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1、Chapter OneEnglish at Airport大连理工大学电子音像出版社Contents Going Through Check-in Formalities Checking & Consigning Luggage On the Plane At the Immigration Office Going Through Customs Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5Section 1Study Objectives了解登机程序了解登机程序学会用英语向客人介绍登机事宜学会用英语向客人介绍登机事宜熟练掌握与

2、本话题相关的专业英语词汇及常用句型表达熟练掌握与本话题相关的专业英语词汇及常用句型表达学会填写出境登记卡学会填写出境登记卡学习英语中的见面礼节学习英语中的见面礼节Section 1 Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Three Writing-skill Part Four Exercises Part Five Social Etiquette Part One Background MaterialPart One Background Material Question: How to prepare for the first day of an o

3、utbound tour?Tips for reference On the first day of an outbound tour, usually the tour manager will meet tour members at a designated departure place (指定出发地点) at the departure city airport, from where the tour services begin. Normally the cycle of the service includes: The tour manager meets tour me

4、mbers about one or two hours prior to the take-off time of the flight and greets the group.Tour manager checks documents and helps with the check-in formalities and going through customs.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part One Background MaterialOn the flight, it is preferable that the tour manager moves

5、around to help the tourists fill out the entry cards and check necessary documents.When the first destination city is arrived, the tour manager gathers the group together, leading them to the luggage claim area to get their luggage off the carousels (行李传送带); and then go through health and document c

6、heck and customs clearance together. The tour manager is usually the last person in the group to come through customs, unless ground operator (地接社) meet-and-assist service is available inside the customs clearance area.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueDialogue OneA: Mrs. Lee, th

7、e tourist B: Mr. Liang, the tour managerA: Excuse me. I have never flown on an international flight. I want to make sure everything is all right. B: Dont worry. Ill help you with that. First, lets make sure you have your document ready.A: You mean passport and ticket? Yes, here they are.B: Right. An

8、d we are going through the check-in formalities in a few minutes.1A: Will it take long? SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueB: I dont think so. A: What should we do in the check-in counter?B: The airport clerk will check your passport and ticket and then they will weigh your baggag

9、e. How many bags do you want to check in?A: Just the carry-ons2. I hope they are not overweight.3B: They allow twenty kilos each. I dont think youve got a problem here. After the weighing, they will give you a baggage check and a boarding pass. But please make sure your passport and other travel doc

10、uments are carried with you4; dont put them in your check-in baggage. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueA: Thank you for reminder. What should I do next? B: You need to proceed through security check then.5A: It seems quite complicated. When will the flight board?6B: After one an

11、d half hour.A: How can I know it?B: It will be announced. And Ill call you then.A: Im afraid its a long wait.B: After the check-in, you can rest in the terminal lounge near your boarding gate. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two situational Dialogueannounce nauns v. 发表,广播(电台节目),正式宣布Boardb:d v. 登(飞机、车、

12、船等)check-in tek.in n. 办理登机或旅馆投宿手续complicated kmplikeitid a.复杂的,难懂的counter kaunt n.柜台document dkjumnt n. 文件,公文formality f:mliti n.程序proceed prsi:d v. 着手进行,继续进行 baggage check 行李牌boarding gate 登机门boarding pass 登机牌check-in baggage 托运行李terminal lounge侯机厅SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Vocabulary返回NotesAnd we ar

13、e going through the check-in formalities in a few minutes. 我们等一会就要办理登机手续了。Just the carry-ons. 只有随身携带的小行李。 “carry-on”是可数名词,除指“(可随身携带上飞机的)小包,小行李箱”外,还指“大惊小怪的举动”。 You should put all of your important items in your carry-on. 你应该把所有重要的东西都放在随身携带的小行李里。 What a carry-on! 真是大惊小怪!I hope they are not overweight.

