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1、每日练习DECEMBER29一词组翻译1_ hands握手2.as _ as一就3_ one's surprise令某人惊讶的是4on both sides _在两边5drop _顺便访问;随便进入6_ plans制定计划7on_按时8_ all毕竟;终归9_ mad大动肝火;气愤10_ an _做出努力1go _出国2clean._把擦掉3_ off脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞1stick._插入2.have a great_过得愉快3go_ _ one's way特地;格外努力4make.feel _ _使(某人)感到宾至如归5because_由于6_ the dinner

2、 table在餐桌前7be different _不同于8cut._切碎9get used _习惯于二用所给的动词适当形式填空。82. They have invited a_(science) to give them a speech on space.83. Mrs. Chan told us to write as_(care) as we could.41. If Simon _ (have) time next weekend, he will go to the zoo.42. How _(care) you are! Youve knocked the cup off the

3、table again! 43. Yesterday was the _ (hot) day of the year.44. It seemed that the victim had many _ (enemy). 45. Im patient. I dont mind _ (wait) for people.单项填空1.-I don't feel well,doctor .- _  A. What's the matter with you? B. Are you better? C. How are you ? D. Would you like so

4、mething to drink? 2.He was _ tired _ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. enough; to 3. -Michael has been to Korea twice. -_. A. So do I B. So have I C. So I do D. So I have4. The teacher told the boys _ in the street. It's dangerous. A. n

5、ot play B. not to play C. to play D. play5.We don't know Beijing at all. _he _ I have been there. A. Neither nor B. Either or C. Both and D. Not only but also6. -What do you think of your teacher? -She always takes care_ her students and is strict _them. A. in; of B. with; of C. of; wi

6、th D. of; in7. -Could you tell me _ tomorrow ? -He'll go to a movie. A. what does Jone do B. what Jone does    C. what will Jone do          D. what Jone will do8. Please tell the students _ too much noise in class. A. to make B. t

7、o take C. not to make D. not to take 9.-Your computer is very nice. Is it expensive ?-No, it only  _   me ¥1500. A. spent  B. takes C. cost D. paid10.There are not any _in the fridgeLet's go and buy some peas,cabbages and tomatoes. A. eggs B. vegetables C. fruit D. meatJ

8、ANUARY2四。翻译我珍惜和家人一起度过的时光。(SPEND)I value the time we our family.你应该尽可能多地记英语单词。(as as)You should memorize English words you can.我经常顺便拜访我朋友们的家。(drop)。I often my friends homes yesterday.在哥伦比亚时,人们对时间的要求相当的宽松。(relax).In Colombia,people are time.他没有理由不信任我。(reason) Trust me .老师不严其烦地给我们讲解这道题。(way)The teacher

9、 to explain the question to me .她非常好客,总能给我一种宾至如归的感觉。(make)She is very friendly and at home.LINDER因为粗心大意犯了许多错误。(mistakes).Linda because of her careless.正如你能想象到,情况与他们在家时不大一样。(different)As you can ,things the way they are at home.在英国你将习惯与 左行驶。(use)You ll on the left in England.我发现要把我自己的意思让别人明白并不容易。Diff

10、icult)I find make myself understood.起初,你应该把它切碎。9cut)At first ,you should .你们不准在教室里踢足球。(suppose).You to play football.我认为这篇小说值得一读。(worth)I think the novel is .DECEMBER301in that_既然那样;假使那样的话2stick _坚持;固守3cheer._使高兴起来4try one's _尽力5plenty_大量;充足6shut _关闭;停止运转7_ time及时8_ _ a while 偶尔地;间或1look _ 查阅2be

11、 famous _以而著名3_ money挣钱4get _结婚5_ this way用这种方式6_ total总共;合计74. He is friendly to his classmates, and has made many_ (friend) here.75. After two days off on weekends, we always feel very _(relax).76. What about _ (have) a farewell (再见) party after the exam?Sounds great.77. Rich or poor, young or old

