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1、2011年雅思考试题目及参考范文Felix2011年雅思考试题目及参考范文Some people think that robots are very important for humans' future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. For centuries, people have fan

2、tasized that someday robots could have intelligence like mankind and work as faithful servants. Today this dream has come true in many fields thanks to the rapid development of artificial intelligence researches. However, the issue of the wide application of robots can be deemed as beneficial as det

3、rimental.On the one hand, there is no denying that robots bring about an array of positive aspects, such as high work efficiency and low work risk. First, the workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes, which allows individuals to be invol

4、ved in other activities. Second, it is widely acknowledged that robots could do dangerous jobs instead of people in high risk businesses like mining and construction; therefore, a host of peoples safety can be ensured to a considerable degree.On the other hand, a great number of people hold an oppos

5、ite opinion, asserting there are numerous demerits which should not be neglected. To begin with, people lose jobs when machines take their places, especially in the mass production industry such as automobile business. In factories of the famous car company Ford, almost every step of car making is d

6、one by giant robots that work faster with higher reliability and precision. As a consequence, employees will have great pressure. Admittedly, there are indeed some occupations that robots might perform much better than human beings, but they cannot work in a flexible way as people do, and they are l

7、ess likely to make corresponding changes once something unexpected happens. Then human beings supervision tends to become imperative.Taking all factors into account, robots have many merits that make our life easier and more convenient, but workers may suffer from unemployment stress. (292 words2011

8、.1.15 Nowadays, some workplaces tend to employ equal numbers of men and women workers. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? The gender imbalance has long been a general phenomenon in the labour market. Some analysts argue that it is impossible to eliminate the underrepresentation o

9、f women in job markets, while others propose that women should be entitled the same opportunity to be engaged in a position. The essay will compare these two opinions before giving my own opinion. From some peoples point of view, the practice that equal numbers of male and female workers should be e

10、mployed is unreasonable. First, the packed-schedule of certain positions is likely to make women so busy with their jobs that their family life is neglected. Another point is that it is much easier for female workers to be influenced by marriage and motherhood, and their jobs are often interrupted b

11、y daily domestic events. To keep the continuity of work, employers are more inclined to put male workers into their top priority.Opponents of this issue hold that the positive aspects of the practice are more influential. First of all, employing equal numbers of male and female workers can help crea

12、te positive working environment, for it is usually the case that men or women perform less aggressive in the face of the opposite gender. Second, there is a large possibility that men and women workers bring their respective talents into full play since men are more determined and less likely to be

13、affected by external influence and women are generally more careful and patient. Finally, the move could be regarded as a sign of equality, for in many workplaces, employers used to limit the numbers of women workers and welcome a substantial percentage of males to join them. The practice that equal

14、 numbers of men and women workers are accepted indicates the realisation of womens value.To sum up, it does bring drawbacks to some workplaces if equal numbers of men and women workers are employed, but this cannot deny the benefits of the practice. This essay is inclined to maintain that equal numb

15、ers of male and female workers can be employed in the same workplace given that there is a rational division of labour, with all employees developing their own particular advantages for mutual benefits.(360 words)Nowadays some people have the anti-social behaviors such as committing crimes. What

16、0;are the reasons? Who should take responsibility for dealing with it? A dramatic rise in crime rate during the past several years has become a major concern among the public. It is urgent to identify the underlying root causes and adopt proactive approaches.A variety of factors are responsible for

17、the surge of anti-social behaviors such as committing crimes. The predominant factor resulting in this problem is the lack of education. People who fail their school or know little about laws have a much higher likelihood of committing crimes. Excessive exposure to violence is another cause that lea

18、ds to anti-social behaviors , especially the juvenile delinquency. Without the proper parental guide, some young adults will probably become addicted to the Internet and become heavy net users. Some contents are contaminated by online violence and pornography, which is closely linked to youngsters a

19、ggressive behaviors.Accordingly, the crime prevention requires the joint efforts from both the government and parents. The government should increase its intervention, including launching public anti-crime campaigns, enforcing new laws and popularizing education. A civilized society is characterized