14、 希望它们不会超重。But please make sure your passport and other travel documents are carried with you. 但请确保你的护照和其它旅游文件都随身携带。You need to proceed though security check. 你需要通过安全检查。When will the flight board? 航班什么时候起飞?SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueA: a counter server B: Mr. Smith A: Good

15、morning, sir. May I help you?B: Yes. Id like to check in1, please.A: May I see your ticket?B: Yes, its here. A: And your passport, please?B: Here you are. A: Which seat do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat?2Dialogue TwoSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueB: A window seat,

16、please. A: Please put your suitcase on the scale.B: Whats the weight limit?3A: Fifty pounds.B: I hope its not overweight? A: No. it isnt.B: May I carry the satchel?A: Sure, but please attach this claim tag.4SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueB: Ok.A: Here is your luggage check and

17、 your boarding pass. You will have to show the pass on your way to board the plane.5B: Which gate?A: Gate Ten. Please go and have a seat in the waiting hall.B: Thank you.A: Have a pleasant flight.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueAisle ail n. (席位间的)通道Attach tt v. 附上,系上,贴上 satchel

18、 stl n. (皮或帆布的)书包scale skeil n. 称suitcase sju:tkeis n. 手提箱claim tag 行李票waiting hall 侯机厅SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1VocabularyNotes返回Id like to check in. 我要办理登机手续。句中的 “prefer” 是动词,为 “更喜欢”。 “prefer sth to sth” 表示 “比起某事更喜欢某事”, “prefer to do sth rather than” 表示 “比起做某事更喜欢做某事”,例如:The guest preferred the wind

19、ow seat to the aisle seat. 客人宁愿要靠窗的位子而不要靠通道的位子。The hero preferred to die rather than surrender.那位英雄宁死也不投降。Whats the weight limit? 重量限制是多少?Sure, but please attach this claim tag. 当然可以,但请您贴上这个行李票。You will have to show the pass on your way to board the plane. 上飞机时你得出示这个登机牌。SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part

20、 Two Situational DialogueI think we should start earlier. It may take some time on the way. There are always many traffic jams in this city.我想我们还是早点动身。路上可能要多用些时间,这个城市总是有许多交通堵塞。Youll have to be at the airport something like an hour before the plane takes off so as to have some time to go through the

21、check-in formalities and other things. 你要在飞机起飞前大约1小时到达机场,这样就可以有时间办理登机手续和其它事情。Useful ExpressionsFor a tour guideSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational Dialogue3. Youd better have your passport ready. 你最好把护照准备好。4. Do you have any seat preferences? 你对座位有什么偏好吗?5. Which seat do you prefer, a windo

22、w seat or an aisle seat? 你喜欢什么样的座位,是靠窗的,还是靠通道的? I wish you a pleasant journey/flight. 祝你旅途/飞行愉快。 What is your seat number? 你的座位是几号呢?Useful ExpressionsSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational Dialogue8. Do you need any pills/medicine for airsickness?你需不需要晕机药?Your two baggage claim stubs are atta

23、ched to the ticket cover.你的两个领取行李的存根贴在机票正面了。There is nothing at all to worry about. Once youre up in the air, its just like sitting in your own living room. Its going to be a very pleasant flight.没什么可担心的,一升到空中你就像坐在自己家中的客厅里一样,这将是一次非常愉快的旅行。Useful ExpressionsSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situationa

24、l Dialogue Excuse me, but where is the information counter (Air New Zealand counter)? 劳驾,请问机场服务台(新西兰航空公司柜台)在哪里? Could you please tell me where the International Departure is? 请问国际出发大堂在哪儿?3. Where can I change money? 我在哪儿可以兑换外币?4. Is this the counter for checking in of the flight 887 to New York, ple

25、ase? 请问这里是办理到纽约的887号航班的柜台吗? 5. Id like to take the seat by the window (aisle). 我想要靠窗(过道)的座位。Useful Expressions For a touristSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueMy luggage is overweight, you mean? Then whats the allowance?你的意思是我的行李超重了?那么限额是多少?Which is the gate for connecting flight

26、707 to San Francisco?我应该在哪个登机口转乘707航班到旧金山?Where can I get my boarding pass and have my luggage weight?在哪里换登机牌,给行李称重?When could I board?我什么时候可以登机?My boarding pass says 11B.我的登机牌是11B。Useful ExpressionsSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Three Writing-skillHow to Fill in the Departure Card Now that your tour

27、ists have decided to go for an outbound trip, when filling in the departure card, as a tour guide, dont forget to remind your clients of the followings:For the convenience of the travel, please fill in the Departure Card with true, clear and complete information.All required items except SIGNATURE o

28、n the cards should be filled in with neat and clear letters. The cards filled with pencil are invalid.Read the instruction before signing.Tips for referenceSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Three Writing-skillSample China Departure CardSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Three Writing-skillNew Zwaland Passeng

29、er Departure CardSample 2(1)SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Three Writing-skillNew Zwaland Passenger Departure CardSample 2(2)SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Three Writing-skill1. consequence后果2. Convention/ Conference 会议/商务3. for foreign traveler出境旅客填写4. outing 观光5. return home返回常住地Notes You are going

