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1、贵阳市 38 中 2020 学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题I单项选择(本大题共15小题,每小题1分)1. All the people the meeting were very important.A. attendingB. presentC. attended D. presented2. On a morning the little girl was found at the corner of thestreet.A. frozen, freezingB. freezing, freezingC. freezing, frozenD. frozen, frozen3 Only gu

2、ests of the hotel enjoy the of using the private beach.A privilegeB possibilityC favorD advantage4 The criminal , as well as somepeople , was arrested by the policeyesterday.A relevantB skilledC releasedD lucky5 A live program on TV is calling on people to moneyor someotherthings to the people who h

3、ave suffered from the Sichuan earthquakes.A donateC putB lendD paybut he forgot itA doC didB doesD doing7 Goodnews! MaybeI a job soon. I had an interview at an engineeringfirmyesterday.A has been offered8 would be offeredC will be offeredD is offered9 to tell him the news ; he has been told of it.A

4、There is no needB It is no needC You are no needD It neednt6 I invite Mr. Green to the party that day completely.9. The river, the banks are covered with trees, is very long.A whoseB whichC ofwhichD which of10. The doctor recommended hima few more days in hospital.A. stays. B. to stay C. stay D. wou

5、ld stay11. When about his family, he is always refusing to answer.A. asked B. asking C. being asked D. mentioned12. According to a recent U.S. report, children spent up to 25 hours a week TV.A. watchingB. to watchingC. to watchD. watch13. The Smiths have gone to New York for their holiday, with an o

6、ld servant their house.A. looking afterB. look afterC. having looked afterD. looked after14. I can see, there is only one way to solve this problem.B. Even ifA. As far asC. As long asD. As soon as15. That was the first time I there and I wasimpressed by the friendly people very much.A. go B. was goi

7、ng C. had gone D. have gone n完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分)通读短文,根据短文内容,从各题所给选项中选择可填入短文的最佳答案。Success is not easy to talk about because the word itself has hundreds of definitions (定义).For some, it meanspower; for others, it meanswealth; for others still, it means fame. But I have my own understanding of it.I

8、 think success meanstrying your best. Manypeople believe that success means winning. 1. In my opinion, it meanstrying your best and do 2 you can, no matter if you will win or lose. Whenyou are taking part in a long-distance race, if you keep on running as fast as you can, you will be successful, eve

9、n if you are the last to 3 the finishing line. You have showed your best to 4 , and you have made your greatest effort to win.I think success means working hard. 5 can succeed without hard work.Thomas Edison succeeded because he had experimented thousands of times to find the 6 material to makean el

10、ectric light bulb. Every success calls for hard work. So, 7_ you want to succeed, work hard first!Lastly, I think success meansnot losing heart. No one can win all the time.You will certainly lose or fail someday, but whats important is not to lose heart. A person who 8 his or her heart is just like

11、 a tree without roots.It will be 9 blown down by the wind. Nobel failed manytimes when he was doing his experiments. Sometimes his lab was set on fire and he was nearlykilled, but he never lost heart. He kept on 10 and finally invented a new explosive ( 炸药).So, whenever you fail, just stand up and t

12、ry again!10. A. tryB. tryingC. to try1.A. AndB. ButC.However2.A. somethingB. everythingC. nothing3.A. pastB. passedC.pass4.A. the otherB. anotherC. others5.A. AnybodyB. NobodyC. Everybody6.A. goodB. betterC.best7.A. ifB. whenC.since8.A. is losingB. has lostC will lose9.A. suddenlyB. quicklyC. easily

13、m阅读理解(本大题共30分,每小题2分)AA lot of people live in Ben and Kittys building. They do different jobs.Mrs. Wang is a dentist and she works in a hospital. She is patient enoughto treat sick children. Dont be afraid to ask her for help when you have toothache. Her telephone number is 852-4012-8312. Besides, sh

14、e often goes to schools and gives a talk about how to take care of teeth.Miss Tang is a fashion designer. She is good at designing wedding dresses.Her designs are different from others. Women usually look elegant in them.In her shop near the centre of the city, you can find designs from the 1970s to

15、 the 2000s. If you want to choose one, contact her on 852-7641-3688.Henry is a mechanic His job is to repair cars, vans and nniiibuscs. He is always bu-sy with his work. Usually,he comes to work al 8:00 a.m. and goes back home at 也口口 p.m. DonL fioret to call him on 8532325-6611 when you-have any eme

16、rgency.Charles is a fireman and he drives a fire-engine. He always wears a uniform. He is so brave that he is often the first to get into the burning house and help people out of a fire. In his spare time, he teaches people how to protect themselves from a fire.Susan is a computer programmer and she

17、 works in an office. She uses hercomputer to do most of her work. She has designed manyinteresting educational CD-ROMs for teenagers. Want to have fun studying? E-mail her at Susan3762 .1. Who is NOT mentioned in this passage?A. Susan. B. Charles. C. Matt. D. Miss Tang.2. If you have toothache, whic

