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1、2021-2021 学年高一下学期 第三次月考英语试题 考试时间: 120 分钟 分值: 120 分 第 I 卷共 70 分 第一局部:听力 共两节,总分值 20 分 第一节 共 5 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 5 分听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来答复有关 小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A.£ 19.15. 答案是 C。1 .What is the man going to doA. Visit a u

2、niversity.2 .How does the woman feel nowB.£ 9.18C.£ 9.15A. Excited.B. Work in a university. ?B. Painful.C. Study in a university.C. Frightened.3 .What does the woman want the man to doA. Attend a meeting.B. Get on a bus.C. Show her a bus stop.4 .How was the man ' s day ?A. Busy.B .Easy

3、.5 .How much does the woman pay for her dressA. $50.B. $150.第二节共 1 5小题;每题 1 分,总分值 15分听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅C .Disappointing.C. $15.从题中所给的A、B C 三读各个小题,每题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,答复第 6、 7 题。6 .Where does the conversation probably take place5 秒钟的作答时间。每段

4、对话或独A. On a train.B. On a bus.7 .What does the man want now ?A. A ticket.B. Some food.听第 7 段材料,答复第 8 至 10题。8 .Who is Alice ?A. Tom' s neighbor.B. Tom's teacher.C. On a flight.C. A holiday.C. Tom's cousin.A. Two years. B. Six years. C. Three years.lO.Where did Tom ' s cousin live ?A.

5、Dallas.B. Viet namC. Washi ngt on.听第8段材料,答复第11至13题。11. Why is the woma n visit ing the man?A .To ask for advice.B .To apply for scholarship.C .To talk about the old school days.12. Which field is the woma n going to study?Computer scie nee.A. Electro nic engin eeri ng. B. Moder n tech no logy. C.13.

6、 How does the man think of the famous uni versities such as Harvard?A. Smaller, very nice and much cheaper.B. Won derful but competitive and expe nsive.C. Not a suitable place for the woma n to study.听第9段材料,答复第14至17题。14. Who just had a baby?A. Anna.B. Peter.C. Cathy.15. Why did Peter cha nge his hai

7、rstyle?A. Because it is out of fashi on now.B. Because he got tired of wash ing it.C. Because he cha nged his job.16. Where did Tom use to work ?A. A book store.B. A computer software company. C. A barber' s shop.17. What is the probable relati on ship betwee n the speakers?A. Husba nd and wife.

8、 B. Employer and employee. C. Old friends or n eighbors.听第10段材料,答复第18至20题。18. How much should a young couple with their six-year-old son pay for the film ?A. $13.50.B. $5.00.C. $3.50.19. Which film tells a story about a lovely dog?A. Street match.B. Ships In The Night. C. Lulu.20. What does the spea

9、ker mai nly talk about?A. The movies and times of scree ning.B. The movies are in teresti ng.C. The prices of the movie tickets.第二局部:阅读理解共2节,总分值30分第一节共10小题;每题2分,总分值20分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A B、C D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was wait ing for a phone call from my age nt. He had left a message the ni ght before

10、, tell ing me that my show was to be can celled. I called him several times, but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later. So I waited and waited, but there was still no call. Three hours pass ing by, I became more and more impatie nt.I was certa in th

11、at my age nt did n ' tcare about mywork, and he didn ' t care about me. I was overcome with that thought. I started to shout at the phone,"Let me wait, will you? Who do you think youare? At tha t time I didn ' t realizermy wife was looking on. Without showing hersurprise, she rushed

12、 in, seized the pho ne, tore off the wires, and shouted at the phone, “ Yeah! Whodo you think you are? Bad telepho ne!Bad teleph one! Andshe swept it into the wastebasket.I stood watch ing her, speechless. What on earth.?She stepped to the doorway and shouted at the rest of the house,“ Now hearthis!

