



1、Unit14 I remember all of you in Grade 7单项选择1. She wants to learn more about American history. She is thirsty _ such knowledge.A.at B of C.for D.with2、Lucy remember _her mother .But her mother hasnt received the letter .A .to write B.writes C.writing D.wrote3.If you want to study abroad , why not con

2、sider _to USA. A.go B.to go C.went D.going 5. The little girl _her seat to an old man on the crowed bus .How kind she is .A . took B.brought C.borrowed D.offered 6. The first question is _harder than the second one . A .a lot of B.a lot C.very D.more 7.The firefighters tried their best to _the fire

3、. A work out B look out C put out D keep out 11. They are looking forward _an interview with the star. A have B to have C having D to having 13.I _most of my money on snacks and drinks . A paid B spent C cost D took 14. I dont remember _my new glasses yesterday.A where I put B where did I put C wher

4、e I will put D where will I put 15. I will face the difficulties _hard they are . A whatever B wherever C however D whoever 17.Choose wisely and be _ for your own decisions actions .A thirsty B separate C thankful D responsible 18.Dont be afraid of making mistakes .Please _it . A go on B go over C g

5、o ahead D go for 19.I _you .Please do it by yourself . A believe B believe in C believer with D believe to 20.Do you remember _the star last month ? A meet B to meet C meeting D met 21.The teacher gave us some _. A advice B advices C advise D advises 22.We are _forward to _the great spaceman .A look

6、 , see B looking ,seeing C looking , see D look ,seeing 23.I still remember my first teacher _we havent seen each other for a long time .A if B until C though D because 24.How long have you _in this school ? For 3 years. I will graduate in July.A. come B.arrived C.studied D.left25.I will never forge

7、t the day_ we spent in the old town with small houses.A.who B.whom C.that D.what26. _ fast the time flies! Yes,well leave school in a month.Lets study harder.A. what a B. how a C. how D. what27.Mum, Ive got te first prize in the photo competition. _ !A. good luck B. not at all C. good idea D. congra

8、tulations28.I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Lucy? Yes. It has been almost 20 years _we were together.A. since B. before C. after D. until29.After Steven sent some e-mails, he _ surfing the Internet.A. starts B. has strarted C. will start D. started完型When people think of tigers, they think

9、 they are strong and dangerous. But now, the big animal is calling for our help. There were once eight kinds of   1   in the world, but three died out during the 20th century. In the last 70 years, the   2  of Siberian tigers (东北虎)has gone from as many as

10、 300 to   3   22 somewhere, The Siberian tiger has been   4  dying out completely, If the government doesnt make any efforts, its quite   5  that there will be no more Siberian tigers in China in ten to twenty years.In order to double the number

11、 of wild tigers in the  6   ten years, the World Wildlife Fund has started a program recently. It  7    save wild tigers and put an end to tiger hunting and killing. China, together with twelve other   8  ,has joined in.Wild animals, such a

12、s red deer and wild pigs, are the main 9   of the tigers, The hunting of these animals is the greatest threat(危险)to tigers. So the most important thing is 10   the animals that tigers eat. To protect the wild tigers, we need to call on more people to stop eating and hunting

13、wild animals.【小题1】ApigsBkoalosCdeerDtigers【小题2】AnameBkindCnumberDowner【小题3】Aless thanBmore thanCbigger thanDbetter than【小题4】Ain need ofBin danger ofCin front ofDin case of【小题5】ApossibleBimpossibleCnecessaryDimportant【小题6】AlastBnextCpastDlastly【小题7】Aaims toBused toCrefuses toDdecide to【小题8】AcitiesBpr

14、ovincesCtownsDcountries【小题9】AfriendsBfoodCmembersDfamilies【小题10】Ato sellBto killCto saveDto eatAMexico's neighbours are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south. Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the United States. Mexico has more than ninety million people.

