book.2. Did Peter walk to school yesterday?Yes, and I also got there on f   

2、;           .3. Mom, Im tired and I need to r               here.4. Come here. L               on the beach an

3、d enjoy the sun, children.5. There is something wrong with my s               so I cant eat anything. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,用恰当的短语填空。1. Mom, if I _(咳嗽), what should I do?2. Lets _(休息) for lunch.3. Jane, Mom asked you to _(躺下).4. His daughte

4、r _(感冒) last week.5. When did you start to _ (胃痛), young man? A)根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。66. We are making some                    (通知) for Clean-Up Day.67. She is        

5、60;           (聋的). She cant hear anything.68. At last, I                    (理解) what she said.69. We should help       

6、;             (有残疾的) people.70. They had to                    (扛) their boxes to the village.A)根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。61. She _(扔) her hat an

7、d coat on the bed and then sat on the sofa.62. Amy _(递) me a piece of bread and I ate it.63. These _(衬衫) come in three different colors.64. His hair is a real _(杂乱).65. There is too much _(废物) in the house. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。rubbish, mess, fold, sweep, floor1. We can see a small dog on the

8、 _.  2. My mother _ the kitchen every day.3. Your room is in a _, so please clean it before breakfast.4. We should put our _ in the dustbin.5. She _ the paper into two and put it away. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(  )21. Im afraid you have to get _ X-ray, young man.A. a

9、60;              B. an                     C. the             D. 不填( 

10、)22. When he saw the old woman fall down, he took her to the hospital _  thinking.A. across               B. through                    C. withou

11、t             D. with(  )23. Im sorry to hear that he cut _. He should be careful.A. myself                     B. himself   

12、                  C. me             D. him(  )24. I have to see the doctor because my stomach _ badly.A. hurt         &#

13、160; B. hurts                 C. breaks               D. broke(  )25. Did you take your _?Yes, I have a little fever.A. medicine     &#

14、160;            B. photo                C. seat               D. temperature (  )26. You should _ more water i

15、n such hot weather.A. drinks               B. drink                 C. to drink             D. drink

16、ing(  )27. I didnt go to the movies last night. I _ a talk show on TV.A. watch               B. am watching            C. watched          &

17、#160; D. will watch(  )28. I am used to _ my hair in the morning.A. wash                B. washes              C. washing         

18、  D. washed(  )29. They are watching a movie _ Kung Fu Panda.A. called                B. calling               C. to call      

19、60;        D. calls(  )30. My aunt didnt _ work when she had the baby.A. cut up               B. make up            C. put up   &#

20、160;           D. give up(  )31. The boy found himself in a bad situation when _ in the river.A. swimming                B. swims         &#

21、160;     C. to swim            D. swam(  )32. When I came into the room, I saw a cat _ under the table.A. to lie                 B. lies 

22、60;           C. to lying                    D. lying(  )33. All of us agreed _ old people in the old peoples home.A. help       &

23、#160;   B. helps                 C. to help                     D. helping(  )34. Please let me tell you again _ yo

24、u wont forget.A. as long as                 B. unless               C. so that             D. because(  )

25、35. _?I have a bad cold.A. Whats the matter             B. How do you feelC. How are you                    D. What do you do. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选

26、项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(  )21. Changing schools made a big difference _ his life.A. on             B. at               C. to          &#

27、160;          D. for(  )22. Marys uncle made _ possible for her to travel around the world.A. it       B. that            C. this        

28、60;   D. one(  )23. The girl is _, so she needs a guide dog to help her.A. sick           B. blind          C. tired           D. sad(  )24. My friend

29、 Tom volunteered _ in the countryside two years ago.A. to work          B. work                C. working        D. works(  )25. Excuse me, I _ find my hotel.Yo

30、u could ask the policeman.A. cant         B. mustnt             C. neednt            D. shouldnt(  )26. She used to _ a bike to school, but now she is used

31、 to _ to school.A. ride; walk          B. riding; walking          C. riding; walk       D. ride; walking(  )27. He is very _, so he can carry the heavy box.A. clever   &