13、 All objects in this room- if you do anything to upset my husba nd , out you go! Then she turned to me, kissed me, an d said calmly,“ Hon ey, you just have tolearn how to take control. With that, she left the room.After watch ing a crazy woma n rush ing in and out, shouti ng at everyth ing in sight,

14、 I no ticed that someth ing in my mood情绪 had cha nged. I was laughi ng.How could I have trouble with that phone?Her an tics helped me realizeIhadbee ndrive n crazy by small thin gs. Twenty minu teslater my age nt did call.Iwasableto listen to him and talk to him calmly.21. Why did the author shout a

15、t the telepho ne?A. He was mad at the teleph one.B. He was angry with his age nt.C. He was an xious about his wife.D. He was impatie nt with the secretary.22. What made the author laugh?A. His own behavior.B. His wife ' s suggestion.C. His cha ngeable feeli ngs.D. His wife ' s sweet kiss .23

16、. What does the un derl ined word“ an tics refer to?A. Smart words.B. Unu sual actions.C. Surpris ing looks.D. An xious feeli ngs.BSomething in chocolate could be used to stop coughs and lead to more effective medic in es, say UK researchers.Their study found that theobromine, found in cocoa, was ne

17、arly a third more effective in stopp ing coughs tha n code ine, which was con sidered the best cough medic ine at prese nt.The Imperial College London researchers who published their results on li ne said the disc overy could lead to more effective cough treatment. “While coughing is not necessarily

18、 harmful, it can have a major effect on the quality of life, and this discovery could be a huge step forward in treatingthis problem, saidProfessor Peter Barn es.Ten healthy volunteers were given theobromine, codeine or placebo, a pill that contains no medicine, during the experiment. Neither the vo

19、lunteers nor the researchers knew who received which pill. The researchers the n measured levels of capsaici n, which is used in research to cause coughi ng and as a sig n of how well the medici ne is stopp ing coughs.The team found that, when the volunteers were given theobromine, the capsaic in n

20、eeded to produce a cough was around a third higher tha n in the placebo group.When they were give n code ine they n eed only slightly higher levels of capsaic in to cause a cough compared with the placebo.The researchers said that theobromine worked by keeping down a nerve activity 神经活动,which causes

21、 coughing. They also found that unlike some standard cough treatme nts, theobro mine caused no side effects such as sleep in ess.24. Accord ing to Professor Barn es, theobro mine.A. cannot be as effective as code ineB. can be harmful to people ' s healthC. cannot be separated from chocolateD. ca

22、n be a more effective cure for coughs25. We lear n from the text that volun teers in the experime nt.A. were patie nts with bad coughsB. were divided into three groupsC. received sta ndard treatme ntsD. suffered little side effects26. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Co

23、deine: A New MedicineB. Chocolate May Cure CoughsC. Cough Treatme nt: A Hard CaseD. Theobro mine Can Cause CoughsCWe were on the way from Hutchinson to Chicago for a short spring break. For many years I had wan ted to takemy familyon the train. Weall had bee ntoChicagofour years ago, and the kids lo

24、ved it. Chicago is one of my favorite cities, too, so the thought struck meagainlast fallto ride the train to Chicago.Ofcourse,flying wou ld have been faster. ButI don' t think flying is easier, especiallythese days, with all the security and wait ing in lines at airports.Though we were tired in

25、 the middle of the ni ght, the kids got on the train with the exhilarationof this adventure.“W6 re moving, my son Williamshouted happily with big eyes as the train began to pull away from the Hutchinson statio n.I removed my shoes and lay down to try to finish my night' s sleep. Thesleeper car w

26、ould have better en abled that, but the ordinary train seats were not too bad. An airli ne flight is a harder experie nce for me: not eno ugh room, two hours of pain with my kn ees almost touch ing my mouth. On the train I could almost outstretch all of my 6-foot-2-plus body in the gen erous legroom

27、.The journe y didn ' t feel at all as long as it was. We all found the train ride a joy. The car ride would have felt every minute of 13 hours. But on the train you are free to walk around, sit in the observation carriage for a while and enjoy the scenery out the win dows, have a n ice meal in t

28、he dining car, read a book, or play a board game.In short, the train is all about enjoying the trip, which isn' t somethingI do so much when traveling by airline or by car, when the trip seems more of a mission 任务to get there than an experience to enjoy along the way.Chicago offers much to do fo

29、r a family. This time, getting there was half the fun.27. We can lear n from the first paragraph that.A. the kids love the train journeyB. it was the first time that the kids were taken on the trainC. the author didn ' t enjoy the long train journeyD. Chicago is one of the kid ' s favorite c

30、ities28. What does the underlined word “exhilaration in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Tired ness.B. Relaxati on.C.Exciteme nt.D. Worry.29. In the third paragraph, an airli ne flight experie nce is men tioned to showB. a train ride is too longA. a train ride is more comfortableD. an airlineflight isC.

