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1、邢唷? ?su?r欹? 餜?Jtbjbj995vSS?j?VVVVVVVjrrr8?6!lj奅d?(?獶獶獶獶獶獶$頕hVIx螪uV ? 螪VV?DE? ?V?V? ?AVV1B?0阃蹚?r?AZE0奅A?蜪?蜪D1B1B0蜪VaCH?-?=%?螪螪?X?奅 jjj?.-Djjj.-jjjVVVVVVB o o k3U n i t1f o rM yF a t h e rI .T e a c h i n gA i m s :1 .E n a b l es t u d e n t st ou n d e r s t a n dg e n e r a t i o ng a pa n dd i f f

2、 e r e n tv al u e sb e t w e e nt h ey o u n ga n dt h eol d .2 .E n a b l es t u d e n t st oc o n t r a s tun c o u n t a b l em a s sn o u n sw i t hr e l a te dc o u n t a b l en o u n s ,s u c ha s :b r ea d?al o a f3. Familiarize students with vocabulary: be easy to get along with, be pleased

3、 to do .(adj. + to do something), vain, easy-going, keep oneself to oneself, be out of touchwith, come first, be off somewhere doing something, be proud of something, show off,let somebody down, settle down, not to see much of somebody, in the wrong (right) clothes,be opposed to, humble4. Enable stu

4、dents to know writing skills: introducing styles of writing and trainingSs how to describe people from subjective judgment and selected details by fragmentedmemoryII. Lead-in: Listening & Speaking Activities1. Brainstorming (20 minutes)1) Adjectives for describing personality (character):Positiv

5、e adjectives: easy-going, honest, open-minded, humorous, interesting, pleasant,pleasurable,frank, sympathetic, helpful, loyalNegative adjectives: arrogant, dishonest, difficult, narrow-minded, boring, loathsome,unpleasant, selfish, rude, cowardlyNeutral adjectives: complicated, reserved, silent, qui

6、et, talkative, sophisticated,ambitious, aggressive, timid, impulsive, sociable / unsociable2) Expressions for personal appearance( ones looks):Size:thin, skinny, slim, slender, big, large, small, little, stout, plump, fat,robust, athletic, muscularAge:old, young, look old / young, doesnt look ones a

7、ge, youngish, elderly,middle-aged, in ones thirties (forties).Resemblance: look like somebody, resemble, take after somebody, have someones eyes/ nose / hair.3) Expressions for likes and dislikes:love, like, enjoy, be crazy / mad about, be keen on, be interested indislike, feel sick about, hate, be

8、indifferent to, dont care for, be disgusted with4) Expressions for managing relationships:Improving relations: get along with, have a good or friendly relationship with, be ongood terms with,live happily with, be kind / nice / agreeable to, compliment, praise,appreciate ones help / adviceHurting rel

9、ations: laugh at, criticize, ridicule, quarrel with, split with, break upwith, look down upon, interfere with ones affairs, have a bad relationship with, thereis bad blood between . and.be difficult / hard on somebodyNeutral: cope with, keep in touch with, be in / out of contact with5) Expressions f

10、or people we know or meet:friends, strangers, acquaintances, colleagues, classmates, schoolmates, roommates,fellow students, fellow workert them. Probably, others may have different, evenopposite, views on the same facts. Readers should be aware of the subjectivity of theviews expressed in this pass

11、age.(2) Para. 2. award: to give, esp. as the result of official decision (v&n)award to sb /award sb. sth.reward: v&n. (sth. Gained or received as ) a return for doing sth.good or valuable = because ofeg. They rewarded the boy with E5 for bringing the list dog back.(3) Para. 2. be proud oftak

12、e pride inpride oneself on /uponprideful adj.(4) Para. 2. It was incredibly boring: It was extremely boring. The adverb incrediblyis an intensifier, denoting a high degree. The use of intensifiers is a common featureof spoken language. Similar intensifiers include terribly, awfully?etc.Here are two

13、examples:e.g. I am awfully glad to see you.e.g. It was terribly cold outside.(5) Para. 2. You had to sit there for hours: The pronoun you is used here to refer topeople in general, denoting a colloquial style.(6) Para.3 .S e t t l ed o w n1 .t os i tc o m f o r t a b l ye . g .S h es e t t l e d( h

14、er s e l f )d o w ni nac h a i rw i t hab oo ka ndac u po ft e a .2 .( v i . )t oe s t a b l i s hah o m ea n dl i v eaq u i e tl i f e .歔 Ee . g .Ih a t ea l lt h i st r a v e l ;Iwa n tt og e tm a r r i e da n ds e t t l ed ow n .3 .( v i . )t ob e c o m eu s e dt oaw a yo fl i f e ,j o b ,e t c .