20、 by a high literacy rate and a low crime rate. The negative relationship between these two parameters implies that one will be away from a life of crime if given the access to education. To tackle youth crimes, parents should play a more supportive and loving role, attaching more importance to their

21、 childrens emotional needs, limiting their access to unfavorable contents on the Internet, and creating more interesting after-school entertainment. As suggested above, this unpleasant phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, including poor education and lack of parental supervision. The gov

22、ernment should take more effective measures to curb crimes and parents are supposed to give correct instructions to their children. (279words)2011.1.27 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel ab

23、road because all the information can be seen on television and the Internet. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.There is a new trend that an increasing number of people choose to travel overseas to form a global perspective. This issue is full of controversy, with concerns being express

24、ed over whether it is necessary to go overseas to know more about other countries, since all the information can be gained through either television or the Internet.A serial of benefits can be brought by traveling abroad to learn about a different country. Initially, it is a memorable life experienc

25、e that we cannot acquire in our domestic country. As a result, only in real life contexts can people comprehend the culture, customs, or its people etc. Sound as the above statement seems, there are still a group of people holding the view that there is no need to travel abroad. The main factor is t

26、hat the advanced technology, such as televisions, the Internet, can provide people with almost any information about other places. However, it is unpractical to rely on the media excessively to get any news they want to obtain. Spreading rumors on the Internet are always happening around us. Therefo

27、re, only when we experience them personally, can we confirm the accuracy of the information.To sum up, it is imperative for people to travel overseas to learn different nations. Televisions and the Internet are, to some extent, a feasible way to obtain information, but the real experience of traveli

28、ng abroad largely outweighs the dependence on the media to learn about a different country. (245words) Tourism is an excellent way to develop country, but it also can cause some harm. How can a country ensure tourism benefit the development? The market of international tourism is flourishing as neve

29、r before and is playing a vital part in the development of one country. However, this booming is accompanied by the soaring number of tourists, which may bring about a substantial number of demerits. Therefore, how to guarantee the sustainable development of tourism and develop our tourism vigorousl

30、y will be analyzed in this essay.The merits of tourism to one countrys development are beyond doubt. For one thing, tourism can attract a host of foreigners to visit and consume during the tour. For another, the excellent impression of the places of interests will enhance one countrys international

31、image and then stimulate international investments in not only tourism but also other essential sections.Meanwhile, the demerits of unguided tourism can never be ignored and will be represented as follows. First, a sizeable percentage of people may pose a threat to the historical buildings. Second,

32、trash produced in an astonishing amount goes with the super large flow of people, particularly during the peak tourist time. Third, a vast number of people flood into one place, which aggravates the traffic pressure greatly, contributing too much inconvenience to the local dwellers.To handle above p

33、roblems and ensure tourism can attract people continuously and benefit economy development, the following methods are strongly suggested. Initially, government should pay close attention to the protection and renovation of historical buildings. Subsequently, the awareness of environmental conservati

34、on should be strongly strengthened among the public, therefore efficient environmental campaigns are inevitable. Ultimately, reasonable distribution and improvement of transport facilities should be put on table.(262words)Some believe creative artists should be supported financially by government of

35、 their county, but some others suggest creative artists find finance support in other sources instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Arts play a significant role in individuals lives. It is widely acknowledged that sufficient investment for artists is necessary if people strive to de

36、velop arts. However, whether the government should support them financially or they should find support from other sources arouses a contentious argument.On the one hand, it brings about a wide range of blessings for the government to give financial aids to creative artists. First, the artistic leve

37、l is more likely to get a promotion with stable fund guarantee. As a result, creative artists can be fully dedicated to their jobs. Second, considering the great significance and profits that arts generate for the nation, for instance, providing numerous products and designs that drive innovation an

38、d shape a states cultural character, the government should encourage the development of arts with financial assistance.On the other hand, people hold an opposite point of view, asserting that creative artists should gain financial aids from other resources. To begin with, compared with other employe

39、es earning money by themselves, creative artists are supposed to strive for the financial support from other sources by their own efforts rather than depend on the taxpayers expenses. Furthermore, finding financial support on their own allows creative artists to have enough pressure to motivate them