32、#160;    B. strong               C. quiet          D. excited(  )28. Who is the _ of the house?Mr. Black. He bought it last year.A. passenger      

33、60;   B. guest        C. visitor               D. owner(  )29. _ vacations by the sea is Dales dream.A. Spend        B. Spending      &

34、#160;    C. Spends            D. Spent(  )30. They often help _ sick children in the childrens hospital.A. cheer up            B. clean up        

35、;           C. set up        D. make up(  )31. My cousin has difficulty _ English newspapers.A. read                  B. reads 

36、60;               C. reading              D. to read(  )32. My computer doesnt work. Could you help _ it?A. repair         &#

37、160;      B. buy            C. raise          D. open(  )33. How nice these pictures are! Please _ on the wall.A. put it up          &#

38、160; B. put up it            C. put up them                     D. put them up(  )34. I can help my mother do some things like _ the rooms.A. cleans &

39、#160;      B. cleaning             C. clean            D. to clean(  )35. We shouldnt read in the sun. _. Its bad for our eyes.A. Sorry to hear that   

40、0;         B. That sounds greatC. Youre right                     D. I dont think so(  ) 21. Gina invited her classmates _ her party.A. to      &

41、#160;      B. in             C. about                      D. with(  ) 22. Could you please hang out with me this afternoon?_

42、. I have to make a plan for Clean-Up Day.A. Sorry, I couldnt      B. Sorry, I cant           C. Sure, I can           D. Sure, I could(  ) 23. Alan doesnt like junk food and _ do I.A. either

43、                B. no            C. neither              D. not(  ) 24. I dont like action movies, but I dont mind _ them.A.

44、watch           B. watching           C. to watch             D. to watching(  ) 25. Ben, _ for the boy, please. He wants to sleep.A. make the bedB. d

45、o some shoppingC. sweep the floor D. do the dishes(  ) 26. In fact, I think _ a hobby is interesting.A. develop          B. developing                C. develops     

46、;    D. to developing(  ) 27. I ran out of my money. Could you _ me some?A. lend           B. sell            C. borrow             D.

47、buy(  ) 28. Bob doesnt have time _ volleyball with me now. A. to play                     B. play         C. playing        &

48、#160;     D. to playing(  ) 29. She is only a child, so there is no need _ her so much stress.A. give             B. to giving           C. to give       &

49、#160;    D. giving(  ) 30. The clever boy _ to ask others for help. He is independent.A. stops                B. begins               C. likes

50、60;                 D. hates (  ) 31. After Jenny read the letter, she _ it and put it in her book.A. finished         B. wrote           &#

51、160;  C. folded          D. sent(  ) 32. Could you please _ the door? Its cold outside.A. open           B. not open           C. opening    

52、0;   D. not opening(  ) 33. My grandmother is ill. I have to _ her at home.A. take care of          B. take after        C. look for          D. look forward to(  ) 34. I

53、 think its unfair _ them work ten hours a day.A. made               B. to make            C. make                D. maki

54、ng(  ) 35. Could you help me sweep the floor, Dale?_.A. Good idea           B. Thanks a lot       C. Of course         D. Thats right. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Dear Sir or Madam, I dont lik

55、e doing chores. But I have   36   choice (选择) but to do them because doing chores is a rule in our family. When I come back from school, my mom   37   says, “Could you take out the rubbish?” or “Could you help me   38   cooking?” I know she

56、s just trying to make me more independent and   39   me how to take care of myself. But   40   does she make me do all the housework? OK, I know I am the oldest and I should do chores. But its not   41   for me. My sisters should do them, t

57、oo. Yesterday I did all the chores again. My parents went to visit my aunt with my sisters yesterday morning. They left me   42   at home because I had to do my homework. When I finished my homework, I found it was really a   43   at home. They didnt do any ch

58、ores. So I cleaned the rooms,   44   the dishes and watered the garden. Oh! I must look like a(n)   45  . What should I do? I hate doing chores all alone. Could you give me some advice, please? Yours,John(  ) 36. A. no        

59、;        B. some   C. every                       D. any (  ) 37. A. never            B. hardly

60、 C. always                 D. almost(  ) 38. A. about            B. inC. for                     

61、60;     D. with(  ) 39. A. ask               B. help C. teach                       D. expect   (  ) 40. A. when &#

62、160;          B. why    C. how                         D. where(  ) 41. A. hard             B.