15、蜰婲鶹歔剉 L N菑塠歔剉 u;me g .H es o o ns e t t l e dd o w ni nh i sn e ws c h o o l .4 .( v i .t o )t os t a r tg i vi n go n e ss e r i o u so rw h o l ea t t e n t i o nt oaj o b ,a c t i v i t i e s .e . g .Im u s ts e t t l ed o w na n dd omyh o m e w o r k .塠N 胈 eg N 胈魜譥嶯( 7 ) .P a r a .3 .Id i d n tw

16、 a n tt ogot h e r ei nt h ef i r s tp l a c e :Ih adn oi n t e n t i o nt og ot h e r ef r o mt h ev e r yb e g i n n i n g .T h ep h r a s eint h ef i r s tp l a c ec a na l s o1 .i n t r o d u c eo rd r a wa t t e n t i o ntot h ei l l u s t r a t i o no fas e r i e sofp o i n t so rr e a s o n s

17、 ,e.g. Now, in the first place, what made you leave so suddenly, and in the second place,why did you leave no message?2. denote a very important point or reason,e.g. In the first place, I must define some terms.(8). Para. 4. that: adv. (int.) (usu. In questions and negatives) so; to such a degree.e.

18、g. It wasn 抰 that good, actually. (=it was quite good but not very good).(BE 穌 ial). I was that hungry I could have eaten a horse!(9). Para. 4.As a family, were not that close: The word that in the sentence is anadverb to emphasise the degree of a feeling or quality (=so).Here is another example fro

19、m the text: Im not that interested.More examples:The baby cannot stay up that late. You cant have eaten that much.(10). Para. 5. break up: to come or bring to an end, esp. by separatinge.g. Their marriage broke up.The police broke up the fight.The conference broke up without reaching any agreement.2

20、) Language workEx.1 In other wordsEx.2 Work with sentencesEx.3 Word studyEx.1 and Ex.2 are designed to give Ss an opportunity to revisit the text and refreshthe knowledge of language points. Ex.3 can improve Ss?ability to use the given promptsto produce sentences.5. Summary (10 minutes)Retell the te

21、xt using the following clues.a self-centred, unapproachable fathera little bit vainthe writer 抯 school experiencedifference in interests between father and daughterthe father 抯 attitude to his daughter 抯 marriage and having childrenI V .E x t e n d e dA c t i v i t i e s( 3 f鰁)1 .R e v i e w :N e ww

22、 o r d sa n de xp r e s s i o n si nP a r t=2 *R O M ANI I ;G r a m m a rp o i n t s( 1 5m i n ut e s )2 .D i c t a t i o n( 1 5m i n u t e s )P 8E x . 13 .R e a d i n gm o r e :s k i m m i n ga n ds ca n n i n g( 1 0m i n u t e s )P 9E x . 2M yD a u g h t e r( as t o r ytoldby the father, a famous

23、actyor) by James Mitford4. Grammar work ( 20 minutes)P10 Ex.3 Difference between Count Nouns and Non-count Nouns5. Vocabulary work (10 minutes)P13 Ex.46. Translation (15 minutes)P12 Ex.57. Raising questions (10 minutes)P12 Ex.68.Writing: Styles of writing. (20 minutes)To describe people from subject

24、ive judgment and selected details by fragmented memory9. Cultural information: Gypsy (10minutes)Answert,BHZbfl?4Z+-.%)鲭鲭菸肼珐潻潚嫆嫆亱抧 c 扨$ h磢? hx*? B* CJmHo(phsH h? CJmHo(sH$ h? h? B* CJmHo(phsH hx*? CJmHsH hx*? CJo( hx*? CJmHo(sH hx*? B* CJaJph E|?e?7?t?w? 勏 WDb 勏 &F?h|剅 ? d 橚剅? &F?h?剝 ?d 橚VD?

25、WD剝 ?d b 剾 d 橚WD? 剾gd b&F?h? ? d 橚?&F?h?剟 ?d 橚剟 ? 劃 d 橚WD? 劃gd b? 2b?9;c?黝鬻铄黝鬻铄黝逯谴执嫶lll hx*? 5丅 * 乤Jo(ph$ hx*? 5丅* 乤 JmHo(phsH hx*? B*aJo(ph* h? h?5丅* 乤 JmHo(phsH$ h?f? 5丅*乤 JmHo(phsH$ hx*? 5丅*乤 JmHo(phsH h?f? 5丅*乤 Jo(ph hx*? 5丅*乤Jo(ph hx*? 乤 Jo( h?f? 5乤 Jo( hx*? 5乤Jo(- ? ?Vu?p勷 d 橚VD? 勷gdt3

26、?勷 d 橚VD? 勷gd?勷 劘 d 橚VD? WD?勷劘 gdt3? 剉 d 橚WD,剉 gdt3?勩 勁?d 橚VDDWDj勩 勁dt3? $勽 刧 1$VD? WD1 勽刧 a$ gd?8 $&F 匂1$WD? 匂a$ gd?&F?h|剅 勚 d 橚剅勚 ?%cm ! !(!)!*!0!N!O!钿咒智奖奖嚱嚱嚱雹絥奖奖絿 bU hx*? B*乤 Jo(ph hx*? B*乤Jph hx*? 6丅*乤Jph h?o B*aJo(ph ht3? B*aJo(ph h?8 5丅*乤Jo(ph hx*? 5丅*乤Jo(ph hx*? B*aJo(ph hx*? B*aJph h