30、to take the flight 887 from Guangzhou to New York for sightseeing on March 20, 2008. Please fill in the Departure Card in Sample 1.Writing PracticeSEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Four ExercisesReading aloud until you can say it from memory, then translate it into Chinese. Airport security became a ser

31、ious problem during the late 1960s and early 1970s because of many airliner hijacking attempts and the rise of international terrorism. Since the 1970s, air carrier airports have been required to follow security regulations. Under these regulations, airline employees must inspect all baggage that pa

32、ssengers carry onto the plane. They look for such things as weapons or a bomb that a person who intends to hijack a plane might be carrying. The passengers themselves must also be electronically searched before entering the aircraft. At every airport, passengers must walk through a device that detec

33、ts knives, guns, and explosives. In addition, airports are required to have police officers nearby in case a possible hijacker or terrorist is discovered or other problems arise. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Four ExercisesFill in the blanks according to the context. A: Counter staff B: PassengerA:

34、Good morning, Madam.B: Good morning. Is this the right to check in for the flight to Beijing?A: Yes, it is. May I have your ticket and passport, please?B: Here they are.A: Please put your luggage .B: Ok. Is the plane ?A: Yes, it is. It will take off at 6:30. Here are two tags for the suitcases and t

35、wo labels for the hand luggage.B: Thank you.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1counter_on the sale_on schedule_Part Four ExercisesA: Do you have any ?B: Well, could I have a seat by the window in the non-smoking area?A: There is one . Here is your ticket, passport and boarding pass. Youre boarding at Gate No.

36、 12.B: Thanks a lot.A: Have a pleasant flight. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1preferences_available_Part Four ExercisesRead the following passage and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F). Tourism is a modern business, or industry. In the days before inexpensive means of transportation, only the w

37、ealthy could travel for pleasure. Today, inexpensive and rapid means of travel make it possible for working people to become tourists. Leisure in the form of long weekends and paid vacations, or holidays, also makes it possible for working people to take trips.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Four Exer

38、cisesTourism is the name given to the business of serving tourist. Tourism is a very big business. It employs many people in many different types of jobs. Airlines are part of the tourism business. It is so important that there is a special government department for tourism. The department uses the

39、information on the immigration cards to plan facilities for tourists. The department also advertises in many countries and helps the government and sectors (parts or sections) of the tourism industry make things easy and pleasant for the tourist.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Four ExercisesOnly the w

40、ealthy could travel for pleasure. Tourism is the business activity connected with providing accommodation, services and entertainment for people who are visiting a place for pleasure.The tourism department uses the information on immigration cards to limit the number of immigrants. The attitudes of

41、the people who work in the tourism industry play an important part in determining whether tourists will enjoy their stay. All countries are happy to have tourist. F( )T( )F( )T( )F( )SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Four ExercisesRole Play. Ed, who is heading to New York on flight 225, is now going thr

42、ough the check-in formalities. He brings two pieces of luggage with him and would like to have a seat in the non-smoking area. Make a conversation between Ed and the counter staff. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Four ExercisesTranslation请问飞往洛杉机的237号班机是在这里办理登机手续吗?(2) 我们想要一个伸脚空间宽阔而且靠窗的座位。(3) 航班什么时候起飞?(

43、4) 抱歉,我听不清楚广播,请告诉我广播些什么?(5) 我应该在什么地方登机?(6) 往西雅图的班机会准时出发吗? Is this where we can check in for flight 237 to Los Angeles? _Wed like a seat with plenty of leg room and a window. _When will the flight board? _Excuse me. I didnt hear the announcement clearly. Please tell me what they said. _Where should I

44、 board? _Is the flight for Seattle leaving on time? _SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Five Social Etiquette Handshaking is a common etiquette when meeting others, especially on formal occasions. In America, the sequence of shaking hands is as follows: A. if a gentleman faces a lady, he should not exten

45、d his hand unless the lady first offers hers. B. the young person should remain where he is unless the older he holds out his hand first. C. a subordinate should not stretch out his hand to his boss first. D. when hosting some guests, the host or hosts should extend his pr her hand first. Etiquette

46、of Meeting People (I)SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1TransactionPart Five Social Etiquette The etiquette of raising the hat can be traced back to the Middle Age in Europe, when warriors had to raise their helmets while speaking to women. On account of its source, perhaps, a man in the Western culture tends

