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1、2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十1 / 12专题强化练二一组合练(八)I阅读理解I dropped out of college after my freshman year.Three years later,I quit a dead end job and returned to college l saw school as my wayout.But I quickly found myself facing the same roadblocks that hadcaused me to quit before: I was confused with colleg l

2、evel algebraand a heavy workload of reading and writing assignments Mo reover Iwas unsure of my career direction l was ready to drop out again .Thena smartly dressed woman walked confidently to the front of myEnglish composition class/ Look at you! Look at each and every one ofyou” she said/Youre he

3、re to change your lives for the better.Andyoure going to make !” I cant remember the rest of the speech but itchanged the course of my college career and my life.Mrs. Smith didnt know me from any of the other 40 faces in herclassroom but I felt she speaking directly to me.Having trouble keepingup wi

4、th the workload? Break it down into small pieces and set up aschedule that suits you.If college algebra is too difficudlrop back tointroductory college maths .As for English composition she gave uswriting assignmentswe could relate to. “ Go for the best, kid .Youreworth it ,” shed say.I graduated fr

5、om that college and went on to get my bachelorsdegrees .Today as a college instructQreach fall when I stand in front of2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十2 / 12a new class I think of Mrs.Smith and how much teachers can affecttheir students .She couldnt have known it when she gave that pep talk,but she made a hug

6、e difference in my life 【语篇解读】 本文叙述了作者大一辍学,三年后又回到学校,但仍然感到困难重重,作者产生了再次辍学的念头。一位老师在写作 课上所说的话给了作者鼓舞和信心,让他有勇气继续完成学业。1.Why did the author want to quit school again?A.He wanted to return to his former job B.He decided on his future career.C.The academic pressure seemed unbearable.D.Many changes took place

7、in his life.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“ But I quickly foundmyself facing the same roadblocks that had caused me to quit before Iwas confused with college- level algebra and a heavy workload ofreading and writing assignments.可知,作者的学业压力很大,使得 他又产生了退学的念头。答案:C2.How did Mrs.Smith help the author?A.She made him fee

8、l relaxed.B.She helped him with algebra.C.She talked to him directly.D . She brought him courage and faith.2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十3 / 12解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Having trouble keeping upwith the workload? Break it down into small pieces and set up aschedule that suits you.可知,作者受到了老师的鼓舞,产生了继续 完成学业的信心和勇气。答案:D3

9、.What can we infer about the author?A.He learned to be a better teacher.B.He didnt finish his college education C.He became Mrs.Smiths favourite student.D.He didnt understand the writing assignments.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段第二句的“Today, as a collegeinstructor.”可知,作者现在是大学里的老师,由此可推知,作者学 会了如何当一位更好的老师。答案:A4.What ca

10、n be the best title for the text?A . Always Believe in YourselfB . Never Quit Before TryingC . Experience is Worth ValuingD . A Lady Changed My Life in Time解析:主旨大意题。根据全文可知,本文叙述了作者大一辍学, 三年后回到学校,但他仍感到学业压力很大,产生了再次辍学的念头。 一位老师在写作课上所说的话给了作者鼓舞和信心,让作者有勇气继2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十4 / 12续完成学业。这位教师在作者选择再次退学前及时改变了

11、作者的辍学念头,从而也改变了作者的人生。答案:DII 完形填空We made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up cupcakes formy daughter Norahs fourth birthday.As an older gentleman walked by,Norah_1_and waved, “Hi old person! Its my birthday today! ” Iapologized to him embarrassedly for her_2_“ Hello little lady! And how old a

12、re you today ? ” heasked.They_3_for a couple of minute, with Norah 4 him in on thedetails of her birthday, and we went our 5_ways.But a few minuteslater, Norah_6_she really wanted a_7_with him Uh, my cutest baby!We back found him at the_8_ “Excuse me sir? Shed like to knowif youd take a photo with h

13、er,” I asked, _9_the man to be annoyedat my daughters strange request. _10_, I got the completely oppositeresponse!He looked_11_“A photo? With me?” So they posed togetherand then they_12_eachother like they were long lost friends .Theprecious scene_3_other shoppersbut no one cared.We _14 Mr.Dan (I k

14、new his name later on) for his_15_. His eyesfilled with tears and he saic, “ No, thank YOU .It is YOU who made me_16_. ”Now, Norah and Mr.Dan are more than just friends .We make2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十5 / 12_17_visits to see him because she worries about his being _18_.Mr.Dan says that his friendship

15、with Norah helped to _19_his brokenheart for his wifes sudden death.Sometimestalking to _20_turns into the most beautiful thingin the world 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个温馨的故事:Norah 在商店对一个她不认识的老人说 “今天是我的生日”,随后还 要求与老人一起合影,后来他们竟然成了忘年交,Norah 给这个因妻 子突然离世而伤心的老人带来了慰藉和欢乐。1.municated B. respondedC. smiledD. escaped解析