27、?8 hx*? B* aJo(ph hx*? 5乗乤 JmHo(sH hx*? 5乗乤Jo( h?8 h?8 5丅* 乤 Jo(ph! !)!O!r!?#?|nnn勷 d 橚VD? 勷gd? 剉 d 橚WD,剉 gd M? 匄 刓DWD8匄 刓d M?勷 勳 d 橚VD? WDX 勷勳 gdt3?勷 ? d 橚VD? WD?勷? gd?o勷 剝 d 橚VD? WD& 勷剝 gdt3?劖 ?d 橚VDVWD劖?齡 dt3?勷 劚 d 橚VD? WD?勷劚 gdt3?O!T!r!v!?&0246:hxz# # # #- #? $&$ % % %?蜴 越 瑺 憞 噉 _n噞

28、爣 _n_ 噞 爣 n_n噞 _n_噞? h?o h?o B* aJo(ph h?o hx*? B* aJph h?o B*aJo(ph hx*? B*aJph hx*? 5丅*乤Jo(ph hx*? B*aJo(ph h?o hx*? 6丅*CJaJph, h?o hx*? 5?丅*CJ乚乤Jo(ph# h?o hx*? 6丅*CJaJo(ph hx*? B*乤Jph ht3? B*乤Jo(ph%? $?&Z (z(?2)?ye勷 ? d 橚VD? WD? 勷? gdt3?勷 剝 d 橚VD? WD& 勷剝 gdt3?勷 凥 d 橚VD? WD?勷凥 gdt3? 刓?d 橚L

29、/?60Y0?1 1;1? $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd? $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd 簈 y $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd 諼 $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd 焢/ $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd? $1$a$ $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd; ? $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd? $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gdK?Z/j/p/?5060J0K0Y0Z000b0?灬轴歉歉釆醷 ooQ 酈? h焢/ hK? B*aJo(ph h? hIQ? B*aJo(ph hIQ? hIQ? B*aJo(ph h? B*aJo(ph h; ? h? B*aJo(ph

30、h 諼 hIQ? 5乗乷(& h; ? hse1 5丅* 乵 Ho(phsH h h B*aJo(ph h; ? h; ? B*aJo(ph h; ? hK? B*aJo(ph h 諼 hj? 5乗乷( h 諼 hx*? 5乗乷(& hK? hK? 5丅* 乵 Ho(phsH ?11111 1;11E11f1k1s1?d禿衐裠燧演崖番份演崖窢枲枲枲枆 zrfdfrS h? 5丅* CJ乤Jo(ph U hx*? B*aJo(ph hx*? 5乗乷( h? h? B*aJo(ph h? h? B*aJph h? B*aJph h? B*aJo(ph h 諼 hj? 5乗乷( h

31、諼 hx*? 5乗乷 ( h簈y h簈y B*aJo(ph h簈y B*aJo(ph h 焢/ h 簈 y B*aJo(ph& h 諼 hx*? 5丅* 乵 Ho(phsHhe following questions according to thecultural information.Who is a gypsy?Why are they often treated with disapproval in Britain?What does the word gypsy refer to in the US?10. Assignment (10minutes)V.Assignme

32、nt (three times)Comprehension workP5 Ex.1 part A. B. C.Language workP6-7 Ex.2 part A. B. C.Grammar workP10 Ex.3Vocabulary workP11 Ex.4TranslationP12 Ex.5Words and expressions dictationStory reproductionRetell the text using the following clues.a self-centred, unapproachable fathera little bit vainth

33、e writer 抯 school experiencedifference in interests between father and daughterthe father 抯 attitude to his daughter 抯 marriage and having childrenWriting: Styles of writing.To describe people from subjective judgment and selected details by fragmented memoryISOEBook 3 Unit1My FatherByHuang Shujun?d

34、Od嘾禿裠頳e e&eeKeTedemeye? $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd? $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gds $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd? $&F1$a$ $ ? 1$WD? ? a$ gd? &F?h|剅 勚 d 橚剅勚 $ ? 1$WD? ? a$裠遜郿韉頳e e&ee+e.e=eeKeLeNeReSeTedeeegekele镖锼拉罏挒拑纓hthX繧=I= ha5$ B*aJo(ph h; ? ha5$ B*aJo(ph- h-* hs 5丅* 乷(ph hs B*aJo(ph h; ? hs B*aJo(ph h? h? B*aJo(ph h? B*aJo(ph h 焢/ h? B*aJo(ph$ h? h? B*aJmHo(phsH h?


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