12、, we all have problems. And unless we deal with them, we can _ (easy) become unhappy.78. Excuse me. Where's Mr Wang?He _ (play) football on the playground with his students.11. -The bag is too heavy. Let me help you. - No, thanks all the time. We can carry it by _. A. we B. us C. our D. ourselve

13、s12.Amy, I'll be on holiday for a week. Could you help me  _ the dog ? A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look over13.I'll do it better if the teacher  _ me another chance. A. give B. gives C. gave D. will give14. Lingling left Linhe two years ago, and I  _

14、 him since then. A. don't see B. won't see C. didn't see D. haven't seen15.-Can you finish your work before dark ? - _. A. No problem B. That's OK C. Never mind D. With pleasure16.-Excuse me, are we going to have English lessons this afternoon? -I'm not sure. Ask Li Lei, plea

15、se. He _ know. A. have to B. needn't C. can't D. may 17. Everyone can have _ ID card, even a newly-born baby. A. a B. an C. the D. /18. More than five _ people went to the concert last night.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousands of 19. _ are those vegetables? Two yuan a kilo. A. How many B. Ho

16、w much C. What 20、_ the kind people around, he was sent to hospital in time and saved by the doctors. A. Thanks to B. Thanks for C. Because D. Because for76. 我不会去参加这个聚会,除非受到邀请。 I wont go to the party . (invite)77. 请告诉我事故是什么时候发生的好吗?Could you tell me ? (happen) 78. 为什么不让孩子去他们想去的地方呢? the children go wh

17、ere they want? (why)79. 我不知道明天他会不会准时参加会议。 he'll come to the meeting on time tomorrow. (wonder)80. 他和我都不喜欢唱歌跳舞。 he I interested in singing and dancing. (be)DECEMBER311belong _ sb.属于某人2be _担忧3go to _ _去野炊4the _ of剩余1belong _ sb.属于某人2be _担忧3go to _ _去野炊4the _ of剩余的;其他的5pick _捡起;拾起6_ to do/be过去经常7be

18、 _确信8have _ _没主意;没想法9go _离开10have _ doing sth.做某事很有趣的;其他的1_ school 放学后2wear _戴眼镜3think _想;记起;认为4take _ _淋浴5feel _感到瞌睡6look _看起来像1run _追逐;追赶2_ the same time同时;一起3communicate _.和联系41.The children often get _(noise) in the classroom after class .42.Sometimes he spends his weekend _(fish).43.Several _(f

19、oreign)came to visit our school last week.44.I think the red skirt looks as _(good)as the green one .45.John just got his _(driver) license.46.Look!Mrs Li is there. Lets go and say hello to_(she)?47.My mother often_(enjoy) the TV plays in the evening.48.Talking loudly in a library is very_(polite).1

20、. It was careless of you to have left your clothes all over. My God, _. A. so did I B. so I did C. so were you D. so did you2. Although he lived _ in a _ mountain village, he didnt feel _ at all. A. alone; alone; lonely B. alone; lonely; lonely C. lonely; lonely; alone D. lonely; alone; alone3. Pete

21、r didnt come to the meeting this morning. I _ him yesterday, but I was too busy and forgot it. A. should tell B. should have told C. had to tell D. had told4. How did it _ that all the flowers died? I had forgotten to water them. A. come about B. come back C. come on D. come down5. Bob, how about go

22、ing swimming this weekend? Go swimming in this weather? _. A. Not likely B. Have a good trip C. OK D. Im fond of that6. Mr. Smith is considering _ a computer, which is considered _ a great help in our work and study. A. to buy; to be B. buying; to be C. to buy; being D. buying; being7. Every possibl

23、e means _ to work out the problem, but it is too difficult for us. A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used8. She spent as much as time as she could _ over the lessons. A. go B. to go C. going D. went9. Why didnt Susan come to see us yesterday as she promised? _. A. She must be busy

24、 B. She might have been free C. She must have been busy D. She cant be free10. She has two daughters , _ are nurses. A. all of them B. both of them C. both of whom D. all of whom71. 我的爷爷习惯早起。 My grandmas _ _ getting up early. 72. 过度使用手机对身体有害。 Using mobile phones _ _ is bad for your health. 73. 今天我以学

25、校为荣,明天学校以我为傲。 Today Im _ of my school and tomorrow my school will take _ in my success. 74. 如果时间再多一点,我将能做的更好。 If more time _ _, I will do it better. 75. 即使是最简单的日常活动也会对环境造成影响。 Even the simplest _ _ can make a difference to the environment.2015 January176.Our beautiful classroom _(clean) every day.77.