40、selves, producing great works. Most importantly, in many industries, such as advertising, design, trade show,creative artists are always in shortage. As a result, it is not too hard to access the supply of fund if they have qualified works.As suggested above, financial support from the government in

41、deed generates an array of benefits for creative artists. However, the real creative artists are someone who work with their own strengths to obtain sponsorships, instead of relying on the government. (287 words) Some people think that women should play an equal role as men in military force or poli

42、ce force; others say women are not suited for such kind of work. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Over the past several years, the change in womens participation in nearly every walk of life has been beyond peoples wildest expectations. However, a heated debate with regard to whether wo

43、men should play an equal role as men in military force or police force has arisen, which draws enormous attention from the public.On the one hand, some people assert that since the society consists of nearly equal numbers of both genders, sex discrimination must be eliminated and ladies can make the

44、 same amount of contribution to the police force and military force. The first standpoint is that females have inborn merits standing them in good stead. They are less likely to commit faults, for they are good at tackling matters with accuracy and caution. In addition, another impressive and p

45、rominent personality trait is that females have great endurance of hardships, especially under grueling conditions, and their tenderness allows them to excel in positions involving interaction and communication with human personnel.Notwithstanding their strengths, females have some limitations they

46、may need to overcome. One obstacle which cannot be ignored is the social attitude. Females have to cope with the pressure exerted by their families, acquaintances or friends, as serving the army is widely seen as a deadly job which is exclusively for males. The other one is females physical and ment

47、al qualifications. It is commonly known that homicides and robbers are mostly strong, fierce and cruel, and policewomen are more likely to become victims rather than bring them to justice. Also, it seems to be true that military training and the war field could be too intense and sometimes brut

48、al, far beyond the limits of ordinary womens physical and mental levels. In conclusion, females should be viewed as equal to males in the defense force and their presence should be encouraged. Nature gives different attributes to both men and women, which is supposed to optimize the productivity and

49、 efficiency of the society, rather than cause gender discrimination. (327 words)Countries should try to produce all the food that population eats and import food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree? There has been a steady increase in the demand for importing food througho

50、ut the world in recent years. There are indications that this trade activity has brought various benefits, but importing food is very often criticized as unnecessary and extravagant, especially when air freight is involved.It is important to note that importing food is becoming increasingly popular

51、among the general population. This is mainly due to the fact that countries differ in their product structures because of dissimilar natural resources, climates and geographic features. By adopting an enlightened policy and promoting trade activities with other countries, a country can facilitate th

52、e exchange of goods, services and capitals with the rest of the world and promote economic development. However, some countries might become addicted to importing and overlook the possibility of developing a self-contained economy. Government funding in the scientific research can make it possible t

53、o achieve a breakthrough on the scarcity of resource and increase the yield, thereby resolving the food supply crisis.Moreover, countries in our planet vary in terms of their resource distributions, climatic conditions and topography, which, to a large extent, affects their population as well as the

54、 food production. The imbalance between the capability of producing food and the food consumption makes it hard for a country to produce all the food to meet its peoples requirements. As suggested above, it is unpractical for every nation to supply all the food that the population need, and under fa

55、vorable conditions, import of food ought to be encouraged.  (251words)Some people believe governments should spend money in saving languages of few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Of the thousands

56、 of languages in use now, some are used by a huge number of people, like English and Chinese, while some others only have very few speakers. With the increasing efforts of the international community to save those languages used by few speakers, a debate as to whether governments should take measure

57、s to save them has arisen.Supporters of governments efforts to save the languages verging on extinction hold that any effort made to preserve a language is well worthwhile. As is known to all, each language is loaded with an enormous cultural heritage, reflecting the knowledge, thought and faith of

58、its speakers. Preserving a language which is dying out, we conserve the cultural diversity; losing a language, we lose a cultural heritage. Rare animals cannot be wiped out just because they are few, and old buildings of historical value cannot be pulled down owing to its bad condition. In the same

59、vein, languages with few speakers cannot be abandoned to their fate.Opponents to governments measures to save the languages from the brink, however, claim that the efforts are nothing but a waste of money. First, preserving such languages from extinction, which needs a considerable sum of money, and lets alone substantial human resources, does not bring real benefits. The money spent in unrewarding activities, if invested in more sign


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