15、The language of Mexico is Spanish. This makes Mexico the world's largest Spanish-speaking country.Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico. The city is also very high. It is 7349 feet high (2240 metres). This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world. The population, o

16、f Mexico City grows bigger every day. About thirty million people live there. It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo.Mexico also has its specialities. Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico. Foods like beans, maize, avocados, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, v

17、anilla, and chocolate come from Mexico. Mexico is also famous for its cactus (仙人掌) plants. Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country.1. Mexico is _the USA. A. on the south of         B. on the north of C. a part of     

18、60;         D. as large as2. Mexicans speak_. A. English           C. French B. Spanish      D. Latin(拉丁语)3. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. B. T

19、he population of Mexico City is 30,000,000.C. Tokyo is one of the cities with the largest population. D. Mexico City is the highest city in the world. 4. Tomatoes were originally (最初) grown in _.A. America    B. Spain  C. Tokyo    D. Mexico5. The best title (题目) of

20、 the passage is _. A. Mexico City         B. Mexico's plants C. Mexico              D. Mexico's population根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1They did a _ (调查) about how students go to school last week. 3I try

21、 my best to meet the high (标准) of that school. 4_ (将会) we visit France next week?5“Dinks” means _ _ (双倍的) Income No Kids. 6The price of that bike has d _ since last year. 7Many people search for treasure at the b _ of the sea. 8There is an a _ near our neighborhood. It makes lots of noise every day.

22、 9He used to v _ his time to help those disabled children. 10When the little girl saw her father, she ran to him in e_. 11They take p _ in their son's success. 12New c _ will appear when you go to a new school. Be brave to face them. 13My grandpa g _ from Cambridge University. He was one of the

23、cleverest person I've ever seen. 14I couldn't b _ my ears when I heard the news. 15I'll be in a _ _ (级别高的) high school in September. 16Our English teacher asked us to read as many _ (文本) as we could. 17The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea _ _ (水平)18Our class won the

24、 school soccer _ _ (竞赛) in Grade 7. 19Many _ _ (志愿者) went to Ludian, Yunnan to help the people in need. 20I'm sorry I can't deal with your problem. Wait for a moment, please. Our m is coming soon. 21It is very hot. The temperature is above 36 d_. 22We are doing a s _ about how to study for a

25、 test. 23These books are not o _. They're theirs. 24Helen got two goals in a r _ during the soccer match. 25They flew there in order that they might be in time to attend the opening (仪式)26I'm very _ (口渴的), could you fetch something to drink for me?27The children and their fathers must finish

26、 their _ _ (任务) before they had lunch. 28I think most mothers are more _ (负责任的) than fathers. 29We'd better _ (分开) the good apples from the bad ones. 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1Follow those _ (instruction), and you'll learn to operate it soon.2The teacher's voice is too low that I can't hear

27、her _ _ (clear). 3My father often encouraged me _ _ (be) brave when I was young. 4Do you remember _ _ (lose) your bag last year?5All these plastic bags can _ _ (recycle)6They _ _ (overcome) all the difficulties and succeeded in the end. 7Those are their backpacks. _ _ (we) are over there. 8After_ _

28、(graduate) from a famous university, he volunteered in a village school for three years. 9Duoduo is loved by many people because she is very _ _ (care)10His income _ (double) in he past three years. 11Luckily, I have _ _ (success) passing the important exam. 12I hope the _ _ (friend) between us will

29、 last forever.13We have studied so hard that we will pass the final exam _ _ (easy). 14_ _ (look) back at these three years, I have lots of good memories.15The noise outside kept me _ (wake) all night. 16Mr.Wang guided me _ _ (do) much better in math. 17Are you looking forward to _ _ (go) to senior

30、high school?18He _ _ (change) since he started junior high school. 19 What does your uncle do? He is a (manage) of a hotel. 20We invited Mr.White to come to our party and he was happy to accept the (invite). 21There are many _ _ (gentleman) and ladies in the meeting hall. 22Welcome to attend the _ _ (graduate) ceremony at No.31 Junior High School. 23Be _ (thank) and happy for the gifts you have. 24_ _ (last), I would like to ask about your future plans.25First,


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