26、In order to improve Marys self-confidence,her teacher asked her to look at _(she)in a mirror every morning and say “Im the best. ”78.She was very _(happy) to fail the final exam.79.Here are _(tomato) noodles.They smell good!80.Trust him!He has no difficulty _(work) out the problem.81.Ceaners clean t

27、he street every day.Their work is _(true) common.82.More and more people all over thd country are worried about food _(safe).83.Windy does _(badly) is P.E. than me.11. Tom, together with his two sisters, _ .A. has seated B. has been seated C. have seated D. have been seated12. The young scientist ma

28、de another wonderful discovery,_ of great importance to study SARS. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. I think which is D. I think is which13. May I look at the menu for a little while? Of course, _, sir. A. dont worry B. it doesnt matter C. enjoy yourself D. take your time14. Im afraid _

29、 her the truth, because Im afraid_ her.A. to tell; of hurting B. to tell; to hurtC. of telling; to hurt D. of telling; of hurting15. I can never forget the days _ we worked togetherand the days _ we spent happily together. A. for which; that B. which; when C. when; which D. on which; when16. To go o

30、n business, I will have to stay _ for some time, so I will ask someone to _. A. away; take my place B. off; instead of me C. off; take the place of mine D. away; take place of me17. My father served in the army in _ when he wasin _. A. 1950s; twenties B. the 1950s; his twenties C. the 1950s; the twe

31、nties D. 1950s; the twenties18. -Would you mind my telling him the news? -_. A. Yes, please B. Never mind C. It doesnt matter D. No, go ahead19. It is the way _ they walk _ makes people laugh.A. how; that B. that; that C. in which; which D. /; which20. Is that 110? A thief is in my houseOk, help is

32、_. A. in the way B. in its way C. on the way D. by the way6. How can I speak English _(与你一样好), Rose? Practice makes perfect.67. The charity aims to provide help to people _(需要)68. Peter was so tired that he _(直到才醒来) half past eight yesterday.69. Simon has difficult in _(与相处得好) his new classmates. I&

33、#39;ll give him some advice.70. A recent survey shows more than twothirds of Chinese _(对满意) their health service.JANUARY31be used _被用来2have a _有道理3_ that time在那时4_ accident偶然;意外地5_ an open fire在火上6take_发生;出现7_ doubt毫无疑问;的确1_ a _ price以低价格2steal._从偷3translate._翻译为4_ _ a sudden突然;猛地1_ the end在最后2_ mis

34、take错误地;无意中3_ fun为了娱乐、消遣4more _多于5the _奥林匹克运动会6divide._把分开7_ the same team在同一队8stop._阻止某人干某事9_ the world全世界10dream _梦想11not only._ _.不但而且12look _ to钦佩;仰慕1.我相信我们的中国梦一定会实现。trueI believe our Chinese dreams will .2.杰克很外向,也很容易相处。getJack is very outgoing and easy to .4.他们正在组织一场才艺表演为慈善事业筹款。raiseTheyre orga

35、nizing a talent show to for charity. 5.哈维的父母找到了一些适合他读的书籍。suitableHarveys parents found some books him to read.6.当琳达听到这个好消息的时候,情不自禁的笑了。helpWhen Linda heard the good news, she couldnt .1. Eating too much sweet is bad for your _(tooth).2. He is a _(honest)boy so we seldom believe what he says.3.We Chin

36、ese will celebrate the _(ninety)birthday of the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)in many ways.4. In the modern world, people often contact each other by _ (send) e-mails.5. To keep healthy, I decide _(exercise) half an hour every day.JANUARY41be made _由制成2be made _由某地制造3be_ for以闻名;为人知晓4_ hand用手工5_ _ th

37、e world全世界6be good _对有益7_ matter不论;无论8_ though尽管9be good _擅长1be_ to被允许做某事2. _ tea种茶3speak _说德语4. _ traffic _造成交通事故1different _ of 各种各样的2._ as例如3turn _变成4_ to依据5ask _寻求6.in _处于困难当中7be _ _被覆盖8._ a high heat在高温中80. -English is difficult subject. I even want to drop it.-Youd better not. Ill help you it.

