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1、 Unit 2 Energy3. Complete the passage by filling the blanks with target words in the box. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 A) renewableB) turbinesC) machineryD) principleE) convertF) bladeG) windmillsH) effectivelyI) devicesJ) essentiallyK) curren

2、tsL) damsM) viableN) harnessedO) pollutan Wind and hydroelectric power, which have been used 1) for generations, are also rapidly growing in energy markets. The 2) behind both is that the force of the wind and water 3) are passed through 4) which convert their energy into electricity. Commercial win

3、d energy is usually collected by wind “farms” 5) consisting of hundreds of wind turbines spread over large plots of land.H_D_K_B_J_Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 Modern 6) have become very efficient at transferring the energy of wind to electricity. Wind power is an important part of the overall 7) energ

4、y sources for the future. But hydroelectric power is 8) in several differentmethods. The most popular is through9) , such as the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. Another form of hydroelectric energy is tidal power. In use since the early 1900s, tidal power stations collect the energy created by the

5、 rise and fall of the tides to 10) to electricity.G_A_N_L _E_A) renewableB) turbinesC) machineryD) principleE) convertF) bladeG) windmillsH) effectivelyI) devicesJ) essentiallyK) currentsL) damsM) viableN) harnessedO) pollutan4. Complete each of the following phrase/sentences according to its Chines

6、e equivalent in the brackets. You may refer to the meaning of words in the box below.Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 consumption variationpollutantsalternativeapplicationcrusademanufacturervalidationsustainableinstallationpurifytoxinfar-outdissipateexecutivemechanicalseeminglymechanismvibrationpositiondec

7、reasefuel upmountrenewableby-product1) launch a great (运动)(运动)against homelessness2) data input and (确认)(确认)3) (污染物)(污染物)are constantly being released into the atmosphere.crusadevalidationPollutants_Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 4) (可更新的)可更新的)contract5) (毒素)(毒素)cleansing therapies6) a (副产品)(副产品)of wheat

8、 flour processing7) a (镶嵌)(镶嵌)gem8) a (机械)(机械)defect9) (使(使纯净)纯净)the water by distilling10) Theres too great a (消耗)(消耗)of alcohol in China.consumptionby-productmechanical_mountedtoxinpurify_renewable_consumption variationpollutantsalternativeapplicationcrusademanufacturervalidationsustainableinstall

9、ationpurifytoxinfar-outdissipateexecutivemechanicalseeminglymechanismvibrationpositiondecreasefuel upmountrenewableby-productUnit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 11) (削减)(削减)military spending12) The plane is (加油)(加油).13) regional (差异)(差异)14) (表面上)(表面上)viable proposition15) (极端异乎寻常的)(极端异乎寻常的)clothes16) a struct

10、ure (安置)(安置)on a disk17) (驱散)(驱散)melancholy18) the (安装)(安装)of specific software on systemseeminglyfueling updecreaseinstallationfar-outvariations_consumption variationpollutantsalternativeapplicationcrusademanufacturervalidationsustainableinstallationpurifytoxinfar-outdissipateexecutivemechanicalsee

11、minglymechanismvibrationpositiondecreasefuel upmountrenewableby-productpositioned_dissipate_Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 19) had no (其他选择)(其他选择)but to confess20) the (执行的)(执行的)committee21) the (震动)(震动)of the tuning fork22) defence (机制)(机制)against many diseases23) the airplane (制造商)(制造商)24) consciousnes

12、s of (可持续的)(可持续的)development25) the practical (应用)(应用)of a theorymechanismexecutiveapplicationmanufactureralternative_consumption variationpollutantsalternativeapplicationcrusademanufacturervalidationsustainableinstallationpurifytoxinfar-outdissipateexecutivemechanicalseeminglymechanismvibrationposi

13、tiondecreasefuel upmountrenewableby-productsustainable_vibration_5. Match each word in the box with the group of words that regularly occur with it.Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 1) charge a small_ for service _ my income take a vitamin_ magazine_2) sign name to the _ a historical_ _ a project a _ of a j

14、udgementsupplementdocument_look intocut downconvertharnessdocumentdate back toposerun out ofexertsupplementdid away withexperiment withviablemodestconventionalUnit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 3) a_ person a _price a_ wish drink_ amounts of alcohol4) _ authority _an influence on _ all ones power _ oneself t

15、o domodestexert_5) _ an obstacle _ an awkward question on a dramatic_ drop his_ of friendliness6) _ rules of etiquette _ weapons a_ design _ opinionsposeconventional_look intocut downconvertharnessdocumentdate back toposerun out ofexertsupplementdid away withexperiment withviablemodestconventionalUn

16、it 2 Part IV Exercise 1 7) economically_ financially_ a _ newborn baby a _ form of political organization8) _ the sapling _ the cost of production _ ones enemy _ the coatviablecut down_look intocut downconvertharnessdocumentdate back toposerun out ofexertsupplementdid away withexperiment withviablem

