已阅读5页,还剩1页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2016-2017学年度 八 年级 班 英语 教案课 题U8T2SB课 型新授课节数1备课人审核人授课人日期教学目标知识与技能1.继续学习由疑问词引导的宾语从句。2.继续学习句型Its + adj. + that和 Its + adj. + (for sb. ) to do sth.。3. 学习不同场合的着装常识及穿着建议的用语。4. 朗读句子时体会升调与降调语气感情上的不同。过程与方法Preview the lesson and teamwork to discuss the passage情感态度了解不同场合、不同职业和不同国家的着装文化,增强学生的审美能力,并学

2、会得体着装。教材分析重点1.掌握由疑问词引导的宾语从句。2.掌握句型Its + adj. + that和 Its + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth.。3.学习不同场合的着装常识及穿着建议的用语。难点能根据对话简单地写出关于在不同的场合怎样正确着装的短文。教学模式三疑三探课时共_1_课时学法自学 合作 探究主 案副案(修改栏)一、设疑自探(10分钟)(一)创设情境,导入新课Good morning, class ! Today we are going to learn Unit8 Topic 2 We can design our own uniforms.Sectio

3、n B. Before class,lets review what we learned about last lesson.Now Please turn to page 91 and listen to 1a . Please listen to it carefully and then find out the questions you want to know.(2) 根据学习目标,提出问题。看到这些学习目标,你想知道什么?请提出来,预设:1.文中由疑问词引导的宾语从句有哪些?2.句型Its + adj. + that和 Its + adj. + (for sb.) to do

4、sth的用法是什么?.3.不同场合的着装常识及穿着建议的用语有哪些? 出示下面的自探提示。(三)出示自探提示,组织学生自探。(5 分钟)自探提示:1.文中由疑问词引导的宾语从句有哪些?2.句型Its + adj. + that和 Its + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth. 的用法是什么?3.不同场合的着装常识及穿着建议的用语有哪些?二、解疑合探(7 分钟)(一).小组合探。1.小组内讨论解决自探中未解决的问题; 2.教师出示展示与评价分工。问题123展示评价(二).全班合探。1.学生展示与评价; Some new words and phrases: gatekeepe

5、r,suit,attendant,enter,knee,occasion,correctly, take off, on every occasion 重点句型: (1)-Can you tell me what I should wear here? -You should wear a business suit. (2)-Could you tell me where the special shoes are? - This way, please. (3) You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in J

6、apan. (4) You should wear your sports clothes. (5) People should dress correctly.2. 教师点拨或精讲。 (1) It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion(在每一个场合). occasion为可数名词。本句型为:It is +adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. ,it是形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth. ,意为“(对于某人来说)做.是.的”。可以与It is +adj.+that . 句型转换。E.g:It is i

7、mportant for us to take care of the environment=It is important that we should take care of the Environment. (2)It's suitable (for us ) to wear business suits in a meeting. It's suitable that we wear business suits in a meeting.这两个句型分别为为:It is +adj.+(for sb.) to do sth与It is +adj.+that . 拓展:

8、necessary ,suitable ,important, right,等词也可以使用此句型。比如: It's necessary/important/right that we keep quiet in the hospital. =It's necessary/important/right (for us) to keep quiet in the hospital. (3)You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan. take off脱下(衣物),摘掉;其反义词组为put

9、 on穿上;戴上三、质疑再探:( 5 分钟)1.现在,我们已经解决了自探问题。下面我们再回看一下,开始我们提出的问题还有那些没有解决?2.本节的知识已经学完,对于本节的学习,谁还有什么问题或不明白的地方?请提出来,大家一起来解决. 四、运用拓展( 11 分钟)(一)根据本节学习内容,学生自编习题,交流解答。请你来当小老师,编一道题,考考大家(同桌)!(2) 根据学生自编习题的练习情况,教师有选择地出示下面的习题共学生练习。为了巩固本节知识,加强知识的运用拓展,老师也给大家设计了一些习题,检测一下大家对本节知识的掌握与运用情况,请看:一、单项选择。( ) 1.Its dangerous for

10、you _ the tree. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed( ) 2. Could you tell me_? In Beijing. A. where does he work B. when does he work C. when he works D. where he works( ) 3._ is important for children to get a good education. A. This B. That C. What D. It( ) 4. Could you tell me _ tomorrow m

11、orning? Well, it will start at 9 oclock. A. when the meeting will start B. where will the meeting start C. where the meeting starts D. when the meeting would start二、句型转换。1. It is important that we listen to the teacher carefully in class.(改为同义句)Its important _ _ _ listen to the teacher carefully in

12、class.2. Black clothes are suitable for a fat person.(改为同义句) _ suitable _ a fat person wears black clothes.3. Where did she park her car? Do you know?(合并为一句) 4. Where is the Boda Park? Could you tell me?(合并为一句) _(三)全课总结1.学生谈学习收获。通过这节课的学习,你都有哪些收获?谈一谈.2.学科班长评价本节课活动情况。板书设计 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 We

13、 can design our own uniforms. Section B1.on every occasion 在每一个场合 occasion为可数名词。2.take off脱下(衣物),摘掉;其反义词组为put on穿上;戴上3.It is +adj.+(for sb.) to do sth与It is +adj.+that .可以互换。 拓展:necessary ,suitable ,important, right,等词也可以使用此句型。如:It's necessary/important/right that we keep quiet in the hospital. =It's necessary/important/right (for us) to keep quiet in the hospita


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