38、A. quite a, withB. a quite, withC. a very, forD. very a, with 81. -Does the man need operation at once, Doctor Li? -Yes, only small one. But the sooner, the better.A. an, aB. a, aC. an, the D. ×, ×82. -I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible?-Yes. A car fell over and

39、all the people in it were badly hurt. But luckily, of themwere killed. A. neitherB. none C. every D. both 83. -You can hardly swim, can you?- . But my mother says shell teach me during my summer holiday.A. Yes, I cantB. No, I canC. No, I cantD. Yes, I can84. -Do you think there are new words in this

40、 unit ? -Yes, thats right. Ill first. A. too much, look them upB. too many, look up themC. much too, look them upD. too many, look them up85. -You must what I have done for you before you leave. -Well, how much does it ? Is 100 dollars enough?A. pay for, costB. pay, spendC. spend, pay for D. pay, co

41、st86. -Excuse me, wheres the West Hill Farm, please? -Go the forest and the foot of the mountain you will find it .A. through, at B. across, at C. through, under D. past, under87. _noisy children! Go and ask them to keep quiet.A. How B. What C. What aD. How aThe policeman asked him when the accident

42、 happened.A. what was he doingB. what did he doC. what he was doing D. what he did89.Mr Green living in China though he was born in London.A. would like B. Wants C. hates D. enjoys90. -Here is a piece of paper for you!-Oh, thanks. Its for me to write a long letter on.A. big enough B. enough large C.

43、 small enough D. enough smallJANUARY56. When traveling, youd better take a map with _ (you).7. The students in Class 2 are having _(discuss) about how to achieve a balance between study and play.8. Though she answered the teachers questions _(incorrect),the teacher didnt blame her.9. More and more p

44、eople have their own cars. Thats why theres_(heavy)traffic than before.10.Why are you so happy today?Because I _(win)the badminton match. 1_ to do 过去常常做2be interested _对感兴趣3_ time _ time时常;有时4take _从事5deal _应对;处理6dare _敢于7all the _一直8worry _担心9be_ _对小心;谨慎10give _放弃 1_ to school走着去上学2_ the soccer tea

45、m在足球队3absent _缺席4_ one's examination考试不及格5make a _做决定6_ school寄宿学校7_ person亲身;亲自8take pride _为感到自豪9be proud _为骄傲;感动自豪2. If the question _ incorrectly, _ question will be given to youA. is answered, other B. answers, otherC. is answered, another D. answers, another3. Now the air in our city is _

46、than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it.A. very good B. much better C. rather bad D. even worse4. The boy doesn't speak his sister, but his written work is very good. A. as well as B. so good as C. more better than D. more worse than5. About _ of the workers in the factory were bor

47、n in the _.A. two-thirds, 1970 B. two-thirds, 1970s C. two-third,1970 D. two-third, 1970s6. Guess, how much does it cost?I think it costs 15 and 20 dollars. A. from B. between C. among D. with7. There's _800-metre-long road behind _hospital.   A. an, an     

48、60; B. a, a       C. an, the   D. a, the8. Don't worry. All the children by the nurses. A. are well taken care of B. take good care ofJANUARY61go _沿着走2._ one's right在某人右边3_ left/right向左拐/右拐4._.and.在和之间5_ there在那边6._ first首先7_ one's way _在去的路上8pass _路过;经过1_ request 相似的请求2_ questions直接的问题3e­mail_电子邮件地址4parking _停车场;停车区91. "I'd like to help _ with their schoolwork. " "You could volunteer in an af


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