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1、stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving people's livel

2、ihood, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, "five priorities", play development mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build hig

3、hlights, and expand advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation "in the cast Russian Economic Corridor" construction; to guarantees and improved livelihood, strongly won p

4、overty battle; to strengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction

5、for Center, firmly caught development this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development "six big industry", in-depth implementation "three big engineering", active create "two big environment", out of a artic

6、le quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more excellent of transformation development of road. To strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explor

7、e the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechanism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecological compensation coverage, the ecological advantages of the region will be further h

8、ighlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential policy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing ' an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sk

9、y blue, . Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing timber. To focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers ' cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of

10、 forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. To work actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should

11、focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority关于岳塘区农产品冷链物流发展规划调研报告岳塘区发展改革统计局2010年12月27日按照市发改委通知要求,我局就农产品冷链物流发展情况在全区进行了一次专题调研,现将调研情况汇报如下:一、农产品冷链物流发展情况发展现状1.农产品基本情况岳塘区地处长株潭核心地区,地理条件优越。在区委、区人民政府的正确领导下,农产品供应充足、品种丰富、质量可靠。2010年预计水果产量7200吨,蔬菜.36吨,猪肉17480吨,牛肉60吨,羊肉273吨,禽肉1768吨,禽蛋416吨,牛奶5



14、,以及冷冻冷藏商品的仓储与全程冷链,预计年吞吐量超十万吨,目前项目一期已建成投产,二期已完成征地拆迁。存在的问题1.尚未形成完整的冷链物流体系我区大部分鲜活产品物流主要是以常温物流或自然物流形式为主,没有形成连贯成型的冷链物流。非冷藏状态下的散装鲜活产品物流,在运输、分销和零售的多次装卸搬运中增加了二次污染的机会,降低了产品的新鲜度,降低了产品质量。2.市场化程度较低,缺乏专业化运作我区连锁企业生鲜产品的物流配送业务多由生产商和经销商完成的,食品冷链的第三方物流发展十分滞后,服务网络和信息系统不够健全,大大影响了食品物流的在途质量、准确性和及时性,同时食品冷链的成本和商品损耗很高。 3.生鲜食

15、品物流设施落后,配送成本高 目前我区冷链物流的现有设施设备陈旧,发展和分布不均衡,无法为易腐食品流通系统地提供低温保障,造成大量损耗,物流费用高,易出现安全隐患。用户较少的地方设施不足,无法保证冷链物流的全程温度控制,商品质量难以保障。发展冷链物流的形势分析1.发展冷链物流的重要意义适应农产品大规模流通。经过十一五期间的长足发展,我区农业结构调整取得显著成效,区域和品种布局日益优化,农产品流通呈现出大规模、反季节的特点,对农产品物流服务规模和效率提出了更高的要求。尤其是生鲜农产品的区域规模化产出和反季节销售的增加,迫切需要加快发展农产品跨地区保鲜运输。满足居民消费需求。随着城乡居民消费水平和消






21、冷冻、冷藏和信息化管理等冷链物流技术和设备的创新与研发,鼓励对农产品冷链物流新工艺新技术、新型高效节能的大容量冷却冷冻机械、移动式冷却装置、大型冷藏运输设备、冷藏运输车辆专用保温厢和质量安全追溯装置等进行集中攻关与研制。 通过多种方式和手段,进行文献检索、资料收集和整理,旨在了解我国住房制度和当代居住小区规划设计、建设、发展的理论与实践问题the first responsibility of the forest, 26th spring area has fully deployed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be

22、on duty, and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not "Twelve-Five" no fires in the past, the reduced requirements during the period. To apply strictly the party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Secretary in particular, really practice pipes,

23、 it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, correctly handle the relationship between fire and project construction, industrial development, to "never miss or two." Second, to s

24、peed up the development of six major industries. Promote development in our region, the key is to give full play to resource advantage to build eco-oriented "big six" system, to create the new engine of economic growth. Firm confidence. Practice has proved that the "big six" of b

25、oth central and provincial requirements, and meet the actual da hinggan mountains, through active efforts have been showing a strong momentum of development. So, in the "six" on development, we must be firm in faith, go all out, perseverance, one caught in the end, convinced that Castle is

26、 not relaxed, does not reach the target will never give up. Should focus on industrial projects. Project is to accelerate the industrial development of important support and backing. Industrial project construction, my area there are few in number, small size, low level problems. This year, the proj

27、ect as his party has "first project", we have to work hard to project construction. Especially effective during short, catching project shall not, slow, dragging not allowed. All localities should conscientiously implement the project leadership system, timetable, roadmap, and coordinate services, tracking the whole process forward, inverted durations, speeding up progress and seek practical results. Poised to break the project build Set challenges, to accelerate the pace of preliminary formalities, the enterprises have difficulties to pull


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