63、fair        C. much                       D. heavy(  ) 42. A. alone            B. sick  C. quiet

64、0;                    D. independent (  ) 43. A. job              B. matterC. problem             &#

65、160; D. mess (  ) 44. A. bought         B. borrowed C. carried               D. washed (  ) 45. A. cook             B. doctor C. servant        

66、      D. actor. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A易读度Tammy came home from school with a note (便条) from her teacher, Ms. Jones. The note said, “Tammy is having trouble seeing the blackboard. Maybe she needs to go to an eye doctor.” After Mom read the note, she asked Tammy, “How long did you have troub

67、le seeing the blackboard?” “About a month.” “I will call Dr. Gray and youre going to see her tomorrow after school.”Tammy went to her room and began to worry. That night Tammy did not sleep.The next day after school, Tammy went to Dr. Grays office with her mom. When Tammy went in to see the doctor,

68、she was so nervous (紧张的). The doctor told her and her mom that Tammy was having trouble seeing things from far away. She told Tammy that she would need to choose a pair of glasses to help her see well. Tammy looked worried. “Whats the matter?” asked Dr. Gray. “I dont want to wear glasses! All the gi

69、rls are going to laugh at (嘲笑) me.” “Why arent you laughing at me? Im wearing glasses.” “You look so beautiful in yours.”“Then lets choose some glasses that look almost like mine.” Tammy and Dr. Gray found a pair of brown and black glasses. Tammy wore the glasses and read from far away. “Everything

70、looks so clear!” said Tammy. “I really like my new glasses.”Tammy went to school the next day and wore her glasses to read the blackboard. “Tammy, your glasses are so cool!” said the girls. Tammy felt so much better.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(  )56. Why did Ms. Jones ask Tammy to take a note home?A. Because

71、 Tammy couldnt see well.B. Because Tammy had a stomachache.C. Because Tammy didnt do her homework. D. Because Tammy got hurt when playing volleyball.(  )57. How did Tammy feel when she knew she had to go to the doctor?A. Surprised.            B.

72、 Bored.              C. Worried.        D. Happy.(  )58. What color were Tammys glasses?A. Blue and white.                       B. Brown and white. 

73、C. Black and blue.                       D. Brown and black.(  )59. What can we learn from the passage?A. Tammy didnt like doing homework.B. Tammy cared how well she looked in glasses. C. Ta

74、mmy had trouble getting along with her classmates.D. Tammys teacher knew Tammys problem from other girls.(  )60. The writer wrote the passage to tell us _.A. how to choose glassesB. never to laugh at othersC. it is necessary to help those in trouble D. things arent always as bad as we expectB易读

75、度My brother Tim and I each have our own room. Tim is messy but I am tidy. By Saturday of each week, the floor of Tims room would be covered with dirty clothes,  books and toys (玩具).On Saturday afternoons, Tim and I like to play baseball with our friends. Tim always asked me to help him clean in

76、 the morning, and I usually helped him. Tim is the best player on our team. If he didnt play, the other team might win.Two weeks ago, my friend Gretchen invited me to her house on Saturday morning. I asked Tim to start cleaning early, but it didnt help. On Saturday morning, his room was messier than

77、 ever. I told Gretchen I couldnt come. Gretchen invited me again for the next Saturday. On Monday, I decided that I wouldnt let Tims disorderly habits change my plans. I bought three big boxes and took them to Tims room. On the first box I wrote “clothes”. On the second box I wrote “books and toys”.

78、 On the third box I wrote “rubbish”.For several days, I followed Tim at home. I pointed (指) to clothes or toys on the floor, and said “Throw it in the right box!” Tim then started to remember to do it on his own. When Saturday came, we took the clothes from the first box to the laundry (洗衣店). Then we put the books on the shelf (书架) and the toys in the toy box. Finally, we threw the rubbish away. Then Tim and I played with Gretchen until time for the baseball game. 根据材料内容选


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