47、 to raise his hat (if he has one), when he greets a woman. Accordingly, this etiquette is only for men rather for woman, who also wear various hats, though. Thecorrect way for a man to raise his hat is to hold his hat at the dent of the hat crown with his right hand, and to take it off and put in on

48、 again after a while. A civil nod, often immediately after raising the hat in the western culture implies recognition when people meet and part in public. One should remove his hat on various solemn occasions. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Transaction返回Transaction 握手是最普通的见面礼,尤其在正式场合下。在美国,握手时应注意以下事项:男女之间,

49、女方先伸手;长幼之间,年长的先伸手;上下级之间,上级先伸手;宾主之间,则由主人先伸手。 脱帽礼据说来源于中世纪的欧洲,当时的武士和女士交谈时要脱掉头盔。也许是这样的缘故,西方习俗是男士行脱帽礼,而女士虽然戴各式帽子却不需脱帽致意。脱帽礼正确的做法是用右手抓住帽子顶部,举高一会才放下。当人们在公开场合会面和分别时,常常在举高帽子后点头致意。在庄重、正规的场合应自觉脱帽。 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1会面的礼仪(之一)会面的礼仪(之一)Section 2Study Objectives了解行李检查程序及托运手续学习用英语向客人介绍行李检查程序及托运手续熟练掌握与本话题相关的专

50、业英语词汇及常用句型表达学会填写出境旅客行李物品申报单学习西方的见面礼节Section 2 Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Three Writing-skill Part Four Exercises Part Five Social Etiquette Part One Background MaterialPart One Background Material Question: What should the tour guide remind the tour members about international departure? Tip

51、s for reference An outgoing passenger will go through the following formalities for international departure:1. Customs Formality: Please go to the red channel for Customs inspection if you have something to declare; if you have nothing to declare, please go to the green channel.2. Baggage check-in a

52、nd Boarding Pass Application: Go through the check-in formality at the designated check-in counter with your ticket and valid identification certificate on hand. The Check-in counter for your flight will close 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. Please make sure your passport and other

53、 travel documents are carried with you; dont put them in your check-in baggage.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part One Background Material3. Air Insurance Purchase: Purchase of air insurance is optional.4. Immigration Inspection: Please go upstairs for immigration inspection. Make sure you have already fi

54、lled in the Embarkation Card before presenting it together with your passport to immigration officials for inspection.5. Security Check: For your safety, you and your carry-on baggage must go through security check. Belongings must be put through the X-ray screening machines and passengers must go t

55、hrough the metal detectors.6. Waiting and Boarding: You can rest in the terminal lounge near your boarding gate indicated on your boarding pass and board your flight according to the relevant broadcast announcement.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueDialogue OneA: Mr. Brobeck B: A

56、 clerk at airportA: Good morning. B: Good morning. Any luggage to check? 1 A: Yes, these three pieces. 2B: Please put them on the scale.A: Ok. Id like to have these checked through to L.A.3B: Your passport and tickets, please. A: Here you are.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueB:

57、Will you transfer to L.A.A: Yes.B: How long will you stay here?A: Two days.B: We cant consign them to L.A.A: Why not?B: Its more than 24 hours between connecting flights. A: Where can I put them?B: In the airport storage.SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two situational Dialogueconsign knsain v. 托运stora

58、ge strid n.仓库transfer trnsf: v. 转移,转机connecting flights 转机班机SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Vocabulary返回Notes1. Any luggage to check? 有什么行李要托运吗? “luggage”行李,英国用法,美国则用 “baggage”。2. These three pieces? “luggage/baggage”为不可数名词,前边加 “piece”表示件数。3. “have”在这表示 “使”,后接名词再接动词的过去分词,表示这一动作不是由 主语 完成的,而是由别人完成的 。 I must

59、have my watch repaired. 我得把我的表送去修理一下。 He had himself photographed. 他请人给他拍了照。SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1Part Two Situational DialogueA: Airport clerk B: Ms. Bergendorf A: Ms, is all this baggage yours?B: Yes. Do you want the carry-on items on the belt, too?A: Yes, please. ( Ms. Bergendorf places all th

60、e items onto the belt)A: Would you please open this big suitcase?B: Sure. I locked it. (She searches for the key, finds it, and unlock s it.) There. Just some clothes and toiletries.A: I see. Do you have anything to declare?B: You mean tobacco or alcohol? No, I didnt bring any.A: Any contraband? Any fre


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