18、h telephone number do you need?A. 852-4012-8312. B. 852-7641-3688.C. 852-2825-6611. D. 852-4012-3762.3. What is Miss Tang good at?A. Treating sick children. B. Designing wedding dresses.C. Designing educational CD-ROMs.D. Repairing cars, vans and minibuses.4. What does the underlined word mechanic m

19、ean in Chinese?A.设计师.B. 技工.C. 牙医.D. 消防队员5. What do you think of Charles according to the passage?A. Patient. B. Elegant. C. Selfish. D. Brave.BManypeople catch a cold in spring or fall. It makesus wonder why scientists cant find a cure for the commoncold. The answer is easy. There are hundreds of ki

20、nds of cold viruses out in these two seasons. You never know which one you will get, so there isnt a cure for each one.When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. You feel terrible because you cant breathe well, but your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature

21、rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a runny nose to stop thevirus from getting into your cells. You may feel bad, but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold.Different people have different treatments for colds. In

22、 the United States and someother countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people take hot baths and drink warm water. Other people take medicine to stop the fever and runny nose.Thsre is cne uYtsresting thing ta notice-5sci&fltists say ta廊用 medieitie 畸yoti Mve cold

23、is actually bad fbr you. The wus stays in you longer because your body doesnt toe a way to fight it and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job cti thar own. Howet7er? there is a joke on taking medicine when you have a cold. It goes like this: It takes at out one week t 口 get ovet-a cold if you dont t

24、ake medicine, but seven days 8 get over a cold if you- take medicine as wdl.6. When do people catch a cold easily?A. All year round. B. In spring or fall.C. From January to December. D. In winter or fall.7. What is your body doing when your temperature rises?A. Killing the virus. B. Eating your cell

25、s.C. Making the virus. D. Spreading your cells.8. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT used by people to treat colds?A. Eat chicken soup.B. Take hot baths and drink warm water.C. Take medicine.D. Stay in bed for about seven days.9. What do some scientists say about taking medicine

26、 when we have a cold?A. It is helpful. B. It is important.C. It is bad. D. It is necessary.10. What is the best title for this passage?A. What To Do With A Cold B. Rising Temperature And Runny NosesC. Eating More Soup D. One Interesting Thing To NoticeCWhenSams family moved to America from a small v

27、illage in Guangdong, China, they brought not only their luggage, but also their village rules, customs and culture. One of the rules is that young people should always respectelders. Unluckily, this rule led to his very first embarrassment in the United States.Sam had a part-time job as a waiter in

28、a Chinese restaurant. One day, when he was serving food to a couple (husband and wife), the wife asked him how the food could be served so quickly. Samtold her that he had madesure they got their food quickly because he always respects the elderly. As soon as he said that, her face showed great disp

29、leasure. The manager, who happened to hear what Sam said, took him aside and explained how sensitive Americans are and how they dislike the description old. After that, Sam walked back to the table and said sorry to the wife. After the couple heard his reason, they understood that the problem was ca

30、used by cultural differences, so they laughed and were no longer angry.In his village 出 people5re praudof hang old. Mot so many live to he seventy or eigiity, and people vrfio reach such an age have the most knowledge and eerience. Young p 8pk Iways respect older p splu 七轨而能 they know they can Ram 狂

31、 0 m thm rich esp m-m, However, in the United States, people think growing old is a problem since old shows that a person is going to retire or that the body is not working well. So many people try to keep themselves away from growing old by doing exercise or jogging, and women dress themselves up,

32、hoping to look young.When Sam told the couple in the restaurant that he respected the elderly, they got angry because this meant they becameold. He had told them something they didnt want to hear.After that, Sam changed the way he had been with older people. It doesnt mean that he no longer respects

33、 them any more. He still respects them, but now he doesnt show his feelings through words.11. Where did the Sam come from?A. England. B. China. C. America. D. France.12. Why did Sam make sure that the couple got their food quickly?A. Because there were few people at that time.B. Because Sam thought

34、the couple were in a hurry to leave.C. Because Sam thought it was polite to respect the elderly.D. Because the couple were the first to the restaurant.13. How do people feel about being old in his village?A. They are proud of being old B. They think it is a problemC. They think the age is a secret D

35、. They feel lonely at times.14. What do many people in the United States do to stay young according to the passage?A. Enjoy the sunshine B. Do exercise or jog.C. Dress themselves up. D. Learn something by themselves.15. What does the writer want to tell us at the end of the passage?16. Sam will not

36、respect the elderly in the United States.17. Sam will not be so helpful to the elderly any more.18. Sam will still respect the elderly as Chinese do.D. Sam will still respect the elderly as Americans do.IV词形填空:根据题中所给的提示用单词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)1. Flower arrangement is an ( 高雅的 )art 2. She ( 陪伴 )her friend to the concert last night.3. They had enough money to live in ( 舒适 ) in their old age.4. You should buy somewater ( 缸) for your fish rather than keep themin the bowls.5. The Prime Minister spends most time dealing with (事务) ofstate.6. I was (缺席的) from the meeting this


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