17、odestconventional9) _ the power of the wind _ the energy a horse in_ fasten the safety _harness_10) _ Ancient Egypt _ thousands ago _ Galileo and Newton _ Tang Dynastydate back to_11) _ the rules _ the old laws _ disease _ the long hours of heavy laborUnit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 12) _ the window _ the

18、 problem of drug abuse _ the chronicles of the middle Age _ ones eyes13) _ petrol _ the classroom _ the country _ the pipe14) _ to Catholicism _ dollars into pounds _ the sunlight into energy a_ to socialismdo away withlook intorun out ofconvert_curiositypassionpotentialperspectiveobservationencount

19、erpursuedevisespeculateintenseremarkableincredible15) _ military rockets _ computers perform an _ renewable energy an _ the health of millions of peopleUnit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 experiment with_curiositypassionpotentialperspectiveobservationencounterpursuedevisespeculateintenseremarkableincredibleUn

20、it 2 Part IV Exercise 1 7. Write a short paragraph of about 80100 words, with the words and expressions given below. You have 510 minutes to complete this activity.harness renewable run out of give off pollutant consumption sustainableUnit 2 Part IV Exercise 1 In many countries today, a lot is being

21、 said about harnessing renewable energy, which we may neverrun out of. One basic benefit of renewable energy is that it does not give off greenhouse gases and other harmful pollutants. Renewable energy can help a country rely on domestic sources of energy, which will eventuallyeliminate the need for

22、 oil or slow the growth of its consumption. China plans to put even greater effort into developing its renewable energy industry and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to maintain sustainable economic growth in the coming years.Model 1: The process turns the heat which comes from the sun into electrici

23、ty. The process turns the heat coming from the sun into electricity.Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 2 1) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems which arise from mass migration movements.2) That development may help solve one of the chief problems which slow

24、 the advance of the much touted automobile fuel cell.Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements.That development may help solve one of the chief problems slowing the advance of the much touted automobile fuel cell._

25、 _2. Rewrite the sentences according to the following models.Model 1: The process turns the heat which comes from the sun into electricity. The process turns the heat coming from the sun into electricity.Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 2 3) The historian who attempts to reconstruct the distant past is alway

26、s faced with a difficult task.The historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task._Model 2: When we walk along a pavement, eight watts of energy is wasted with each heel. The energy is absorbed by the ground. When we walk along a pavement, eight watts of en

27、ergy is wastedabsorbed by the groundwith each heel.Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 2 1) At the meetings the proposals were adopted. The proposals adopted were both Cherrys and mine.At the meeting the proposals both Cherrys and mine were adopted._Model 2: When we walk along a pavement, eight watts of energy

28、is wasted with each heel. The energy is absorbed by the ground. When we walk along a pavement, eight watts of energy is wastedabsorbed by the groundwith each heel.Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 2 2) A writer needs that mother force, the loving force from which all creation flows. In fact, every one of us n

29、eeds the force in life.A writer in fact every one of us in life needs that mother force, the loving force from which all creation flows._3) The materials used give the buildings striking beauty. The materials used are copper, stainless steel, concrete and glass.The materials used copper, stainless s

30、teel, concrete and glass give the buildings a striking beauty._Model 3: Electronics company Philips and teams from Hull Universityand Southampton Universityare also taking part. Also taking part are electronics company Philips and teams from Hull Universityand Southampton UniversityUnit 2 Part IV Ex

31、ercise 2 1) 120 students from 5 Chinese universities and 5 American universities were attending the meeting.2) The town where that famous writer was born and bred is lying across the great river. Attending the meeting were 120 students from 5 Chinese universities and 5 American universities.Lying ac

32、ross the great river is the town where that famous writer was born and bred._Model 3: Electronics company Philips and teams from Hull Universityand Southampton Universityare also taking part. Also taking part are electronics company Philips and teams from Hull Universityand Southampton UniversityUni

33、t 2 Part IV Exercise 2 3) Andreas Thorkildson, who set the Norwegian record in 2005, was throwing the javelin.Throwing the javelin was Andreas Thorkildson, who set the Norwegian record in 2005._3. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.Unit 2 Part IV Exercis

34、e 2 1) These words are appropriate to literature (而不适于日常说话和写作)(而不适于日常说话和写作).2) (对某些人好像很容(对某些人好像很容易的事)易的事)seems difficult to others.3) (只有当你有了(只有当你有了自己的孩子)自己的孩子)that you realize the troubles of parenthood. rather than everyday speech or writingWhat seems easy to some peopleIt is only when you have yo

35、ur own children _ _Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 2 4) (如何制作个人网上(如何制作个人网上相册)相册)is a big challenge for him now.5) (拥有个图书馆是一回(拥有个图书馆是一回事)事); it is another to use it wisely.How to create a personal web albumIt is one thing to own a library_1) 到到2030年,太阳能板的制造、安装和维修领域预计能增年,太阳能板的制造、安装和维修领域预计能增加加630万工作岗位万工作岗位。(Manufacturing,installing and.)4. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.Manu


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