31、 an airline flight is miserable easier30. Which of the following the train journ ey?A. Moved.words best describes the whole family ' s feelingB. Nervous.aboutC.D. Delighted.2分,总分值10分Disappo in ted.第二节共5小题;每题根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项,选项中有两项为 多余选项。注意:此题31-35的答案要涂到答题卡 71-75 上Tricks to Lear n fr

32、om Super SleepersDo you want to sleep soun dly each ni ght and wake up en ergized the n ext day?Exercise early.Morning fitness class 健身班 or gym time before work? Go ahead, give it a try.31 Whi le experts aren ' t exactly sure why, it could have something to do withmorning exercise ' s abilit

33、y to help regulate the secretion分泌物 of certainhormones 荷尔蒙 involvedin blood pressure management, which may lead to better sleep.Eat light at ni ght.Desiring a midnight snack? If your stomach starts rumbling 发出咕噜声before bed, try reaching for good-for-you foods that actually promote sleep, like walnut

34、s, tart cherries, or Greek yogurt in stead.32 Eat ing too much of any thi ngwith in a few hours of going to bed could suppress抑制your body ' s ability toproduce sleep-promoti ng melat onin.Power dow n at ni ght.Smart phon es, tablets, and laptops let you do everyth ing from shopp ing to watching

35、movies to working in bed. What they don' t let you do?Fall asleep.33 .In additi on to reduci ng your blue light exposure,you' ll probably feelless stressed, which in itself can help you sleep better.Keep their rooms cool34 But being too warm can make it harder to have quality sleep, saexpert

36、s at the Nati onal Sleep Foun dati on. In stead, they recomme nd keep ing your bedroom at around 20°C ,which research suggests is the most suitable temperaturefor great sleep.35Consistency 致性 is key to healthy sleep. Though for someit ' s usualto stay up late, then get up early for work and

37、 sleep late on the weekends, doing so can cause damage to your body ' s internal clock. Over time, that can make it harder to fall asleep, not to men ti on mak ing it more un pleasa nt to wake up inthe morning.A. The idea of a comfortable bedroom and piles of soft, fuzzy 毛茸茸的blanketsis very appe

38、ali ng.B. Find ways to deal with stress.C. Go to bed at the same time every ni ght.D. However, try not to overeat eve n it is the healthy food.E. You don' t have to give up alcohol altogether in thename of better sleep.F. Exercis ing in the morning could lead to better sleep tha n after noon or

39、evening sweat sess ions.G. Put your devices away at ni ght ideally, two to three hours before you pla n to go to sleep.第三局部 完形填空共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B、C和D中,选出可以填入空 白处的最正确选项。Once upon, there were two traveling angels天使who stopped to spend thenight in the home of a wealthy family. T

40、he family was impolite and 36 to let the an gels stay in the guest roo m. In stead, thean gels were give n a space in the37 underground room. As they 38 their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the 39 and repaired it. When the youn ger an gel asked why, theolder an gel 40 , "T

41、h ings aren't always what they seem."The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very 41 , but very kind farmer and his wife. 42 sharing the little food they had, the couple let the an gels sleep in their bed 43 they could have a good ni ght's rest.When the sun came up the n

42、ext morning, the an gels found the farmer and his wife in 44 . Their only cow, whose milk had bee n their only in come, lay 45 in the field.The youn ger an gel was very angry and asked the older an gel, "How could this46 ? Why did you not watch out for the cow? The first man had 47 , yet you wa

43、tched over his house," she accused. "The sec ond family had little but was 48to share everyth ing, and you did not help."."Thi ngs aren't always what they seem," the older an gel replied. "Whe n we 49 in the underground room, I noticed there was gold 50 inthat hole

44、in the wall.Since the owner was so greedy and unwilling to 51 his good fortune, I askedGod if I could 52 the wall so he could n't find it. The n last ni ght as we slept in the farmer's bed, the an gel of death came for his wife. I asked God if the an gel could take the cow 53 . You see, thin

45、gs aren't always what they seem.Sometimes this is exactly what happe ns whe n things don't 54 the way theyshould. You need to 55 that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it /un til sometime later.36. A. decidedB. preferredC.agreedD. refused37. A. coolB.coldC.warmD.