16、:根据故事情节,Norah 非常喜欢这位老人,所以当看到老 人走过时,她向他微笑(smiled)并挥手致意。答案:C2.A.noise B. sorrowC. interruptionD. impoliteness解析:Norah 对着老人喊“嘿,老头儿”,这在作者看来是对老 人的不礼貌(impoliteness)所以作者尴尬地向老人道歉。答案:D3.A.chattedB. stoodC. waitedD. discussed解析:根据下文中的 him in on the details of her birthday 可知, 他2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十6 / 12们闲聊(

17、chatted)T几分钟。答案:A4.A.dropping B. filling2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十7 / 12C. callingD. putting解析:在他们的交谈中,Norah 直在告诉老人有关她的生日的细节。fill sb.in(on sth.“向某人提供( (情况)”为固定用法。答案:B5. A.separateB. narrowC. longD. crowded解析:根据下文中的We back found him ”可知,作者他们和老人分路而行。separate “分开的”,go ones separate wayS 分路而行,分道扬镳”为固定用法。答案:

18、A6. A.remindedB. predictedC. decidedD. remembered解析:Norah 决定(decided)要与老人一起合影答案:C7. A.talkB . reunionC. momentD . picture解析:参见上题解析。从下文中的 Shed like to know if youdtake a photo with he” 可知选 picture。答案:D8 . A. streetB. storeC . restaurantD . community解析:从第一段中的at the grocery store”和下文中的 other2019 年高考英语大

19、二轮复习专题强化练二十8 / 12shoppers 可知,作者他们在商店(store 找到了老人。答案:B9.A.expectingB. allowingC. requiringD. causing解析:作者考虑到之前 Norah 已经对老人不礼貌了,现在还想 与老人合影,于是预料(expecting 老人可能会生气。答案:A10.A.LastlyB. BesidesC. InsteadD. Suddenly解析:作者预料老人可能会生气,而下文谈到作者得到的是完全由此可知,本空应选 Instead “相反B . delightedD . preparedB . huggedD . encour

20、aged解析:空前谈到了他们一起拍照,空后说他们像多年不见的老朋 友,所以 hugged 符合此情此景答案:B【易错分析】 本题容易误选 A 项。考生认为他们像老朋友一样打招呼,但是空前谈到一老一少摆姿势拍照, 说明他们已经不需要 在此时相反的回应一一老人很高兴答案:C11. A.annoyedC. disappointed解析:参见上题解析。答案:B12. A.greetedC. supported2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十9 / 12打招呼了。13.A.educated B. attractedC. delayedD. blocked解析:他们在商店里合影,势必会挡住(

21、(blocked 其他购物者,但是没有人在意。答案:D14.A.memorizedB. paidC. thankedD. excited解析:作者和女儿因老人愿意抽出时间(time)合影而向他表示感谢(thanked)。答案:C15 . A. timeB . permissionC . friendshipD . experience解析:参见上题解析。答案:A【易错分析】 本题容易误选 B 项。但是从上文中的“Hello little lady!And how old are you today 可知,第一次 Norah 跟老人打招 呼时,老人也是很乐意和她交流的,同样,后来 Norah 希

22、望与老人 合影时,他也很高兴。因此不存在老人“允许”与否。16 . A. cheer upB . get alongC . take offD . hold on解析:根据空前的“hank YOU ”可知,老人很感谢作者他们,因2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十10 / 12为是他们让老人高兴起来(cheer up)的。2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十11 / 12答案:A17. A.specialB. newC. quickD. regular解析:空前谈到老人和Norah 成了忘年交,所以作者他们定期(regular)去看望老人,因为Norah 担心老人孤独( (lo

23、nely)。答案:D18. A.tiredB. busyC. lonelyD. ill解析:参见上题解析答案:C19 . A. attendB . sewC. openD . touch解析:老人说他和 Norah 的忘年交情帮助抚慰了他因妻子突然离世而受伤的心。此处表示“缝补(sew 一颗破碎的心”,即抚慰一颗受伤的心。答案:B20 . A. shoppersB . friendsC . passengersD . strangers解析:Norah 与不认识的老人发起对话,然后就发生了后来的温馨故事,所以作者在这里感慨:有时与陌生人( (strangers 交流会变成世界上最美好的事。答案

24、:D2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十12 / 12皿短文改错2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十13 / 12Im from Detroit in the United States, and during his senior year inhigh school I win a scholarship to study singing in London .When Iwent to there, I stayed in someoneshome.The people were verysweetly and it was a really fun summer.I g

25、ot the inside view of that itslike to live there l loved it, but I have to say, one thing that surprisedme were that you had to go to so much different stores to do yourshopping .There are also a lot of differences in the language .They saidthing like “ ringou up” insteacbf “ givou a call It took me

26、 a littlewhile figure out these differences because it was fun.答案:hisIm from Detroit in the United States, and during 而 seniorLondon .When I went 命 there, I stayed in someoneshome.Thesweetlypeople were very sweet,different stores to do your shopping .There are also a lot of differencesAyou a call .

27、”ttook me a little while figure out these difference,year in high school Iwinwon a scholarship to study singing inand it was a really fun summer.I got theinside view ofthatwhatitslikeone thing that surprised mewerewasthat you had to go to somuchmanyin the language .They saidthingthingslikerinyou up insteadof give2019 年高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练二十14 / 12IV .书面表达becausebut/yetit was fun.2019 年高考英


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