46、comfortable38. A.madeB. setC. fixedD. decorated39. A. grou ndB. ceili ngC. wallD. window40. A. criedB.spokeCsangD. replied41. A. richB.poorC.luckyD. fortun ate42. A. BeforeB.Si neeC.AfterD. When43. A. whereB. whatCwhyD. which44. A.sweatB.tearsC.powerD.danger45. A. happyB. disappo in tedCaliveD.dead4

47、6. A. appearB.happenC.runD. operate47. A. somethi ngB. nothi ngC.noneD. everyth ing48. A. willi ngB.unhappyCexcit ingD. surpris ing49. A. parkedB. campedCstayedD. rema ined50. A. storedB. stole nC.robbedD. picked51. A. divideB.showC.shareD. separate52. A. damage ruin53. A. i nsteadbeyondaway54. A. t

48、urn inturn to55. A. hopetrustB. eraseC.D. seal 圭寸上B.C.D. asideB. turn outD. turn offB. wishD.suppose第n卷共50分C.C.第三局部:英语知识运用第一节 课文原文填空短语填空共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分It is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in EastAfrica.Following Jane' s way of studying chimps, our group are all goi

49、ng to visitthem in the forest. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people un dersta nd how much they behave like huma ns. Watch ing a family of chimps is our first activity of the day. This means 1 回至U the placewhere we left the family sleep ing ina tree the ni ght be

50、fore. Everybody sits andwaits 2 在荫凉下the trees while the family begins to wake up and _3离开.Then we follow as they 4 漫步走进the forest. Most of the time,chimps either feed or clean each other as away of showing love in their family.Jane warns us that our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the a

51、fter noon and she is right. However, the evening 5 让一切变得值得 .We watch themother chimp and her babies play in the tree. Then we see them go to sleep togetherin their n est for the ni ght. Werealize that the bond betwee n members of a chimpfamily is as strong as in a human family.Born in 1930,Yuan Long

52、ping6 毕业于Southwest Agricultural Collegein 1953.7 自从那时,finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.As a young man, he saw the great n eed for in creas ing the rice output. At that time, hun ger was a disturb ing problem in many parts of the coun tryside. YuanLongping 8 寻找a way to in crease

53、rice harvests without expa nding the area of the fields. In 1950, Chinese farmers could produce about fifty-sixmilliontons of rice. In a recent harvest, however, nearly two hundred million tons of rice was produced. These in creased harvests mean that 22% of the world ' s people are fed from jus

54、t 7%of the farmland in the world. Yuan Longping is now circulatinghis kno wledgein In dia,Vietnam and many other less developed countriestoin creasetheir rice harvests. 9 多亏his research, the UN has more tools produci ng harvests twice before.第二节 语法填空共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容1个单词或括号内单词的正确形式

55、He is the man who for many people has bee n a role model. NowThere is a special day whe n you can express your tha nks and let him know 1 importa nt he is to you. Father ' s Day 2 fall on the third Sun day of June. The idea ofFather ' s Day came from 3 American woman called Sonora Smart Dodd

56、 in 1909.Dodd wan ted a special day 4 honor her father. He raised six childre n by5 after his wife died. Dodd thought there n eeded to be a day to honor lovi ng dads.The first Father ' s Day 6 celebrate on June 19, 1910. In 1924, USPreside nt Calvi n Coolidge supported the idea of a 7 n ati on F

57、ather ' sDay. Fin ally, in 1966, Preside nt Lyndon Joh nson declared the third Sun day of June 8 Father ' s Day.Here are some ways to show your love and respect:Send him a greeting card. Fathers prefer cards 9 are not too emotional表现强烈情感的 .So choose one that will make him laugh. If he has a computer, cover his desktop 桌面10 words like “ I love you Dad' .


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